int MyCCFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; InitialAnnouncement = cfg.getParameter("initial_announcement", "/tmp/hello.wav"); IncorrectPIN = cfg.getParameter("incorrect_pin", "/tmp/incorrect_pin.wav"); OutOfCredit = cfg.getParameter("out_of_credit", "/tmp/out_of_credit.wav"); Dialing = cfg.getParameter("dialing", "/tmp/dialing.wav"); DialFailed = cfg.getParameter("dial_failed", "/tmp/dial_failed.wav"); EnterNumber = cfg.getParameter("enter_number", "/tmp/enter_number.wav"); ConnectSuffix = cfg.getParameter("connect_suffix", "@"); user_timer_fact = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di("user_timer"); if(!user_timer_fact){ ERROR("could not load user_timer from session_timer plug-in\n"); return -1; } cc_acc_fact = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di("cc_acc"); if(!cc_acc_fact){ ERROR("could not load cc_acc accounting, please provide a module\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
int AnnRecorderFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); AnnouncePath = cfg.getParameter("announce_path",ANNOUNCE_PATH); if( !AnnouncePath.empty() && AnnouncePath[AnnouncePath.length()-1] != '/' ) AnnouncePath += "/"; DefaultAnnounce = cfg.getParameter("default_announce"); SimpleMode = (cfg.getParameter("simple_mode") == "yes"); AM_PROMPT_START; AM_PROMPT_ADD(WELCOME, ANNREC_ANNOUNCE_PATH WELCOME".wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(YOUR_PROMPT, ANNREC_ANNOUNCE_PATH YOUR_PROMPT".wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(TO_RECORD, ANNREC_ANNOUNCE_PATH TO_RECORD".wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(CONFIRM, ANNREC_ANNOUNCE_PATH CONFIRM".wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(GREETING_SET, ANNREC_ANNOUNCE_PATH GREETING_SET".wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(BYE, ANNREC_ANNOUNCE_PATH BYE".wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(BEEP, ANNREC_ANNOUNCE_PATH BEEP".wav"); AM_PROMPT_END(prompts, cfg, MOD_NAME); message_storage_fact = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di("msg_storage"); if(!message_storage_fact) { ERROR("sorry, could not get msg_storage, please load a suitable plug-in\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
int MsgStorage::onLoad() { msg_dir = MSG_DIR; AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) { DBG("no configuration could be loaded, assuming defaults.\n"); } else { msg_dir = cfg.getParameter("storage_dir",MSG_DIR); DBG("storage_dir set to '%s'.\n", msg_dir.c_str()); } string path = msg_dir; int status = mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); if (status && (errno != EEXIST)) { ERROR("creating storage path '%s': %s\n", path.c_str(),strerror(errno)); return -1; } path = msg_dir + "/_test_dir_"; status = mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); if (status && (errno != EEXIST)) { ERROR("Write permission check failed. Could not create '%s': %s\n", path.c_str(),strerror(errno)); return -1; } rmdir(path.c_str()); DBG("MsgStorage loaded.\n"); return 0; }
int AnnouncementFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); AnnouncePath = cfg.getParameter("announce_path",ANNOUNCE_PATH); if( !AnnouncePath.empty() && AnnouncePath[AnnouncePath.length()-1] != '/' ) AnnouncePath += "/"; AnnounceFile = cfg.getParameter("default_announce",ANNOUNCE_FILE); string announce_file = AnnouncePath + AnnounceFile; if(!file_exists(announce_file)){ ERROR("default file for announcement module does not exist ('%s').\n", announce_file.c_str()); return -1; } return 0; }
int AnswerMachineFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(add2path(AmConfig::ModConfigPath,1, MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); AnnouncePath = cfg.getParameter("announce_path",ANNOUNCE_PATH); DefaultAnnounce = cfg.getParameter("default_announce",DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE); MaxRecordTime = cfg.getParameterInt("max_record_time",DEFAULT_RECORD_TIME); RecFileExt = cfg.getParameter("rec_file_ext",DEFAULT_AUDIO_EXT); if(loadEmailTemplates(cfg.getParameter("email_template_path",DEFAULT_MAIL_TMPL_PATH))){ ERROR("while loading email templates\n"); return -1; } AcceptDelay = DEFAULT_ACCEPT_DELAY; UserTimer = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di("user_timer"); if(!UserTimer){ ERROR("could not load user_timer from session_timer plug-in\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
int MWI::onLoad() { AmDynInvokeFactory* ms_fact = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di("msg_storage"); if(!ms_fact || !(MessageStorage = ms_fact->getInstance())) { ERROR("could not load msg_storage. Load a msg_storage implementation module.\n"); return -1; }; // register the publish method as event sink for msg_storage events AmArg es_args,ret; es_args.push(this); es_args.push("publish"); MessageStorage->invoke("events_subscribe",es_args,ret); AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + "mwi.conf")) { ERROR("can not load configuration file\n"); return -1; }; presence_server = cfg.getParameter("presence_server"); if (presence_server.length()) DBG("set presence server '%s'\n", presence_server.c_str()); else { ERROR("parameter 'presence_server' did not found in the configuration file\n"); return -1; } DBG("MWI module loaded.\n"); return 0; };
int AmZRTP::init() { AmConfigReader cfg; string cfgname=add2path(AmConfig::ModConfigPath, 1, "zrtp.conf"); if(cfg.loadFile(cfgname)) { ERROR("No %s config file present.\n", cfgname.c_str()); return -1; } cache_path = cfg.getParameter("cache_path"); string zid = cfg.getParameter("zid"); if (zid.length() != sizeof(zrtp_zid_t)) { ERROR("ZID of this instance MUST be set for ZRTP.\n"); ERROR("ZID needs to be %u characters long.\n", sizeof(zrtp_zid_t)); return -1; } for (int i=0;i<12;i++) zrtp_instance_zid[i]=zid[i]; DBG("initializing ZRTP library with ZID '%s', cache path '%s'.\n", zid.c_str(), cache_path.c_str()); if ( zrtp_status_ok != zrtp_init(&zrtp_global, "zrtp_sems") ) { ERROR("Some error during zrtp initialization\n"); return -1; } zrtp_add_entropy(&zrtp_global, NULL, 0); DBG("ZRTP initialized ok.\n"); return 0; }
int BrpcCtrlInterfaceFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; unsigned int ct_to, rx_to, tx_to; if (cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) { WARN("failed to read/parse config file `%s' - assuming defaults\n", (AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf")).c_str()); semsUri = string(LISTEN_ADDR_DEFAULT); serUri = string(SER_ADDR_DEFAULT); } else { semsUri = cfg.getParameter(LISTEN_ADDR_PARAM, LISTEN_ADDR_DEFAULT); serUri = cfg.getParameter(SER_ADDR_PARAM, SER_ADDR_DEFAULT); if (str2i(cfg.getParameter(CT_TIMEOUT_PARAM, int2str(CT_TIMEOUT)), ct_to)) { ERROR("failed to read `%s' param from config file.\n", CT_TIMEOUT_PARAM); return -1; } else { ct_timeout = ct_to * 1000; } if (str2i(cfg.getParameter(RX_TIMEOUT_PARAM, int2str(RX_TIMEOUT)), rx_to)) { ERROR("failed to read `%s' param from config file.\n", RX_TIMEOUT_PARAM); return -1; } else { rx_timeout = rx_to * 1000; } if (str2i(cfg.getParameter(TX_TIMEOUT_PARAM, int2str(TX_TIMEOUT)), tx_to)) { ERROR("failed to read `%s' param from config file.\n", TX_TIMEOUT_PARAM); return -1; } else { tx_timeout = tx_to * 1000; } if (str2i(cfg.getParameter(RX_WORKERS_PARAM, int2str(RX_WORKERS)), rx_workers)) { ERROR("failed to read `%s' param from config file.\n", RX_WORKERS_PARAM); return -1; } if (str2i(cfg.getParameter(TX_WORKERS_PARAM, int2str(TX_WORKERS)), tx_workers)) { ERROR("failed to read `%s' param from config file.\n", TX_WORKERS_PARAM); return -1; } } INFO(LISTEN_ADDR_PARAM ": %s.\n", semsUri.c_str()); INFO(SER_ADDR_PARAM ": %s.\n", serUri.c_str()); INFO(CT_TIMEOUT_PARAM ": %uus.\n", (unsigned)ct_timeout); INFO(RX_TIMEOUT_PARAM ": %uus.\n", (unsigned)rx_timeout); INFO(TX_TIMEOUT_PARAM ": %uus.\n", (unsigned)tx_timeout); INFO(RX_WORKERS_PARAM ": %u.\n", rx_workers); INFO(TX_WORKERS_PARAM ": %u.\n", tx_workers); return 0; }
int RegistrationAgentFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); // stay backwards compatible RegInfo ri; ri.domain = cfg.getParameter("domain",""); ri.user = cfg.getParameter("user",""); ri.display_name = cfg.getParameter("display_name",""); ri.auth_user = cfg.getParameter("auth_user",""); ri.passwd = cfg.getParameter("pwd",""); if (!ri.domain.length() || !ri.user.length() || !ri.display_name.length() || !ri.auth_user.length() || !ri.passwd.length()) { ERROR("Account for registration not correctly configured.\n"); ERROR("RegistrationAgent will not register any accounts.\n"); return 0; } DBG("Adding registration #%d (%s %s %s %s)\n", 0, ri.domain.c_str(), ri.user.c_str(), ri.display_name.c_str(), ri.auth_user.c_str()); dialer.add_reg(ri); unsigned int ri_index = 1; while (ri_index < 100) { RegInfo ri; ri.domain = cfg.getParameter("domain"+int2str(ri_index),""); ri.user = cfg.getParameter("user"+int2str(ri_index),""); ri.display_name = cfg.getParameter("display_name"+int2str(ri_index),""); ri.auth_user = cfg.getParameter("auth_user"+int2str(ri_index),""); ri.passwd = cfg.getParameter("pwd"+int2str(ri_index),""); if (!ri.domain.length() || !ri.user.length() || !ri.display_name.length() || !ri.auth_user.length() || !ri.passwd.length()) break; DBG("Adding registration #%d (%s %s %s %s)\n", ri_index, ri.domain.c_str(), ri.user.c_str(), ri.display_name.c_str(), ri.auth_user.c_str()); dialer.add_reg(ri); ri_index++; } dialer.start(); return 0; }
int SipCtrlInterfaceFactory::onLoad() { bind_addr = AmConfig::LocalSIPIP; bind_port = AmConfig::LocalSIPPort; INFO("SIP bind_addr: `%s'.\n", bind_addr.c_str()); INFO("SIP bind_port: `%i'.\n", bind_port); if (!AmConfig::OutboundProxy.empty()) { sip_uri parsed_uri; if (parse_uri(&parsed_uri, (char *)AmConfig::OutboundProxy.c_str(), AmConfig::OutboundProxy.length()) < 0) { ERROR("invalid outbound_proxy specified\n"); return -1; } SipCtrlInterfaceFactory::outbound_host = c2stlstr(; if (parsed_uri.port) { SipCtrlInterfaceFactory::outbound_port = parsed_uri.port; } } AmConfigReader cfg; string cfgfile = AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"); if (file_exists(cfgfile) && !cfg.loadFile(cfgfile)) { if (cfg.hasParameter("accept_fr_without_totag")) { accept_fr_without_totag = cfg.getParameter("accept_fr_without_totag") == "yes"; } DBG("sipctrl: accept_fr_without_totag = %s\n", accept_fr_without_totag?"yes":"no"); if (cfg.hasParameter("log_raw_messages")) { string msglog = cfg.getParameter("log_raw_messages"); if (msglog == "no") log_raw_messages = -1; else if (msglog == "error") log_raw_messages = 0; else if (msglog == "warn") log_raw_messages = 1; else if (msglog == "info") log_raw_messages = 2; else if (msglog == "debug") log_raw_messages = 3; } DBG("sipctrl: log_raw_messages level = %d\n", log_raw_messages); if (cfg.hasParameter("log_parsed_messages")) { log_parsed_messages = cfg.getParameter("log_parsed_messages")=="yes"; } DBG("sipctrl: log_parsed_messages = %s\n", log_parsed_messages?"yes":"no"); } else { DBG("assuming SIP default settings.\n"); } return 0; }
int DIDialFactory::onLoad(){ AmConfigReader cfg; if(!cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(APP_NAME)+ ".conf")) { unsigned int i_pin = 0; while (i_pin<100) { // only for safety.. string dialout_pin = cfg.getParameter("dialout_pin"+int2str(i_pin)); if (!dialout_pin.length()) break; size_t pos = dialout_pin.find_first_of(';'); if (pos == string::npos) break; string pin = dialout_pin.substr(0, pos); size_t pos2 = dialout_pin.find_first_of(';', pos+1); if ((pos == string::npos)||(pos2 == string::npos)) break; string userpart = dialout_pin.substr(pos+1, pos2-pos-1); pos = pos2; pos2 = dialout_pin.find_first_of(';', pos+1); if ((pos == string::npos)||(pos2 == string::npos)) break; string user = dialout_pin.substr(pos+1, pos2-pos-1); pos = pos2; pos2 = dialout_pin.find_first_of(';', pos+1); if ((pos == string::npos)||(pos2 == string::npos)) break; string domain = dialout_pin.substr(pos+1, pos2-pos-1); pos = pos2; pos2 = dialout_pin.find_first_of(';', pos+1); if ((pos == string::npos)||(pos2 == string::npos)) break; string pwd = dialout_pin.substr(pos+1, pos2-pos-1); pos = pos2; dialout_pins[pin] = DIDialoutInfo(userpart, domain, user, pwd); DBG("DIDial: added PIN '%s' userpart '%s' domain '%s' user '%s' pwd '<not shown>'\n", pin.c_str(), userpart.c_str(), domain.c_str(), user.c_str()); i_pin++; } } else { DBG("no configuration for di_dial found. No dialout pins will be set.\n"); } DBG("DIDial loaded.\n"); return 0; }
int XMLRPC2DI::load() { if (configured) // load only once return 0; configured = true; AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; ServerRetryAfter = cfg.getParameterInt("server_retry_after", 10); DBG("retrying failed server after %u seconds\n", ServerRetryAfter); string run_server = cfg.getParameter("run_server","yes"); if (run_server != "yes") { DBG("XMLRPC server will not be started.\n"); return 0; } string conf_xmlrpc_port = cfg.getParameter("xmlrpc_port",XMLRPC_PORT); if (conf_xmlrpc_port.empty()) { ERROR("configuration: xmlrpc_port must be defined!\n"); return -1; } if (str2i(conf_xmlrpc_port, XMLRPCPort)) { ERROR("configuration: unable to decode xmlrpc_port value '%s'!\n", conf_xmlrpc_port.c_str()); return -1; } bool export_di = false; string direct_export = cfg.getParameter("direct_export",""); if (direct_export.length()) { DBG("direct_export interfaces: %s\n", direct_export.c_str()); } else { DBG("No direct_export interfaces.\n"); } string export_di_s = cfg.getParameter("export_di","yes"); if (export_di_s == "yes") { export_di = true; } DBG("XMLRPC Server: %snabling builtin method 'di'.\n", export_di?"E":"Not e"); server = new XMLRPC2DIServer(XMLRPCPort, export_di, direct_export); server->start(); return 0; }
int RegistrationAgentFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); int i = 0; string idx_str; do { RegInfo ri; ri.domain = cfg.getParameter(CFG_PARAM_DOMAIN+idx_str,""); ri.user = cfg.getParameter(CFG_PARAM_USER+idx_str,""); ri.display_name = cfg.getParameter(CFG_PARAM_DISPLAY+idx_str,""); ri.auth_user = cfg.getParameter(CFG_PARAM_AUTH+idx_str,""); ri.passwd = cfg.getParameter(CFG_PARAM_PASS+idx_str,""); ri.proxy = cfg.getParameter(CFG_PARAM_PROXY+idx_str,""); if (!ri.domain.length() || !ri.user.length()) { // not including the passwd: might be IP based registration // not including the display name: allow user to skip it DBG("no mandatory config parameters '" CFG_PARAM_DOMAIN "' and '" CFG_PARAM_USER "' provided for entry #%d; configuration halted.\n", i); break; } if (!ri.auth_user.length()) // easier to config ri.auth_user = ri.user; dialer.add_reg(ri); DBG("Adding registration account #%d (%s %s %s %s %s)\n", i, ri.domain.c_str(), ri.user.c_str(), ri.display_name.c_str(), ri.auth_user.c_str(), ri.proxy.c_str()); i ++; idx_str = int2str(i); } while (i < MAX_ACCOUNTS); if (i <= 0) { ERROR("no complete account provided: '" MOD_NAME "' module remains " "inactive, which might not be what you want!\n"); } else { dialer.start(); } return 0; }
int MyConfigurableAppFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; AnnouncementFile = cfg.getParameter("announcement_file","/tmp/default.wav"); if(!file_exists(AnnouncementFile)){ ERROR("announcement file for configurableApp module does not exist ('%s').\n", AnnouncementFile.c_str()); return -1; } return 0; }
int BrpcCtrlInterfaceFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if (cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) { WARN("failed to read/parse config file `%s' - assuming defaults\n", (AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf")).c_str()); semsUri = string(LISTEN_ADDR_DEFAULT); serUri = string(SER_ADDR_DEFAULT); } else { semsUri = cfg.getParameter(LISTEN_ADDR_PARAM, LISTEN_ADDR_DEFAULT); serUri = cfg.getParameter(SER_ADDR_PARAM, SER_ADDR_DEFAULT); } INFO(LISTEN_ADDR_PARAM ": %s.\n", semsUri.c_str()); INFO(SER_ADDR_PARAM ": %s.\n", serUri.c_str()); return 0; }
int CallTimerFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) { DBG("using default timer of %d seconds\n", DEFAULT_CALL_TIMER); DefaultCallTimer = DEFAULT_CALL_TIMER; } else { DefaultCallTimer = cfg.getParameterInt("default_call_time", DEFAULT_CALL_TIMER); UseAppParam = (cfg.getParameter("use_app_param") == "yes"); } user_timer_fact = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di("user_timer"); if(!user_timer_fact) { ERROR("could not load user_timer from session_timer plug-in\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
int PinAuthConferenceFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(APP_NAME)+ ".conf")) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); // get prompts AM_PROMPT_START; AM_PROMPT_ADD(FIRST_PARTICIPANT, ANNOUNCE_PATH "first_paricipant.wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(JOIN_SOUND, ANNOUNCE_PATH "beep.wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(DROP_SOUND, ANNOUNCE_PATH "beep.wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(ENTER_PIN, ANNOUNCE_PATH "enter_pin.wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(WRONG_PIN, ANNOUNCE_PATH "wrong_pin.wav"); AM_PROMPT_ADD(ENTERING_CONFERENCE, ANNOUNCE_PATH "entering_conference.wav"); AM_PROMPT_END(prompts, cfg, APP_NAME); DigitsDir = cfg.getParameter("digits_dir"); if (DigitsDir.length() && DigitsDir[DigitsDir.length()-1]!='/') DigitsDir+='/'; if (!DigitsDir.length()) { WARN("No digits_dir specified in configuration.\n"); } for (int i=0;i<10;i++) prompts.setPrompt(int2str(i), DigitsDir+int2str(i)+".wav", APP_NAME); string playout_type = cfg.getParameter("playout_type"); if (playout_type == "simple") { m_PlayoutType = SIMPLE_PLAYOUT; DBG("Using simple (fifo) buffer as playout technique.\n"); } else if (playout_type == "adaptive_jb") { m_PlayoutType = JB_PLAYOUT; DBG("Using adaptive jitter buffer as playout technique.\n"); } else { DBG("Using adaptive playout buffer as playout technique.\n"); } return 0; }
void DSMFactory::preloadModules(const AmArg& args, AmArg& ret) { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) { ret.push(500); ret.push("loading config file " +AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf")); return ; } string err; string ModPath = cfg.getParameter("mod_path"); int res = preloadModules(cfg, err, ModPath); if (res<0) { ret.push(500); ret.push(err); } else { ret.push(200); ret.push("modules preloaded"); } }
int UACAuthFactory::onLoad() { string secret; AmConfigReader conf; string cfg_file_path = AmConfig::ModConfigPath + "uac_auth.conf"; if(conf.loadFile(cfg_file_path)){ WARN("Could not open '%s', assuming that default values are fine\n", cfg_file_path.c_str()); secret = AmSession::getNewId(); // ?? TODO: is this cryptoproof? } else { secret = conf.getParameter("server_secret"); if (secret.size()<5) { ERROR("server_secret in '%s' too short!\n", cfg_file_path.c_str()); return -1; } } UACAuth::setServerSecret(secret); return 0; }
int JsonRPCServerModule::load() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) { INFO("no '%s' configuration file present. using default values\n", (AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf")).c_str()); } else { port = cfg.getParameterInt("jsonrpc_port", DEFAULT_JSONRPC_SERVER_PORT); threads = cfg.getParameterInt("server_threads", DEFAULT_JSONRPC_SERVER_THREADS); } DBG("using server port %d\n", port); DBG("using %d server threads\n", threads); DBG("starting server loop thread\n"); server_loop = new JsonRPCServerLoop(); server_loop->start(); return 0; }
int AnnounceAuthFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); AnnouncePath = cfg.getParameter("announce_path",ANNOUNCE_PATH); if( !AnnouncePath.empty() && AnnouncePath[AnnouncePath.length()-1] != '/' ) AnnouncePath += "/"; AnnounceFile = cfg.getParameter("default_announce",ANNOUNCE_FILE); string announce_file = AnnouncePath + AnnounceFile; if(!file_exists(announce_file)){ ERROR("default file for ann_b2b module does not exist ('%s').\n", announce_file.c_str()); return -1; } auth_realm = cfg.getParameter("auth_realm", ""); auth_user = cfg.getParameter("auth_user", ""); auth_pwd = cfg.getParameter("auth_pwd", ""); uac_auth_f = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Seh("uac_auth"); DBG("uac_auth_f == 0x%.16lX\n",(unsigned long)uac_auth_f); dialer.set_dial(cfg.getParameter("dial_ruri","default ruri"), cfg.getParameter("dial_from","default from"), cfg.getParameter("dial_fromuri","default fromuri"), cfg.getParameter("dial_to","default to")); dialer.start(); return 0; }
int XMLRPC2DI::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; string conf_xmlrpc_port = cfg.getParameter("xmlrpc_port",XMLRPC_PORT); if (conf_xmlrpc_port.empty()) { ERROR("configuration: xmlrpc_port must be defined!\n"); return -1; } if (str2i(conf_xmlrpc_port, XMLRPCPort)) { ERROR("configuration: unable to decode xmlrpc_port value '%s'!\n", conf_xmlrpc_port.c_str()); return -1; } bool export_di = false; string direct_export = cfg.getParameter("direct_export",""); if (direct_export.length()) { DBG("direct_export interfaces: %s\n", direct_export.c_str()); } else { DBG("No direct_export interfaces.\n"); } string export_di_s = cfg.getParameter("export_di","yes"); if (export_di_s == "yes") { export_di = true; } DBG("XMLRPC Server: %snabling builtin method 'di'.\n", export_di?"E":"Not e"); server = new XMLRPC2DIServer(XMLRPCPort, export_di, direct_export); server->start(); return 0; }
void DSMFactory::loadDSM(const AmArg& args, AmArg& ret) { string dsm_name = args.get(0).asCStr(); AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) { ret.push(500); ret.push("loading config file " +AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf")); return; } string DiagPath = cfg.getParameter("diag_path"); if (DiagPath.length() && DiagPath[DiagPath.length()-1] != '/') DiagPath += '/'; string ModPath = cfg.getParameter("mod_path"); string dsm_file_name = DiagPath+dsm_name+".dsm"; string res = "OK"; ScriptConfigs_mut.lock(); try { if (MainScriptConfig.diags->hasDiagram(dsm_name)) { ret.push(400); ret.push("DSM named '" + dsm_name + "' already loaded (use reloadDSMs to reload all)"); } else { if (!MainScriptConfig.diags->loadFile(dsm_file_name, dsm_name, ModPath, DebugDSM)) { ret.push(500); ret.push("error loading "+dsm_name+" from "+ dsm_file_name); } else { ret.push(200); ret.push("loaded "+dsm_name+" from "+ dsm_file_name); } } } catch(...) { ScriptConfigs_mut.unlock(); throw; } ScriptConfigs_mut.unlock(); }
int ServiceLineFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); AnnounceFile = cfg.getParameter("prompt",ANNOUNCE_FILE); DBG("Prompt = %s\n",AnnounceFile.c_str()); string announce_file = AnnounceFile; if(!file_exists(announce_file)){ ERROR("prompt file for serviceline module does not exist ('%s').\n", announce_file.c_str()); return -1; } DBG("ServiceLine Connect DTMF Key Mapping:\n"); for (unsigned int i=0;i<10;i++) { callee_numbers[i] = cfg.getParameter("callee_number"+int2str(i)); DBG("Key %u -> Extension __%s__\n", i, callee_numbers[i].empty()? "none":callee_numbers[i].c_str()); } GWDomain= cfg.getParameter("gw_domain", "");; GWUser= cfg.getParameter("gw_user", "");; GWDisplayname= cfg.getParameter("gw_displayname", "");; GWAuthuser= cfg.getParameter("gw_authuser", ""); GWAuthrealm=cfg.getParameter("gw_authrealm", ""); // actually unused GWAuthpwd=cfg.getParameter("gw_authpwd", ""); return 0; }
void DSMFactory::reloadDSMs(const AmArg& args, AmArg& ret) { DSMStateDiagramCollection* new_diags = new DSMStateDiagramCollection(); AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) { ret.push(500); ret.push("loading config file " +AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf")); return ; } string DiagPath = cfg.getParameter("diag_path"); if (DiagPath.length() && DiagPath[DiagPath.length()-1] != '/') DiagPath += '/'; string ModPath = cfg.getParameter("mod_path"); string LoadDiags = cfg.getParameter("load_diags"); vector<string> diags_names = explode(LoadDiags, ","); for (vector<string>::iterator it= diags_names.begin(); it != diags_names.end(); it++) { if (!new_diags->loadFile(DiagPath+*it+".dsm", *it, DiagPath, ModPath, DebugDSM, CheckDSM)) { ERROR("loading %s from %s\n", it->c_str(), (DiagPath+*it+".dsm").c_str()); ret.push(500); ret.push("loading " +*it+ " from "+ DiagPath+*it+".dsm"); return; } } ScriptConfigs_mut.lock(); old_diags.insert(MainScriptConfig.diags); MainScriptConfig.diags = new_diags; ScriptConfigs_mut.unlock(); ret.push(200); ret.push("DSMs reloaded"); }
int SWPrepaidSIPFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; string acc_plugin = cfg.getParameter("acc_plugin", ACC_PLUGIN); user_timer_fact = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di("user_timer"); if(!user_timer_fact) { ERROR("could not load user_timer from session_timer plug-in\n"); return -1; } DBG("using acc plugin '%s'\n", acc_plugin.c_str()); cc_acc_fact = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di(acc_plugin); if(!cc_acc_fact) { ERROR("could not load accounting plugin '%s', please provide a valid module name\n", acc_plugin.c_str()); return -1; } return 0; }
int CallBackFactory::onLoad() { AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME)+ ".conf")) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); // get prompts AM_PROMPT_START; AM_PROMPT_ADD(WELCOME_PROMPT, WELCOME_PROMPT ".wav"); AM_PROMPT_END(prompts, cfg, MOD_NAME); string DigitsDir = cfg.getParameter("digits_dir"); if (DigitsDir.length() && DigitsDir[DigitsDir.length()-1]!='/') DigitsDir+='/'; if (!DigitsDir.length()) { ERROR("No digits_dir specified in configuration.\n"); } for (int i=0;i<10;i++) prompts.setPrompt(int2str(i), DigitsDir+int2str(i)+".wav", MOD_NAME); string playout_type = cfg.getParameter("playout_type"); if (playout_type == "simple") { m_PlayoutType = SIMPLE_PLAYOUT; DBG("Using simple (fifo) buffer as playout technique.\n"); } else if (playout_type == "adaptive_jb") { m_PlayoutType = JB_PLAYOUT; DBG("Using adaptive jitter buffer as playout technique.\n"); } else { DBG("Using adaptive playout buffer as playout technique.\n"); } string accept_caller_re_str = cfg.getParameter(ACCEPT_CALLER_RE); if (!accept_caller_re_str.length()) { ERROR("no '" ACCEPT_CALLER_RE "' set.\n"); return -1; } else { if (regcomp(&accept_caller_re, accept_caller_re_str.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB)) { ERROR("unable to compile caller RE '%s'.\n", accept_caller_re_str.c_str()); return -1; } } gw_user = cfg.getParameter("gw_user"); if (!gw_user.length()) { ERROR("need gw_user configured!\n"); return -1; } gw_domain = cfg.getParameter("gw_domain"); if (!gw_domain.length()) { ERROR("need gw_domain configured!\n"); return -1; } auth_user = cfg.getParameter("auth_user"); if (!auth_user.length()) auth_user = gw_user; // default to user auth_pwd = cfg.getParameter("auth_pwd"); if (!auth_pwd.length()) { ERROR("need auth_pwd configured!\n"); return -1; } cb_wait = cfg.getParameterInt("cb_wait", 5); DBG("cb_wait set to %d\n", cb_wait); DBG("starting callback thread. (%ld)\n", (long)this); start(); return 0; }
int DSMFactory::onLoad() { if (loaded) return 0; loaded = true; AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); DebugDSM = cfg.getParameter("debug_raw_dsm") == "yes"; if (!loadPrompts(cfg)) return -1; if (!loadPromptSets(cfg)) return -1; if (!loadDiags(cfg, MainScriptConfig.diags)) return -1; vector<string> registered_apps; if (!registerApps(cfg, MainScriptConfig.diags, registered_apps)) return -1; InboundStartDiag = cfg.getParameter("inbound_start_diag"); if (InboundStartDiag.empty()) { INFO("no 'inbound_start_diag' set in config. " "inbound calls with application 'dsm' disabled.\n"); } OutboundStartDiag = cfg.getParameter("outbound_start_diag"); if (OutboundStartDiag.empty()) { INFO("no 'outbound_start_diag' set in config. " "outbound calls with application 'dsm' disabled.\n"); } if (!InboundStartDiag.empty()) AmPlugIn::instance()->registerFactory4App("dsm",this); MainScriptConfig.config_vars.insert(cfg.begin(), cfg.end()); // for (std::map<string,string>::const_iterator it = // cfg.begin(); it != cfg.end(); it++) // MainScriptConfig.config_vars[it->first] = it->second; MainScriptConfig.RunInviteEvent = cfg.getParameter("run_invite_event")=="yes"; MainScriptConfig.SetParamVariables = cfg.getParameter("set_param_variables")=="yes"; #ifdef USE_MONITORING string monitoring_full_callgraph = cfg.getParameter("monitoring_full_stategraph"); MonitoringFullCallgraph = monitoring_full_callgraph == "yes"; DBG("%sogging full call graph (states) to monitoring.\n", MonitoringFullCallgraph?"L":"Not l"); string monitoring_full_transitions = cfg.getParameter("monitoring_full_transitions"); MonitoringFullTransitions = monitoring_full_transitions == "yes"; DBG("%sogging full call graph (transitions) to monitoring.\n", MonitoringFullTransitions?"L":"Not l"); string cfg_usecaller = cfg.getParameter("monitor_select_use_caller"); if (cfg_usecaller.empty() || cfg_usecaller=="from") MonSelectCaller = MonSelect_FROM; else if (cfg_usecaller=="no") MonSelectCaller = MonSelect_NONE; else if (cfg_usecaller=="pai") MonSelectCaller = MonSelect_PAI; else { ERROR("monitor_select_use_caller value '%s' not understood\n", cfg_usecaller.c_str()); } string cfg_usecallee = cfg.getParameter("monitor_select_use_callee"); if (cfg_usecallee.empty() || cfg_usecallee=="ruri") MonSelectCallee = MonSelect_RURI; else if (cfg_usecallee=="no") MonSelectCallee = MonSelect_NONE; else if (cfg_usecallee=="from") MonSelectCallee = MonSelect_FROM; else { ERROR("monitor_select_use_callee value '%s' not understood\n", cfg_usecallee.c_str()); } #endif string conf_d_dir = cfg.getParameter("conf_dir"); if (!conf_d_dir.empty()) { if (conf_d_dir[conf_d_dir.length()-1] != '/') conf_d_dir += '/'; DBG("processing configurations in '%s'...\n", conf_d_dir.c_str()); int err=0; struct dirent* entry; DIR* dir = opendir(conf_d_dir.c_str()); if(!dir){ ERROR("config loader (%s): %s\n", conf_d_dir.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return -1; } while( ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) && (err == 0) ){ string conf_name = string(entry->d_name); if(conf_name.find(".conf",conf_name.length()-5) == string::npos ){ continue; } string conf_file_name = conf_d_dir + conf_name; DBG("loading %s ...\n",conf_file_name.c_str()); if (!loadConfig(conf_file_name, conf_name, false, NULL)) return -1; } closedir(dir); } return 0; }
int DSMFactory::onLoad() { if (loaded) return 0; loaded = true; AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(AmConfig::ModConfigPath + string(MOD_NAME ".conf"))) return -1; // get application specific global parameters configureModule(cfg); vector<string> prompts_files = explode(cfg.getParameter("load_prompts"), ","); for (vector<string>::iterator it= prompts_files.begin(); it != prompts_files.end(); it++) { DBG("loading prompts from '%s'\n", it->c_str()); std::ifstream ifs(it->c_str()); string s; while (ifs.good() && !ifs.eof()) { getline(ifs, s); if (s.length() && s.find_first_not_of(" \t")!= string::npos && s[s.find_first_not_of(" \t")] != '#') { vector<string> p=explode(s, "="); if (p.size()==2) { prompts.setPrompt(p[0], p[1], MOD_NAME); DBG("added prompt '%s' as '%s'\n", p[0].c_str(), p[1].c_str()); } } } } string prompt_sets_path = cfg.getParameter("prompts_sets_path"); vector<string> prompt_sets_names = explode(cfg.getParameter("load_prompts_sets"), ","); for (vector<string>::iterator it= prompt_sets_names.begin(); it != prompt_sets_names.end(); it++) { string fname = prompt_sets_path.empty() ? "": prompt_sets_path + "/"; fname += *it; DBG("loading prompts for '%s' (file '%s')\n", it->c_str(), fname.c_str()); std::ifstream ifs(fname.c_str()); string s; if (!ifs.good()) { WARN("prompts set file '%s' could not be read\n", fname.c_str()); } AmPromptCollection* pc = new AmPromptCollection(); while (ifs.good() && !ifs.eof()) { getline(ifs, s); if (s.length() && s.find_first_not_of(" \t")!= string::npos && s[s.find_first_not_of(" \t")] != '#') { vector<string> p=explode(s, "="); if (p.size()==2) { pc->setPrompt(p[0], p[1], MOD_NAME); DBG("set '%s' added prompt '%s' as '%s'\n", it->c_str(), p[0].c_str(), p[1].c_str()); } } } prompt_sets[*it] = pc; } string DiagPath = cfg.getParameter("diag_path"); if (DiagPath.length() && DiagPath[DiagPath.length()-1] != '/') DiagPath += '/'; string ModPath = cfg.getParameter("mod_path"); string preload_mods = cfg.getParameter("preload_mods"); vector<string> preload_names = explode(preload_mods, ","); if (preload_names.size()) { DSMChartReader reader; for (vector<string>::iterator it= preload_names.begin(); it != preload_names.end(); it++) { DBG("preloading '%s'...\n", it->c_str()); if (!reader.importModule("import("+*it+")", ModPath)) { ERROR("importing module '%s' for preload\n", it->c_str()); return -1; } DSMModule* last_loaded = reader.mods.back(); if (last_loaded) { if (last_loaded->preload()) { DBG("Error while preloading '%s'\n", it->c_str()); return -1; } } } } // TODO: pass preloaded mods to chart reader string LoadDiags = cfg.getParameter("load_diags"); vector<string> diags_names = explode(LoadDiags, ","); for (vector<string>::iterator it= diags_names.begin(); it != diags_names.end(); it++) { if (!diags.loadFile(DiagPath+*it+".dsm", *it, ModPath)) { ERROR("loading %s from %s\n", it->c_str(), (DiagPath+*it+".dsm").c_str()); return -1; } } InboundStartDiag = cfg.getParameter("inbound_start_diag"); if (InboundStartDiag.empty()) { INFO("no 'inbound_start_diag' set in config. inbound calls disabled.\n"); } OutboundStartDiag = cfg.getParameter("outbound_start_diag"); if (OutboundStartDiag.empty()) { INFO("no 'outbound_start_diag' set in config. outbound calls disabled.\n"); } for (std::map<string,string>::const_iterator it = cfg.begin(); it != cfg.end(); it++) config[it->first] = it->second; RunInviteEvent = cfg.getParameter("run_invite_event")=="yes"; return 0; }
bool DSMFactory::loadConfig(const string& conf_file_name, const string& conf_name, bool live_reload, DSMStateDiagramCollection* m_diags) { string script_name = conf_name.substr(0, conf_name.length()-5); // - .conf DBG("loading %s from %s ...\n", script_name.c_str(), conf_file_name.c_str()); AmConfigReader cfg; if(cfg.loadFile(conf_file_name)) return false; DSMScriptConfig script_config; script_config.RunInviteEvent = cfg.getParameter("run_invite_event")=="yes"; script_config.SetParamVariables = cfg.getParameter("set_param_variables")=="yes"; script_config.config_vars.insert(cfg.begin(), cfg.end()); if (live_reload) { INFO("live DSM config reload does NOT reload prompts and prompt sets!\n"); INFO("(see\n"); } else { if (!loadPrompts(cfg)) return false; if (!loadPromptSets(cfg)) return false; } DSMStateDiagramCollection* used_diags; if (m_diags != NULL) used_diags = m_diags; // got this from caller (main diags) else { // create a new set of diags used_diags = script_config.diags = new DSMStateDiagramCollection(); } if (!loadDiags(cfg, used_diags)) return false; vector<string> registered_apps; if (!registerApps(cfg, used_diags, registered_apps)) return false; ScriptConfigs_mut.lock(); try { // set ScriptConfig to this for all registered apps' names for (vector<string>::iterator reg_app_it= registered_apps.begin(); reg_app_it != registered_apps.end(); reg_app_it++) { string& app_name = *reg_app_it; // dispose of the old one, if it exists map<string, DSMScriptConfig>::iterator it=ScriptConfigs.find(app_name); if (it != ScriptConfigs.end()) { // may be in use by active call - don't delete but save to // old_diags for garbage collection (destructor) if (it->second.diags != NULL) old_diags.insert(it->second.diags); } // overwrite with new config ScriptConfigs[app_name] = script_config; } } catch(...) { ScriptConfigs_mut.unlock(); throw; } ScriptConfigs_mut.unlock(); return true; }