Example #1
// do an action, action must be legal for this not to break
std::vector<ActionType> GameState::doAction(const ActionType & action)
    BOSS_ASSERT(action.getRace() == _race, "Race of action does not match race of the state");

    _actionsPerformed[_actionsPerformed.size()-1].actionType = action;

    BOSS_ASSERT(isLegal(action), "Trying to perform an illegal action: %s %s", action.getName().c_str(), getActionsPerformedString().c_str());
    // set the actionPerformed
    _actionPerformed = action;
    _actionPerformedK = 1;

    FrameCountType workerReadyTime = whenWorkerReady(action);
    FrameCountType ffTime = whenCanPerform(action);

    BOSS_ASSERT(ffTime >= 0 && ffTime < 1000000, "FFTime is very strange: %d", ffTime);

    auto actionsFinished=fastForward(ffTime);

    _actionsPerformed[_actionsPerformed.size()-1].actionQueuedFrame = _currentFrame;
    _actionsPerformed[_actionsPerformed.size()-1].gasWhenQueued = _gas;
    _actionsPerformed[_actionsPerformed.size()-1].mineralsWhenQueued = _minerals;

    // how much time has elapsed since the last action was queued?
    FrameCountType elapsed(_currentFrame - _lastActionFrame);
    _lastActionFrame = _currentFrame;

    BOSS_ASSERT(canAffordMinerals(action),   "Minerals less than price: %ld < %d, ffTime=%d %s", _minerals, action.mineralPrice(), (int)elapsed, action.getName().c_str());
    BOSS_ASSERT(canAffordGas(action),       "Gas less than price: %ld < %d, ffTime=%d %s", _gas, action.gasPrice(), (int)elapsed, action.getName().c_str());

    // modify our resources
    _minerals   -= action.mineralPrice();
    _gas        -= action.gasPrice();

    // do race specific things here
    if (getRace() == Races::Protoss)
        _units.addActionInProgress(action, _currentFrame + action.buildTime());    
    else if (getRace() == Races::Terran)
        if (action.isBuilding() && !action.isAddon())
            if (getNumMineralWorkers() == 0)
                std::cout << toString() << std::endl;

            BOSS_ASSERT(getNumMineralWorkers() > 0, "Don't have any mineral workers to assign");

        _units.addActionInProgress(action, _currentFrame + action.buildTime());
    else if (getRace() == Races::Zerg)
     	//  zerg must subtract a larva if the action was unit creation
    	if (action.isUnit() && !action.isBuilding()) 
            if (action.isMorphed())
                _units.morphUnit(action.whatBuildsActionType(), action, _currentFrame + action.buildTime());   
                BOSS_ASSERT(getHatcheryData().numLarva() > 0, "We should have a larva to use");
                _units.addActionInProgress(action, _currentFrame + action.buildTime());
     	else if (action.isBuilding())
            _units.morphUnit(action.whatBuildsActionType(), action, _currentFrame + action.buildTime());
            // if it's not a unit or a building it's a tech so we queue it normally
            _units.addActionInProgress(action, _currentFrame + action.buildTime());

	return actionsFinished;
void BuildingStatus::queueActionType(const ActionType & action)
    _timeRemaining = action.buildTime();
    _isConstructing = action;