//calculate the view positions of all the MatrixLayoutItems //on the items list with offsets based upon matrixLeft //and matrixTop void LayoutMatrix :: Calc( const float paramMatrixLeft, const float paramMatrixTop, sem_id paramSemID) { int32 numItems = mpItemsList->CountItems(); if (!numItems) return; if (acquire_sem(paramSemID) != B_NO_ERROR) { warning(myPrefs->FailAqSem); return; } bool hasPopUpMenu = false; TextItem * scratchTextItem; for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { ((LayoutMatrixItem *)(mpItemsList->ItemAt(i)))->Calc(); } float widest = 0; float tallest = 0; int32 index = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { LayoutMatrixItem * lmi = (LayoutMatrixItem *)mpItemsList->ItemAt(index++); if (lmi->mfWidthPref > widest) { widest = lmi->mfWidthPref; } if (lmi->mfHeightPref > tallest) { tallest = lmi->mfHeightPref; } } if (mui32Flags & SAMESIZE) {//SAMESIZE makes all items the same size as the largest index = 0; //Resize all items to match largest: for ( uint32 i = 0; i < mui32Rows; i++) { for ( uint32 j = 0; j < mui32Columns; j++) { LayoutMatrixItem * lmi = (LayoutMatrixItem *)mpItemsList->ItemAt(index++); switch (lmi->mui32Kind) { case KIND_MYSPACER: { MySpacer * scratchMySpacer = (MySpacer *)lmi->mpItem; if (scratchMySpacer->mbSAMEFromWidest) { scratchMySpacer->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } } break; case KIND_MYBUTTON: { BButton * scratchMyButton = (BButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyButton->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYSLIDER: { BSlider * scratchMySlider = (BSlider *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMySlider->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_STRINGDRAWER: { BStringView * scratchMyStringView = (BStringView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyStringView->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYCHECKBOX: { BCheckBox * scratchMyCheckBox = (BCheckBox *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyCheckBox->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYPICTUREBUTTON: { BPictureButton * scratchMyPictureButton = (BPictureButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyPictureButton->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYCOLORCONTROL: { BColorControl * scratchMyColorControl = (BColorControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyColorControl->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_MYSTATUSBAR: { BStatusBar * scratchMyStatusBar = (BStatusBar *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyStatusBar->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_UINT32CONTROL: { UInt32Control * scratchUInt32Control = (UInt32Control *)lmi->mpItem; scratchUInt32Control->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_FLOATCONTROL: { FloatControl * scratchFloatControl = (FloatControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchFloatControl->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; case KIND_STRINGCONTROL: { StringControl * scratchStringControl = (StringControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchStringControl->ResizeTo(widest, tallest); } break; } } } } index = 0; //move every item based upon size and padding: const float hpad = 2;//horizontal spacing between items const float vpad = 2;//vertical spacing between items float localLeft; float localTop = vpad + paramMatrixTop; float excessRight = 0, excessRightHold = 0; float excessBottom = 0, excessBottomHold = 0; for ( uint32 ii = 0; ii < mui32Rows; ii++) { localLeft = paramMatrixLeft + hpad; float columnRight = 0; excessBottom = 0; for ( uint32 jj = 0; jj < mui32Columns; jj++) { excessRight = 0; LayoutMatrixItem * lmi = (LayoutMatrixItem *)mpItemsList->ItemAt(index++); switch (lmi->mui32Kind) { case KIND_MYPOPUPMENU: { hasPopUpMenu = true; MyPopUpMenu * scratchPopUpMenu = (MyPopUpMenu *)lmi->mpItem; scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelLeft = localLeft; excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref + scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelWidth; scratchPopUpMenu->SetLeft(localLeft); scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelTop = localTop; if ((scratchPopUpMenu->mfHeight + 9) > scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelHeight) { excessBottomHold = scratchPopUpMenu->mfHeight + 10; } else { excessBottomHold = scratchPopUpMenu->mfLabelHeight + 1; } } break; case KIND_MYTEXTVIEW: { BTextView * scratchTextView = (BTextView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchTextView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = ((MyTextView *)scratchTextView)->mfWidth; excessBottomHold = ((MyTextView *)scratchTextView)->mfHeight; } break; case KIND_MYLISTVIEW: { BListView * scratchListView = (BListView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchListView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); ((BListView *)(lmi->mpItem))->GetPreferredSize(&excessRightHold, &excessBottomHold); } break; case KIND_MYBUTTON: { BButton * scratchMyButton = (BButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyButton->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_MYSLIDER: { BSlider * scratchMySlider = (BSlider *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMySlider->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_MYSPACER: { MySpacer * scratchMySpacer = (MySpacer *)lmi->mpItem; if ( (mui32Flags & SAMESIZE) && scratchMySpacer->mbSAMEFromWidest) { excessRightHold = widest; excessBottomHold = tallest; } else { excessRightHold = scratchMySpacer->mfPreferredWidth; excessBottomHold = scratchMySpacer->mfPreferredHeight; } } break; case KIND_MYRADIOVIEW: { MyRadioView * scratchRadioView = (MyRadioView *)lmi->mpItem; scratchRadioView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_STRINGDRAWER: { BStringView * scratchMyStringView = (BStringView *)lmi->mpItem; TextItem * scratchTextItem = ((MyStringDrawer *)lmi->mpItem)->GetTextItem(); scratchTextItem->mfLeft = localLeft; scratchTextItem->mfTop = localTop + lmi->mfHeightPref - ((MyStringDrawer *)lmi->mpItem)->mfDescender - vpad; scratchMyStringView->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_MYCHECKBOX: { BCheckBox * scratchMyCheckBox = (BCheckBox *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyCheckBox->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop + 1); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref + 1; } break; case KIND_MYPICTUREBUTTON: { BPictureButton * scratchMyPictureButton = (BPictureButton *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyPictureButton->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = scratchMyPictureButton->Bounds().Width() + 1; excessBottomHold = scratchMyPictureButton->Bounds().Height() + 1; } break; case KIND_MYCOLORCONTROL: { BColorControl * scratchMyColorControl = (BColorControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyColorControl->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; ; } break; case KIND_MYSTATUSBAR: { MyStatusBar * scratchMyStatusBar = (MyStatusBar *)lmi->mpItem; scratchMyStatusBar->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_UINT32CONTROL: { UInt32Control * scratchUInt32Control = (UInt32Control *)lmi->mpItem; scratchUInt32Control->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_FLOATCONTROL: { FloatControl * scratchFloatControl = (FloatControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchFloatControl->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_STRINGCONTROL: { StringControl * scratchStringControl = (StringControl *)lmi->mpItem; scratchStringControl->MoveTo(localLeft, localTop); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; } break; case KIND_TEXT: scratchTextItem = (TextItem *)lmi->mpItem; scratchTextItem->mfLeft = localLeft; scratchTextItem->mfTop = localTop + lmi->mfHeightPref; excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; break; case KIND_COLORWELL: ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelLeft = localLeft; ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->SetLeft(((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->GetLeft() + localLeft); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelTop = localTop; ((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->SetTop(((ColorWell *)lmi->mpItem)->GetTop() + localTop); excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref; break; case KIND_INT8GADGET: case KIND_UINT8GADGET: case KIND_INT16GADGET: case KIND_UINT16GADGET: case KIND_INT32GADGET: case KIND_UINT32GADGET: case KIND_INT64GADGET: case KIND_UINT64GADGET: case KIND_FLOATGADGET: case KIND_HEXGADGET: case KIND_STRINGGADGET: ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelLeft = localLeft; ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->SetLeft(((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->GetLeft() + localLeft); excessRightHold = lmi->mfWidthPref; ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->mfLabelTop = localTop; ((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->SetTop(((GadgetBase *)lmi->mpItem)->GetTop() + localTop); excessBottomHold = lmi->mfHeightPref + 1; break; } if (mui32Flags & SAMESIZE) { excessRightHold = widest; excessBottomHold = tallest; } excessRightHold += hpad; if (excessRightHold > excessRight) { excessRight = excessRightHold; } localLeft += excessRight; if (mui32Columns - 1) { if (jj != (mui32Columns - 1)) { if (localLeft > columnRight) { columnRight = localLeft; } } else { columnRight = localLeft; } } else { if (localLeft > columnRight) { columnRight = localLeft; } } //mfRight is stored so that another MatrixLayout //can know where a previous one ended up if (excessBottomHold > excessBottom) { excessBottom = excessBottomHold; } } if (columnRight > mfRight) { mfRight = columnRight; } excessBottomHold += vpad; localTop += excessBottom; if (mui32Rows - 1) { if (ii != (mui32Rows - 1)) { if (localTop > mfBottom) { mfBottom = localTop; } } else { mfBottom = localTop; } } else { if (localTop > mfBottom) { mfBottom = localTop; } } //mfBottom is stored so that another MatrixLayout //can know where a previous one ended up } if (hasPopUpMenu) { mfRight += 30; } release_sem(paramSemID); }//end
void ImageView::_UpdateImage() { // ToDo: add scroller if necessary?! BAutolock locker(fEditor); // we need all the data... size_t viewSize = fEditor.ViewSize(); // that may need some more memory... if ((off_t)viewSize < fEditor.FileSize()) fEditor.SetViewSize(fEditor.FileSize()); const char *data; if (fEditor.GetViewBuffer((const uint8 **)&data) != B_OK) { fEditor.SetViewSize(viewSize); return; } if (fBitmap != NULL && (fEditor.Type() == B_MINI_ICON_TYPE || fEditor.Type() == B_LARGE_ICON_TYPE)) { // optimize icon update... fBitmap->SetBits(data, fEditor.FileSize(), 0, B_CMAP8); fEditor.SetViewSize(viewSize); return; } #ifdef HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_HAIKU if (fBitmap != NULL && fEditor.Type() == B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE && fScaleSlider->Value() * 8 - 1 == fBitmap->Bounds().Width()) { if (BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon((const uint8 *)data, (size_t)fEditor.FileSize(), fBitmap) == B_OK) { fEditor.SetViewSize(viewSize); return; } } #endif delete fBitmap; fBitmap = NULL; switch (fEditor.Type()) { case B_MINI_ICON_TYPE: fBitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 15, 15), B_CMAP8); if (fBitmap->InitCheck() == B_OK) fBitmap->SetBits(data, fEditor.FileSize(), 0, B_CMAP8); break; case B_LARGE_ICON_TYPE: fBitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, 31, 31), B_CMAP8); if (fBitmap->InitCheck() == B_OK) fBitmap->SetBits(data, fEditor.FileSize(), 0, B_CMAP8); break; #ifdef HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_HAIKU case B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE: fBitmap = new BBitmap(BRect(0, 0, fScaleSlider->Value() * 8 - 1, fScaleSlider->Value() * 8 - 1), B_RGB32); if (fBitmap->InitCheck() != B_OK || BIconUtils::GetVectorIcon((const uint8 *)data, (size_t)fEditor.FileSize(), fBitmap) != B_OK) { delete fBitmap; fBitmap = NULL; } break; #endif case B_PNG_FORMAT: { BMemoryIO stream(data, fEditor.FileSize()); fBitmap = BTranslationUtils::GetBitmap(&stream); break; } case B_MESSAGE_TYPE: { BMessage message; // ToDo: this could be problematic if the data is not large // enough to contain the message... if (message.Unflatten(data) == B_OK) fBitmap = new BBitmap(&message); break; } } // Update the bitmap description. If no image can be displayed, // we will show our "unsupported" message if (fBitmap != NULL && fBitmap->InitCheck() != B_OK) { delete fBitmap; fBitmap = NULL; } if (fBitmap != NULL) { char buffer[256]; const char *type = B_TRANSLATE("Unknown type"); switch (fEditor.Type()) { case B_MINI_ICON_TYPE: case B_LARGE_ICON_TYPE: #ifdef HAIKU_TARGET_PLATFORM_HAIKU case B_VECTOR_ICON_TYPE: #endif type = B_TRANSLATE("Icon"); break; case B_PNG_FORMAT: type = B_TRANSLATE("PNG format"); break; case B_MESSAGE_TYPE: type = B_TRANSLATE("Flattened bitmap"); break; default: break; } const char *colorSpace; switch (fBitmap->ColorSpace()) { case B_GRAY1: case B_GRAY8: colorSpace = B_TRANSLATE("Grayscale"); break; case B_CMAP8: colorSpace = B_TRANSLATE("8 bit palette"); break; case B_RGB32: case B_RGBA32: case B_RGB32_BIG: case B_RGBA32_BIG: colorSpace = B_TRANSLATE("32 bit"); break; case B_RGB15: case B_RGBA15: case B_RGB15_BIG: case B_RGBA15_BIG: colorSpace = B_TRANSLATE("15 bit"); break; case B_RGB16: case B_RGB16_BIG: colorSpace = B_TRANSLATE("16 bit"); break; default: colorSpace = B_TRANSLATE("Unknown format"); break; } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s, %g x %g, %s", type, fBitmap->Bounds().Width() + 1, fBitmap->Bounds().Height() + 1, colorSpace); fDescriptionView->SetText(buffer); } else fDescriptionView->SetText(B_TRANSLATE_COMMENT("Could not read image", "Image means here a picture file, not a disk image.")); // Update the view size to match the image and its description float width, height; fDescriptionView->GetPreferredSize(&width, &height); fDescriptionView->ResizeTo(width, height); BRect rect = fDescriptionView->Bounds(); if (fBitmap != NULL) { BRect bounds = fBitmap->Bounds(); rect.bottom += bounds.Height() + 5; if (fScaleSlider != NULL && rect.Width() < fScaleSlider->Bounds().Width()) rect.right = fScaleSlider->Bounds().right; if (bounds.Width() > rect.Width()) rect.right = bounds.right; // center description below the bitmap fDescriptionView->MoveTo((rect.Width() - fDescriptionView->Bounds().Width()) / 2, bounds.Height() + 5); if (fScaleSlider != NULL) { // center slider below description rect.bottom += fScaleSlider->Bounds().Height() + 5; fScaleSlider->MoveTo((rect.Width() - fScaleSlider->Bounds().Width()) / 2, fDescriptionView->Frame().bottom + 5); if (fScaleSlider->IsHidden()) fScaleSlider->Show(); } } else if (fScaleSlider != NULL && !fScaleSlider->IsHidden()) fScaleSlider->Hide(); ResizeTo(rect.Width(), rect.Height()); if (Parent()) { // center within parent view BRect parentBounds = Parent()->Bounds(); MoveTo((parentBounds.Width() - rect.Width()) / 2, (parentBounds.Height() - rect.Height()) / 2); } Invalidate(); // restore old view size fEditor.SetViewSize(viewSize); }