Example #1
void XDebugProfiler::collectFrameData(FrameData& frameData,
                                      const TypedValue* retVal) {
  VMRegAnchor _; // Ensure consistent state for vmfp and vmpc
  ActRec* fp = vmfp();
  bool is_func_begin = retVal == nullptr;
  frameData.is_func_begin = is_func_begin;

  // The function reference and call file/line are stored when tracing/profiling
  // on function enter
  if ((m_tracingEnabled || m_profilingEnabled) && is_func_begin) {
    frameData.func = fp->func();

    // Need the previous frame in order to get the call line. If we cannot
    // get the previous frame, default to 1
    Offset offset;
    const ActRec* prevFp = g_context->getPrevVMState(fp, &offset);
    if (prevFp != nullptr) {
      frameData.line = prevFp->unit()->getLineNumber(offset);
    } else {
      frameData.line = 1;
  } else {
    frameData.func = nullptr;
    frameData.line = 1;

  // Time is stored if profiling, tracing, or collect_time is enabled, but it
  // only needs to be collected on function exit if profiling or if computerized
  // tracing output is enabled
  if (m_profilingEnabled ||
      (is_func_begin && (m_collectTime || m_tracingEnabled)) ||
      (m_tracingEnabled && (m_tracingOpts & k_XDEBUG_TRACE_COMPUTERIZED))) {
    frameData.time = Timer::GetCurrentTimeMicros();
  } else {
    frameData.time = 0;

  // Memory usage is stored on function begin if tracing, or if collect_memory
  // is enabled, or on function end if computerized tracing output is enabled
  if ((is_func_begin && (m_tracingEnabled || m_collectMemory)) ||
      (m_tracingEnabled && (m_tracingOpts & k_XDEBUG_TRACE_COMPUTERIZED))) {
    frameData.memory_usage = MM().getStats().usage;
  } else {
    frameData.memory_usage = 0;

  // If tracing is enabled, we may need to collect a serialized version of
  // the arguments or the return value.
  if (m_tracingEnabled && is_func_begin && XDEBUG_GLOBAL(CollectParams) > 0) {
    // TODO(#3704) This relies on xdebug_var_dump
    throw_not_implemented("Tracing with collect_params enabled");
  } else if (m_tracingEnabled && !is_func_begin &&
             XDEBUG_GLOBAL(CollectReturn)) {
    // TODO(#3704) This relies on xdebug_var_dump
    throw_not_implemented("Tracing with collect_return enabled");
  } else {
    frameData.context_str = nullptr;
Example #2
void phpDebuggerStepIn() {
    // If this is called in the middle of a flow command we short-circuit the
    // other commands
    auto& req_data = RID();

    // Ensure the flow filter is fresh
    auto flow_filter = getFlowFilter();

    // Check if the site is valid.
    VMRegAnchor _;
    ActRec* fp = vmfp();
    PC pc = vmpc();
    if (fp == nullptr || pc == nullptr) {
        TRACE(5, "Could not grab stack or program counter\n");

    // Try to get needed context info. Bail if we can't
    const Func* func = fp->func();
    const Unit* unit = func != nullptr ? func->unit() : nullptr;
    if (func == nullptr || func == nullptr) {
        TRACE(5, "Could not grab the current unit or function\n");

    // We use line1 here because it works better than line0 in our
    // bytecode-source mapping.
    int line;
    SourceLoc source_loc;
    if (unit->getSourceLoc(unit->offsetOf(pc), source_loc)) {
        line = source_loc.line1;
    } else {
        TRACE(5, "Could not grab the current line number\n");

    TRACE(3, "Prepare location filter for %s:%d, unit %p:\n",
          unit->filepath()->data(), line, unit);

    // Get offset ranges for the whole line.
    OffsetRangeVec ranges;
    if (!unit->getOffsetRanges(line, ranges)) {

    flow_filter->addRanges(unit, ranges);
Example #3
c_Generator::~c_Generator() {
  if (LIKELY(getState() == State::Done)) {

  assert(getState() != State::Running);

  // Free locals, but don't trigger the EventHook for FunctionReturn since
  // the generator has already been exited. We don't want redundant calls.
  ActRec* ar = actRec();
  frame_free_locals_inl_no_hook<false>(ar, ar->func()->numLocals());
Example #4
int64_t HHVM_FUNCTION(func_num_args) {
  EagerCallerFrame cf;
  ActRec* ar = cf.actRecForArgs();
  if (ar == nullptr) {
    return -1;
  if (ar->func()->isPseudoMain()) {
      "func_num_args():  Called from the global scope - no function context"
    return -1;
  return ar->numArgs();
Example #5
static int64_t func_num_args_impl() {
  EagerCallerFrame cf;
  ActRec* ar = cf.actRecForArgs();
  if (ar == nullptr) {
    return -1;
  if (ar->func()->isPseudoMain()) {
      "func_num_args():  Called from the global scope - no function context"
    return -1;
  return ar->numArgs();
Example #6
static Variant func_get_arg_impl(int arg_num) {
  CallerFrame cf;
  ActRec* ar = cf.actRecForArgs();

  if (ar == nullptr) {
    return false;
  if (ar->func()->isPseudoMain()) {
      "func_get_arg():  Called from the global scope - no function context"
    return false;
  if (arg_num < 0) {
      "func_get_arg():  The argument number should be >= 0"
    return false;
  if (arg_num >= ar->numArgs()) {
      "func_get_arg():  Argument %d not passed to function", arg_num
    return false;

  const int numParams = ar->m_func->numNonVariadicParams();

  if (arg_num < numParams) {
    // Formal parameter. Value is on the stack.
    TypedValue* loc =
      (TypedValue*)(uintptr_t(ar) - (arg_num + 1) * sizeof(TypedValue));
    return tvAsVariant(loc);

  const int numArgs = ar->numArgs();
  const int extraArgs = numArgs - numParams;

  // Not a formal parameter.  Value is potentially in the
  // ExtraArgs/VarEnv.
  const int extraArgNum = arg_num - numParams;
  if (extraArgNum < extraArgs) {
    return tvAsVariant(ar->getExtraArg(extraArgNum));

  return false;
Example #7
File* GlobStreamWrapper::open(const String& filename,
                              const String& mode,
                              int options,
                              CVarRef context) {
  // Can't open a glob as a file, it's meant to be opened as a directory

  // if the function was called via FCallBuiltin, we'll get a bogus name as
  // the stack frame will be wrong
  ActRec* ar = g_vmContext->getStackFrame();
  const char* fn = (ar != nullptr)
    ? ar->func()->name()->data()
  raise_warning("%s(%s): failed to open stream: "
                "wrapper does not support stream open",
                fn, filename.data());
  return nullptr;
Example #8
void XDebugProfiler::enableTracing(const String& filename, int64_t opts) {

  // Attempt to open the passed filename. php5 xdebug doesn't enable tracing
  // if we cannot open the file, so we need to open it now as opposed to when we
  // actually do the writing in order to ensure we handle this case. We keep the
  // file handle open in order to ensure we can still write on tracing stop
  FILE* file;
  if (opts & k_XDEBUG_TRACE_APPEND) {
    file = fopen(filename.data(), "a");
  } else {
    file = fopen(filename.data(), "w");

  // If file is null, opening the passed filename failed. php5 xdebug doesn't
  // do anything in this case, but we should probably notify the user
  if (file == nullptr) {
    raise_warning("xdebug profiler failed to open tracing file %s for writing.",

  m_tracingEnabled = true;
  m_tracingStartIdx = m_nextFrameIdx;
  m_tracingFilename = filename;
  m_tracingFile = file;
  m_tracingOpts = opts;

  // If we're not at the top level, need to grab the call sites for each frame
  // on the stack.
  VMRegAnchor _;
  Offset offset;
  ActRec* fp = vmfp();
  while ((fp = g_context->getPrevVMState(fp, &offset)) != nullptr) {
    FrameData frame;
    frame.func = fp->func();
    frame.line = fp->unit()->getLineNumber(offset);
Example #9
bool EventHook::RunInterceptHandler(ActRec* ar) {
  const Func* func = ar->func();
  if (LIKELY(func->maybeIntercepted() == 0)) return true;

  // Intercept only original generator / async function calls, not resumption.
  if (ar->resumed()) return true;

  Variant* h = get_intercept_handler(func->fullNameStr(),
  if (!h) return true;

   * In production mode, only functions that we have assumed can be
   * intercepted during static analysis should actually be
   * intercepted.
  if (RuntimeOption::RepoAuthoritative &&
      !RuntimeOption::EvalJitEnableRenameFunction) {
    if (!(func->attrs() & AttrInterceptable)) {
      raise_error("fb_intercept was used on a non-interceptable function (%s) "
                  "in RepoAuthoritative mode", func->fullName()->data());

  VMRegAnchor _;

  PC savePc = vmpc();

  Variant doneFlag = true;
  Variant called_on;

  if (ar->hasThis()) {
    called_on = Variant(ar->getThis());
  } else if (ar->hasClass()) {
    // For static methods, give handler the name of called class
    called_on = Variant(const_cast<StringData*>(ar->getClass()->name()));
  Variant intArgs =

  Variant ret = vm_call_user_func(h->asCArrRef()[0], intArgs);
  if (doneFlag.toBoolean()) {
    Offset pcOff;
    ActRec* outer = g_context->getPrevVMState(ar, &pcOff);

    frame_free_locals_inl_no_hook<true>(ar, ar->func()->numLocals());
    Stack& stack = vmStack();
    stack.top() = (Cell*)(ar + 1);
    cellDup(*ret.asCell(), *stack.allocTV());

    vmfp() = outer;
    vmpc() = outer ? outer->func()->unit()->at(pcOff) : nullptr;

    return false;
  vmfp() = ar;
  vmpc() = savePc;

  return true;
Example #10
Array createBacktrace(const BacktraceArgs& btArgs) {
  auto bt = Array::Create();

  // If there is a parser frame, put it at the beginning of the backtrace.
  if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) {
        s_file, btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename,
        s_line, btArgs.m_parserFrame->lineNumber

  VMRegAnchor _;
  // If there are no VM frames, we're done.
  if (!rds::header() || !vmfp()) return bt;

  int depth = 0;
  ActRec* fp = nullptr;
  Offset pc = 0;

  // Get the fp and pc of the top frame (possibly skipping one frame).

  if (btArgs.m_skipTop) {
    fp = getPrevActRec(vmfp(), &pc);
    // We skipped over the only VM frame, we're done.
    if (!fp) return bt;
  } else {
    fp = vmfp();
    auto const unit = fp->func()->unit();
    pc = unit->offsetOf(vmpc());

  // Handle the top frame.
  if (btArgs.m_withSelf) {
    // Builtins don't have a file and line number.
    if (!fp->func()->isBuiltin()) {
      auto const unit = fp->func()->unit();
      auto const filename = fp->func()->filename();

      ArrayInit frame(btArgs.m_parserFrame ? 4 : 2, ArrayInit::Map{});
      frame.set(s_file, Variant{const_cast<StringData*>(filename)});
      frame.set(s_line, unit->getLineNumber(pc));
      if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) {
        frame.set(s_function, s_include);
        frame.set(s_args, Array::Create(btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename));

  // Handle the subsequent VM frames.
  Offset prevPc = 0;
  for (auto prevFp = getPrevActRec(fp, &prevPc);
       fp != nullptr && (btArgs.m_limit == 0 || depth < btArgs.m_limit);
       fp = prevFp, pc = prevPc,
         prevFp = getPrevActRec(fp, &prevPc)) {
    // Do not capture frame for HPHP only functions.
    if (fp->func()->isNoInjection()) continue;

    ArrayInit frame(7, ArrayInit::Map{});

    auto const curUnit = fp->func()->unit();
    auto const curOp = *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(curUnit->at(pc));
    auto const isReturning =
      curOp == Op::RetC || curOp == Op::RetV ||
      curOp == Op::CreateCont || curOp == Op::Await ||

    // Builtins and generators don't have a file and line number
    if (prevFp && !prevFp->func()->isBuiltin()) {
      auto const prevUnit = prevFp->func()->unit();
      auto prevFile = prevUnit->filepath();
      if (prevFp->func()->originalFilename()) {
        prevFile = prevFp->func()->originalFilename();
      frame.set(s_file, Variant{const_cast<StringData*>(prevFile)});

      // In the normal method case, the "saved pc" for line number printing is
      // pointing at the cell conversion (Unbox/Pop) instruction, not the call
      // itself. For multi-line calls, this instruction is associated with the
      // subsequent line which results in an off-by-n. We're subtracting one
      // in order to look up the line associated with the FCall/FCallArray
      // instruction. Exception handling and the other opcodes (ex. BoxR)
      // already do the right thing. The emitter associates object access with
      // the subsequent expression and this would be difficult to modify.
      auto const opAtPrevPc =
        *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(prevUnit->at(prevPc));
      Offset pcAdjust = 0;
      if (opAtPrevPc == Op::PopR ||
          opAtPrevPc == Op::UnboxR ||
          opAtPrevPc == Op::UnboxRNop) {
        pcAdjust = 1;
                prevFp->func()->unit()->getLineNumber(prevPc - pcAdjust));

    // Check for include.
    String funcname{const_cast<StringData*>(fp->func()->name())};
    if (fp->func()->isClosureBody()) {
      // Strip the file hash from the closure name.
      String fullName{const_cast<StringData*>(fp->func()->baseCls()->name())};
      funcname = fullName.substr(0, fullName.find(';'));

    // Check for pseudomain.
    if (funcname.empty()) {
      if (!prevFp && !btArgs.m_withPseudoMain) continue;
      else if (!prevFp) funcname = s_main;
      else funcname = s_include;

    frame.set(s_function, funcname);

    if (!funcname.same(s_include)) {
      // Closures have an m_this but they aren't in object context.
      auto ctx = arGetContextClass(fp);
      if (ctx != nullptr && !fp->func()->isClosureBody()) {
        frame.set(s_class, Variant{const_cast<StringData*>(ctx->name())});
        if (fp->hasThis() && !isReturning) {
          if (btArgs.m_withThis) {
            frame.set(s_object, Object(fp->getThis()));
          frame.set(s_type, s_arrow);
        } else {
          frame.set(s_type, s_double_colon);

    bool const mayUseVV = fp->func()->attrs() & AttrMayUseVV;

    auto const withNames = btArgs.m_withArgNames;
    auto const withValues = btArgs.m_withArgValues;
    if (!btArgs.m_withArgNames && !btArgs.m_withArgValues) {
      // do nothing
    } else if (funcname.same(s_include)) {
      if (depth != 0) {
        auto filepath = const_cast<StringData*>(curUnit->filepath());
        frame.set(s_args, make_packed_array(filepath));
    } else if (!RuntimeOption::EnableArgsInBacktraces || isReturning) {
      // Provide an empty 'args' array to be consistent with hphpc.
      frame.set(s_args, empty_array());
    } else {
      auto args = Array::Create();
      auto const nparams = fp->func()->numNonVariadicParams();
      auto const nargs = fp->numArgs();
      auto const nformals = std::min<int>(nparams, nargs);

      if (UNLIKELY(mayUseVV) &&
          UNLIKELY(fp->hasVarEnv() && fp->getVarEnv()->getFP() != fp)) {
        // VarEnv is attached to eval or debugger frame, other than the current
        // frame. Access locals thru VarEnv.
        auto varEnv = fp->getVarEnv();
        auto func = fp->func();
        for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) {
          auto const argname = func->localVarName(i);
          auto const tv = varEnv->lookup(argname);

          Variant val;
          if (tv != nullptr) { // the variable hasn't been unset
            val = withValues ? tvAsVariant(tv) : "";

          if (withNames) {
            args.set(String(const_cast<StringData*>(argname)), val);
          } else {
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) {
          Variant val = withValues ? tvAsVariant(frame_local(fp, i)) : "";

          if (withNames) {
            auto const argname = fp->func()->localVarName(i);
            args.set(String(const_cast<StringData*>(argname)), val);
          } else {

      // Builtin extra args are not stored in varenv.
      if (UNLIKELY(mayUseVV) && nargs > nparams && fp->hasExtraArgs()) {
        for (int i = nparams; i < nargs; i++) {
          auto arg = fp->getExtraArg(i - nparams);
      frame.set(s_args, args);

    if (btArgs.m_withMetadata && !isReturning) {
      if (UNLIKELY(mayUseVV) && UNLIKELY(fp->hasVarEnv())) {
        auto tv = fp->getVarEnv()->lookup(s_86metadata.get());
        if (tv != nullptr && tv->m_type != KindOfUninit) {
          frame.set(s_metadata, tvAsVariant(tv));
      } else {
        auto local = fp->func()->lookupVarId(s_86metadata.get());
        if (local != kInvalidId) {
          auto tv = frame_local(fp, local);
          if (tv->m_type != KindOfUninit) {
            frame.set(s_metadata, tvAsVariant(tv));


  return bt;
Example #11
bool UrlFile::open(const String& input_url, const String& mode) {
  String url = input_url;
  const char* modestr = mode.c_str();
  if (strchr(modestr, '+') || strchr(modestr, 'a') || strchr(modestr, 'w')) {
    std::string msg = "cannot open a url stream for write/append operation: ";
    msg += url.c_str();
    m_error = msg;
    return false;
  HttpClient http(m_timeout, m_maxRedirect);
  auto ctx = this->getStreamContext();
  if (ctx) {

  if (!m_proxyHost.empty()) {
    http.proxy(m_proxyHost, m_proxyPort, m_proxyUsername, m_proxyPassword);

  HeaderMap *pHeaders = nullptr;
  HeaderMap requestHeaders;
  if (!m_headers.empty()) {
    pHeaders = &requestHeaders;
    for (ArrayIter iter(m_headers); iter; ++iter) {

  Variant user = f_parse_url(url, k_PHP_URL_USER);
  if (user.isString()) {
    Variant pass = f_parse_url(url, k_PHP_URL_PASS);
    http.auth(user.toString().c_str(), pass.toString().c_str());
    url = HHVM_FN(preg_replace)(

  int code;
  std::vector<String> responseHeaders;
  if (m_get) {
    code = http.get(url.c_str(), m_response, pHeaders, &responseHeaders);
  } else {
    code = http.request(m_method,
                        url.c_str(), m_postData.data(), m_postData.size(),
                        m_response, pHeaders, &responseHeaders);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < responseHeaders.size(); i++) {
  VMRegAnchor vra;
  ActRec* fp = vmfp();
  while (fp->skipFrame()) {
    fp = g_context->getPrevVMState(fp);
  auto id = fp->func()->lookupVarId(s_http_response_header.get());
  if (id != kInvalidId) {
    auto tvTo = frame_local(fp, id);
    Variant varFrom(m_responseHeaders);
    const auto tvFrom(varFrom.asTypedValue());
    if (tvTo->m_type == KindOfRef) {
      tvTo = tvTo->m_data.pref->tv();
    tvDup(*tvFrom, *tvTo);
  } else if ((fp->func()->attrs() & AttrMayUseVV) && fp->hasVarEnv()) {

   * If code == 0, Curl failed to connect; per PHP5, ignore_errors just means
   * to not worry if we get an http resonse code that isn't between 200 and 400,
   * but we shouldn't ignore other errors.
   * all status codes in the 2xx range are defined by the specification as
   * successful;
   * all status codes in the 3xx range are for redirection, and so also should
   * never fail.
  if ((code >= 200 && code < 400) || (m_ignoreErrors && code != 0)) {
    m_data = const_cast<char*>(m_response.data());
    m_len = m_response.size();
    return true;
  } else {
    m_error = http.getLastError().c_str();
    return false;
Example #12
Array createBacktrace(const BacktraceArgs& btArgs) {
  Array bt = Array::Create();

  // If there is a parser frame, put it at the beginning of
  // the backtrace
  if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) {
        s_file, btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename,
        s_line, btArgs.m_parserFrame->lineNumber

  VMRegAnchor _;
  if (!vmfp()) {
    // If there are no VM frames, we're done
    return bt;

  int depth = 0;
  ActRec* fp = nullptr;
  Offset pc = 0;

  // Get the fp and pc of the top frame (possibly skipping one frame)
    if (btArgs.m_skipTop) {
      fp = g_context->getPrevVMState(vmfp(), &pc);
      if (!fp) {
        // We skipped over the only VM frame, we're done
        return bt;
    } else {
      fp = vmfp();
      Unit *unit = vmfp()->m_func->unit();
      pc = unit->offsetOf(vmpc());

    // Handle the top frame
    if (btArgs.m_withSelf) {
      // Builtins don't have a file and line number
      if (!fp->m_func->isBuiltin()) {
        Unit* unit = fp->m_func->unit();
        const char* filename = fp->m_func->filename()->data();
        Offset off = pc;

        ArrayInit frame(btArgs.m_parserFrame ? 4 : 2, ArrayInit::Map{});
        frame.set(s_file, filename);
        frame.set(s_line, unit->getLineNumber(off));
        if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) {
          frame.set(s_function, s_include);
          frame.set(s_args, Array::Create(btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename));
  // Handle the subsequent VM frames
  Offset prevPc = 0;
  for (ActRec* prevFp = g_context->getPrevVMState(fp, &prevPc);
       fp != nullptr && (btArgs.m_limit == 0 || depth < btArgs.m_limit);
       fp = prevFp, pc = prevPc,
         prevFp = g_context->getPrevVMState(fp, &prevPc)) {
    // do not capture frame for HPHP only functions
    if (fp->m_func->isNoInjection()) {

    ArrayInit frame(7, ArrayInit::Map{});

    auto const curUnit = fp->m_func->unit();
    auto const curOp = *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(curUnit->at(pc));
    auto const isReturning =
      curOp == Op::RetC || curOp == Op::RetV ||
      curOp == Op::CreateCont || curOp == Op::Await ||

    // Builtins and generators don't have a file and line number
    if (prevFp && !prevFp->m_func->isBuiltin() && !fp->resumed()) {
      auto const prevUnit = prevFp->m_func->unit();
      auto prevFile = prevUnit->filepath();
      if (prevFp->m_func->originalFilename()) {
        prevFile = prevFp->m_func->originalFilename();
      frame.set(s_file, const_cast<StringData*>(prevFile));

      // In the normal method case, the "saved pc" for line number printing is
      // pointing at the cell conversion (Unbox/Pop) instruction, not the call
      // itself. For multi-line calls, this instruction is associated with the
      // subsequent line which results in an off-by-n. We're subtracting one
      // in order to look up the line associated with the FCall/FCallArray
      // instruction. Exception handling and the other opcodes (ex. BoxR)
      // already do the right thing. The emitter associates object access with
      // the subsequent expression and this would be difficult to modify.
      auto const opAtPrevPc =
        *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(prevUnit->at(prevPc));
      Offset pcAdjust = 0;
      if (opAtPrevPc == OpPopR || opAtPrevPc == OpUnboxR) {
        pcAdjust = 1;
                prevFp->m_func->unit()->getLineNumber(prevPc - pcAdjust));

    // check for include
    String funcname = const_cast<StringData*>(fp->m_func->name());
    if (fp->m_func->isClosureBody()) {
      static StringData* s_closure_label =
      funcname = s_closure_label;

    // check for pseudomain
    if (funcname.empty()) {
      if (!prevFp) continue;
      funcname = s_include;

    frame.set(s_function, funcname);

    if (!funcname.same(s_include)) {
      // Closures have an m_this but they aren't in object context
      Class* ctx = arGetContextClass(fp);
      if (ctx != nullptr && !fp->m_func->isClosureBody()) {
        frame.set(s_class, ctx->name()->data());
        if (fp->hasThis() && !isReturning) {
          if (btArgs.m_withThis) {
            frame.set(s_object, Object(fp->getThis()));
          frame.set(s_type, "->");
        } else {
          frame.set(s_type, "::");

    Array args = Array::Create();
    if (btArgs.m_ignoreArgs) {
      // do nothing
    } else if (funcname.same(s_include)) {
      if (depth) {
        frame.set(s_args, args);
    } else if (!RuntimeOption::EnableArgsInBacktraces || isReturning) {
      // Provide an empty 'args' array to be consistent with hphpc
      frame.set(s_args, args);
    } else {
      const int nparams = fp->m_func->numNonVariadicParams();
      int nargs = fp->numArgs();
      int nformals = std::min(nparams, nargs);

      if (UNLIKELY(fp->hasVarEnv() && fp->getVarEnv()->getFP() != fp)) {
        // VarEnv is attached to eval or debugger frame, other than the current
        // frame. Access locals thru VarEnv.
        auto varEnv = fp->getVarEnv();
        auto func = fp->func();
        for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) {
          TypedValue *arg = varEnv->lookup(func->localVarName(i));
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) {
          TypedValue *arg = frame_local(fp, i);

      /* builtin extra args are not stored in varenv */
      if (nargs > nparams && fp->hasExtraArgs()) {
        for (int i = nparams; i < nargs; i++) {
          TypedValue *arg = fp->getExtraArg(i - nparams);
      frame.set(s_args, args);

  return bt;
