Example #1
    virtual void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	// Create required blocks and add to module
	string scopename;
	if (!m_aboveScopep) scopename = "TOP";
	else scopename = m_aboveScopep->name()+"."+m_aboveCellp->name();

	UINFO(4," MOD AT "<<scopename<<"  "<<nodep<<endl);

	m_scopep = new AstScope((m_aboveCellp?(AstNode*)m_aboveCellp:(AstNode*)nodep)->fileline(),
				nodep, scopename, m_aboveScopep, m_aboveCellp);

	// Now for each child cell, iterate the module this cell points to
	for (AstNode* cellnextp = nodep->stmtsp(); cellnextp; cellnextp=cellnextp->nextp()) {
	    if (AstCell* cellp = cellnextp->castCell()) {
		AstScope* oldScopep = m_scopep;
		AstCell* oldAbCellp = m_aboveCellp;
		AstScope* oldAbScopep = m_aboveScopep;
		    m_aboveCellp = cellp;
		    m_aboveScopep = m_scopep;
		    AstNodeModule* modp = cellp->modp();
		    if (!modp) cellp->v3fatalSrc("Unlinked mod");
		    modp->accept(*this);  // Recursive call to visit(AstNodeModule)
		// Done, restore vars
		m_scopep = oldScopep;
		m_aboveCellp = oldAbCellp;
		m_aboveScopep = oldAbScopep;

	// Create scope for the current usage of this module
	UINFO(4," back AT "<<scopename<<"  "<<nodep<<endl);
	m_modp = nodep;
	if (m_modp->isTop()) {
	    AstTopScope* topscp = new AstTopScope(nodep->fileline(), m_scopep);
	} else {

	// Copy blocks into this scope
	// If this is the first usage of the block ever, we can simply move the reference

	// ***Note m_scopep is passed back to the caller of the routine (above)