TEST_F(AutoInjectableTest, VerifySimpleThreadWait) {
  // Immediate kickoff:

  // Make an injectable, run it, and stuff it right into a future:
  AutoFuture future;

  // Make a thread and then start it going:
  Autowired<CoreThread> thread;
  ASSERT_TRUE(thread.IsAutowired()) << "Thread was not injected by an injector as expected";

  AutoRequired<std::mutex> barr;
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(*barr);

    // Add a lambda that we intentionally block:
    *thread += [] {
      Autowired<CoreThread> thread;
      Autowired<std::mutex> barr;
      ASSERT_TRUE(thread && barr) << "Failed to find a required type in the current context";
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(*barr);

    // Instant wait:
    ASSERT_FALSE(future.WaitFor(std::chrono::nanoseconds(1))) << "Premature wait return on an injector-provided future";

  // Now that the thread is unblocked, verify that it quits:
  ASSERT_TRUE(future.WaitFor(std::chrono::seconds(5))) << "Wait failed to return on an injector-provided future";