Example #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	Timing t;
	int i;

	// TODO: debug should be enabled with a command-line option
	// FILELog::ReportingLevel() = FILELog::FromString("DEBUG4");
	// FILELog::ReportingLevel() = FILELog::FromString("DEBUG1");
	FILELog::ReportingLevel() = FILELog::FromString("INFO");
	FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "starting";

	try {

		Picoscope6000 *pico = new Picoscope6000();
		Measurement   *meas = new Measurement(pico);
		Channel       *ch[4];

		for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
			ch[i] = meas->GetChannel(i);
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "main - Channel " << (char)('A'+i) << " has index " << ch[i]->GetIndex();

		Args x;
		x.parse_options(argc, argv, meas);
		if(x.IsJustHelp()) {
			return 0;

		if(x.GetFilename() == NULL) { // TODO: maybe we want to use just text file
			throw("You have to provide some filename using '--name <filename>'.\n");

		// meas->SetTimebaseInPs(10000);

		// TODO: fixme
		for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {

		// a->SetVoltage(U_100mV);
		// a[0]->SetVoltage(x.GetVoltage());
		// meas->SetLength(GIGA(1));

		if(x.GetNTraces() > 1) {
			// TODO: fix trigger
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "main - checking for triggered events";
			if(x.IsTriggered()) {
				for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS && !(ch[i]->IsEnabled()); i++);
				FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "main - will trigger on channel " << (char)('A'+i);
		} else {

		// std::cerr << "test w5\n";

		// it only makes sense to measure if we decided to use some positive number of samples
		if(x.GetLength()>0) {

			FILE *f = NULL;

			struct tm *current;
			time_t now;
			current = localtime(&now);

			for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
				if(ch[i]->IsEnabled()) {
					if(x.IsTextOutput()) {
						ft[i] = fopen(x.GetFilenameText(i), "wt");
						if(ft[i] == NULL) {
							throw("Unable to open text file.\n"); // TODO: write filename
					if(x.IsBinaryOutput()) {
						fb[i] = fopen(x.GetFilenameBinary(i), "wb");
						if(fb[i] == NULL) {
							throw("Unable to open binary file.\n"); // TODO: write filename

			double tmp_dbl;
			short  tmp_short;

			/* metadata */
			f = fopen(x.GetFilenameMeta(), "wt");
			if(f == NULL) {
				throw("Unable to open file with metadata.\n");
			fprintf(f, "command:   ");
			for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
				fprintf(f, " %s", argv[i]);
			fprintf(f, "\n");
			fprintf(f, "timestamp:  %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n\n",
				current->tm_year+1900, current->tm_mon+1, current->tm_mday,
				current->tm_hour, current->tm_min, current->tm_sec);
			fprintf(f, "channels:   ");
			for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
				if(ch[i]->IsEnabled()) {
					fprintf(f, "%c", 'A'+i);
			fprintf(f, "\n");
			fprintf(f, "length:     %ld\n", x.GetLength());
			fprintf(f, "samples:    %ld\n", x.GetNTraces());
			// fprintf(f, "unit_x:    %.1lf ns | %.1lf ns\n", meas->GetTimebaseInNs(), meas->GetReportedTimebaseInNs());
			tmp_dbl = meas->GetTimebaseInNs();
			fprintf(f, "unit_x:     %.1lf ns\n", tmp_dbl);
			fprintf(f, "range_x:    %.1lf ns\n", x.GetLength()*tmp_dbl);
			tmp_dbl = x.GetVoltageDouble();
			fprintf(f, "unit_y:     %.10le V\n", tmp_dbl*3.0757874015748e-5); // 1/(127*256) actually, but this might have to be fixed for series 4000
			fprintf(f, "range_y:    %g V\n", tmp_dbl);

			if(x.GetNTraces() > 1) {
				if(x.IsTriggered()) {
					fprintf(f, "trigger_ch: %c\n", (char)(meas->GetTrigger()->GetChannel()->GetIndex()+'A'));
					// fprintf(f, "trigger_xfrac: %g\n", meas->GetTrigger()->GetXFraction());
					// fprintf(f, "trigger_yfrac: %g\n", meas->GetTrigger()->GetYFraction());
					fprintf(f, "trigger_dx: %d (%g %% of %ld)\n", meas->GetLengthBeforeTrigger(), meas->GetLengthBeforeTrigger()*100.0/x.GetLength(), x.GetLength());
					tmp_short = meas->GetTrigger()->GetThreshold();
					tmp_dbl   = meas->GetTrigger()->GetYFraction();
					fprintf(f, "trigger_dy: %g V (%d)\n", meas->GetTrigger()->GetThresholdInVolts() /*tmp_dbl*x.GetVoltageDouble()*/, tmp_short);

			// fprintf(f, "unit_x:    %.1lf ns | %.1lf ns\n", meas->GetTimebaseInNs(), meas->GetReportedTimebaseInNs());
			fprintf(f, "out_bin:    %s\n", x.IsBinaryOutput() ? "yes" : "no");
			fprintf(f, "out_dat:    %s\n", x.IsTextOutput()   ? "yes" : "no");
			// triggered (TODO: we could also ask for a single triggered event)
			if(x.GetNTraces() > 1) {
				unsigned int run=0;
				for(run=0; run<x.GetNRepeats() && !_kbhit(); run++) {
					//FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Running experiment nr. " << run+1;
					if(run>0) {
						cerr << "\nRepeat #" << run+1 << endl;
					while(meas->GetNextDataBulk() > 0) {
						for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
							if(ch[i]->IsEnabled()) {
								if(x.IsTextOutput()) {
									meas->WriteDataTxt(ft[i], i); // zero for channel A
								if(x.IsBinaryOutput()) {
									meas->WriteDataBin(fb[i], i); // zero for channel A
				if(run>1) {
					fprintf(f, "repeats:    %u\n", run);
				// tmp_dbl = meas->GetRatePerSecond();
				// fprintf(f, "\nrate:       \n");
				// if(fabs(tmp_dbl) > 1e6) {
				// 	fprintf(f, "%.3f MS/s\n", tmp_dbl*1e-6);
				// } else if(fabs(tmp_dbl) > 1e3) {
				// 	fprintf(f, "%.3f kS/s\n", tmp_dbl*1e-3);
				// } else {
				// 	fprintf(f, "%f S/s\n", tmp_dbl);
				// }
			} else {
				unsigned int run=0;
				for(run=0; run<x.GetNRepeats() && !_kbhit(); run++) {
					if(run>0) {
						cerr << "\nRepeat #" << run+1 << endl;
					while(meas->GetNextData() > 0) {
						for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
							if(ch[i]->IsEnabled()) {
								if(x.IsTextOutput()) {
									meas->WriteDataTxt(ft[i], i); // zero for channel A
								if(x.IsBinaryOutput()) {
									meas->WriteDataBin(fb[i], i); // zero for channel A
				if(run>1) {
					fprintf(f, "repeats:    %u\n", run);


			for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
				if(ft[i] != NULL) {
				if(fb[i] != NULL) {

			// apparently this doesn't work for some weird reason
			// meas->RunBlock(); meas->GetNextData();
			// meas->RunBlock(); meas->GetNextData();
			// meas->RunBlock(); meas->GetNextData();
			// meas->RunBlock(); meas->GetNextData();


			cerr << "Timing: " << t.GetSecondsDouble() << "s\n";

		delete pico; pico = NULL;
		delete meas; meas = NULL;

	} catch(Picoscope::PicoscopeException& ex) {
		cerr << "Some picoscope exception:" << endl
		     << "Error number " << ex.GetErrorNumber() << ": " << ex.GetErrorMessage() << endl
		     << '(' << ex.GetVerboseErrorMessage() << ')' << endl;
		try {
			// pico.Close();
		} catch(...) {}
	} catch(Picoscope::PicoscopeUserException& ex) {
		cerr << "Some exception:" << endl
		     << ex.GetErrorMessage() << endl;
	// catch any exceptions
	} catch(const char* s) {
		cerr << "Some exception has occurred:\n" << s << endl;
	} catch (std::bad_alloc& ba) {
		std::cerr << "Exception: bad_alloc: " << ba.what() << endl;
	} catch (const std::exception &exc) {
		// catch anything thrown within try block that derives from std::exception
		std::cerr << "Exception: " << exc.what() << endl;
	} catch(...) {
		cerr << "Some exception has occurred" << endl;
	return 0;