Example #1
 * Reads the attributed object id, comments, and artifacts.
bool Translator::ReadAttributedObject( AttributedObject& aobj, 
		Context& ctxt, const tinyxml2::XMLElement & elem, bool bIdAttributeRequired )
	//Grab the ID.
	pcstr szid = elem.Attribute("id");
	if( szid == NULL)
		if( bIdAttributeRequired )
			throw GnssMetadata::TranslationException( "Required id attribute not defined.");

	//Parse the comments.
	const XMLElement* pelem = elem.FirstChildElement("comment");
	for( ;pelem != NULL; pelem = pelem->NextSiblingElement("comment"))
		const char* szFmt = pelem->Attribute("format");
		Comment::CommentFormat fmt = (strcmp(szFmt, "text") == 0)
			? Comment::text : Comment::html;
		Comment comment( pelem->GetText(), fmt);
		aobj.Comments().push_back( comment);

	//Parse the Artifacts.
	pelem = elem.FirstChildElement("artifact");
	for( ;pelem != NULL; pelem = pelem->NextSiblingElement("artifact"))
		AnyUri auri( pelem->GetText());
		aobj.Artifacts().push_back( auri);

	return true;
Example #2
 * Writes the attributed object id, comments, and artifacts.
void Translator::WriteAttributedObject(const AttributedObject& aobj, Context& /*ctxt*/, tinyxml2::XMLElement & elem, bool bIdAttributeRequired)
	//Write the ID.
	if( aobj.Id().length() > 0 )
		elem.SetAttribute( "id", aobj.Id().c_str());
	else if( bIdAttributeRequired || aobj.IsReference())
		//Else if caller requires the id attribute or object is a reference, throw an 
		throw GnssMetadata::TranslationException( aobj.Id() + ": required id attribute not defined.");

	//Write the comments.
	CommentList::const_iterator citer = aobj.Comments().begin();
	for(; citer != aobj.Comments().end(); citer++)
		XMLElement* pec = elem.GetDocument()->NewElement( "comment");
		const Comment& cmt = *citer;
		const char* szFormat = (cmt.Format() == Comment::text) ? "text":"html";
		pec->SetText( cmt.Value().c_str());

	//Write the Artifacts.
	AnyUriList::const_iterator aiter = aobj.Artifacts().begin();
	for(; aiter != aobj.Artifacts().end(); aiter++)
		XMLElement* pec = elem.GetDocument()->NewElement( "artifact");
		pec->SetText( aiter->Value().c_str());