Example #1
ExpressionContext::ExpressionContext(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                     const AggregationRequest& request,
                                     std::unique_ptr<CollatorInterface> collator,
                                     std::shared_ptr<MongoProcessInterface> processInterface,
                                     StringMap<ResolvedNamespace> resolvedNamespaces,
                                     boost::optional<UUID> collUUID)
    : ExpressionContext(opCtx, collator.get()) {
    explain = request.getExplain();
    comment = request.getComment();
    fromMongos = request.isFromMongos();
    needsMerge = request.needsMerge();
    mergeByPBRT = request.mergeByPBRT();
    allowDiskUse = request.shouldAllowDiskUse();
    bypassDocumentValidation = request.shouldBypassDocumentValidation();
    ns = request.getNamespaceString();
    mongoProcessInterface = std::move(processInterface);
    collation = request.getCollation();
    _ownedCollator = std::move(collator);
    _resolvedNamespaces = std::move(resolvedNamespaces);
    uuid = std::move(collUUID);
    if (request.getRuntimeConstants()) {
    } else {
Example #2
Status runAggregate(OperationContext* opCtx,
                    const NamespaceString& origNss,
                    const AggregationRequest& request,
                    const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                    BSONObjBuilder& result) {
    // For operations on views, this will be the underlying namespace.
    NamespaceString nss = request.getNamespaceString();

    // The collation to use for this aggregation. boost::optional to distinguish between the case
    // where the collation has not yet been resolved, and where it has been resolved to nullptr.
    boost::optional<std::unique_ptr<CollatorInterface>> collatorToUse;

    unique_ptr<PlanExecutor, PlanExecutor::Deleter> exec;
    boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> expCtx;
    Pipeline* unownedPipeline;
    auto curOp = CurOp::get(opCtx);
        const LiteParsedPipeline liteParsedPipeline(request);

        // Check whether the parsed pipeline supports the given read concern.
        liteParsedPipeline.assertSupportsReadConcern(opCtx, request.getExplain());

        if (liteParsedPipeline.hasChangeStream()) {
            nss = NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace;

            // If the read concern is not specified, upgrade to 'majority' and wait to make sure we
            // have a snapshot available.
            if (!repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx).hasLevel()) {
                const repl::ReadConcernArgs readConcern(
                uassertStatusOK(waitForReadConcern(opCtx, readConcern, true));

            if (!origNss.isCollectionlessAggregateNS()) {
                // AutoGetCollectionForReadCommand will raise an error if 'origNss' is a view.
                AutoGetCollectionForReadCommand origNssCtx(opCtx, origNss);

                // Resolve the collator to either the user-specified collation or the default
                // collation of the collection on which $changeStream was invoked, so that we do not
                // end up resolving the collation on the oplog.
                Collection* origColl = origNssCtx.getCollection();
                collatorToUse.emplace(resolveCollator(opCtx, request, origColl));

        const auto& pipelineInvolvedNamespaces = liteParsedPipeline.getInvolvedNamespaces();

        // If emplaced, AutoGetCollectionForReadCommand will throw if the sharding version for this
        // connection is out of date. If the namespace is a view, the lock will be released before
        // re-running the expanded aggregation.
        boost::optional<AutoGetCollectionForReadCommand> ctx;

        // If this is a collectionless aggregation, we won't create 'ctx' but will still need an
        // AutoStatsTracker to record CurOp and Top entries.
        boost::optional<AutoStatsTracker> statsTracker;

        // If this is a collectionless aggregation with no foreign namespaces, we don't want to
        // acquire any locks. Otherwise, lock the collection or view.
        if (nss.isCollectionlessAggregateNS() && pipelineInvolvedNamespaces.empty()) {
            statsTracker.emplace(opCtx, nss, Top::LockType::NotLocked, 0);
        } else {
            ctx.emplace(opCtx, nss, AutoGetCollection::ViewMode::kViewsPermitted);

        Collection* collection = ctx ? ctx->getCollection() : nullptr;

        // The collator may already have been set if this is a $changeStream pipeline. If not,
        // resolve the collator to either the user-specified collation or the collection default.
        if (!collatorToUse) {
            collatorToUse.emplace(resolveCollator(opCtx, request, collection));

        // If this is a view, resolve it by finding the underlying collection and stitching view
        // pipelines and this request's pipeline together. We then release our locks before
        // recursively calling runAggregate(), which will re-acquire locks on the underlying
        // collection.  (The lock must be released because recursively acquiring locks on the
        // database will prohibit yielding.)
        if (ctx && ctx->getView() && !liteParsedPipeline.startsWithCollStats()) {
            invariant(nss != NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace);
            // Check that the default collation of 'view' is compatible with the operation's
            // collation. The check is skipped if the request did not specify a collation.
            if (!request.getCollation().isEmpty()) {
                invariant(collatorToUse);  // Should already be resolved at this point.
                if (!CollatorInterface::collatorsMatch(ctx->getView()->defaultCollator(),
                                                       collatorToUse->get())) {
                    return {ErrorCodes::OptionNotSupportedOnView,
                            "Cannot override a view's default collation"};

            ViewShardingCheck::throwResolvedViewIfSharded(opCtx, ctx->getDb(), ctx->getView());

            auto resolvedView = ctx->getDb()->getViewCatalog()->resolveView(opCtx, nss);
            if (!resolvedView.isOK()) {
                return resolvedView.getStatus();

            // With the view & collation resolved, we can relinquish locks.

            // Parse the resolved view into a new aggregation request.
            auto newRequest = resolvedView.getValue().asExpandedViewAggregation(request);
            auto newCmd = newRequest.serializeToCommandObj().toBson();

            auto status = runAggregate(opCtx, origNss, newRequest, newCmd, result);
                // Set the namespace of the curop back to the view namespace so ctx records
                // stats on this view namespace on destruction.
                stdx::lock_guard<Client> lk(*opCtx->getClient());
            return status;

            new ExpressionContext(opCtx,
                                  uassertStatusOK(resolveInvolvedNamespaces(opCtx, request))));
        expCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp";
        auto session = OperationContextSession::get(opCtx);
        expCtx->inSnapshotReadOrMultiDocumentTransaction =
            session && session->inSnapshotReadOrMultiDocumentTransaction();

        auto pipeline = uassertStatusOK(Pipeline::parse(request.getPipeline(), expCtx));

        // Check that the view's collation matches the collation of any views involved in the
        // pipeline.
        if (!pipelineInvolvedNamespaces.empty()) {
            auto pipelineCollationStatus = collatorCompatibleWithPipeline(
                opCtx, ctx->getDb(), expCtx->getCollator(), pipeline.get());
            if (!pipelineCollationStatus.isOK()) {
                return pipelineCollationStatus;


        if (kDebugBuild && !expCtx->explain && !expCtx->fromMongos) {
            // Make sure all operations round-trip through Pipeline::serialize() correctly by
            // re-parsing every command in debug builds. This is important because sharded
            // aggregations rely on this ability.  Skipping when fromMongos because this has
            // already been through the transformation (and this un-sets expCtx->fromMongos).
            pipeline = reparsePipeline(pipeline.get(), request, expCtx);

        // Prepare a PlanExecutor to provide input into the pipeline, if needed.
        if (liteParsedPipeline.hasChangeStream()) {
            // If we are using a change stream, the cursor stage should have a simple collation,
            // regardless of what the user's collation was.
            std::unique_ptr<CollatorInterface> collatorForCursor = nullptr;
            auto collatorStash = expCtx->temporarilyChangeCollator(std::move(collatorForCursor));
            PipelineD::prepareCursorSource(collection, nss, &request, pipeline.get());
        } else {
            PipelineD::prepareCursorSource(collection, nss, &request, pipeline.get());
        // Optimize again, since there may be additional optimizations that can be done after adding
        // the initial cursor stage. Note this has to be done outside the above blocks to ensure
        // this process uses the correct collation if it does any string comparisons.

        // Transfer ownership of the Pipeline to the PipelineProxyStage.
        unownedPipeline = pipeline.get();
        auto ws = make_unique<WorkingSet>();
        auto proxy = make_unique<PipelineProxyStage>(opCtx, std::move(pipeline), ws.get());

        // This PlanExecutor will simply forward requests to the Pipeline, so does not need to
        // yield or to be registered with any collection's CursorManager to receive invalidations.
        // The Pipeline may contain PlanExecutors which *are* yielding PlanExecutors and which *are*
        // registered with their respective collection's CursorManager
        auto statusWithPlanExecutor =
            PlanExecutor::make(opCtx, std::move(ws), std::move(proxy), nss, PlanExecutor::NO_YIELD);
        exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());

            auto planSummary = Explain::getPlanSummary(exec.get());
            stdx::lock_guard<Client> lk(*opCtx->getClient());

    // Having released the collection lock, we can now create a cursor that returns results from the
    // pipeline. This cursor owns no collection state, and thus we register it with the global
    // cursor manager. The global cursor manager does not deliver invalidations or kill
    // notifications; the underlying PlanExecutor(s) used by the pipeline will be receiving
    // invalidations and kill notifications themselves, not the cursor we create here.
    ClientCursorParams cursorParams(
    if (expCtx->tailableMode == TailableModeEnum::kTailableAndAwaitData) {

    auto pin =
        CursorManager::getGlobalCursorManager()->registerCursor(opCtx, std::move(cursorParams));

    ScopeGuard cursorFreer = MakeGuard(&ClientCursorPin::deleteUnderlying, &pin);

    // If both explain and cursor are specified, explain wins.
    if (expCtx->explain) {
            pin.getCursor()->getExecutor(), *(expCtx->explain), &result);
    } else {
        // Cursor must be specified, if explain is not.
        const bool keepCursor =
            handleCursorCommand(opCtx, origNss, pin.getCursor(), request, result);
        if (keepCursor) {

    if (!expCtx->explain) {
        PlanSummaryStats stats;
        Explain::getSummaryStats(*(pin.getCursor()->getExecutor()), &stats);
        curOp->debug().nreturned = stats.nReturned;

    // Any code that needs the cursor pinned must be inside the try block, above.
    return Status::OK();