Example #1
bool mitk::EventStateMachine::HandleEvent(InteractionEvent* event, DataNode* dataNode)
  if (!FilterEvents(event, dataNode))
    return false;
  // check if the current state holds a transition that works with the given event.
  StateMachineTransition::Pointer transition = m_CurrentState->GetTransition(event->GetNameOfClass(), MapToEventVariant(event));

  if (transition.IsNotNull())
    // iterate over all actions in this transition and execute them
    ActionVectorType actions = transition->GetActions();
    bool success = false;
    for (ActionVectorType::iterator it = actions.begin(); it != actions.end(); ++it)

      success |= ExecuteAction(*it, event); // treat an event as handled if at least one of the actions is executed successfully
    if (success || actions.empty())  // an empty action list is always successful
      // perform state change
      m_CurrentState = transition->GetNextState();
      //MITK_INFO<< "StateChange: " << m_CurrentState->GetName();
    return success;
    return false; // no transition found that matches event
bool mitk::EventStateMachine::HandleEvent(InteractionEvent* event, DataNode* dataNode)
  if (!m_IsActive)
    return false;

  if (!FilterEvents(event, dataNode))
    return false;

  // Get the transition that can be executed
  mitk::StateMachineTransition::Pointer transition = GetExecutableTransition( event );

  // check if the current state holds a transition that works with the given event.
  if ( transition.IsNotNull() )
    // all conditions are fulfilled so we can continue with the actions
    m_CurrentState = transition->GetNextState();

    // iterate over all actions in this transition and execute them
    ActionVectorType actions = transition->GetActions();
    for (ActionVectorType::iterator it = actions.begin(); it != actions.end(); ++it)
        ExecuteAction(*it, event);
      catch( const std::exception& e )
        MITK_ERROR << "Unhandled excaption caught in ExecuteAction(): " << e.what();
        return false;
      catch( ... )
        MITK_ERROR << "Unhandled excaption caught in ExecuteAction()";
        return false;

    return true;
  return false;