Example #1
 *  Append Data sent from File daemon
bool do_append_data(JCR *jcr)
   int32_t n;
   int32_t file_index, stream, last_file_index;
   BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
   bool ok = true;
   DEV_RECORD rec;
   char buf1[100], buf2[100];
   DCR *dcr = jcr->dcr;
   DEVICE *dev;
   char ec[50];

   if (!dcr) { 
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("DCR is NULL!!!\n"));
      return false;
   dev = dcr->dev;
   if (!dev) { 
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("DEVICE is NULL!!!\n"));
      return false;

   Dmsg1(100, "Start append data. res=%d\n", dev->num_reserved());

   memset(&rec, 0, sizeof(rec));

   if (!fd->set_buffer_size(dcr->device->max_network_buffer_size, BNET_SETBUF_WRITE)) {
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Unable to set network buffer size.\n"));
      return false;

   if (!acquire_device_for_append(dcr)) {
      return false;


   if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) {
      Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n"));
   Dmsg1(50, "Begin append device=%s\n", dev->print_name());


   Dmsg0(100, "Just after acquire_device_for_append\n");
   if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) {
      Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n"));
    * Write Begin Session Record
   if (!write_session_label(dcr, SOS_LABEL)) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Write session label failed. ERR=%s\n"),
      ok = false;
   if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) {
      Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n"));

   /* Tell File daemon to send data */
   if (!fd->fsend(OK_data)) {
      berrno be;
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to FD. ERR=%s\n"),
      ok = false;

    * Get Data from File daemon, write to device.  To clarify what is
    *   going on here.  We expect:
    *     - A stream header
    *     - Multiple records of data
    *     - EOD record
    *    The Stream header is just used to sychronize things, and
    *    none of the stream header is written to tape.
    *    The Multiple records of data, contain first the Attributes,
    *    then after another stream header, the file data, then
    *    after another stream header, the MD5 data if any.
    *   So we get the (stream header, data, EOD) three time for each
    *   file. 1. for the Attributes, 2. for the file data if any,
    *   and 3. for the MD5 if any.
   dcr->VolFirstIndex = dcr->VolLastIndex = 0;
   jcr->run_time = time(NULL);              /* start counting time for rates */
   for (last_file_index = 0; ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled(); ) {

      /* Read Stream header from the File daemon.
       *  The stream header consists of the following:
       *    file_index (sequential Bacula file index, base 1)
       *    stream     (Bacula number to distinguish parts of data)
       *    info       (Info for Storage daemon -- compressed, encrypted, ...)
       *       info is not currently used, so is read, but ignored!
     if ((n=bget_msg(fd)) <= 0) {
         if (n == BNET_SIGNAL && fd->msglen == BNET_EOD) {
            break;                    /* end of data */
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error reading data header from FD. ERR=%s\n"),
         possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
         ok = false;

      if (sscanf(fd->msg, "%ld %ld", &file_index, &stream) != 2) {
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Malformed data header from FD: %s\n"), fd->msg);
         ok = false;
         possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);

      Dmsg2(890, "<filed: Header FilInx=%d stream=%d\n", file_index, stream);

       * We make sure the file_index is advancing sequentially.
       * An incomplete job can start the file_index at any number.
       * otherwise, it must start at 1.
      if (jcr->rerunning && file_index > 0 && last_file_index == 0) {
         goto fi_checked;
      if (file_index > 0 && (file_index == last_file_index ||
          file_index == last_file_index + 1)) {
         goto fi_checked;
      Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("FI=%d from FD not positive or sequential=%d\n"),
            file_index, last_file_index);
      possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
      ok = false;

      if (file_index != last_file_index) {
         jcr->JobFiles = file_index;
         last_file_index = file_index;

      /* Read data stream from the File daemon.
       *  The data stream is just raw bytes
      while ((n=bget_msg(fd)) > 0 && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
         rec.VolSessionId = jcr->VolSessionId;
         rec.VolSessionTime = jcr->VolSessionTime;
         rec.FileIndex = file_index;
         rec.Stream = stream;
         rec.maskedStream = stream & STREAMMASK_TYPE;   /* strip high bits */
         rec.data_len = fd->msglen;
         rec.data = fd->msg;            /* use message buffer */

         Dmsg4(850, "before writ_rec FI=%d SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n",
            rec.FileIndex, rec.VolSessionId, 
            stream_to_ascii(buf1, rec.Stream,rec.FileIndex),

         while (!write_record_to_block(dcr->block, &rec)) {
            Dmsg2(850, "!write_record_to_block data_len=%d rem=%d\n", rec.data_len,
            if (!write_block_to_device(dcr)) {
               Dmsg2(90, "Got write_block_to_dev error on device %s. %s\n",
                  dev->print_name(), dev->bstrerror());
               ok = false;
         if (!ok) {
            Dmsg0(400, "Not OK\n");
         jcr->JobBytes += rec.data_len;   /* increment bytes this job */
         Dmsg4(850, "write_record FI=%s SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n",
            FI_to_ascii(buf1, rec.FileIndex), rec.VolSessionId,
            stream_to_ascii(buf2, rec.Stream, rec.FileIndex), rec.data_len);

         send_attrs_to_dir(jcr, &rec);
         Dmsg0(650, "Enter bnet_get\n");
      Dmsg1(650, "End read loop with FD. Stat=%d\n", n);

      if (fd->is_error()) {
         if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
            Dmsg1(350, "Network read error from FD. ERR=%s\n", fd->bstrerror());
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network error reading from FD. ERR=%s\n"),
            possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
         ok = false;

   /* Create Job status for end of session label */

   if (ok) {
      /* Terminate connection with FD */
      do_fd_commands(jcr);               /* finish dialog with FD */
   } else {
      fd->fsend("3999 Failed append\n");

    * Don't use time_t for job_elapsed as time_t can be 32 or 64 bits,
    *   and the subsequent Jmsg() editing will break
   int32_t job_elapsed = time(NULL) - jcr->run_time;

   if (job_elapsed <= 0) {
      job_elapsed = 1;

   Jmsg(dcr->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Job write elapsed time = %02d:%02d:%02d, Transfer rate = %s Bytes/second\n"),
         job_elapsed / 3600, job_elapsed % 3600 / 60, job_elapsed % 60,
         edit_uint64_with_suffix(jcr->JobBytes / job_elapsed, ec));

   Dmsg1(200, "Write EOS label JobStatus=%c\n", jcr->JobStatus);

    * Check if we can still write. This may not be the case
    *  if we are at the end of the tape or we got a fatal I/O error.
   if (ok || dev->can_write()) {
      if (!write_session_label(dcr, EOS_LABEL)) {
         /* Print only if ok and not cancelled to avoid spurious messages */
         if (ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error writing end session label. ERR=%s\n"),
            possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
         ok = false;
      if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) {
         Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n"));
         Dmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n"));
      Dmsg0(90, "back from write_end_session_label()\n");
      /* Flush out final partial block of this session */
      if (!write_block_to_device(dcr)) {
         /* Print only if ok and not cancelled to avoid spurious messages */
         if (ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
            Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Fatal append error on device %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                  dev->print_name(), dev->bstrerror());
            Dmsg0(100, _("Set ok=FALSE after write_block_to_device.\n"));
            possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
         ok = false;

   if (!ok && !jcr->is_JobStatus(JS_Incomplete)) {
   } else {
      /* Note: if commit is OK, the device will remain blocked */

   if (ok) {
      ok = dvd_close_job(dcr);  /* do DVD cleanup if any */
    * Release the device -- and send final Vol info to DIR
    *  and unlock it.

   if ((!ok || jcr->is_job_canceled()) && !jcr->is_JobStatus(JS_Incomplete)) {
   } else {

   dir_send_job_status(jcr);          /* update director */

   Dmsg1(100, "return from do_append_data() ok=%d\n", ok);
   return ok;
Example #2
 * Called here for each record from read_records()
 * Returns: true if OK
 *          false if error
static bool record_cb(DCR *dcr, DEV_RECORD *rec)
   JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr;
   BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
   bool ok = true;
   POOLMEM *save_msg;
   char ec1[50], ec2[50];

   if (rec->FileIndex < 0) {
      return true;

   Dmsg5(400, "Send to FD: SessId=%u SessTim=%u FI=%s Strm=%s, len=%d\n",
         rec->VolSessionId, rec->VolSessionTime,
         FI_to_ascii(ec1, rec->FileIndex),
         stream_to_ascii(ec2, rec->Stream, rec->FileIndex),

    * Send record header to File daemon
   if (!fd->fsend(rec_header, rec->VolSessionId, rec->VolSessionTime,
                  rec->FileIndex, rec->Stream, rec->data_len)) {
      Pmsg1(000, _(">filed: Error Hdr=%s"), fd->msg);
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error sending to File daemon. ERR=%s\n"),
      return false;
   } else {
      Dmsg1(400, ">filed: Hdr=%s", fd->msg);

    * Send data record to File daemon
   save_msg = fd->msg;          /* save fd message pointer */
   fd->msg = rec->data;         /* pass data directly to the FD */
   fd->msglen = rec->data_len;

   Dmsg1(400, ">filed: send %d bytes data.\n", fd->msglen);
   if (!fd->send()) {
      Pmsg1(000, _("Error sending to FD. ERR=%s\n"), fd->bstrerror());
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error sending to File daemon. ERR=%s\n"),

      ok = false;
   fd->msg = save_msg;                /* restore fd message pointer */

   return ok;
Example #3
 * After writing a Volume, create the JobMedia record.
bool SD_DCR::dir_create_jobmedia_record(bool zero)
   BSOCK *dir = jcr->dir_bsock;
   char ed1[50];

    * If system job, do not update catalog
   if (jcr->is_JobType(JT_SYSTEM)) {
      return true;

    * Throw out records where FI is zero -- i.e. nothing done
   if (!zero && VolFirstIndex == 0 &&
        (StartBlock != 0 || EndBlock != 0)) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, "JobMedia FI=0 StartBlock!=0 record suppressed\n");
      return true;

   if (!WroteVol) {
      return true;                    /* nothing written to tape */

   WroteVol = false;
   if (zero) {
       * Send dummy place holder to avoid purging
      dir->fsend(Create_job_media, jcr->Job,
                 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, edit_uint64(VolMediaId, ed1));
   } else {
      dir->fsend(Create_job_media, jcr->Job,
                 VolFirstIndex, VolLastIndex,
                 StartFile, EndFile,
                 StartBlock, EndBlock,
                 Copy, Stripe,
                 edit_uint64(VolMediaId, ed1));
   Dmsg1(dbglvl, ">dird %s", dir->msg);

   if (dir->recv() <= 0) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, "create_jobmedia error bnet_recv\n");
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error creating JobMedia record: ERR=%s\n"),
      return false;
   Dmsg1(dbglvl, "<dird %s", dir->msg);

   if (!bstrcmp(dir->msg, OK_create)) {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Bad response from Dir: %s\n", dir->msg);
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error creating JobMedia record: %s\n"), dir->msg);
      return false;

   return true;
Example #4
 * Authenticate Director
bool BSOCK::authenticate_with_director(JCR *jcr,
                                       const char *name, s_password &password, tls_t &tls,
                                       char *response, int response_len)
   char bashed_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   BSOCK *dir = this;        /* for readability */

   response[0] = 0;

    * Send my name to the Director then do authentication
   bstrncpy(bashed_name, name, sizeof(bashed_name));

    * Timeout Hello after 5 mins
   dir->start_timer(60 * 5);
   dir->fsend(hello, bashed_name);

   if (!authenticate_outbound_connection(jcr, "Director", name, password, tls)) {
      goto bail_out;

   Dmsg1(6, ">dird: %s", dir->msg);
   if (dir->recv() <= 0) {
      bsnprintf(response, response_len, _("Bad response to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"
                                          "The Director at \"%s:%d\" is probably not running.\n"),
                dir->bstrerror(), dir->host(), dir->port());
      return false;

   Dmsg1(10, "<dird: %s", dir->msg);
   if (!bstrncmp(dir->msg, OKhello, sizeof(OKhello) - 1)) {
      bsnprintf(response, response_len, _("Director at \"%s:%d\" rejected Hello command\n"),
                dir->host(), dir->port());
      return false;
   } else {
      bsnprintf(response, response_len, "%s", dir->msg);

   return true;

   bsnprintf(response, response_len, _("Authorization problem with Director at \"%s:%d\"\n"
                                       "Most likely the passwords do not agree.\n"
                                       "If you are using TLS, there may have been a certificate "
                                       "validation error during the TLS handshake.\n"
                                       "Please see %s for help.\n"),
             dir->host(), dir->port(), MANUAL_AUTH_URL);

   return false;
Example #5
 * Authenticate File daemon connection
int authenticate_file_daemon(JCR *jcr, MONITOR *monitor, CLIENT* client)
   BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
   char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int compatible = true;

    * Send my name to the File daemon then do authentication
   bstrncpy(dirname, monitor->hdr.name, sizeof(dirname));
   /* Timeout Hello after 5 mins */
   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(fd, 60 * 5);
   if (!fd->fsend(SDFDhello, dirname)) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error sending Hello to File daemon. ERR=%s\n"), fd->bstrerror());
      return 0;
   if (!cram_md5_respond(fd, client->password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible) ||
       !cram_md5_challenge(fd, client->password, tls_local_need, compatible)) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Director and File daemon passwords or names not the same.\n"
       "Please see " MANUAL_AUTH_URL " for help.\n"));
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(116, ">filed: %s", fd->msg);
   if (fd->recv() <= 0) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Bad response from File daemon to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(110, "<stored: %s", fd->msg);
   if (strncmp(fd->msg, FDOKhello, sizeof(FDOKhello)-1) != 0) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("File daemon rejected Hello command\n"));
      return 0;
   return 1;
Example #6
 * Authenticate Director
static int authenticate_director(JCR *jcr)
   const MONITORRES *monitor = MonitorItemThread::instance()->getMonitor();

   BSOCK *dir = jcr->dir_bsock;
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   bool compatible = true;
   char bashed_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   char *password;

   bstrncpy(bashed_name, monitor->hdr.name, sizeof(bashed_name));
   password = monitor->password;

   /* Timeout Hello after 5 mins */
   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(dir, 60 * 5);
   dir->fsend(DIRhello, bashed_name);

   if (!cram_md5_respond(dir, password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible) ||
       !cram_md5_challenge(dir, password, tls_local_need, compatible)) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Director authorization problem.\n"
         "Most likely the passwords do not agree.\n"
         "Please see %s for help.\n"), MANUAL_AUTH_URL);
      return 0;

   Dmsg1(6, ">dird: %s", dir->msg);
   if (dir->recv() <= 0) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Bad response to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(10, "<dird: %s", dir->msg);
   if (strncmp(dir->msg, DIROKhello, sizeof(DIROKhello)-1) != 0) {
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Director rejected Hello command\n"));
      return 0;
   } else {
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_INFO, 0, dir->msg);
   return 1;
Example #7
 * Authenticate Storage daemon connection
static int authenticate_storage_daemon(JCR *jcr, STORERES* store)
   const MONITORRES *monitor = MonitorItemThread::instance()->getMonitor();

   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   bool compatible = true;

    * Send my name to the Storage daemon then do authentication
   bstrncpy(dirname, monitor->hdr.name, sizeof(dirname));
   /* Timeout Hello after 5 mins */
   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(sd, 60 * 5);
   if (!sd->fsend(SDFDhello, dirname)) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error sending Hello to Storage daemon. ERR=%s\n"), bnet_strerror(sd));
      return 0;
   if (!cram_md5_respond(sd, store->password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible) ||
       !cram_md5_challenge(sd, store->password, tls_local_need, compatible)) {
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Director and Storage daemon passwords or names not the same.\n"
       "Please see " MANUAL_AUTH_URL " for help.\n"));
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(116, ">stored: %s", sd->msg);
   if (sd->recv() <= 0) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("bdird<stored: bad response to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(110, "<stored: %s", sd->msg);
   if (strncmp(sd->msg, SDOKhello, sizeof(SDOKhello)) != 0) {
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Storage daemon rejected Hello command\n"));
      return 0;
   return 1;
Example #8
/* Send attributes and digest to Director for Catalog */
bool send_attrs_to_dir(JCR *jcr, DEV_RECORD *rec)
   if (rec->maskedStream == STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES    || 
       rec->maskedStream == STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES_EX ||
       rec->maskedStream == STREAM_RESTORE_OBJECT     ||
       crypto_digest_stream_type(rec->maskedStream) != CRYPTO_DIGEST_NONE) {
      if (!jcr->no_attributes) {
         BSOCK *dir = jcr->dir_bsock;
         if (are_attributes_spooled(jcr)) {
         Dmsg0(850, "Send attributes to dir.\n");
         if (!dir_update_file_attributes(jcr->dcr, rec)) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error updating file attributes. ERR=%s\n"),
            return false;
   return true;
Example #9
 * Here we wait for the File daemon to signal termination,
 *   then we wait for the Storage daemon.  When both
 *   are done, we return the job status.
 * Also used by restore.c
int wait_for_job_termination(JCR *jcr, int timeout)
   int32_t n = 0;
   BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
   bool fd_ok = false;
   uint32_t JobFiles, JobErrors;
   uint32_t JobWarnings = 0;
   uint64_t ReadBytes = 0;
   uint64_t JobBytes = 0;
   int VSS = 0;
   int Encrypt = 0;
   btimer_t *tid=NULL;

   set_jcr_job_status(jcr, JS_Running);

   if (fd) {
      if (timeout) {
         tid = start_bsock_timer(fd, timeout); /* TODO: New timeout directive??? */
      /* Wait for Client to terminate */
      while ((n = bget_dirmsg(fd)) >= 0) {
         if (!fd_ok && 
             (sscanf(fd->msg, EndJob, &jcr->FDJobStatus, &JobFiles,
                     &ReadBytes, &JobBytes, &JobErrors, &VSS, &Encrypt) == 7 ||
              sscanf(fd->msg, OldEndJob, &jcr->FDJobStatus, &JobFiles,
                     &ReadBytes, &JobBytes, &JobErrors) == 5)) {
            fd_ok = true;
            set_jcr_job_status(jcr, jcr->FDJobStatus);
            Dmsg1(100, "FDStatus=%c\n", (char)jcr->JobStatus);
         } else {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, _("Unexpected Client Job message: %s\n"),
         if (job_canceled(jcr)) {
      if (tid) {

      if (is_bnet_error(fd)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network error with FD during %s: ERR=%s\n"),
              job_type_to_str(jcr->get_JobType()), fd->bstrerror());
      fd->signal(BNET_TERMINATE);   /* tell Client we are terminating */

   /* Force cancel in SD if failing */
   if (job_canceled(jcr) || !fd_ok) {

   /* Note, the SD stores in jcr->JobFiles/ReadBytes/JobBytes/JobErrors */

   /* Return values from FD */
   if (fd_ok) {
      jcr->JobFiles = JobFiles;
      jcr->JobErrors += JobErrors;       /* Keep total errors */
      jcr->ReadBytes = ReadBytes;
      jcr->JobBytes = JobBytes;
      jcr->JobWarnings = JobWarnings;
      jcr->VSS = VSS;
      jcr->Encrypt = Encrypt;
   } else {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("No Job status returned from FD.\n"));

// Dmsg4(100, "fd_ok=%d FDJS=%d JS=%d SDJS=%d\n", fd_ok, jcr->FDJobStatus,
//   jcr->JobStatus, jcr->SDJobStatus);

   /* Return the first error status we find Dir, FD, or SD */
   if (!fd_ok || is_bnet_error(fd)) { /* if fd not set, that use !fd_ok */
      jcr->FDJobStatus = JS_ErrorTerminated;
   if (jcr->JobStatus != JS_Terminated) {
      return jcr->JobStatus;
   if (jcr->FDJobStatus != JS_Terminated) {
      return jcr->FDJobStatus;
   return jcr->SDJobStatus;
Example #10
 * Authenticate Director
int authenticate_director(JCR *jcr, DIRRES *director, CONRES *cons)
   BSOCK *dir = jcr->dir_bsock;
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   bool tls_authenticate;
   int compatible = true;
   char bashed_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   char *password;
   TLS_CONTEXT *tls_ctx = NULL;

    * Send my name to the Director then do authentication
   if (cons) {
      bstrncpy(bashed_name, cons->hdr.name, sizeof(bashed_name));
      password = cons->password;
      /* TLS Requirement */
      if (cons->tls_enable) {
         if (cons->tls_require) {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
         } else {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;
      if (cons->tls_authenticate) {
         tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
      tls_authenticate = cons->tls_authenticate;
      tls_ctx = cons->tls_ctx;
   } else {
      bstrncpy(bashed_name, "*UserAgent*", sizeof(bashed_name));
      password = director->password;
      /* TLS Requirement */
      if (director->tls_enable) {
         if (director->tls_require) {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
         } else {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

      if (director->tls_authenticate) {
         tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
      tls_authenticate = director->tls_authenticate;
      tls_ctx = director->tls_ctx;

   /* Timeout Hello after 5 mins */
   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(dir, 60 * 5);
   dir->fsend(hello, bashed_name);

   if (!cram_md5_respond(dir, password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible) ||
       !cram_md5_challenge(dir, password, tls_local_need, compatible)) {
      goto bail_out;

   /* Verify that the remote host is willing to meet our TLS requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need < tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      sendit(_("Authorization problem:"
             " Remote server did not advertise required TLS support.\n"));
      goto bail_out;

   /* Verify that we are willing to meet the remote host's requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need > tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      sendit(_("Authorization problem:"
             " Remote server requires TLS.\n"));
      goto bail_out;

   /* Is TLS Enabled? */
   if (tls_local_need >= BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need >= BNET_TLS_OK) {
      /* Engage TLS! Full Speed Ahead! */
      if (!bnet_tls_client(tls_ctx, dir, NULL)) {
         sendit(_("TLS negotiation failed\n"));
         goto bail_out;
      if (tls_authenticate) {           /* Authenticate only? */
         dir->free_tls();               /* yes, shutdown tls */

    * It's possible that the TLS connection will
    * be dropped here if an invalid client certificate was presented
   Dmsg1(6, ">dird: %s", dir->msg);
   if (dir->recv() <= 0) {
      senditf(_("Bad response to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
      goto bail_out;

   Dmsg1(10, "<dird: %s", dir->msg);
   if (strncmp(dir->msg, OKhello, sizeof(OKhello)-1) != 0) {
      sendit(_("Director rejected Hello command\n"));
      goto bail_out;
   } else {
   return 1;

   sendit( _("Director authorization problem.\n"
             "Most likely the passwords do not agree.\n"
             "If you are using TLS, there may have been a certificate validation error during the TLS handshake.\n"
             "Please see " MANUAL_AUTH_URL " for help.\n"));
   return 0;
Example #11
 * Authenticate Storage daemon connection
bool authenticate_storage_daemon(JCR *jcr, STORERES *store)
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int compatible = true;
   bool auth_success = false;

    * Send my name to the Storage daemon then do authentication
   bstrncpy(dirname, director->hdr.name, sizeof(dirname));
   /* Timeout Hello after 1 min */
   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(sd, AUTH_TIMEOUT);
   if (!sd->fsend(hello, dirname)) {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, _("Error sending Hello to Storage daemon. ERR=%s\n"), bnet_strerror(sd));
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error sending Hello to Storage daemon. ERR=%s\n"), bnet_strerror(sd));
      return 0;

   /* TLS Requirement */
   if (store->tls_enable) {
     if (store->tls_require) {
        tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
     } else {
        tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

   if (store->tls_authenticate) {
      tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;

   auth_success = cram_md5_respond(sd, store->password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible);
   if (auth_success) {
      auth_success = cram_md5_challenge(sd, store->password, tls_local_need, compatible);
      if (!auth_success) {
         Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_challenge failed for %s\n", sd->who());
   } else {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_respond failed for %s\n", sd->who());

   if (!auth_success) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, _("Director and Storage daemon passwords or names not the same.\n"));
      Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0,
            _("Director unable to authenticate with Storage daemon at \"%s:%d\". Possible causes:\n"
            "Passwords or names not the same or\n"
            "Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the SD or\n"
            "SD networking messed up (restart daemon).\n"
            "Please see " MANUAL_AUTH_URL " for help.\n"),
            sd->host(), sd->port());
      return 0;

   /* Verify that the remote host is willing to meet our TLS requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need < tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: Remote server did not advertise required TLS support.\n"));
      return 0;

   /* Verify that we are willing to meet the remote host's requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need > tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: Remote server requires TLS.\n"));
      return 0;

   /* Is TLS Enabled? */
   if (tls_local_need >= BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need >= BNET_TLS_OK) {
      /* Engage TLS! Full Speed Ahead! */
      if (!bnet_tls_client(store->tls_ctx, sd, NULL)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS negotiation failed with SD at \"%s:%d\"\n"),
            sd->host(), sd->port());
         return 0;
      if (store->tls_authenticate) {       /* authentication only? */
         sd->free_tls();                   /* yes, stop tls */

   Dmsg1(116, ">stored: %s", sd->msg);
   if (sd->recv() <= 0) {
      Jmsg3(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("bdird<stored: \"%s:%s\" bad response to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
         sd->who(), sd->host(), sd->bstrerror());
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(110, "<stored: %s", sd->msg);
   if (!bstrncmp(sd->msg, OKhello, sizeof(OKhello))) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, _("Storage daemon rejected Hello command\n"));
      Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Storage daemon at \"%s:%d\" rejected Hello command\n"),
         sd->host(), sd->port());
      return 0;
   return 1;
Example #12
File: mac.c Project: AlD/bareos
 * Called here for each record from read_records()
 * This function is used when we do a external clone of a Job e.g.
 * this SD is the reading SD. And a remote SD is the writing SD.
 * Returns: true if OK
 *           false if error
static bool clone_record_to_remote_sd(DCR *dcr, DEV_RECORD *rec)
   POOLMEM *msgsave;
   JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr;
   char buf1[100], buf2[100];
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   bool send_eod, send_header;

#ifdef xxx
   Dmsg5(000, "on entry     JobId=%d FI=%s SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n",
         jcr->JobId, FI_to_ascii(buf1, rec->FileIndex), rec->VolSessionId,
         stream_to_ascii(buf2, rec->Stream, rec->FileIndex), rec->data_len);

    * If label discard it
   if (rec->FileIndex < 0) {
      return true;

    * See if this is the first record being processed.
   if (rec->last_FileIndex == 0) {
       * Initialize the last counters so we can compare
       * things in the next run through here.
      rec->last_VolSessionId = rec->VolSessionId;
      rec->last_VolSessionTime = rec->VolSessionTime;
      rec->last_FileIndex = rec->FileIndex;
      rec->last_Stream = rec->Stream;
      jcr->JobFiles = 1;

       * Need to send both a new header only.
      send_eod = false;
      send_header = true;
   } else {
       * See if we are changing file or stream type.
      if (rec->VolSessionId != rec->last_VolSessionId ||
          rec->VolSessionTime != rec->last_VolSessionTime ||
          rec->FileIndex != rec->last_FileIndex ||
          rec->Stream != rec->last_Stream) {
          * See if we are changing the FileIndex e.g.
          * start processing the next file in the backup stream.
         if (rec->FileIndex != rec->last_FileIndex) {

          * Keep track of the new state.
         rec->last_VolSessionId = rec->VolSessionId;
         rec->last_VolSessionTime = rec->VolSessionTime;
         rec->last_FileIndex = rec->FileIndex;
         rec->last_Stream = rec->Stream;

          * Need to send both a EOD and a new header.
         send_eod = true;
         send_header = true;
      } else {
         send_eod = false;
         send_header = false;

    * Send a EOD when needed.
   if (send_eod) {
      if (!sd->signal(BNET_EOD)) { /* indicate end of file data */
         if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
         return false;

    * Send a header when needed.
   if (send_header) {
      if (!sd->fsend("%ld %d 0", rec->FileIndex, rec->Stream)) {
         if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
         return false;

    * Send the record data.
    * We don't want to copy the data from the record to the socket structure
    * so we save the original msg pointer and use the record data pointer for
    * sending and restore the original msg pointer when done.
   msgsave = sd->msg;
   sd->msg = rec->data;
   sd->msglen = rec->data_len;

   if (!sd->send()) {
      sd->msg = msgsave;
      sd->msglen = 0;
      if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
      return false;

   jcr->JobBytes += sd->msglen;
   sd->msg = msgsave;

   Dmsg5(500, "wrote_record JobId=%d FI=%s SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n",
         jcr->JobId, FI_to_ascii(buf1, rec->FileIndex), rec->VolSessionId,
         stream_to_ascii(buf2, rec->Stream, rec->FileIndex), rec->data_len);

   return true;
Example #13
 * Authenticate File daemon connection
int authenticate_file_daemon(JCR *jcr)
   BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
   CLIENTRES *client = jcr->res.client;
   char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int compatible = true;
   bool auth_success = false;

    * Send my name to the File daemon then do authentication
   bstrncpy(dirname, director->name(), sizeof(dirname));
   /* Timeout Hello after 1 min */
   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(fd, AUTH_TIMEOUT);
   if (!fd->fsend(hello, dirname)) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error sending Hello to File daemon at \"%s:%d\". ERR=%s\n"),
           fd->host(), fd->port(), fd->bstrerror());
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Sent: %s", fd->msg);

   /* TLS Requirement */
   if (client->tls_enable) {
     if (client->tls_require) {
        tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
     } else {
        tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

   if (client->tls_authenticate) {
      tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;

   auth_success = cram_md5_respond(fd, client->password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible);
   if (auth_success) {
      auth_success = cram_md5_challenge(fd, client->password, tls_local_need, compatible);
      if (!auth_success) {
         Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_auth failed for %s\n", fd->who());
   } else {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_get_auth failed for %s\n", fd->who());
   if (!auth_success) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, _("Director and File daemon passwords or names not the same.\n"));
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0,
            _("Unable to authenticate with File daemon at \"%s:%d\". Possible causes:\n"
            "Passwords or names not the same or\n"
            "Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the FD or\n"
            "FD networking messed up (restart daemon).\n"
            "Please see " MANUAL_AUTH_URL " for help.\n"),
            fd->host(), fd->port());
      return 0;

   /* Verify that the remote host is willing to meet our TLS requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need < tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: FD \"%s:%s\" did not advertise required TLS support.\n"),
           fd->who(), fd->host());
      return 0;

   /* Verify that we are willing to meet the remote host's requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need > tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: FD at \"%s:%d\" requires TLS.\n"),
           fd->host(), fd->port());
      return 0;

   /* Is TLS Enabled? */
   if (tls_local_need >= BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need >= BNET_TLS_OK) {
      /* Engage TLS! Full Speed Ahead! */
      if (!bnet_tls_client(client->tls_ctx, fd, client->tls_allowed_cns)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS negotiation failed with FD at \"%s:%d\".\n"),
              fd->host(), fd->port());
         return 0;
      if (client->tls_authenticate) {        /* tls authentication only? */
         fd->free_tls();                     /* yes, shutdown tls */

   Dmsg1(116, ">filed: %s", fd->msg);
   if (fd->recv() <= 0) {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, _("Bad response from File daemon to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Bad response from File daemon at \"%s:%d\" to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
         fd->host(), fd->port(), fd->bstrerror());
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(110, "<filed: %s", fd->msg);
   jcr->FDVersion = 0;
   if (!bstrncmp(fd->msg, FDOKhello, sizeof(FDOKhello)) &&
       sscanf(fd->msg, FDOKnewHello, &jcr->FDVersion) != 1) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, _("File daemon rejected Hello command\n"));
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("File daemon at \"%s:%d\" rejected Hello command\n"),
           fd->host(), fd->port());
      return 0;
   return 1;
Example #14
File: mac.c Project: AlD/bareos
 * Read Data and commit to new job.
bool do_mac_run(JCR *jcr)
   DEVICE *dev;
   char ec1[50];
   const char *Type;
   bool ok = true;
   BSOCK *dir = jcr->dir_bsock;

   switch(jcr->getJobType()) {
   case JT_MIGRATE:
      Type = "Migration";
   case JT_ARCHIVE:
      Type = "Archive";
   case JT_COPY:
      Type = "Copy";
   case JT_BACKUP:
      Type = "Virtual Backup";
      Type = "Unknown";

   Dmsg0(20, "Start read data.\n");

   if (jcr->NumReadVolumes == 0) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("No Volume names found for %s.\n"), Type);
      goto bail_out;

    * Check autoinflation/autodeflation settings.

    * See if we perform both read and write or read only.
   if (jcr->remote_replicate) {
      BSOCK *sd;

      if (!jcr->read_dcr) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Read device not properly initialized.\n"));
         goto bail_out;

      Dmsg1(100, "read_dcr=%p\n", jcr->read_dcr);
      Dmsg3(200, "Found %d volumes names for %s. First=%s\n",
            jcr->NumReadVolumes, Type, jcr->VolList->VolumeName);

       * Ready devices for reading.
      if (!acquire_device_for_read(jcr->read_dcr)) {
         ok = false;
         goto bail_out;

      Dmsg2(200, "===== After acquire pos %u:%u\n", jcr->read_dcr->dev->file, jcr->read_dcr->dev->block_num);


       * Set network buffering.
      sd = jcr->store_bsock;
      if (!sd->set_buffer_size(me->max_network_buffer_size, BNET_SETBUF_WRITE)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Cannot set buffer size SD->SD.\n"));
         ok = false;
         goto bail_out;

       * Let the remote SD know we are about to start the replication.
      Dmsg1(110, ">stored: %s", sd->msg);

       * Expect to receive back the Ticket number.
      if (bget_msg(sd) >= 0) {
         Dmsg1(110, "<stored: %s", sd->msg);
         if (sscanf(sd->msg, OK_start_replicate, &jcr->Ticket) != 1) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Bad response to start replicate: %s\n"), sd->msg);
            goto bail_out;
         Dmsg1(110, "Got Ticket=%d\n", jcr->Ticket);
      } else {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Bad response from stored to start replicate command\n"));
         goto bail_out;

       * Let the remote SD know we are now really going to send the data.
      sd->fsend(replicate_data, jcr->Ticket);
      Dmsg1(110, ">stored: %s", sd->msg);

       * Expect to get response to the replicate data cmd from Storage daemon
      if (!response(jcr, sd, OK_data, "replicate data")) {
         ok = false;
         goto bail_out;

       * Read all data and send it to remote SD.
      ok = read_records(jcr->read_dcr, clone_record_to_remote_sd, mount_next_read_volume);

       * Send the last EOD to close the last data transfer and a next EOD to
       * signal the remote we are done.
      if (!sd->signal(BNET_EOD) || !sd->signal(BNET_EOD)) {
         if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
         goto bail_out;

       * Expect to get response that the replicate data succeeded.
      if (!response(jcr, sd, OK_replicate, "replicate data")) {
         ok = false;
         goto bail_out;

       * End replicate session.
      Dmsg1(110, ">stored: %s", sd->msg);

       * Expect to get response to the end replicate cmd from Storage daemon
      if (!response(jcr, sd, OK_end_replicate, "end replicate")) {
         ok = false;
         goto bail_out;

      /* Inform Storage daemon that we are done */
   } else {
      if (!jcr->read_dcr || !jcr->dcr) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Read and write devices not properly initialized.\n"));
         goto bail_out;

      Dmsg2(100, "read_dcr=%p write_dcr=%p\n", jcr->read_dcr, jcr->dcr);
      Dmsg3(200, "Found %d volumes names for %s. First=%s\n",
            jcr->NumReadVolumes, Type, jcr->VolList->VolumeName);

       * Ready devices for reading and writing.
      if (!acquire_device_for_read(jcr->read_dcr) ||
          !acquire_device_for_append(jcr->dcr)) {
         ok = false;
         goto bail_out;

      Dmsg2(200, "===== After acquire pos %u:%u\n", jcr->dcr->dev->file, jcr->dcr->dev->block_num);


      if (!begin_data_spool(jcr->dcr) ) {
         ok = false;
         goto bail_out;

      if (!begin_attribute_spool(jcr)) {
         ok = false;
         goto bail_out;

      jcr->dcr->VolFirstIndex = jcr->dcr->VolLastIndex = 0;
      jcr->run_time = time(NULL);
      jcr->JobFiles = 0;

       * Read all data and make a local clone of it.
      ok = read_records(jcr->read_dcr, clone_record_internally, mount_next_read_volume);

   if (!ok) {

   if (!jcr->remote_replicate && jcr->dcr) {
       * Don't use time_t for job_elapsed as time_t can be 32 or 64 bits,
       *   and the subsequent Jmsg() editing will break
      int32_t job_elapsed;

      dev = jcr->dcr->dev;
      Dmsg1(100, "ok=%d\n", ok);
      if (ok || dev->can_write()) {
          * Flush out final partial block of this session
         if (!jcr->dcr->write_block_to_device()) {
            Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Fatal append error on device %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                  dev->print_name(), dev->bstrerror());
            Dmsg0(100, _("Set ok=FALSE after write_block_to_device.\n"));
            ok = false;
         Dmsg2(200, "Flush block to device pos %u:%u\n", dev->file, dev->block_num);

      if (!ok) {
      } else {
          * Note: if commit is OK, the device will remain blocked

      job_elapsed = time(NULL) - jcr->run_time;
      if (job_elapsed <= 0) {
         job_elapsed = 1;

      Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Elapsed time=%02d:%02d:%02d, Transfer rate=%s Bytes/second\n"),
           job_elapsed / 3600, job_elapsed % 3600 / 60, job_elapsed % 60,
           edit_uint64_with_suffix(jcr->JobBytes / job_elapsed, ec1));

       * Release the device -- and send final Vol info to DIR

      if (!ok || job_canceled(jcr)) {
      } else {

   if (jcr->read_dcr) {
      if (!release_device(jcr->read_dcr)) {
         ok = false;

   jcr->sendJobStatus();              /* update director */

   Dmsg0(30, "Done reading.\n");
   jcr->end_time = time(NULL);
   dequeue_messages(jcr);             /* send any queued messages */
   if (ok) {

   generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventJobEnd);
   dir->fsend(Job_end, jcr->Job, jcr->JobStatus, jcr->JobFiles,
              edit_uint64(jcr->JobBytes, ec1), jcr->JobErrors);
   Dmsg4(100, Job_end, jcr->Job, jcr->JobStatus, jcr->JobFiles, ec1);

   dir->signal(BNET_EOD);             /* send EOD to Director daemon */
   free_plugins(jcr);                 /* release instantiated plugins */

   return false;                      /* Continue DIR session ? */
Example #15
 * Send data read from an already open file descriptor.
 * We return 1 on sucess and 0 on errors.
 * ***FIXME***
 * We use ff_pkt->statp.st_size when FO_SPARSE to know when to stop
 *  reading.
 * Currently this is not a problem as the only other stream, resource forks,
 * are not handled as sparse files.
static int send_data(JCR *jcr, int stream, FF_PKT *ff_pkt, DIGEST *digest, 
                     DIGEST *signing_digest)
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   uint64_t fileAddr = 0;             /* file address */
   char *rbuf, *wbuf;
   int32_t rsize = jcr->buf_size;      /* read buffer size */
   POOLMEM *msgsave;
   CIPHER_CONTEXT *cipher_ctx = NULL; /* Quell bogus uninitialized warnings */
   const uint8_t *cipher_input;
   uint32_t cipher_input_len;
   uint32_t cipher_block_size;
   uint32_t encrypted_len;
   return 1;

   msgsave = sd->msg;
   rbuf = sd->msg;                    /* read buffer */
   wbuf = sd->msg;                    /* write buffer */
   cipher_input = (uint8_t *)rbuf;    /* encrypt uncompressed data */

   Dmsg1(300, "Saving data, type=%d\n", ff_pkt->type);

#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
   uLong compress_len = 0;
   uLong max_compress_len = 0;
   const Bytef *cbuf = NULL;
   int zstat;

   if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_GZIP) {
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
         cbuf = (Bytef *)jcr->compress_buf + SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;
         max_compress_len = jcr->compress_buf_size - SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;
      } else {
         cbuf = (Bytef *)jcr->compress_buf;
         max_compress_len = jcr->compress_buf_size; /* set max length */
      wbuf = jcr->compress_buf;    /* compressed output here */
      cipher_input = (uint8_t *)jcr->compress_buf; /* encrypt compressed data */

       * Only change zlib parameters if there is no pending operation.
       * This should never happen as deflatereset is called after each
       * deflate.

      if (((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->total_in == 0) {
         /* set gzip compression level - must be done per file */
         if ((zstat=deflateParams((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset, 
              ff_pkt->GZIP_level, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY)) != Z_OK) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Compression deflateParams error: %d\n"), zstat);
            set_jcr_job_status(jcr, JS_ErrorTerminated);
            goto err;
   const uint32_t max_compress_len = 0;

   if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_ENCRYPT) {
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
         Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Encrypting sparse data not supported.\n"));
         goto err;
      /* Allocate the cipher context */
      if ((cipher_ctx = crypto_cipher_new(jcr->crypto.pki_session, true, 
           &cipher_block_size)) == NULL) {
         /* Shouldn't happen! */
         Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize encryption context.\n"));
         goto err;

       * Grow the crypto buffer, if necessary.
       * crypto_cipher_update() will buffer up to (cipher_block_size - 1).
       * We grow crypto_buf to the maximum number of blocks that
       * could be returned for the given read buffer size.
       * (Using the larger of either rsize or max_compress_len)
      jcr->crypto.crypto_buf = check_pool_memory_size(jcr->crypto.crypto_buf, 
           (MAX(rsize + (int)sizeof(uint32_t), (int32_t)max_compress_len) + 
            cipher_block_size - 1) / cipher_block_size * cipher_block_size);

      wbuf = jcr->crypto.crypto_buf; /* Encrypted, possibly compressed output here. */

    * Send Data header to Storage daemon
    *    <file-index> <stream> <info>
   if (!sd->fsend("%ld %d 0", jcr->JobFiles, stream)) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
      goto err;
   Dmsg1(300, ">stored: datahdr %s\n", sd->msg);

    * Make space at beginning of buffer for fileAddr because this
    *   same buffer will be used for writing if compression is off.
   if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
      rbuf += SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;
      rsize -= SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;
       * To read FreeBSD partitions, the read size must be
       *  a multiple of 512.
      rsize = (rsize/512) * 512;

   /* a RAW device read on win32 only works if the buffer is a multiple of 512 */
#ifdef HAVE_WIN32
   if (S_ISBLK(ff_pkt->statp.st_mode))
      rsize = (rsize/512) * 512;
    * Read the file data
   while ((sd->msglen=(uint32_t)bread(&ff_pkt->bfd, rbuf, rsize)) > 0) {

      /* Check for sparse blocks */
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
         bool allZeros = false;
         if ((sd->msglen == rsize &&
              fileAddr+sd->msglen < (uint64_t)ff_pkt->statp.st_size) ||
             ((ff_pkt->type == FT_RAW || ff_pkt->type == FT_FIFO) &&
               (uint64_t)ff_pkt->statp.st_size == 0)) {
            allZeros = is_buf_zero(rbuf, rsize);
         if (!allZeros) {
            /* Put file address as first data in buffer */
            ser_begin(wbuf, SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE);
            ser_uint64(fileAddr);     /* store fileAddr in begin of buffer */
         fileAddr += sd->msglen;      /* update file address */
         /* Skip block of all zeros */
         if (allZeros) {
            continue;                 /* skip block of zeros */

      jcr->ReadBytes += sd->msglen;         /* count bytes read */

      /* Uncompressed cipher input length */
      cipher_input_len = sd->msglen;

      /* Update checksum if requested */
      if (digest) {
         crypto_digest_update(digest, (uint8_t *)rbuf, sd->msglen);

      /* Update signing digest if requested */
      if (signing_digest) {
         crypto_digest_update(signing_digest, (uint8_t *)rbuf, sd->msglen);

#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
      /* Do compression if turned on */
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_GZIP && jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset) {
         Dmsg3(400, "cbuf=0x%x rbuf=0x%x len=%u\n", cbuf, rbuf, sd->msglen);
         ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->next_in   = (Bytef *)rbuf;
                ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->avail_in  = sd->msglen;
         ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->next_out  = (Bytef *)cbuf;
                ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->avail_out = max_compress_len;

         if ((zstat=deflate((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset, Z_FINISH)) != Z_STREAM_END) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Compression deflate error: %d\n"), zstat);
            set_jcr_job_status(jcr, JS_ErrorTerminated);
            goto err;
         compress_len = ((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)->total_out;
         /* reset zlib stream to be able to begin from scratch again */
         if ((zstat=deflateReset((z_stream*)jcr->pZLIB_compress_workset)) != Z_OK) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Compression deflateReset error: %d\n"), zstat);
            set_jcr_job_status(jcr, JS_ErrorTerminated);
            goto err;

         Dmsg2(400, "compressed len=%d uncompressed len=%d\n", compress_len, 

         sd->msglen = compress_len;      /* set compressed length */
         cipher_input_len = compress_len;
       * Note, here we prepend the current record length to the beginning
       *  of the encrypted data. This is because both sparse and compression
       *  restore handling want records returned to them with exactly the
       *  same number of bytes that were processed in the backup handling.
       *  That is, both are block filters rather than a stream.  When doing
       *  compression, the compression routines may buffer data, so that for
       *  any one record compressed, when it is decompressed the same size
       *  will not be obtained. Of course, the buffered data eventually comes
       *  out in subsequent crypto_cipher_update() calls or at least
       *  when crypto_cipher_finalize() is called.  Unfortunately, this
       *  "feature" of encryption enormously complicates the restore code.
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_ENCRYPT) {
         uint32_t initial_len = 0;

         if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
            cipher_input_len += SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE;

         /* Encrypt the length of the input block */
         uint8_t packet_len[sizeof(uint32_t)];

         ser_begin(packet_len, sizeof(uint32_t));
         ser_uint32(cipher_input_len);    /* store data len in begin of buffer */
         Dmsg1(20, "Encrypt len=%d\n", cipher_input_len);

         if (!crypto_cipher_update(cipher_ctx, packet_len, sizeof(packet_len),
             (uint8_t *)jcr->crypto.crypto_buf, &initial_len)) {
            /* Encryption failed. Shouldn't happen. */
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Encryption error\n"));
            goto err;

         /* Encrypt the input block */
         if (crypto_cipher_update(cipher_ctx, cipher_input, cipher_input_len, 
             (uint8_t *)&jcr->crypto.crypto_buf[initial_len], &encrypted_len)) {
            if ((initial_len + encrypted_len) == 0) {
               /* No full block of data available, read more data */
            Dmsg2(400, "encrypted len=%d unencrypted len=%d\n", encrypted_len, 
            sd->msglen = initial_len + encrypted_len; /* set encrypted length */
         } else {
            /* Encryption failed. Shouldn't happen. */
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Encryption error\n"));
            goto err;

      /* Send the buffer to the Storage daemon */
      if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_SPARSE) {
         sd->msglen += SPARSE_FADDR_SIZE; /* include fileAddr in size */
      sd->msg = wbuf;              /* set correct write buffer */
      if (!sd->send()) {
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
         goto err;
      Dmsg1(130, "Send data to SD len=%d\n", sd->msglen);
      /*          #endif */
      jcr->JobBytes += sd->msglen;      /* count bytes saved possibly compressed/encrypted */
      sd->msg = msgsave;                /* restore read buffer */

   } /* end while read file data */

   if (sd->msglen < 0) {                 /* error */
      berrno be;
      Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Read error on file %s. ERR=%s\n"),
         ff_pkt->fname, be.bstrerror(ff_pkt->bfd.berrno));
      if (jcr->JobErrors++ > 1000) {       /* insanity check */
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Too many errors.\n"));
   } else if (ff_pkt->flags & FO_ENCRYPT) {
       * For encryption, we must call finalize to push out any
       *  buffered data.
      if (!crypto_cipher_finalize(cipher_ctx, (uint8_t *)jcr->crypto.crypto_buf, 
           &encrypted_len)) {
         /* Padding failed. Shouldn't happen. */
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Encryption padding error\n"));
         goto err;

      /* Note, on SSL pre-0.9.7, there is always some output */
      if (encrypted_len > 0) {
         sd->msglen = encrypted_len;      /* set encrypted length */
         sd->msg = jcr->crypto.crypto_buf;       /* set correct write buffer */
         if (!sd->send()) {
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
            goto err;
         Dmsg1(130, "Send data to SD len=%d\n", sd->msglen);
         jcr->JobBytes += sd->msglen;     /* count bytes saved possibly compressed/encrypted */
         sd->msg = msgsave;               /* restore bnet buffer */

   if (!sd->signal(BNET_EOD)) {        /* indicate end of file data */
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
      goto err;

   /* Free the cipher context */
   if (cipher_ctx) {
   return 1;

   /* Free the cipher context */
   if (cipher_ctx) {

   sd->msg = msgsave; /* restore bnet buffer */
   sd->msglen = 0;
   return 0;
Example #16
bool encode_and_send_attributes(JCR *jcr, FF_PKT *ff_pkt, int &data_stream)
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   POOL_MEM attribs(PM_NAME),
   char *attribsEx = NULL;
   int attr_stream;
   int comp_len;
   bool status;
   int hangup = get_hangup();
   return true;

   Dmsg1(300, "encode_and_send_attrs fname=%s\n", ff_pkt->fname);
   /** Find what data stream we will use, then encode the attributes */
   if ((data_stream = select_data_stream(ff_pkt, me->compatible)) == STREAM_NONE) {
      /* This should not happen */
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Invalid file flags, no supported data stream type.\n"));
      return false;
   encode_stat(attribs.c_str(), &ff_pkt->statp, sizeof(ff_pkt->statp), ff_pkt->LinkFI, data_stream);

   /** Now possibly extend the attributes */
   if (IS_FT_OBJECT(ff_pkt->type)) {
      attr_stream = STREAM_RESTORE_OBJECT;
   } else {
      attribsEx = attribsExBuf.c_str();
      attr_stream = encode_attribsEx(jcr, attribsEx, ff_pkt);

   Dmsg3(300, "File %s\nattribs=%s\nattribsEx=%s\n", ff_pkt->fname, attribs.c_str(), attribsEx);

   jcr->JobFiles++;                    /* increment number of files sent */
   ff_pkt->FileIndex = jcr->JobFiles;  /* return FileIndex */
   pm_strcpy(jcr->last_fname, ff_pkt->fname);

    * Debug code: check if we must hangup
   if (hangup && (jcr->JobFiles > (uint32_t)hangup)) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, "Debug hangup requested after %d files.\n", hangup);
      return false;

    * Send Attributes header to Storage daemon
    *    <file-index> <stream> <info>
   if (!sd->fsend("%ld %d 0", jcr->JobFiles, attr_stream)) {
      if (!jcr->is_canceled() && !jcr->is_incomplete()) {
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"), sd->bstrerror());
      return false;
   Dmsg1(300, ">stored: attrhdr %s", sd->msg);

    * Send file attributes to Storage daemon
    *   File_index
    *   File type
    *   Filename (full path)
    *   Encoded attributes
    *   Link name (if type==FT_LNK or FT_LNKSAVED)
    *   Encoded extended-attributes (for Win32)
    *   Delta Sequence Number
    * or send Restore Object to Storage daemon
    *   File_index
    *   File_type
    *   Object_index
    *   Object_len  (possibly compressed)
    *   Object_full_len (not compressed)
    *   Object_compression
    *   Plugin_name
    *   Object_name
    *   Binary Object data
    * For a directory, link is the same as fname, but with trailing
    * slash. For a linked file, link is the link.
   if (!IS_FT_OBJECT(ff_pkt->type) && ff_pkt->type != FT_DELETED) { /* already stripped */
   switch (ff_pkt->type) {
   case FT_JUNCTION:
   case FT_LNK:
   case FT_LNKSAVED:
      Dmsg3(300, "Link %d %s to %s\n", jcr->JobFiles, ff_pkt->fname, ff_pkt->link);
      status = sd->fsend("%ld %d %s%c%s%c%s%c%s%c%u%c", jcr->JobFiles,
                         ff_pkt->type, ff_pkt->fname, 0, attribs.c_str(), 0,
                         ff_pkt->link, 0, attribsEx, 0, ff_pkt->delta_seq, 0);
   case FT_DIREND:
   case FT_REPARSE:
      /* Here link is the canonical filename (i.e. with trailing slash) */
      status = sd->fsend("%ld %d %s%c%s%c%c%s%c%u%c", jcr->JobFiles,
                         ff_pkt->type, ff_pkt->link, 0, attribs.c_str(), 0, 0,
                         attribsEx, 0, ff_pkt->delta_seq, 0);
      comp_len = ff_pkt->object_len;
      ff_pkt->object_compression = 0;

      if (ff_pkt->object_len > 1000) {
          * Big object, compress it
         comp_len = compressBound(ff_pkt->object_len);
         POOLMEM *comp_obj = get_memory(comp_len);
          * FIXME: check Zdeflate error
         Zdeflate(ff_pkt->object, ff_pkt->object_len, comp_obj, comp_len);
         if (comp_len < ff_pkt->object_len) {
            ff_pkt->object = comp_obj;
            ff_pkt->object_compression = 1;    /* zlib level 9 compression */
         } else {
             * Uncompressed object smaller, use it
            comp_len = ff_pkt->object_len;
         Dmsg2(100, "Object compressed from %d to %d bytes\n", ff_pkt->object_len, comp_len);

      sd->msglen = Mmsg(sd->msg, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %s%c%s%c",
                        jcr->JobFiles, ff_pkt->type, ff_pkt->object_index,
                        comp_len, ff_pkt->object_len, ff_pkt->object_compression,
                        ff_pkt->fname, 0, ff_pkt->object_name, 0);
      sd->msg = check_pool_memory_size(sd->msg, sd->msglen + comp_len + 2);
      memcpy(sd->msg + sd->msglen, ff_pkt->object, comp_len);

       * Note we send one extra byte so Dir can store zero after object
      sd->msglen += comp_len + 1;
      status = sd->send();
      if (ff_pkt->object_compression) {
   case FT_REG:
      status = sd->fsend("%ld %d %s%c%s%c%c%s%c%d%c", jcr->JobFiles,
                         ff_pkt->type, ff_pkt->fname, 0, attribs.c_str(), 0, 0,
                         attribsEx, 0, ff_pkt->delta_seq, 0);
      status = sd->fsend("%ld %d %s%c%s%c%c%s%c%u%c", jcr->JobFiles,
                         ff_pkt->type, ff_pkt->fname, 0, attribs.c_str(), 0, 0,
                         attribsEx, 0, ff_pkt->delta_seq, 0);

   if (!IS_FT_OBJECT(ff_pkt->type) && ff_pkt->type != FT_DELETED) {

   Dmsg2(300, ">stored: attr len=%d: %s\n", sd->msglen, sd->msg);
   if (!status && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"), sd->bstrerror());

   sd->signal(BNET_EOD);            /* indicate end of attributes data */

   return status;
Example #17
 * Authenticate Director
bool DirComm::authenticate_director(JCR *jcr, DIRRES *director, CONRES *cons,
                char *errmsg, int errmsg_len)
   BSOCK *dir = jcr->dir_bsock;
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   bool tls_authenticate;
   int compatible = true;
   char bashed_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   char *password;
   TLS_CONTEXT *tls_ctx = NULL;

   errmsg[0] = 0;
    * Send my name to the Director then do authentication
   if (cons) {
      bstrncpy(bashed_name, cons->hdr.name, sizeof(bashed_name));
      password = cons->password;
      /* TLS Requirement */
      if (cons->tls_enable) {
         if (cons->tls_require) {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
         } else {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;
      tls_authenticate = cons->tls_authenticate;
      tls_ctx = cons->tls_ctx;
   } else {
      bstrncpy(bashed_name, "*UserAgent*", sizeof(bashed_name));
      password = director->password;
      /* TLS Requirement */
      if (director->tls_enable) {
         if (director->tls_require) {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
         } else {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

      tls_authenticate = director->tls_authenticate;
      tls_ctx = director->tls_ctx;
   if (tls_authenticate) {
      tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;

   /* Timeout Hello after 15 secs */
   dir->fsend(hello, bashed_name);

   /* respond to Dir challenge */
   if (!cram_md5_respond(dir, password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible) ||
       /* Now challenge dir */
       !cram_md5_challenge(dir, password, tls_local_need, compatible)) {
      bsnprintf(errmsg, errmsg_len, _("Director authorization problem at \"%s:%d\"\n"),
         dir->host(), dir->port());
      goto bail_out;

   /* Verify that the remote host is willing to meet our TLS requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need < tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      bsnprintf(errmsg, errmsg_len, _("Authorization problem:"
             " Remote server at \"%s:%d\" did not advertise required TLS support.\n"),
             dir->host(), dir->port());
      goto bail_out;

   /* Verify that we are willing to meet the remote host's requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need > tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      bsnprintf(errmsg, errmsg_len, _("Authorization problem with Director at \"%s:%d\":"
                     " Remote server requires TLS.\n"),
                     dir->host(), dir->port());

      goto bail_out;

   /* Is TLS Enabled? */
   if (tls_local_need >= BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need >= BNET_TLS_OK) {
      /* Engage TLS! Full Speed Ahead! */
      if (!bnet_tls_client(tls_ctx, dir, NULL)) {
         bsnprintf(errmsg, errmsg_len, _("TLS negotiation failed with Director at \"%s:%d\"\n"),
            dir->host(), dir->port());
         goto bail_out;
      if (tls_authenticate) {               /* authenticate only? */
         dir->free_tls();                   /* Yes, shutdown tls */

   Dmsg1(6, ">dird: %s", dir->msg);
   if (dir->recv() <= 0) {
      bsnprintf(errmsg, errmsg_len, _("Bad response to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"
                      "The Director at \"%s:%d\" is probably not running.\n"),
                    dir->bstrerror(), dir->host(), dir->port());
      return false;

   Dmsg1(10, "<dird: %s", dir->msg);
   if (strncmp(dir->msg, OKhello, sizeof(OKhello)-1) != 0) {
      bsnprintf(errmsg, errmsg_len, _("Director at \"%s:%d\" rejected Hello command\n"),
         dir->host(), dir->port());
      return false;
   } else {
      if (m_conn == 0) {
         bsnprintf(errmsg, errmsg_len, "%s", dir->msg);
   return true;

   bsnprintf(errmsg, errmsg_len, _("Authorization problem with Director at \"%s:%d\"\n"
             "Most likely the passwords do not agree.\n"
             "If you are using TLS, there may have been a certificate validation error during the TLS handshake.\n"
             "Please see " MANUAL_AUTH_URL " for help.\n"),
             dir->host(), dir->port());
   return false;
Example #18
 * Send data read from an already open file descriptor.
 * We return 1 on sucess and 0 on errors.
 * ***FIXME***
 * We use ff_pkt->statp.st_size when FO_SPARSE to know when to stop reading.
 * Currently this is not a problem as the only other stream, resource forks,
 * are not handled as sparse files.
static int send_data(JCR *jcr, int stream, FF_PKT *ff_pkt,
                     DIGEST *digest, DIGEST *signing_digest)
   b_ctx bctx;
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   return 1;

    * Setup backup context.
   memset(&bctx, 0, sizeof(b_ctx));
   bctx.jcr = jcr;
   bctx.ff_pkt = ff_pkt;
   bctx.msgsave = sd->msg; /* save the original sd buffer */
   bctx.rbuf = sd->msg; /* read buffer */
   bctx.wbuf = sd->msg; /* write buffer */
   bctx.rsize = jcr->buf_size; /* read buffer size */
   bctx.cipher_input = (uint8_t *)bctx.rbuf; /* encrypt uncompressed data */
   bctx.digest = digest; /* encryption digest */
   bctx.signing_digest = signing_digest; /* signing digest */

   Dmsg1(300, "Saving data, type=%d\n", ff_pkt->type);

   if (!setup_compression_context(bctx)) {
      goto bail_out;

   if (!setup_encryption_context(bctx)) {
      goto bail_out;

    * Send Data header to Storage daemon
    *    <file-index> <stream> <info>
   if (!sd->fsend("%ld %d 0", jcr->JobFiles, stream)) {
      if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"), sd->bstrerror());
      goto bail_out;
   Dmsg1(300, ">stored: datahdr %s", sd->msg);

    * Make space at beginning of buffer for fileAddr because this
    *   same buffer will be used for writing if compression is off.
   if (bit_is_set(FO_SPARSE, ff_pkt->flags) || bit_is_set(FO_OFFSETS, ff_pkt->flags)) {
      bctx.rbuf += OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE;
      bctx.rsize -= OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE;
       * To read FreeBSD partitions, the read size must be a multiple of 512.
      bctx.rsize = (bctx.rsize / 512) * 512;

    * A RAW device read on win32 only works if the buffer is a multiple of 512
#ifdef HAVE_WIN32
   if (S_ISBLK(ff_pkt->statp.st_mode)) {
      bctx.rsize = (bctx.rsize / 512) * 512;

   if (ff_pkt->statp.st_rdev & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED) {
      if (!send_encrypted_data(bctx)) {
         goto bail_out;
   } else {
      if (!send_plain_data(bctx)) {
         goto bail_out;
   if (!send_plain_data(bctx)) {
      goto bail_out;

   if (sd->msglen < 0) { /* error */
      berrno be;
      Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Read error on file %s. ERR=%s\n"), ff_pkt->fname, be.bstrerror(ff_pkt->bfd.berrno));
      if (jcr->JobErrors++ > 1000) { /* insanity check */
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Too many errors. JobErrors=%d.\n"), jcr->JobErrors);
   } else if (bit_is_set(FO_ENCRYPT, ff_pkt->flags)) {
       * For encryption, we must call finalize to push out any buffered data.
      if (!crypto_cipher_finalize(bctx.cipher_ctx,
                                  (uint8_t *)jcr->crypto.crypto_buf,
                                  &bctx.encrypted_len)) {
          * Padding failed. Shouldn't happen.
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Encryption padding error\n"));
         goto bail_out;

       * Note, on SSL pre-0.9.7, there is always some output
      if (bctx.encrypted_len > 0) {
         sd->msglen = bctx.encrypted_len; /* set encrypted length */
         sd->msg = jcr->crypto.crypto_buf; /* set correct write buffer */
         if (!sd->send()) {
            if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
               Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"), sd->bstrerror());
            goto bail_out;
         Dmsg1(130, "Send data to SD len=%d\n", sd->msglen);
         jcr->JobBytes += sd->msglen; /* count bytes saved possibly compressed/encrypted */
         sd->msg = bctx.msgsave; /* restore bnet buffer */

   if (!sd->signal(BNET_EOD)) { /* indicate end of file data */
      if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"), sd->bstrerror());
      goto bail_out;

    * Free the cipher context
   if (bctx.cipher_ctx) {

   return 1;

    * Free the cipher context
   if (bctx.cipher_ctx) {

   sd->msg = bctx.msgsave; /* restore bnet buffer */
   sd->msglen = 0;

   return 0;
Example #19
 *  Append Data sent from Client (FD/SD)
bool do_append_data(JCR *jcr)
   int32_t n;
   int32_t file_index, stream, last_file_index;
   uint64_t stream_len;
   BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
   bool ok = true;
   DEV_RECORD rec;
   char buf1[100], buf2[100];
   DCR *dcr = jcr->dcr;
   DEVICE *dev;
   char ec[50];
   POOLMEM *eblock = NULL;
   POOL_MEM errmsg(PM_EMSG);

   if (!dcr) {
      pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("DCR is NULL!!!\n"));
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, jcr->errmsg);
      return false;
   dev = dcr->dev;
   if (!dev) {
      pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("DEVICE is NULL!!!\n"));
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, jcr->errmsg);
      return false;

   Dmsg1(100, "Start append data. res=%d\n", dev->num_reserved());

   memset(&rec, 0, sizeof(rec));

   if (!fd->set_buffer_size(dcr->device->max_network_buffer_size, BNET_SETBUF_WRITE)) {
      pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("Unable to set network buffer size.\n"));
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, jcr->errmsg);
      return false;

   if (!acquire_device_for_append(dcr)) {
      return false;


   if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) {
      Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n"));
   Dmsg1(50, "Begin append device=%s\n", dev->print_name());


   Dmsg0(100, "Just after acquire_device_for_append\n");
   if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) {
      Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n"));
    * Write Begin Session Record
   if (!write_session_label(dcr, SOS_LABEL)) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Write session label failed. ERR=%s\n"),
      ok = false;

   if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) {
      Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n"));

   /* Tell File daemon to send data */
   if (!fd->fsend(OK_data)) {
      berrno be;
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to FD. ERR=%s\n"),
      ok = false;

    * Get Data from File daemon, write to device.  To clarify what is
    *   going on here.  We expect:
    *     - A stream header
    *     - Multiple records of data
    *     - EOD record
    *    The Stream header is just used to synchronize things, and
    *    none of the stream header is written to tape.
    *    The Multiple records of data, contain first the Attributes,
    *    then after another stream header, the file data, then
    *    after another stream header, the MD5 data if any.
    *   So we get the (stream header, data, EOD) three time for each
    *   file. 1. for the Attributes, 2. for the file data if any,
    *   and 3. for the MD5 if any.
   dcr->VolFirstIndex = dcr->VolLastIndex = 0;
   jcr->run_time = time(NULL);              /* start counting time for rates */

   GetMsg *qfd;

   qfd = New(GetMsg(jcr, fd, NULL, GETMSG_MAX_MSG_SIZE));

   for (last_file_index = 0; ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled(); ) {

      /* Read Stream header from the File daemon.
       *  The stream header consists of the following:
       *    file_index (sequential Bacula file index, base 1)
       *    stream     (Bacula number to distinguish parts of data)
       *    stream_len (Expected length of this stream. This
       *       will be the size backed up if the file does not
       *       grow during the backup.
      n = qfd->bget_msg(NULL);
      if (n <= 0) {
         if (n == BNET_SIGNAL && qfd->msglen == BNET_EOD) {
            Dmsg0(200, "Got EOD on reading header.\n");
            break;                    /* end of data */
         Jmsg3(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error reading data header from FD. n=%d msglen=%d ERR=%s\n"),
               n, qfd->msglen, fd->bstrerror());
         // ASX TODO the fd->bstrerror() can be related to the wrong error, I should Queue the error too
         possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
         ok = false;

      if (sscanf(qfd->msg, "%ld %ld %lld", &file_index, &stream, &stream_len) != 3) {
         // TODO ASX already done in bufmsg, should reuse the values
         char buf[256];
         Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Malformed data header from FD: %s\n"), asciidump(qfd->msg, qfd->msglen, buf, sizeof(buf)));
         ok = false;
         possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);

      Dmsg3(890, "<filed: Header FilInx=%d stream=%d stream_len=%lld\n",
         file_index, stream, stream_len);

       * We make sure the file_index is advancing sequentially.
       * An incomplete job can start the file_index at any number.
       * otherwise, it must start at 1.
      if (jcr->rerunning && file_index > 0 && last_file_index == 0) {
         goto fi_checked;
      Dmsg2(400, "file_index=%d last_file_index=%d\n", file_index, last_file_index);
      if (file_index > 0 && (file_index == last_file_index ||
          file_index == last_file_index + 1)) {
         goto fi_checked;
      Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("FI=%d from FD not positive or last_FI=%d\n"),
            file_index, last_file_index);
      possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
      ok = false;

      if (file_index != last_file_index) {
         jcr->JobFiles = file_index;
         last_file_index = file_index;

      /* Read data stream from the File daemon.
       *  The data stream is just raw bytes
      while ((n=qfd->bget_msg(NULL)) > 0 && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) {

         rec.VolSessionId = jcr->VolSessionId;
         rec.VolSessionTime = jcr->VolSessionTime;
         rec.FileIndex = file_index;
         rec.Stream = stream;
         rec.StreamLen = stream_len;
         rec.maskedStream = stream & STREAMMASK_TYPE;   /* strip high bits */
         rec.data_len = qfd->msglen;
         rec.data = qfd->msg;            /* use message buffer */

         Dmsg4(850, "before writ_rec FI=%d SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n",
            rec.FileIndex, rec.VolSessionId,
            stream_to_ascii(buf1, rec.Stream,rec.FileIndex),
         ok = dcr->write_record(&rec);
         if (!ok) {
            Dmsg2(90, "Got write_block_to_dev error on device %s. %s\n",
                  dcr->dev->print_name(), dcr->dev->bstrerror());
         jcr->JobBytes += rec.data_len;   /* increment bytes this job */
         jcr->JobBytes += qfd->bmsg->jobbytes; // if the block as been downloaded, count it
         Dmsg4(850, "write_record FI=%s SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n",
            FI_to_ascii(buf1, rec.FileIndex), rec.VolSessionId,
            stream_to_ascii(buf2, rec.Stream, rec.FileIndex), rec.data_len);

         send_attrs_to_dir(jcr, &rec);
         Dmsg0(650, "Enter bnet_get\n");
      Dmsg2(650, "End read loop with FD. JobFiles=%d Stat=%d\n", jcr->JobFiles, n);

      if (fd->is_error()) {
         if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
            Dmsg1(350, "Network read error from FD. ERR=%s\n", fd->bstrerror());
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network error reading from FD. ERR=%s\n"),
            possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
         ok = false;


   if (eblock != NULL) {

   /* Create Job status for end of session label */

   if (ok) {
      /* Terminate connection with Client */
      do_client_commands(jcr);            /* finish dialog with Client */
   } else {
      fd->fsend("3999 Failed append\n");

   Dmsg1(200, "Write EOS label JobStatus=%c\n", jcr->JobStatus);

    * Check if we can still write. This may not be the case
    *  if we are at the end of the tape or we got a fatal I/O error.
   if (ok || dev->can_write()) {
      if (!write_session_label(dcr, EOS_LABEL)) {
         /* Print only if ok and not cancelled to avoid spurious messages */
         if (ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
            Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error writing end session label. ERR=%s\n"),
            possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
         ok = false;
      /* Flush out final partial block of this session */
      if (!dcr->write_final_block_to_device()) {
         /* Print only if ok and not cancelled to avoid spurious messages */
         if (ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
            Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Fatal append error on device %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                  dev->print_name(), dev->bstrerror());
            Dmsg0(100, _("Set ok=FALSE after write_final_block_to_device.\n"));
            possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index);
         ok = false;
   if (!ok && !jcr->is_JobStatus(JS_Incomplete)) {
   } else {
      /* Note: if commit is OK, the device will remain blocked */

    * Don't use time_t for job_elapsed as time_t can be 32 or 64 bits,
    *   and the subsequent Jmsg() editing will break
   int32_t job_elapsed = time(NULL) - jcr->run_time;

   if (job_elapsed <= 0) {
      job_elapsed = 1;

   Jmsg(dcr->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Elapsed time=%02d:%02d:%02d, Transfer rate=%s Bytes/second\n"),
         job_elapsed / 3600, job_elapsed % 3600 / 60, job_elapsed % 60,
         edit_uint64_with_suffix(jcr->JobBytes / job_elapsed, ec));

    * Release the device -- and send final Vol info to DIR
    *  and unlock it.

   if ((!ok || jcr->is_job_canceled()) && !jcr->is_JobStatus(JS_Incomplete)) {
   } else {

   jcr->sendJobStatus();          /* update director */

   Dmsg1(100, "return from do_append_data() ok=%d\n", ok);
   return ok;
Example #20
 * Handle the data just read and send it to the SD after doing any postprocessing needed.
static inline bool send_data_to_sd(b_ctx *bctx)
   BSOCK *sd = bctx->jcr->store_bsock;
   bool need_more_data;

    * Check for sparse blocks
   if (bit_is_set(FO_SPARSE, bctx->ff_pkt->flags)) {
      bool allZeros;

      allZeros = false;
      if ((sd->msglen == bctx->rsize &&
          (bctx->fileAddr + sd->msglen < (uint64_t)bctx->ff_pkt->statp.st_size)) ||
          ((bctx->ff_pkt->type == FT_RAW ||
            bctx->ff_pkt->type == FT_FIFO) &&
          ((uint64_t)bctx->ff_pkt->statp.st_size == 0))) {
         allZeros = is_buf_zero(bctx->rbuf, bctx->rsize);

      if (!allZeros) {
          * Put file address as first data in buffer
         ser_begin(bctx->wbuf, OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE);
         ser_uint64(bctx->fileAddr); /* store fileAddr in begin of buffer */

      bctx->fileAddr += sd->msglen; /* update file address */

       * Skip block of all zeros
      if (allZeros) {
         return true;
   } else if (bit_is_set(FO_OFFSETS, bctx->ff_pkt->flags)) {
      ser_begin(bctx->wbuf, OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE);
      ser_uint64(bctx->ff_pkt->bfd.offset); /* store offset in begin of buffer */

   bctx->jcr->ReadBytes += sd->msglen; /* count bytes read */

    * Uncompressed cipher input length
   bctx->cipher_input_len = sd->msglen;

    * Update checksum if requested
   if (bctx->digest) {
      crypto_digest_update(bctx->digest, (uint8_t *)bctx->rbuf, sd->msglen);

    * Update signing digest if requested
   if (bctx->signing_digest) {
      crypto_digest_update(bctx->signing_digest, (uint8_t *)bctx->rbuf, sd->msglen);

    * Compress the data.
   if (bit_is_set(FO_COMPRESS, bctx->ff_pkt->flags)) {
      if (!compress_data(bctx->jcr, bctx->ff_pkt->Compress_algo, bctx->rbuf,
                         bctx->jcr->store_bsock->msglen, bctx->cbuf,
                         bctx->max_compress_len, &bctx->compress_len)) {
         return false;

       * See if we need to generate a compression header.
      if (bctx->chead) {

          * Complete header
         ser_begin(bctx->chead, sizeof(comp_stream_header));
         ser_end(bctx->chead, sizeof(comp_stream_header));

         bctx->compress_len += sizeof(comp_stream_header); /* add size of header */

      bctx->jcr->store_bsock->msglen = bctx->compress_len; /* set compressed length */
      bctx->cipher_input_len = bctx->compress_len;

    * Encrypt the data.
   need_more_data = false;
   if (bit_is_set(FO_ENCRYPT, bctx->ff_pkt->flags) && !encrypt_data(bctx, &need_more_data)) {
      if (need_more_data) {
         return true;
      return false;

    * Send the buffer to the Storage daemon
   if (bit_is_set(FO_SPARSE, bctx->ff_pkt->flags) || bit_is_set(FO_OFFSETS, bctx->ff_pkt->flags)) {
      sd->msglen += OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE; /* include fileAddr in size */
   sd->msg = bctx->wbuf; /* set correct write buffer */

   if (!sd->send()) {
      if (!bctx->jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
         Jmsg1(bctx->jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"), sd->bstrerror());
      return false;

   Dmsg1(130, "Send data to SD len=%d\n", sd->msglen);
   bctx->jcr->JobBytes += sd->msglen; /* count bytes saved possibly compressed/encrypted */
   sd->msg = bctx->msgsave; /* restore read buffer */

   return true;
Example #21
bool encode_and_send_attributes(JCR *jcr, FF_PKT *ff_pkt, int &data_stream) 
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   char attribs[MAXSTRING];
   char attribsEx[MAXSTRING];
   int attr_stream;
   int stat;
   return true;

   Dmsg1(300, "encode_and_send_attrs fname=%s\n", ff_pkt->fname);
   /* Find what data stream we will use, then encode the attributes */
   if ((data_stream = select_data_stream(ff_pkt)) == STREAM_NONE) {
      /* This should not happen */
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Invalid file flags, no supported data stream type.\n"));
      return false;
   encode_stat(attribs, &ff_pkt->statp, ff_pkt->LinkFI, data_stream);

   /* Now possibly extend the attributes */
   attr_stream = encode_attribsEx(jcr, attribsEx, ff_pkt);

   Dmsg3(300, "File %s\nattribs=%s\nattribsEx=%s\n", ff_pkt->fname, attribs, attribsEx);

   jcr->JobFiles++;                    /* increment number of files sent */
   ff_pkt->FileIndex = jcr->JobFiles;  /* return FileIndex */
   pm_strcpy(jcr->last_fname, ff_pkt->fname);

    * Send Attributes header to Storage daemon
    *    <file-index> <stream> <info>
   if (!sd->fsend("%ld %d 0", jcr->JobFiles, attr_stream)) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
      return false;
   Dmsg1(300, ">stored: attrhdr %s\n", sd->msg);

    * Send file attributes to Storage daemon
    *   File_index
    *   File type
    *   Filename (full path)
    *   Encoded attributes
    *   Link name (if type==FT_LNK or FT_LNKSAVED)
    *   Encoded extended-attributes (for Win32)
    * For a directory, link is the same as fname, but with trailing
    * slash. For a linked file, link is the link.
   if (ff_pkt->type != FT_DELETED) { /* already stripped */
   if (ff_pkt->type == FT_LNK || ff_pkt->type == FT_LNKSAVED) {
      Dmsg2(300, "Link %s to %s\n", ff_pkt->fname, ff_pkt->link);
      stat = sd->fsend("%ld %d %s%c%s%c%s%c%s%c", jcr->JobFiles,
               ff_pkt->type, ff_pkt->fname, 0, attribs, 0, ff_pkt->link, 0,
               attribsEx, 0);
   } else if (ff_pkt->type == FT_DIREND || ff_pkt->type == FT_REPARSE) {
      /* Here link is the canonical filename (i.e. with trailing slash) */
      stat = sd->fsend("%ld %d %s%c%s%c%c%s%c", jcr->JobFiles,
               ff_pkt->type, ff_pkt->link, 0, attribs, 0, 0, attribsEx, 0);
   } else {
      stat = sd->fsend("%ld %d %s%c%s%c%c%s%c", jcr->JobFiles,
               ff_pkt->type, ff_pkt->fname, 0, attribs, 0, 0, attribsEx, 0);
   if (ff_pkt->type != FT_DELETED) {

   Dmsg2(300, ">stored: attr len=%d: %s\n", sd->msglen, sd->msg);
   if (!stat) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to SD. ERR=%s\n"),
      return false;
   sd->signal(BNET_EOD);            /* indicate end of attributes data */
   return true;