   SpamAssassinClient::ParseFirstBuffer_(std::shared_ptr<ByteBuffer> pBuffer) const
      // Don't send first line, since it's the Result header.
      char *pHeaderEndPosition = StringParser::Search(pBuffer->GetCharBuffer(), pBuffer->GetSize(), "\r\n\r\n");
      if (!pHeaderEndPosition)
         LOG_DEBUG("The response from SpamAssasin was not valid. Aborting. Expected a header.\r\n");
         return -1;
      size_t headerLength = pHeaderEndPosition - pBuffer->GetCharBuffer();
      AnsiString spamAssassinHeader(pBuffer->GetCharBuffer(), headerLength);

      std::vector<AnsiString> headerLines = StringParser::SplitString(spamAssassinHeader, "\r\n");
      AnsiString firstLine = headerLines[0];
      AnsiString secondLine = headerLines[1];

      if (firstLine.Compare("SPAMD/1.1 0 EX_OK") != 0)
         // We should never get here, since we should always have
         // a header in the result

         LOG_DEBUG(Formatter::Format("The response from SpamAssasin was not valid. Aborting. Expected: SPAMD/1.1 0 EX_OK, Got: {0}\r\n", firstLine));
         return -1;

      if (!secondLine.StartsWith("Content-length:"))
         // We should never get here, since we should always have
         // a header in the result
         LOG_DEBUG(Formatter::Format("The response from SpamAssasin was not valid. Aborting. Expected: Content-Length:<value>, Got: {0}\r\n", secondLine));
         return -1;

      // Extract the second line from the first buffer. This buffer
      // contains the result of the operation (success / failure).
      std::vector<AnsiString> contentLengthHeader = StringParser::SplitString(secondLine, ":");
      if (contentLengthHeader.size() != 2)
         LOG_DEBUG(Formatter::Format("The response from SpamAssasin was not valid. Aborting. Content-Length header not properly formatted. Expected: Content-Length:<value>, Got: {0}\r\n", secondLine));
         return -1;

      int contentLength;
      std::string sConSize = contentLengthHeader[1].Trim();
      if (!StringParser::TryParseInt(sConSize, contentLength))
        LOG_DEBUG(Formatter::Format("The response from SpamAssasin was not valid. Aborting. Content-Length header not properly formatted. Expected: Content-Length:<value>, Got: {0}\r\n", secondLine));
	     return -1;

      // Remove the SA header lines from the result.
      size_t iEndingBytesSize = pBuffer->GetSize() - headerLength - 4; // 4 due to header ending with \r\n\r\n.

      return contentLength;