	if (fController->LockLooper()) {
		fController->StartWatching(this, kMsgControllerCaptureStarted);
		fController->StartWatching(this, kMsgControllerCaptureStopped);
		fController->StartWatching(this, kMsgControllerCapturePaused);
		fController->StartWatching(this, kMsgControllerCaptureResumed);
		fController->StartWatching(this, kMsgControllerEncodeStarted);
		fController->StartWatching(this, kMsgControllerEncodeProgress);
		fController->StartWatching(this, kMsgControllerEncodeFinished);
	if (Parent())
	BResources* resources = be_app->AppResources();
	size_t size;
	const void* buffer = resources->LoadResource('VICN', "record_icon", &size);
	if (buffer != NULL)
		BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon((uint8*)buffer, size, fRecordingBitmap);
	buffer = resources->LoadResource('VICN', "pause_icon", &size);
	if (buffer != NULL)
		BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon((uint8*)buffer, size, fPauseBitmap);
Example #2
ResourceToAttribute(BFile &file, BResources &res,type_code code, const char *name)
	if (!name)
		return false;
	int32 id;
	size_t length;
	if (res.GetResourceInfo(code,name,&id,&length))
		const void *buffer = res.LoadResource(code,name,&length);
		if (!buffer)
			STRACE(2,("Resource %s exists, but couldn't be loaded\n",name));
			return false;
		STRACE(2,("Successfully wrote attribute %s\n",name));
		return true;
		STRACE(2,("Resource %s doesn't exist\n",name));
	return false;
Example #3
	// The alert icons are in the app_server resources
	BBitmap* icon = NULL;
	BPath path;
	if (find_directory(B_BEOS_SERVERS_DIRECTORY, &path) == B_OK) {
		BFile file;
		if (file.SetTo(path.Path(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK) {
			BResources resources;
			if (resources.SetTo(&file) == B_OK) {
				// Which icon are we trying to load?
				const char* iconName = "warn";

				// Load the raw icon data
				size_t size;
				const void* rawIcon =
					resources.LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, iconName, &size);

				if (rawIcon != NULL) {
					// Now build the bitmap
					icon = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 31, 31), B_RGBA32);
					if (BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon((const uint8*)rawIcon, size,
							icon) != B_OK) {
						delete icon;
						return NULL;

	return icon;
Example #4
BBitmap * BitmapUtils::LoadFromResource(int32 id)
	BArchivable *archivable;
	BResources resources;
	BMessage message;
	const void *data;
	BBitmap *bitmap;
	app_info info;
	BFile file;
	size_t len;

	if (be_app->GetAppInfo(&info) != B_OK) return NULL;
	if (file.SetTo(&(info.ref), B_READ_ONLY) != B_OK) return NULL;
	if (resources.SetTo(&file, false) != B_OK) return NULL;
	data = resources.LoadResource('BBMP', id, &len);
	if (data == NULL || len <= 0) return NULL;
	if (message.Unflatten((const char *)data) != B_OK) return NULL;
	archivable = BBitmap::Instantiate(&message);
	if (archivable == NULL) return NULL;
	bitmap = dynamic_cast<BBitmap*>(archivable);
	if (bitmap == NULL) {
		delete archivable;
		return NULL;
	return bitmap;
Example #5
	// This is how BAlert gets to its icon
	BBitmap* icon = NULL;
	BPath path;
	if (find_directory(B_BEOS_SERVERS_DIRECTORY, &path) == B_OK) {
		BResources resources;
		BFile file;
		if (file.SetTo(path.Path(), B_READ_ONLY) == B_OK
			&& resources.SetTo(&file) == B_OK) {
			size_t size;
			const void* data = resources.LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE,
				"warn", &size);
			if (data) {
				icon = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 31, 31), 0, B_RGBA32);
				if (BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon((const uint8*)data, size, icon)
						!= B_OK) {
					delete icon;
					icon = NULL;

	return icon;
Example #6
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBitmap
// Returns a BBitmap object for the bitmap resource identified by
// the type type with the resource id, id. 
// The user has to delete this object.
// Preconditions:
// Parameters: type, the type of resource to be loaded
//             id, the id for the resource to be loaded
//             roster, BTranslatorRoster used to do the translation
// Postconditions:
// Returns: NULL, if the resource couldn't be loaded or couldn't
//                be translated to a BBitmap
//          BBitmap * to the bitmap identified by type and id
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
BBitmap *
BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(uint32 type, int32 id, BTranslatorRoster *roster)
	BResources *pResources = BApplication::AppResources();
		// Remember: pResources must not be freed because
		// it belongs to the application
	if (pResources == NULL || pResources->HasResource(type, id) == false)
		return NULL;
	// Load the bitmap resource from the application file 
	// pRawData should be NULL if the resource is an
	// unknown type or not available
	size_t bitmapSize = 0;
	const void *kpRawData = pResources->LoadResource(type, id, &bitmapSize);
	if (kpRawData == NULL || bitmapSize == 0)
		return NULL;
	BMemoryIO memio(kpRawData, bitmapSize);
		// Put the pointer to the raw image data into a BMemoryIO object
		// so that it can be used with BTranslatorRoster->Translate() in
		// the GetBitmap(BPositionIO *, BTranslatorRoster *) function
	return GetBitmap(&memio, roster);
		// Translate the data in memio using the BTranslatorRoster roster
IconView::ShowIconHeap(bool show)
	if (show == (fHeapIcon != NULL))

	if (show) {
		BResources* resources = be_app->AppResources();
		if (resources != NULL) {
			const void* data = NULL;
			size_t size;
			data = resources->LoadResource('VICN', "icon heap", &size);
			if (data != NULL) {
				// got vector icon data
				fHeapIcon = Icon::AllocateBitmap(B_LARGE_ICON, B_RGBA32);
				if (BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon((const uint8*)data,
						size, fHeapIcon) != B_OK) {
					// bad data
					delete fHeapIcon;
					fHeapIcon = NULL;
					data = NULL;
			if (data == NULL) {
				// no vector icon or failed to get bitmap
				// try bitmap icon
				data = resources->LoadResource(B_LARGE_ICON_TYPE, "icon heap",
				if (data != NULL) {
					fHeapIcon = Icon::AllocateBitmap(B_LARGE_ICON, B_CMAP8);
					if (fHeapIcon != NULL) {
						memcpy(fHeapIcon->Bits(), data,
	} else {
		delete fHeapIcon;
		fHeapIcon = NULL;
Example #8
SharedBitmap::_CreateBitmapFromResource(int32 size) const
	BResources resources;
	status_t status = get_app_resources(resources);
	if (status != B_OK)
		return NULL;

	size_t dataSize;
	const void* data = resources.LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, fResourceID,
	if (data != NULL)
		return _LoadIconFromBuffer(data, dataSize, size);

	data = resources.LoadResource(B_MESSAGE_TYPE, fResourceID, &dataSize);
	if (data != NULL)
		return _LoadBitmapFromBuffer(data, dataSize);

	return NULL;
Example #9
TreeView::TreeView (float left, float top, const char *name, rgb_color backColor, BMessage *expanded,
			BMessage *collapsed, BMessage *midway, int8 index)
	: BView (BRect (left, top, left + 13, top + 13), name, B_FOLLOW_LEFT, B_WILL_DRAW | B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE),
		collapsedMsg (collapsed),
		expandedMsg (expanded),
		midwayMsg (midway)
	indexID = index;
	SetViewColor (backColor);

	/* This index helps our caller to make their superitem implementation completely generic
		and not hardcoded */
	collapsedMsg->AddInt8 ("item_index", indexID);
	expandedMsg->AddInt8 ("item_index", indexID);
	midwayMsg->AddInt8 ("item_index", indexID);
	/* Load all the bitmaps from the resource file - No error checking for speed */
	BResources *appRes = be_app->AppResources();
	size_t bmpSize;
	BMessage msg;
	char *buf;

	buf = (char*)appRes->LoadResource ('BBMP', "Image:Collapsed", &bmpSize);
	msg.Unflatten (buf);
	collapsedBitmap = new BBitmap (&msg);

	buf = (char*)appRes->LoadResource ('BBMP', "Image:MidWay", &bmpSize);
	msg.Unflatten (buf);
	midwayBitmap = new BBitmap (&msg);

	buf = (char*)appRes->LoadResource ('BBMP', "Image:Expanded", &bmpSize);
	msg.Unflatten (buf);
	expandedBitmap = new BBitmap (&msg);

	/* Initially set the state as collapsed */
	isExpanded = false;
	isMidWay = false;
Example #10
status_t TaskFS::SetUpMimeTyp(void)
	status_t err;
	//set the MimeType
	BMimeType mime(TASK_MIMETYPE);
	//later do better check
	bool valid = mime.IsInstalled();
	if (!valid) {
			"Short mimetype description"));
			"Long mimetype description"));
		//get the icon from our Ressources
		BResources* res = BApplication::AppResources();
		if (res != NULL){
			size_t size;
			const void* data = res->LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, "TASK_ICON", &size);
			if (data!=NULL)
				mime.SetIcon(reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(data), size);

		// add default task fields to meta-mime type
		BMessage fields;
		for (int32 i = 0; sDefaultAttributes[i].attribute; i++) {
			fields.AddString("attr:public_name", sDefaultAttributes[i].name);
			fields.AddString("attr:name", sDefaultAttributes[i].attribute);
			fields.AddInt32("attr:type", sDefaultAttributes[i].type);
			fields.AddString("attr:display_as", sDefaultAttributes[i].displayAs);
			fields.AddBool("attr:viewable", sDefaultAttributes[i].isPublic);
			fields.AddBool("attr:editable", sDefaultAttributes[i].editable);
			fields.AddInt32("attr:width", sDefaultAttributes[i].width);
			fields.AddInt32("attr:alignment", B_ALIGN_LEFT);
			fields.AddBool("attr:extra", false);
			// create indices on all volumes for the found attributes.
		int32 count = 8;
		BVolumeRoster volumeRoster;
		BVolume volume;
		while (volumeRoster.GetNextVolume(&volume) == B_OK) {
			for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
				if (sDefaultAttributes[i].isPublic == true)
					fs_create_index(volume.Device(), sDefaultAttributes[i].attribute,
						sDefaultAttributes[i].type, 0);
		err = B_OK;
	return err;
Example #11
BBitmap* LoadVectorIcon(const char* name, int32 size)
	BResources* res = BApplication::AppResources();
	size_t length = 0;
	const void* data = res->LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, name, &length);
	BBitmap* dest = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, size, size), B_RGBA32);
	if (data != NULL &&
		BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon((uint8*)data, length, dest) == B_OK)
		return dest;
	delete dest;
	return NULL;
Example #12
// read_boot_code_data
static uint8 *
read_boot_code_data(const char* programPath)
	// open our executable
	BFile executableFile;
	status_t error = executableFile.SetTo(programPath, B_READ_ONLY);
	if (error != B_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to open my executable file (\"%s\": "
			"%s\n", programPath, strerror(error));

	uint8 *bootCodeData = new uint8[kBootCodeSize];

	// open our resources
	BResources resources;
	error = resources.SetTo(&executableFile);
	const void *resourceData = NULL;
	if (error == B_OK) {
		// read the boot block from the resources
		size_t resourceSize;
		resourceData = resources.LoadResource(B_RAW_TYPE, 666, &resourceSize);

		if (resourceData && resourceSize != (size_t)kBootCodeSize) {
			resourceData = NULL;
			printf("Warning: Something is fishy with my resources! The boot "
				"code doesn't have the correct size. Trying the attribute "
				"instead ...\n");

	if (resourceData) {
		// found boot data in the resources
		memcpy(bootCodeData, resourceData, kBootCodeSize);
	} else {
		// no boot data in the resources; try the attribute
		ssize_t bytesRead = executableFile.ReadAttr("BootCode", B_RAW_TYPE,
			0, bootCodeData, kBootCodeSize);
		if (bytesRead < 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to read boot code from resources "
				"or attribute.\n");
		if (bytesRead != kBootCodeSize) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to read boot code from resources, "
				"and the boot code in the attribute has the wrong size!\n");

	return bootCodeData;
void PanelView::LoadResources(void)
	entry_ref	ref;
	app_info 	info;

	m_ParentIcon = NULL;
	m_UnknownIcon = NULL;

	if (be_app->GetAppInfo(&info)==B_OK)
		BFile file(&info.ref, B_READ_ONLY);
		if (file.InitCheck()==B_OK)
			BResources rsrcs;
			size_t len = 0;
			if (rsrcs.SetTo(&file)==B_OK)
				const void *data;
				data = rsrcs.LoadResource('MICN',1,&len);
				if (data)
					m_ParentIcon = new unsigned char[len];

				data = rsrcs.LoadResource('MICN',2,&len);
				if (data)
					m_UnknownIcon = new unsigned char[len];
Example #14
BBitmap *LoadLargeIcon(const char *name) {
	BResources *res = BApplication::AppResources();
	if (res != NULL) {
		size_t length;
		const void *bits = res->LoadResource(icon, name, &length);
		if ((bits != NULL) && (length == B_LARGE_ICON * B_LARGE_ICON)) {
			BRect rect(0, 0, B_LARGE_ICON-1, B_LARGE_ICON-1);
			BBitmap *bitmap = new BBitmap(rect, B_CMAP8);
			bitmap->SetBits(bits, B_LARGE_ICON * B_LARGE_ICON, 0, B_CMAP8);
			return bitmap;
	return NULL;
Example #15
BBitmap *LoadMiniIcon(int32 id) {
	BResources *res = BApplication::AppResources();
	if (res != NULL) {
		size_t length;
		const void *bits = res->LoadResource(miniIcon, id, &length);
		if ((bits != NULL) && (length == B_MINI_ICON * B_MINI_ICON)) {
			BRect rect(0, 0, B_MINI_ICON-1, B_MINI_ICON-1);
			BBitmap *bitmap = new BBitmap(rect, B_CMAP8);
			bitmap->SetBits(bits, B_MINI_ICON * B_MINI_ICON, 0, B_CMAP8);
			return bitmap;
	return NULL;
Example #16
BBitmap *getIconFromResources(const char *icon_resname) {
	BBitmap *bmp = NULL;
	BResources *res = be_app->AppResources();
	if (res->HasResource('BBMP',icon_resname)) {
		printf("has resource bitmap [%s]\n",icon_resname);
		BMessage msg;
		size_t len;
		char *buf;
		buf = (char *)res->LoadResource('BBMP', icon_resname, &len);
//					printf("loaded,len=%i\n",len);
		bmp = new BBitmap(&msg);
	return bmp;
BrowserToolbar::_RetrieveBitmap(const char *name)
	BResources *resource = BApplication::AppResources();
	size_t size = 0;

	const void *data = resource->LoadResource('TBBM', name, &size);
	if (!data)
		return NULL;

	BBitmap *bitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 15, 15), B_RGBA32);
	if (BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon((const uint8 *)data, size, bitmap) != B_OK)
		return NULL;

	return bitmap;
Example #18
	: BLooper("MIDI devices watcher"),
	fDeviceEndpointsMap(), fVectorIconData(NULL), fVectorIconDataSize(0),
	fLargeIcon(NULL), fMiniIcon(NULL)
	// Load midi endpoint vector icon data
	app_info info;
	BFile file(&info.ref, B_READ_ONLY);

	BResources resources;
	if (resources.SetTo(&file) == B_OK) {
		size_t dataSize;
		// Load MIDI port endpoint vector icon
		const uint8* data = (const uint8*)resources.LoadResource(
			B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE,	"endpoint_vector_icon", &dataSize);

		if (data != NULL && dataSize > 0)
			fVectorIconData = new(std::nothrow) uint8[dataSize];

		if (fVectorIconData) {
			// data is own by resources local object: copy its content for
			// later use
			memcpy(fVectorIconData, data, dataSize);
			fVectorIconDataSize = dataSize;

	// Render 32x32 and 16x16 B_CMAP8 icons for R5 compatibility
	if (fVectorIconData != NULL) {
		fLargeIcon = new(std::nothrow) BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 31, 31), B_CMAP8);
		fMiniIcon  = new(std::nothrow) BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 15, 15), B_CMAP8);

		if (BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon(fVectorIconData, fVectorIconDataSize,
			fLargeIcon) != B_OK) {
			delete fLargeIcon;
			fLargeIcon = NULL;
		if (BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon(fVectorIconData, fVectorIconDataSize,
			fMiniIcon) != B_OK) {
			delete fMiniIcon;
			fMiniIcon = NULL;

Example #19
	BResources* res = BApplication::AppResources();
	if (res == NULL)
		return B_ERROR;

	size_t size = 0;
	fTable = (_XColorEntry*)res->LoadResource(B_RAW_TYPE, "XColorsTable", &size);
	if (fTable == NULL || size < sizeof(_XColorEntry)) {
		fTable = NULL;

	fCount = size / sizeof(_XColorEntry);
	return B_OK;
Example #20
BBitmap *LoadBitmap(const char *name, uint32 type_code) {
	if (type_code == B_TRANSLATOR_BITMAP) {
		return BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(type_code, name);
	} else {
		BResources *res = BApplication::AppResources();
		if (res != NULL) {
			size_t length;
			const void *bits = res->LoadResource(type_code, name, &length);
			BMessage m;
			if (bits && B_OK == m.Unflatten((char*)bits)) {
				BBitmap* bitmap = (BBitmap*)BBitmap::Instantiate(&m);
				return bitmap;
		return NULL;
Example #21
ResourceData::SetFromResource(const int32 &index, BResources &res)
	char *name;
	if (!res.GetResourceInfo(index, (type_code*)&fType, &fID,
							(const char **)&name, &fLength)) {
		*this = ResourceData();
		return false;
	fName = name;
	fTypeString = MakeTypeString(fType);
	fIDString = "";
	fIDString << fID;
	fAttr = false;
	char *data = (char *)res.LoadResource(fType,fID,&fLength);
	return true;
Example #22
BLocaleRoster::GetFlagIconForLanguage(BBitmap* flagIcon,
	const char* languageCode)
	if (languageCode == NULL || languageCode[0] == '\0'
		|| languageCode[1] == '\0')
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	BAutolock lock(fData->fLock);
	if (!lock.IsLocked())
		return B_ERROR;

	BResources* resources;
	status_t status = fData->GetResources(&resources);
	if (status != B_OK)
		return status;

	// Normalize the language code: first two letters, lowercase

	char normalizedCode[3];
	normalizedCode[0] = tolower(languageCode[0]);
	normalizedCode[1] = tolower(languageCode[1]);
	normalizedCode[2] = '\0';

	size_t size;
	const void* buffer = resources->LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE,
		normalizedCode, &size);
	if (buffer != NULL && size != 0) {
		return BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon(static_cast<const uint8*>(buffer),
			size, flagIcon);

	// There is no language flag, try to get the default country's flag for
	// the language instead.

	BLanguage language(languageCode);
	const char* countryCode = country_code_for_language(language);
	if (countryCode == NULL)
		return B_NAME_NOT_FOUND;

	return GetFlagIconForCountry(flagIcon, countryCode);
Example #23
PrinterItem::_LoadVectorIcon(const char* resourceName, float iconSize)
	size_t dataSize;
	BResources* resources = BApplication::AppResources();
	const void* data = resources->LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE,
		resourceName, &dataSize);

	if (data != NULL){
		BBitmap *iconBitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, iconSize - 1,
			iconSize - 1), 0, B_RGBA32);
		if (BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon(
				reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(data),
				dataSize, iconBitmap) == B_OK)
			return iconBitmap;
			delete iconBitmap;
	return NULL;
Example #24
BBitmap* MainWindow::ResourceVectorToBitmap(const char *resName, float iconSize)
	BResources res;
	size_t size;
	app_info appInfo;

	BFile appFile(&appInfo.ref, B_READ_ONLY);
	BBitmap *aBmp = NULL;
	const uint8* iconData = (const uint8*) res.LoadResource('VICN', resName, &size);

	if (size > 0 ) {
		aBmp = new BBitmap (BRect(0,0, iconSize, iconSize), 0, B_RGBA32);
		status_t result = BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon(iconData, size, aBmp);
		if (result != B_OK) {
			delete aBmp;
			aBmp = NULL;
	return aBmp;
Example #25
DefaultCatalog::ReadFromResource(entry_ref *appOrAddOnRef)
	BFile file;
	status_t res = file.SetTo(appOrAddOnRef, B_READ_ONLY);
	if (res != B_OK) {
			"couldn't find app or add-on (dev=%lu, dir=%Lu, name=%s)",
			appOrAddOnRef->device, appOrAddOnRef->directory,

		"looking for embedded catalog-resource in app/add-on"
		"(dev=%lu, dir=%Lu, name=%s)", appOrAddOnRef->device,
		appOrAddOnRef->directory, appOrAddOnRef->name);

	BResources rsrc;
	res = rsrc.SetTo(&file);
	if (res != B_OK) {
		log_team(LOG_DEBUG, "file has no resources");
		return res;

	size_t sz;
	const void *buf = rsrc.LoadResource(B_MESSAGE_TYPE,
		BLocaleRoster::kEmbeddedCatResId, &sz);
	if (!buf) {
		log_team(LOG_DEBUG, "file has no catalog-resource");
		return B_NAME_NOT_FOUND;

	BMemoryIO memIO(buf, sz);
	res = Unflatten(&memIO);

	return res;
Example #26
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBitmap
// Returns a BBitmap object for the bitmap resource identified by
// the type type with the resource name, kName. 
// The user has to delete this object. Note that a resource type
// and name does not uniquely identify a resource in a file.
// Preconditions:
// Parameters: type, the type of resource to be loaded
//             kName, the name of the resource to be loaded
//             roster, BTranslatorRoster used to do the translation
// Postconditions:
// Returns: NULL, if the resource couldn't be loaded or couldn't
//                be translated to a BBitmap
//          BBitmap * to the bitmap identified by type and kName
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
BBitmap *
BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(uint32 type, const char *kName,
	BTranslatorRoster *roster)
	BResources *pResources = BApplication::AppResources();
		// Remember: pResources must not be freed because
		// it belongs to the application
	if (pResources == NULL || pResources->HasResource(type, kName) == false)
		return NULL;
	// Load the bitmap resource from the application file 
	size_t bitmapSize = 0;
	const void *kpRawData = pResources->LoadResource(type, kName, &bitmapSize);
	if (kpRawData == NULL || bitmapSize == 0)
		return NULL;
	BMemoryIO memio(kpRawData, bitmapSize);
		// Put the pointer to the raw image data into a BMemoryIO object so
		// that it can be used with BTranslatorRoster->Translate() 
	return GetBitmap(&memio, roster);
		// Translate the data in memio using the BTranslatorRoster roster
DefaultCatalog::ReadFromResource(const entry_ref &appOrAddOnRef)
	BFile file;
	status_t res = file.SetTo(&appOrAddOnRef, B_READ_ONLY);
	if (res != B_OK)

	BResources rsrc;
	res = rsrc.SetTo(&file);
	if (res != B_OK)
		return res;

	size_t sz;
	const void *buf = rsrc.LoadResource('CADA', fLanguageName, &sz);
	if (!buf)
		return B_NAME_NOT_FOUND;

	BMemoryIO memIO(buf, sz);
	res = Unflatten(&memIO);

	return res;
Example #28
	BBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
	BResources resources;

	if (resources.InitCheck() == B_OK) {
		size_t resourceSize = 0;
		const void* resourceData = resources.LoadResource(
			B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE, fHasBattery
				? "battery_low" : "battery_critical", &resourceSize);
		if (resourceData != NULL) {
			BMemoryIO memoryIO(resourceData, resourceSize);
			bitmap = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(&memoryIO);

	BNotification notification(

	if (fHasBattery) {
		notification.SetTitle(B_TRANSLATE("Battery low"));
			"The battery level is getting low, please plug in the device."));
	} else {
		notification.SetTitle(B_TRANSLATE("Battery critical"));
			"The battery level is critical, please plug in the device "

	delete bitmap;
Example #29
BLocaleRoster::GetFlagIconForCountry(BBitmap* flagIcon, const char* countryCode)
	if (countryCode == NULL)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	BAutolock lock(fData->fLock);
	if (!lock.IsLocked())
		return B_ERROR;

	BResources* resources;
	status_t status = fData->GetResources(&resources);
	if (status != B_OK)
		return status;

	// Normalize the country code: 2 letters uppercase
	// filter things out so that "pt_BR" gives the flag for brazil

	int codeLength = strlen(countryCode);
	if (codeLength < 2)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	char normalizedCode[3];
	normalizedCode[0] = toupper(countryCode[codeLength - 2]);
	normalizedCode[1] = toupper(countryCode[codeLength - 1]);
	normalizedCode[2] = '\0';

	size_t size;
	const void* buffer = resources->LoadResource(B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE,
		normalizedCode, &size);
	if (buffer == NULL || size == 0)
		return B_NAME_NOT_FOUND;

	return BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon(static_cast<const uint8*>(buffer), size,
TResourceSet::LoadResource(type_code type, int32 id, const char* name,
	TypeList** inOutList)
	TypeItem* item = NULL;

	if (name) {
		BEntry entry;

		// If a named resource, first look in directories.
		int32 count = fDirectories.CountItems();
		for (int32 i = 0; item == 0 && i < count; i++) {
			BPath* dir = (BPath*)fDirectories.ItemAt(i);
			if (dir) {
				BPath path(dir->Path(), name);
				if (entry.SetTo(path.Path(), true) == B_OK ) {
					BFile file(&entry, B_READ_ONLY);
					if (file.InitCheck() == B_OK ) {
						item = new TypeItem(id, name, &file);

	if (!item) {
		// Look through resource objects for data.
		int32 count = fResources.CountItems();
		for (int32 i = 0; item == 0 && i < count; i++ ) {
			BResources* resource = (BResources*)fResources.ItemAt(i);
			if (resource) {
				const void* data = NULL;
				size_t size = 0;
				if (id >= 0)
					data = resource->LoadResource(type, id, &size);
				else if (name != NULL)
					data = resource->LoadResource(type, name, &size);

				if (data && size) {
					item = new TypeItem(id, name, data, size);

	if (item) {
		TypeList* list = inOutList ? *inOutList : NULL;
		if (!list) {
			// Don't currently have a list for this type -- check if there is
			// already one.
			list = FindTypeList(type);

		BAutolock lock(&fLock);

		if (!list) {
			// Need to make a new list for this type.
			list = new TypeList(type);
		if (inOutList)
			*inOutList = list;


	return item;