#includeBRect myRect(50, 50, 100, 100); // create a BRect object myRect.OffsetBy(-10, 20); // move the BRect by an offset of (-10, 20)
#includeHere, the function moveRect takes an old BRect object and an x and y offset as parameters, and returns a new BRect object after moving it by the specified offset. In conclusion, BRect OffsetBy in C++ library belongs to the BeOS/Haiku operating system's API, and it is used to move the coordinates of a rectangular region by a specified offset in both x and y directions.BRect moveRect(BRect oldRect, float xOff, float yOff) { oldRect.OffsetBy(xOff, yOff); return oldRect; } // example usage BRect rect1(100, 100, 200, 200); BRect rect2 = moveRect(rect1, -20, 30); // this will move rect1 by (-20, 30) and store it in rect2