Example #1
bool AudioEncoderFFmpeg::encode(const AudioFrame &frame)
    AVFrame *f = NULL;
    if (frame.isValid()) {
        f = av_frame_alloc();
        const AudioFormat fmt(frame.format());
        f->format = fmt.sampleFormatFFmpeg();
        f->channel_layout = fmt.channelLayoutFFmpeg();
        // f->channels = fmt.channels(); //remove? not availale in libav9
        // must be (not the last frame) exactly frame_size unless CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE is set (frame_size==0)
        // TODO: mpv use pcmhack for avctx.frame_size==0. can we use input frame.samplesPerChannel?
        f->nb_samples = d.frame_size;
        /// f->quality = d.avctx->global_quality; //TODO
        // TODO: record last pts. mpv compute pts internally and also use playback time
        f->pts = int64_t(frame.timestamp()*fmt.sampleRate()); // TODO
        // pts is set in muxer
        const int nb_planes = frame.planeCount();
        // bytes between 2 samples on a plane. TODO: add to AudioFormat? what about bytesPerFrame?
        const int sample_stride = fmt.isPlanar() ? fmt.bytesPerSample() : fmt.bytesPerSample()*fmt.channels();
        for (int i = 0; i < nb_planes; ++i) {
            f->linesize[i] = f->nb_samples * sample_stride;// frame.bytesPerLine(i); //
            f->extended_data[i] = (uint8_t*)frame.constBits(i);
    AVPacket pkt;
    pkt.data = (uint8_t*)d.buffer.constData();
    pkt.size = d.buffer.size();
    int got_packet = 0;
    int ret = avcodec_encode_audio2(d.avctx, &pkt, f, &got_packet);
    if (ret < 0) {
        //qWarning("error avcodec_encode_audio2: %s" ,av_err2str(ret));
        return false; //false
    if (!got_packet) {
        qWarning("no packet got");
        return false; //false
    // qDebug("enc avpkt.pts: %lld, dts: %lld.", pkt.pts, pkt.dts);
    d.packet = Packet::fromAVPacket(&pkt, av_q2d(d.avctx->time_base));
    // qDebug("enc packet.pts: %.3f, dts: %.3f.", d.packet.pts, d.packet.dts);
    return true;