Example #1
	void writePreserving(QFile& inFile, QTextStream& out, const AttributeMap& data)
		FNTRACE("ini", "", "writePreserving", QString("in, out, %1 rows of data").arg(data.size()));

		int i, j;
		QChar c;
		QString name;
		size_t lineNumber = 0;
		QString line;
		typedef QSet<AttributeMap::key_type> KeySet;
		KeySet unwrittenKeys = KeySet::fromList(data.keys());

		if (!inFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
			ETHROW(Exception(QString("Unable to open %1 for reading.").arg(inFile.fileName())));
		QTextStream in(&inFile);

		while (!(line = in.readLine()).isNull())
			//std::cout << lineNumber << ": " << line.toStdString() << ":\n";

			for (i = 0; line[i].isSpace(); ++i) { out << line[i]; }

			if (line[i].isNull()) { out << '\n'; continue; }
			else if (line[i] == COMMENT_BEGIN) { out << line.mid(i) << '\n'; continue; }

			for (j = i; !(c = line[i]).isNull() && c!=COMMENT_BEGIN && c!=ASSIGNER; ++i) ;
			//std::cout << "non-empty, ";
			if (c != ASSIGNER) // non-empty line that isn't assignment -> invalid
				ETHROW(ParseError(inFile.fileName(), lineNumber, "Unknown non-empty line."));
			for (--i; line[i].isSpace(); --i) ; // last character of name
			name = line.mid(j, i - j + 1);
			//std::cout << "name: " << name.toStdString() << ' ';

			for ( ; line[j]!=ASSIGNER; ++j) out << line[j];
			out << ASSIGNER;
			i = j + 1;

			for ( ; line[i].isSpace(); ++i) out << line[i];

			if (data.contains(name))
				//std::cout << "known ";
				out << data.value(name);
				for (j = i; !line[i].isNull() && line[i]!=COMMENT_BEGIN; ++i) ; // EOL || comment
				for (--i; line[i].isSpace(); --i) ; // last character of value
				++i; // first character after value

			out << line.mid(i) << '\n';
			//std::cout << '\n';

		if (unwrittenKeys.size())
			out << '\n' << COMMENT_BEGIN << "Following lines were generated by Ds1edit Loader:\n";
			for (KeySet::iterator key = unwrittenKeys.begin();
				key != unwrittenKeys.end(); ++key)
				out << (*key) << ' ' << ASSIGNER << ' ' << data.value(*key) << '\n';

bool WidgetRegistrationS60::registerAppL(const QString& appId,
                                         const QString& appTitle,
                                         const QString& appPath,
                                         const QString& dataPath,
                                         const QString& iconPath,
                                         const AttributeMap& attr,
                                         const QString& type,
                                         unsigned long size,
                                         const QString& startPath,
                                         int& widgetUid,
                                         QString& convertedIconPath,
                                         bool hideIcon)
    LOG("WidgetRegistrationS60::registerAppL()" << " appId : " << appId << " appTitle : " << 
            appTitle << " appPath : " << appPath << " iconPath : " << iconPath << " startPath : " << 

    if (appId.isEmpty() || appTitle.isEmpty() || appPath.isEmpty())
        return false;

    // S60 requires widgetProps as CWidgetPropertyValue
    RPointerArray<CWidgetPropertyValue> propertyValues(EWidgetPropertyIdCount);
    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(PointerArrayCleanup, &propertyValues)); // pushed 1

    RWidgetRegistryClientSession registryClient;
    CleanupClosePushL( registryClient ); // pushed 2

    RFs rfs;
    CleanupClosePushL(rfs); // pushed 3

    // empty values
    for (TInt i = 0; i < EWidgetPropertyIdCount; ++i) {
        CWidgetPropertyValue* value = CWidgetPropertyValue::NewL();
        CleanupStack::PushL(value); // pushed 4
        CleanupStack::Pop(value); // pushed 3

    *(propertyValues[EWidgetPropertyListVersion]) = KWidgetPropertyListVersion71CWRT;
    *(propertyValues[EFileSize]) = size;

    SwiUI::CWidgetRegistrationS60Apparc* appArc = SwiUI::CWidgetRegistrationS60Apparc::NewL(rfs);
    CleanupStack::PushL(appArc); // pushed 4

    // get drive letter from appPath
    TUint driveLetter = appPath[0].unicode();

    // Generate our UID based on UIDs in the Qt WidgetRegistry
    int iUid = WebAppRegistry::instance()->nextAvailableUid();
    widgetUid = iUid;

    if (iUid == 0) {
        LOG("WidgetRegistrationS60::registerAppL() - registryClient.GetAvailableUidL() failed");
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4, &propertyValues );
        return false;

    // convert icon to required format and sizes
    QString newIconPath = "";
    if (!processIconL(iUid, newIconPath, iconPath, QDir::toNativeSeparators(dataPath))) {
        LOG("WidgetRegistrationS60::registerAppL() - processIconL() failed");
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4, &propertyValues );
        return false;

    // FIXME this translation doesn't cover all cases, if generalized
    // must cover S60 WRT names and W3C names
    QString appPathNative = QDir::toNativeSeparators(appPath);
    // FIXME enforce canonicalization in caller
    // must end in QDir::separator()
    if (QDir::separator() != appPathNative.at(appPathNative.count()-1)) {
    TPtrC16 basePathSymbian(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>
    *(propertyValues[EBasePath]) = basePathSymbian;

    QString driveName = appPathNative.left(2);
    TPtrC16 driveNameSymbian(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>
    *(propertyValues[EDriveName]) = driveNameSymbian;

    TPtrC16 mainHtmlSymbian(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>
    *(propertyValues[EMainHTML]) = mainHtmlSymbian;

    TPtrC16 identifierSymbian(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>
    *(propertyValues[EBundleIdentifier]) = identifierSymbian;

    if (attr.contains(W3CSettingsKey::WIDGET_VERSION)) {
        QString ver = attr.value(W3CSettingsKey::WIDGET_VERSION).toString();
        if(!(ver.isEmpty())) {
            TPtrC16 version(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>
            *(propertyValues[EBundleVersion]) = version;

    if (appTitle.isEmpty()) {
        // FIXME this probably should cause registration failure
        *(propertyValues[EBundleDisplayName]) = identifierSymbian;
    } else {
        TPtrC16 titleSymbian(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>
        *(propertyValues[EBundleDisplayName]) = titleSymbian;

    // TODO: We decided to drop BundleName and just use
    // DisplayName but the registry code has errors in it and uses
    // BundleName when it should use DisplayName so as a workaround,
    // set BundleName to DisplayName.  Should eventually remove
    // BundleName from set of registry values.
    const TDesC& name = *(propertyValues[EBundleDisplayName]);
    *(propertyValues[EBundleName]) = name;

    convertedIconPath = newIconPath;

    if (!newIconPath.isEmpty()) {
        // FIXME enforce canonicalization in caller
        // strangely icon path doesn't include icon file name
        int li = newIconPath.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator());
        if (li > 0) {
            newIconPath = newIconPath.left(li+1);
            TPtrC16 iconPathSymbian(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>
            *(propertyValues[EIconPath]) = iconPathSymbian;

    *(propertyValues[EUid]) = iUid;

    *(propertyValues[EMiniViewEnable]) = 0;
    if (attr.contains(W3CSettingsKey::WIDGET_VIEWMODES)) {
        QStringList viewModeList = attr.value(W3CSettingsKey::WIDGET_VIEWMODES).toString().split(" ");
        foreach (const QString &str, viewModeList) {
            if (str.contains("minimized", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
                *(propertyValues[EMiniViewEnable]) = 1;