void BallisticDemo::fire()
    // Find the first available round.
    AmmoRound *shot;
    for (shot = ammo; shot < ammo+ammoRounds; shot++)
        if (shot->type == UNUSED) break;

    // If we didn't find a round, then exit - we can't fire.
    if (shot >= ammo+ammoRounds) return;

    // Else, setup the shot with a vector 3 to offset it from it's orientation
	cyclone::Vector3 direction;
	if (currentLauncher == 0)
		direction = cyclone::Vector3(0, 0, 2.0f);
		direction = cyclone::Vector3(0, 0, -2.0f);

    shot->setState( currentShotType, (launchers[currentLauncher]->body->getPosition() + direction) );

void BigBallisticDemo::fire()
    // Find the first available round.
    AmmoRound *shot;
    for (shot = ammo; shot < ammo+ammoRounds; shot++)
        if (shot->type == UNUSED) break;

    // If we didn't find a round, then exit - we can't fire.
    if (shot >= ammo+ammoRounds) return;

    // Set the shot
