Example #1
static PyObject *Triton_getRegs(PyObject *self, PyObject *noargs)
  PyObject *regs = xPyDict_New();

  /* Build all Registers */
  for (uint64 regId = ID_RAX; regId < ID_RFLAGS; regId++){
    PyObject *reg = xPyDict_New();
    if (regId >= ID_XMM0 && regId <= ID_XMM15)
      PyDict_SetItemString(reg, "concreteValue", uint128ToPyLongObject(ap.getSSERegisterValue(regId)));
      PyDict_SetItemString(reg, "concreteValue", Py_BuildValue("k", ap.getRegisterValue(regId)));
    PyDict_SetItemString(reg, "symbolicExpr", Py_BuildValue("k", ap.getRegSymbolicID(regId)));
    PyDict_SetItem(regs, Py_BuildValue("k", regId), reg);

  /* Build all Flags */
  for (uint64 flagId = ID_AF; flagId <= ID_ZF; flagId++){
    PyObject *flag = xPyDict_New();
    PyDict_SetItemString(flag, "concreteValue", Py_BuildValue("k", ap.getFlagValue(flagId)));
    PyDict_SetItemString(flag, "symbolicExpr", Py_BuildValue("k", ap.getRegSymbolicID(flagId)));
    PyDict_SetItem(regs, Py_BuildValue("k", flagId), flag);

  return regs;
Example #2
void RolIRBuilder::regReg(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1, *op2;
  uint64 reg1     = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint32 regSize1 = this->operands[0].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(reg1, regSize1);
   * Note that SMT2-LIB doesn't support expression as rotate's value.
   * The op2 must be the concretization's value.
  op2 = smt2lib::decimal(ap.getRegisterValue(ID_RCX) & 0xff); /* 0xff -> There is only CL available */

  // Final expr
  expr = smt2lib::bvrol(op2, op1);

  /* Create the symbolic expression */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg1, regSize1);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.aluSpreadTaintRegReg(se, reg1, reg1);

  /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
  EflagsBuilder::cfRol(inst, se, ap, op2);
  EflagsBuilder::ofRol(inst, se, ap, regSize1, op2);
Example #3
void RorIRBuilder::regReg(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicElement   *se;
  std::stringstream expr, op1, op2;
  uint64            reg1     = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint32            regSize1 = this->operands[0].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 << ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(reg1, regSize1);
   * Note that SMT2-LIB doesn't support expression as rotate's value.
   * The op2 must be the concretization's value.
  op2 << (ap.getRegisterValue(ID_RCX) & 0xff); /* 0xff -> There is only CL available */

  // Final expr
  expr << smt2lib::bvror(op1.str(), op2.str());

  /* Create the symbolic element */
  se = ap.createRegSE(inst, expr, reg1, regSize1);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.aluSpreadTaintRegReg(se, reg1, reg1);

  /* Add the symbolic flags element to the current inst */
  EflagsBuilder::cfRor(inst, se, ap, regSize1, op2);
  EflagsBuilder::ofRor(inst, se, ap, regSize1, op2);
Example #4
void RorIRBuilder::memReg(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1, *op2;
  auto memSize = this->operands[0].getMem().getSize();
  auto mem = this->operands[0].getMem();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicMemOperand(mem, memSize);
   * Note that SMT2-LIB doesn't support expression as rotate's value.
   * The op2 must be the concretization's value.
  op2 = smt2lib::decimal(ap.getRegisterValue(ID_TMP_RCX) & 0xff); /* 0xff -> There is only CL available */

  // Final expr
  expr = smt2lib::bvror(op2, op1);

  /* Create the symbolic expression */
  se = ap.createMemSE(inst, expr, mem, memSize);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.aluSpreadTaintMemMem(se, mem, mem, memSize);

  /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
  EflagsBuilder::cfRor(inst, se, ap, memSize, op2);
  EflagsBuilder::ofRor(inst, se, ap, memSize, op2);
Example #5
static PyObject *Triton_getRegValue(PyObject *self, PyObject *reg)
  uint64 tritonReg;

  if (!PyLong_Check(reg) && !PyInt_Check(reg))
    return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "getRegValue(): expected a register id (IDREF.REG) as argument");

  if (!ap.getCurrentCtxH())
    return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "getRegValue(): Can't call getRegValue() right now. You must run the program before.");

  tritonReg = PyLong_AsLong(reg);

  if (tritonReg >= ID_XMM0 && tritonReg <= ID_XMM15){
    uint128 value = ap.getSSERegisterValue(tritonReg);
    return uint128ToPyLongObject(value);

  return Py_BuildValue("k", ap.getRegisterValue(tritonReg));
Example #6
void RcrIRBuilder::regReg(AnalysisProcessor &ap, Inst &inst) const {
  SymbolicExpression *se1, *se2;
  smt2lib::smtAstAbstractNode *expr, *op1, *op2, *cf, *res;
  uint64 reg1     = this->operands[0].getValue();
  uint32 regSize1 = this->operands[0].getSize();

  /* Create the SMT semantic */
  cf = ap.buildSymbolicFlagOperand(ID_CF);
  op1 = ap.buildSymbolicRegOperand(reg1, regSize1);
   * Note that SMT2-LIB doesn't support expression as rotate's value.
   * The op2 must be the concretization's value.
  op2 = smt2lib::decimal(ap.getRegisterValue(ID_RCX) & 0xff); /* 0xff -> There is only CL available */

  /* Rcl expression */
  expr = smt2lib::bvror(
            smt2lib::concat(cf, op1)

  /* Temporary extended expression */
  se1 = ap.createSE(inst, expr, "Temporary Extended Expression");

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.assignmentSpreadTaintExprReg(se1, reg1);

  /* Result expression */
  res = smt2lib::extract((regSize1 * REG_SIZE) - 1, 0, expr);

  /* Create the symbolic expression */
  se2 = ap.createRegSE(inst, res, reg1, regSize1);

  /* Apply the taint */
  ap.aluSpreadTaintRegReg(se2, reg1, reg1);

  /* Add the symbolic flags expression to the current inst */
  EflagsBuilder::cfRcl(inst, se1, ap, regSize1, op2); /* Same as RCL */
  EflagsBuilder::ofRor(inst, se2, ap, regSize1, op2); /* Same as ROR */