Example #1
void CommandHandler::OnReceiveCommand(AppCommandEvent &event)
   // First retrieve the actual command from the event 'envelope'.
   Command *cmd = event.GetCommand();

   // Then apply it to current application & project.  Note that the
   // command may change the context - for example, switching to a
   // different project.

   // Done with the command so delete it.
   delete cmd;

   // Redraw the project
Example #2
void CommandHandler::OnReceiveCommand(AppCommandEvent &event)
   // First retrieve the actual command from the event 'envelope'.
   CommandHolder cmd = event.GetCommand();

   // JKC: In case the user changed the project, let us track that.
   // This saves us the embarrassment (crash) of a NEW project
   // being opened, the old one closed and still trying to act
   // on the old one.
   SetProject( GetActiveProject() );
   // Then apply it to current application & project.  Note that the
   // command may change the context - for example, switching to a
   // different project.

   // Redraw the project