void HandleBeforeCast() { if (Player* _player = GetCaster()->ToPlayer()) { Aura* aur = GetCaster()->AddAura(WARRIOR_SPELL_DOUBLE_TIME, GetCaster()); if (!aur) return; AuraApplication* app = aur->GetApplicationOfTarget(GetCaster()->GetGUID()); if (!app) return; app->ClientUpdate(); } }
bool PlayerbotClassAI::castDispel (uint32 dispelSpell, Unit *dTarget, bool checkFirst, bool castExistingAura, bool skipFriendlyCheck, bool skipEquipStanceCheck) { if (dispelSpell == 0 || !dTarget ) return false; //if (!canCast(dispelSpell, dTarget, true)) return false; //Needless cpu cycles wasted, usually a playerbot can cast a dispell const SpellEntry *dSpell = GetSpellStore()->LookupEntry(dispelSpell); if (!dSpell) return false; for (uint8 i = 0 ; i < MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS ; ++i) { if (dSpell->Effect[i] != (uint32)SPELL_EFFECT_DISPEL) continue; uint32 dispel_type = dSpell->EffectMiscValue[i]; uint32 dispelMask = GetDispellMask(DispelType(dispel_type)); Unit::AuraMap const& auras = dTarget->GetOwnedAuras(); for (Unit::AuraMap::const_iterator itr = auras.begin(); itr != auras.end(); itr++) { Aura * aura = itr->second; AuraApplication * aurApp = aura->GetApplicationOfTarget(dTarget->GetGUID()); if (!aurApp) continue; if ((1<<aura->GetSpellProto()->Dispel) & dispelMask) { if(aura->GetSpellProto()->Dispel == DISPEL_MAGIC) { bool positive = aurApp->IsPositive() ? (!(aura->GetSpellProto()->AttributesEx & SPELL_ATTR0_UNK7)) : false; // do not remove positive auras if friendly target // negative auras if non-friendly target if(positive == dTarget->IsFriendlyTo(GetPlayerBot())) continue; } // If there is a successfull match return, else continue searching. if (CastSpell(dSpell, dTarget, checkFirst, castExistingAura, skipFriendlyCheck, skipEquipStanceCheck)) { return true; } } } } return false; }
bool PlayerbotClassAI::castSelfCCBreakers (uint32 castList[]) { uint32 dispelSpell = 0; Player *dTarget = GetPlayerBot(); /* dispelSpell = (uint32) R_ESCAPE_ARTIST; // this is script effect, Unit::AuraMap const& auras = dTarget->GetOwnedAuras(); for (Unit::AuraMap::const_iterator itr = auras.begin(); itr != auras.end(); itr++) { Aura * aura = itr->second; AuraApplication * aurApp = aura->GetApplicationOfTarget(dTarget->GetGUID()); if (!aurApp) continue; if ( ( aura->GetSpellProto()->Mechanic == MECHANIC_SNARE ) || ( aura->GetSpellProto()->Mechanic == MECHANIC_ROOT ) ) { if(aura->GetSpellProto()->Dispel == DISPEL_MAGIC) { bool positive = aurApp->IsPositive() ? (!(aura->GetSpellProto()->AttributesEx & SPELL_ATTR0_UNK7)) : false; // do not remove positive auras if friendly target // negative auras if non-friendly target if(positive == dTarget->IsFriendlyTo(caster)) continue; } return castSpell(dispelSpell, dTarget); } } return false; */ // racial abilities /* if( GetPlayerBot()->getRace() == RACE_BLOODELF && !pTarget->HasAura( ARCANE_TORRENT,0 ) && castSpell( ARCANE_TORRENT,pTarget ) ) { //GetPlayerBot()->Say("Arcane Torrent!", LANG_UNIVERSAL); } else if( GetPlayerBot()->getRace() == RACE_HUMAN && (GetPlayerBot()->HasUnitState( UNIT_STAT_STUNNED ) || GetPlayerBot()->HasAuraType( SPELL_AURA_MOD_FEAR ) || GetPlayerBot()->HasAuraType( SPELL_AURA_MOD_DECREASE_SPEED ) || GetPlayerBot()->HasAuraType( SPELL_AURA_MOD_CHARM )) && castSpell( EVERY_MAN_FOR_HIMSELF, GetPlayerBot() ) ) { //GetPlayerBot()->Say("EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!", LANG_UNIVERSAL); } else if( GetPlayerBot()->getRace() == RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER && (GetPlayerBot()->HasAuraType( SPELL_AURA_MOD_FEAR ) || GetPlayerBot()->HasAuraType( SPELL_AURA_MOD_CHARM )) && castSpell( WILL_OF_THE_FORSAKEN, GetPlayerBot() ) ) { // GetPlayerBot()->Say("WILL OF THE FORSAKEN!", LANG_UNIVERSAL); } else if( GetPlayerBot()->getRace() == RACE_DWARF && GetPlayerBot()->HasAuraState( AURA_STATE_DEADLY_POISON ) && castSpell( STONEFORM, GetPlayerBot() ) ) { //GetPlayerBot()->Say("STONEFORM!", LANG_UNIVERSAL); } else if( GetPlayerBot()->getRace() == RACE_GNOME && (GetPlayerBot()->HasUnitState( UNIT_STAT_STUNNED ) || GetPlayerBot()->HasAuraType( SPELL_AURA_MOD_DECREASE_SPEED )) && castSpell( ESCAPE_ARTIST, GetPlayerBot() ) ) { // GetPlayerBot()->Say("ESCAPE ARTIST!", LANG_UNIVERSAL); } */ for (uint8 j = 0; j < sizeof (castList); j++) { dispelSpell = castList[j]; if (dispelSpell == 0 || !dTarget->HasSpell(dispelSpell) || !CanCast(dispelSpell, dTarget, true)) continue; SpellEntry const *dSpell = GetSpellStore()->LookupEntry(dispelSpell); if (!dSpell) continue; for (uint8 i = 0 ; i < MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS ; ++i) { if (dSpell->Effect[i] != (uint32)SPELL_EFFECT_DISPEL && dSpell->Effect[i] != (uint32)SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA) continue; if (dSpell->Effect[i] == (uint32)SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA && ( (dSpell->EffectApplyAuraName[i] != (uint32) SPELL_AURA_MECHANIC_IMMUNITY) || (dSpell->EffectApplyAuraName[i] != (uint32) SPELL_AURA_DISPEL_IMMUNITY) )) continue; Unit::AuraMap const& auras = dTarget->GetOwnedAuras(); for (Unit::AuraMap::const_iterator itr = auras.begin(); itr != auras.end(); itr++) { Aura * aura = itr->second; AuraApplication * aurApp = aura->GetApplicationOfTarget(dTarget->GetGUID()); if (!aurApp) continue; if (aura->GetSpellProto() && ( (dSpell->Effect[i] == (uint32)SPELL_EFFECT_DISPEL && ((1<<aura->GetSpellProto()->Dispel) & GetDispellMask(DispelType(dSpell->EffectMiscValue[i]))) ) || (dSpell->EffectApplyAuraName[i] == (uint32) SPELL_AURA_MECHANIC_IMMUNITY && ( GetAllSpellMechanicMask(aura->GetSpellProto()) & ( 1 << dSpell->EffectMiscValue[i]) ) ) || (dSpell->EffectApplyAuraName[i] == (uint32) SPELL_AURA_DISPEL_IMMUNITY && ( (1<<aura->GetSpellProto()->Dispel) & GetDispellMask(DispelType(dSpell->EffectMiscValue[i])) ) ) ) ) { if(aura->GetSpellProto()->Dispel == DISPEL_MAGIC) { bool positive = aurApp->IsPositive() ? (!(aura->GetSpellProto()->AttributesEx & SPELL_ATTR0_UNK7)) : false; if(positive)continue; } return CastSpell(dispelSpell, dTarget, false); } } } } return false; }