void PixelBufferX11::init()
    if (_initialized) return;

    if (!_traits)
        _valid = false;

    if (_traits->target != 0)
        // we don't support Pbuffer render to texture under GLX.
        _valid = false;

    _display = XOpenDisplay(_traits->displayName().c_str());

    unsigned int screen = _traits->screenNum;

    if (!_display)
        OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: Unable to open display \"" << XDisplayName(_traits->displayName().c_str()) << "\"."<<std::endl;
        _valid = false;

    // Query for GLX extension
    int errorBase, eventBase;
    if( glXQueryExtension( _display, &errorBase, &eventBase)  == False )
        OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: " << XDisplayName(_traits->displayName().c_str()) <<" has no GLX extension." << std::endl;

        XCloseDisplay( _display );
        _display = 0;
        _valid = false;

    // OSG_NOTICE<<"GLX extension, errorBase="<<errorBase<<" eventBase="<<eventBase<<std::endl;

    int major, minor;
    if (glXQueryVersion(_display, &major, &minor) == False)
        OSG_NOTICE << "Error: " << XDisplayName(_traits->displayName().c_str())
                                 << " can not query GLX version." << std::endl;
        XCloseDisplay( _display );
        _display = 0;
        _valid = false;

    // Just be paranoid, if we are older than 1.1, we cannot even call glxQueryExtensionString
    if (major < 1 || (1 == major && minor < 1))
        OSG_NOTICE << "Error: " << XDisplayName(_traits->displayName().c_str())
                                 << " GLX version " << major << "." << minor << " is too old." << std::endl;
        XCloseDisplay( _display );
        _display = 0;
        _valid = false;

    bool haveGLX1_3 = false;
    bool haveSGIX_pbuffer = false;

    // We need to have at least GLX 1.3 to use getFBConfigFromVisual and glXCreatePbuffer
    if (1 < major || (1 == major && 3 <= minor))
        haveGLX1_3 = true;

#if defined(GLX_VERSION_1_1) && defined(GLX_SGIX_pbuffer)
    // We need at least GLX 1.1 for glXQueryExtensionsString
    if (!haveGLX1_3 && 1 <= minor)
        const char *extensions = glXQueryExtensionsString(_display, screen);
        haveSGIX_pbuffer = osg::isExtensionInExtensionString("GLX_SGIX_pbuffer", extensions)
           && osg::isExtensionInExtensionString("GLX_SGIX_fbconfig", extensions);

        if (haveSGIX_pbuffer)
            osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(_glXCreateGLXPbufferSGIX, "glXDestroyGLXPbufferSGIX");
            osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(_glXDestroyGLXPbufferSGIX, "glXDestroyGLXPbufferSGIX");
            osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(_glXQueryGLXPbufferSGIX, "glXDestroyGLXPbufferSGIX");
            osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(_glXGetFBConfigFromVisualSGIX, "glXGetFBConfigFromVisualSGIX");
            if (_glXCreateGLXPbufferSGIX == NULL ||
                _glXDestroyGLXPbufferSGIX == NULL ||
                _glXQueryGLXPbufferSGIX == NULL ||
                _glXGetFBConfigFromVisualSGIX == NULL) {
                haveSGIX_pbuffer = false;

    if (!haveGLX1_3 && !haveSGIX_pbuffer)
        OSG_NOTICE << "Error: " << XDisplayName(_traits->displayName().c_str())
                                 << " no Pbuffer support in GLX available." << std::endl;
        XCloseDisplay( _display );
        _display = 0;
        _valid = false;

    if (!createVisualInfo())
        _traits->red /= 2;
        _traits->green /= 2;
        _traits->blue /= 2;
        _traits->alpha /= 2;
        _traits->depth /= 2;

        OSG_INFO<<"Relaxing traits"<<std::endl;

        if (!createVisualInfo())
            OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: Not able to create requested visual." << std::endl;
            XCloseDisplay( _display );
            _display = 0;
            _valid = false;

    // get any shared GLX contexts
    GraphicsHandleX11* graphicsHandleX11 = dynamic_cast<GraphicsHandleX11*>(_traits->sharedContext.get());
    Context sharedContext = graphicsHandleX11 ? graphicsHandleX11->getContext() : 0;

    _context = glXCreateContext( _display, _visualInfo, sharedContext, True );

    if (!_context)
        OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: Unable to create OpenGL graphics context."<<std::endl;
        XCloseDisplay( _display );
        _display = 0;
        _valid = false;

#ifdef GLX_VERSION_1_3
    // First try the regular glx extension if we have a new enough version available.
    if (haveGLX1_3)
        int nelements;
        GLXFBConfig *fbconfigs = glXGetFBConfigs( _display, screen, &nelements );
        for ( int i = 0; i < nelements; ++i )
            int visual_id;
            if ( glXGetFBConfigAttrib( _display, fbconfigs[i], GLX_VISUAL_ID, &visual_id ) == 0 )
                if ( !_pbuffer && (unsigned int)visual_id == _visualInfo->visualid )
                    typedef std::vector <int> AttributeList;

                    AttributeList attributes;
                    attributes.push_back( GLX_PBUFFER_WIDTH );
                    attributes.push_back( _traits->width );
                    attributes.push_back( GLX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT );
                    attributes.push_back( _traits->height );
                    attributes.push_back( GLX_LARGEST_PBUFFER );
                    attributes.push_back( GL_TRUE );
                    attributes.push_back( 0L );

                    _pbuffer = glXCreatePbuffer(_display, fbconfigs[i], &attributes.front() );
                    _useGLX1_3 = true;
        if (_pbuffer)
            int iWidth = 0;
            int iHeight = 0;
            glXQueryDrawable(_display, _pbuffer, GLX_WIDTH  , (unsigned int *)&iWidth);
            glXQueryDrawable(_display, _pbuffer, GLX_HEIGHT , (unsigned int *)&iHeight);

            if (_traits->width != iWidth || _traits->height != iHeight)
                OSG_NOTICE << "PixelBufferX11::init(), pbuffer created with different size then requsted" << std::endl;
                OSG_NOTICE << "\tRequested size (" << _traits->width << "," << _traits->height << ")" << std::endl;
                OSG_NOTICE << "\tPbuffer size (" << iWidth << "," << iHeight << ")" << std::endl;
                _traits->width  = iWidth;
                _traits->height = iHeight;
        XFree( fbconfigs );

#ifdef GLX_SGIX_pbuffer
    // If we still have no pbuffer but a capable display with the SGIX extension, try to use that
    if (!_pbuffer && haveSGIX_pbuffer)
        GLXFBConfigSGIX fbconfig = _glXGetFBConfigFromVisualSGIX( _display, _visualInfo );
        typedef std::vector <int> AttributeList;

        AttributeList attributes;
        attributes.push_back( GLX_LARGEST_PBUFFER_SGIX );
        attributes.push_back( GL_TRUE );
        attributes.push_back( 0L );

        _pbuffer = _glXCreateGLXPbufferSGIX(_display, fbconfig, _traits->width, _traits->height,  &attributes.front() );
        if (_pbuffer)
            _useSGIX = true;
            int iWidth = 0;
            int iHeight = 0;
            _glXQueryGLXPbufferSGIX(_display, _pbuffer, GLX_WIDTH_SGIX , (unsigned int *)&iWidth);
            _glXQueryGLXPbufferSGIX(_display, _pbuffer, GLX_HEIGHT_SGIX, (unsigned int *)&iHeight);
            if (_traits->width != iWidth || _traits->height != iHeight)
                OSG_NOTICE << "PixelBufferX11::init(), SGIX_pbuffer created with different size then requsted" << std::endl;
                OSG_NOTICE << "\tRequested size (" << _traits->width << "," << _traits->height << ")" << std::endl;
                OSG_NOTICE << "\tPbuffer size (" << iWidth << "," << iHeight << ")" << std::endl;
                _traits->width =  iWidth;
                _traits->height = iHeight;
        XFree( fbconfig );

    if (!_pbuffer)
        OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: Unable to create pbuffer."<<std::endl;
        XCloseDisplay( _display );
        _display = 0;
        _context = 0;
        _valid = false;

    XFlush( _display );
    XSync( _display, 0 );

    _valid = true;
    _initialized = true;