void WebHistory::AddItem(const AutoJObject& list, WebCore::HistoryItem* item)
    LOG_ASSERT(item, "newItem must take a valid HistoryItem!");
    // Item already added. Should only happen when we are inflating the list.
    if (item->bridge() || !list.get())

    JNIEnv* env = list.env();
    // Allocate a blank WebHistoryItem
    jclass clazz = env->FindClass("android/webkit/WebHistoryItem");
    jobject newItem = env->NewObject(clazz, gWebHistoryItem.mInit);

    // Create the bridge, make it active, and attach it to the item.
    WebHistoryItem* bridge = new WebHistoryItem(env, newItem, item);

    // Update the history item which will flatten the data and call update on
    // the java item.

    // Add it to the list.
    env->CallVoidMethod(list.get(), gWebBackForwardList.mAddHistoryItem, newItem);

    // Delete our local reference.
void WebHistory::UpdateHistoryIndex(const AutoJObject& list, int newIndex)
    if (list.get())
        list.env()->CallVoidMethod(list.get(), gWebBackForwardList.mSetCurrentIndex, newIndex);
void WebHistory::RemoveItem(const AutoJObject& list, int index)
    if (list.get())
        list.env()->CallVoidMethod(list.get(), gWebBackForwardList.mRemoveHistoryItem, index);