Example #1
    /** Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty (V)
        When the hasOwnProperty method is called with argument V, the following steps are taken:
        1. Let O be this object.
        2. Call ToString(V).
        3. If O doesn't have a property with the name given by Result(2), return false.
        4. Return true.
        NOTE Unlike [[HasProperty]] (section, this method does not consider objects in the prototype chain.
    bool ObjectClass::_hasOwnProperty(Atom thisAtom, Stringp name)
        AvmCore* core = this->core();
        name = name ? core->internString(name) : (Stringp)core->knull;

        Traitsp t = NULL;
        switch (atomKind(thisAtom))
            case kObjectType:
                // ISSUE should this look in traits and dynamic vars, or just dynamic vars.
                ScriptObject* obj = AvmCore::atomToScriptObject(thisAtom);
                // TODO
                // The change below is important as otherwise we will throw error in a call to hasAtomProperty for ByteArrayObject.
                // This gets us back to the behaviour which we had in Marlin.
                // A bugzilla bug [ 562224 ] has been created to address this issue more cleanly in near future
                return obj->traits()->getTraitsBindings()->findBinding(name, core->findPublicNamespace()) != BIND_NONE ||
            case kNamespaceType:
            case kStringType:
            case kBooleanType:
            case kDoubleType:
            case kIntptrType:
                t = toplevel()->toTraits(thisAtom);
                return false;
        // NOTE use caller's public namespace
        return t->getTraitsBindings()->findBinding(name, core->findPublicNamespace()) != BIND_NONE;
Example #2
    // Execute the ToString algorithm as described in ECMA-262 Section 9.8.
    // This is ToString(ToPrimitive(input argument, hint String))
    // ToPrimitive(input argument, hint String) calls [[DefaultValue]]
    // described in ECMA-262  The [[DefaultValue]] algorithm
    // with hint String is inlined here.
    Stringp ScriptObject::toString()
        AvmCore *core = this->core();
        Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();

        Atom atomv_out[1];

        // call this.toString()
        // NOTE use callers versioned public to get correct toString
        Multiname tempname(core->findPublicNamespace(), core->ktoString);
        atomv_out[0] = atom();
        Atom result = toplevel->callproperty(atom(), &tempname, 0, atomv_out, vtable);

        // if result is primitive, return its ToString
        if (atomKind(result) != kObjectType)
            return core->string(result);

        // otherwise call this.valueOf()
        atomv_out[0] = atom();
        result = toplevel->callproperty(atom(), &tempname, 0, atomv_out, vtable);

        // if result is primitive, return it
        if (atomKind(result) != kObjectType)
            return core->string(result);

        // could not convert to primitive.
        toplevel->throwTypeError(kConvertToPrimitiveError, core->toErrorString(traits()));
        return NULL; // unreachable
Example #3
 Atom VectorBaseObject::getAtomProperty(Atom name) const
     uint32 index;
     bool isNumber=false;
     AvmCore* core = this->core();
     if (getVectorIndex(name, index, isNumber))
         return getUintProperty(index);
             // Not a valid indexed name - has a decimal part
             // NOTE use default public for message gen
             Multiname mn(core->findPublicNamespace(), core->string(name));
             toplevel()->throwReferenceError(kReadSealedError, &mn, traits());
         // Check the prototype chain - that will throw if there is no match
         return getAtomPropertyFromProtoChain(name, getDelegate(), traits());
Example #4
    // E4X 10.4, pg 36
    Atom XMLListClass::ToXMLList(Atom arg)
        AvmCore* core = this->core();

        if (AvmCore::isNullOrUndefined(arg))
                       (arg == undefinedAtom) ? kConvertUndefinedToObjectError :
            return arg;

        if (AvmCore::isXMLList(arg))
            return arg;
        else if (AvmCore::isXML(arg))
            XMLObject *x = AvmCore::atomToXMLObject(arg);
            Multiname m;
            bool bFound = x->getQName (&m);
            Atom parent = x->parent();
            if (parent == undefinedAtom)
                parent = nullObjectAtom;
            XMLListObject *xl = XMLListObject::create(core->GetGC(), toplevel()->xmlListClass(), parent, bFound ? &m : 0);

            xl->_append (arg);
            return xl->atom();
            Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();

            Stringp s = core->string(arg);

            if (s->matchesLatin1("<>", 2, 0) && s->matchesLatin1("</>", 3, s->length()-3))
                s = s->substr(2, s->length() - 5);

            Namespace *defaultNamespace = toplevel->getDefaultNamespace();
            // We handle this step in the XMLObject constructor to avoid concatenation huge strings together
            // parentString = <parent xnlns=defaultNamespace> s </parent>
            // 3. Parse parentString as a W3C element information info e
            // 4. If the parse fails, throw a SyntaxError exception
            // 5. x = toXML(e);
            //StringBuffer parentString (core);
            //parentString << "<parent xmlns=\"";
            //parentString << defaultNamespace->getURI();
            //parentString << "\">";
            //parentString << s;
            //parentString << "</parent>";
            XMLObject *x = XMLObject::create(core->GetGC(), toplevel->xmlClass(), s, defaultNamespace);

            XMLListObject *xl = XMLListObject::create(core->GetGC(), toplevel->xmlListClass());
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < x->getNode()->_length(); i++)
                E4XNode *c = x->getNode()->_getAt (i);
                c->setParent (NULL);

                // !!@ trying to emulate rhino behavior here
                // Add the default namespace to our top element.
                Namespace *ns = toplevel->getDefaultNamespace();
                c->_addInScopeNamespace (core, ns, core->findPublicNamespace());
                xl->_appendNode (c);
            return xl->atom();