Example #1
// ParseIncludeDirective
bool BFFParser::ParseIncludeDirective( BFFIterator & iter )
	// Sanity check include depth to detect cyclic includes
	if ( s_Depth >= 128 )
		Error::Error_1035_ExcessiveDepthComplexity( iter );
		return false;

	// we expect a " quoted string
	if ( *iter != '"' )
		Error::Error_1031_UnexpectedCharFollowingDirectiveName( iter, AStackString<>( "include" ), '"' ); 
		return false;

	BFFIterator stringStart( iter );
	stringStart++; // first actual character

	// find end of string
	if ( iter.ParseToNext( '"' ) == false )
		Error::Error_1012_UnexpectedEndOfFile( iter );
		return false;

	// unescape and substitute variables
	AStackString<> include;
	if ( PerformVariableSubstitutions( stringStart, iter, include ) == false )
		return false;

	iter++; // skip closing quote before returning

	FLOG_INFO( "Including: %s\n", include.Get() );

	// open include

	// 1) Try current directory
	AStackString<> includeToUse;
	if (PathUtils::IsFullPath(include) == false)
		const char * lastSlash = iter.GetFileName().FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
		lastSlash = lastSlash ? lastSlash : iter.GetFileName().FindLast( OTHER_SLASH );
		lastSlash = lastSlash ? ( lastSlash + 1 ): iter.GetFileName().Get(); // file only, truncate to empty
		includeToUse.Assign( iter.GetFileName().Get(), lastSlash );
	includeToUse += include;
	AStackString<> includeToUseClean;
	NodeGraph::CleanPath( includeToUse, includeToUseClean );
	FileStream f;
	if ( f.Open( includeToUseClean.Get(), FileStream::READ_ONLY ) == false )
		Error::Error_1032_UnableToOpenInclude( stringStart, includeToUseClean );
		return false;

	// check if include uses "once" pragma
	if ( FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph().IsOneUseFile( includeToUseClean ) )
		// already seen, and uses #once : don't include again
		return true;

	uint64_t includeTimeStamp = FileIO::GetFileLastWriteTime( includeToUseClean );

	// read content of include
	const uint32_t fileSize = (uint32_t)f.GetFileSize();
	AutoPtr< char > mem( (char *)ALLOC( fileSize + 1 ) );
	if ( f.Read( mem.Get(), fileSize ) != fileSize )
		Error::Error_1033_ErrorReadingInclude( stringStart, include, Env::GetLastErr() );
		return false;
	mem.Get()[ fileSize ] = '\000'; // sentinel
	BFFParser parser;
	const bool pushStackFrame = false; // include is treated as if injected at this point
	return parser.Parse( mem.Get(), fileSize, includeToUseClean.Get(), includeTimeStamp, pushStackFrame ); 
Example #2
// FormatError
void Error::FormatError( const BFFIterator & iter,
                         uint32_t errNum,
                         const Function * function,
                         const char * message, ... )
    ASSERT( message );
    AStackString< 4096 > buffer;

    va_list args;
    va_start(args, message);
    buffer.VFormat( message, args );
    va_end( args );

    // get human readable info about the position of the error
    uint32_t line = 0;
    uint32_t column = 0;
    const char * lineStart = nullptr;
    iter.GetPosInfo( line, column, lineStart );

    // convert to full path and '/'->'\' cleanup
    const AStackString<> fileName( iter.GetFileName() );
    AStackString<> fullPath;
    NodeGraph::CleanPath( fileName, fullPath );

    // deliberately using OUTPUT here to avoid "Error:" in front
    OUTPUT( "%s(%u,%u): FASTBuild Error #%04u - %s%s%s\n",
            function ? function->GetName().Get() : "",
            function ? "() - " : "",
            buffer.Get() );

    // find the line end
    BFFIterator lineEnd( iter );
    while ( !lineEnd.IsAtEnd() )
        if (( *lineEnd != '\r' ) && ( *lineEnd != '\n' ))

    // if line is too crazy to be useful, don't print anything more
    size_t lineLength = lineEnd.GetCurrent() - lineStart;
    if ( lineLength >= 256 )

    // print the problematic line
    AString::Copy( lineStart, buffer.Get(), lineLength );
    FLOG_ERROR( "%s", buffer.Get() );

    // point to the specific pos where parsing broke
    // (taking into account tabs)
    char * c = buffer.Get();
    const char * end = c + column - 1;
    for ( ; c < end; ++c )
        if ( *c != '\t' )
            *c = ' ';

    AString::Copy( "^", c, 1 );
    FLOG_ERROR( buffer.Get() );
    AString::Copy( "\\--here", c, 8 );
    FLOG_ERROR( buffer.Get() );
Example #3
// ParseNamedVariableName
/*static*/ bool BFFParser::ParseVariableName( BFFIterator & iter, AString & name, bool & parentScope )
	// skip over the declaration symbol

	parentScope = ( *iter == BFF_DECLARE_VAR_PARENT );

	const BFFIterator varNameStart = iter; // include type token in var name

	// make sure we haven't hit the end of the file
	if ( iter.IsAtEnd() )
		Error::Error_1012_UnexpectedEndOfFile( iter );
		return false;

	if ( *iter == '\'' || *iter == '"' )
		// parse the string
		const BFFIterator openToken = iter;
		iter.SkipString( *openToken );
		if ( *iter != *openToken )
			Error::Error_1002_MatchingClosingTokenNotFound( openToken, nullptr, *openToken );
			return false;
		BFFIterator stringStart = openToken;

		// unescape and subsitute embedded variables
		AStackString< 256 > value;
		if ( PerformVariableSubstitutions( stringStart, iter, value ) == false )
			return false;
		iter++; // skip close token

		BFFIterator varNameIter( value.Get(), value.GetLength(), iter.GetFileName().Get(), iter.GetFileTimeStamp() );

		// sanity check it is a sensible length
		if ( value.GetLength() + 1/* '.' will be added */  > MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH )
			Error::Error_1014_VariableNameIsTooLong( varNameIter, (uint32_t)value.GetLength(), (uint32_t)MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH );
			return false;

		// sanity check it is a valid variable name
		while ( varNameIter.IsAtEnd() == false )
			if ( varNameIter.IsAtValidVariableNameCharacter() == false )
				Error::Error_1013_UnexpectedCharInVariableName( varNameIter, nullptr );
				return false;

		// append '.' to variable name
		name = ".";
		name.Append( value );
		// make sure immediately after the symbol starts a variable name
		if ( iter.IsAtValidVariableNameCharacter() == false )
			Error::Error_1013_UnexpectedCharInVariableName( iter, nullptr );
			return false;

		// find the end of the variable name
		const BFFIterator varNameEnd = iter;

		// sanity check it is a sensible length
		size_t varNameLen = varNameStart.GetDistTo( varNameEnd );
		if ( varNameLen > MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH )
			Error::Error_1014_VariableNameIsTooLong( iter, (uint32_t)varNameLen, (uint32_t)MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH );
			return false;

		// store variable name
		name.Assign( varNameStart.GetCurrent(), varNameEnd.GetCurrent() );

	ASSERT( name.GetLength() > 0 );
	if ( parentScope )
		// exchange '^' with '.'

	return true;