Example #1
    byte PgfImage::readPgfMagicNumber(BasicIo& iIo)
        byte b = iIo.getb();
        if (iIo.error()) throw Error(14);

        if (b < 0x36)   // 0x36 = '6'.
            // Not right Magick version.
#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cout << "Exiv2::PgfImage::readMetadata: wrong Magick number\n";

        return b;
    } // PgfImage::readPgfMagicNumber
Example #2
 bool isOrfType(BasicIo& iIo, bool advance)
     const int32_t len = 8;
     byte buf[len];
     iIo.read(buf, len);
     if (iIo.error() || iIo.eof()) {
         return false;
     OrfHeader orfHeader;
     bool rc = orfHeader.read(buf, len);
     if (!advance || !rc) {
         iIo.seek(-len, BasicIo::cur);
     return rc;
Example #3
 bool isJp2Type(BasicIo& iIo, bool advance)
     const int32_t len = 12;
     byte buf[len];
     iIo.read(buf, len);
     if (iIo.error() || iIo.eof())
         return false;
     bool matched = (memcmp(buf, Jp2Signature, len) == 0);
     if (!advance || !matched)
         iIo.seek(-len, BasicIo::cur);
     return matched;
Example #4
    uint32_t PgfImage::readPgfHeaderSize(BasicIo& iIo)
        DataBuf buffer(4);
        long bufRead = iIo.read(buffer.pData_, buffer.size_);
        if (iIo.error()) throw Error(14);
        if (bufRead != buffer.size_) throw Error(20);

        int headerSize = (int) byteSwap_(buffer,0,bSwap_);
        if (headerSize <= 0 ) throw Error(22);

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Exiv2::PgfImage: PGF header size : " << headerSize << " bytes\n";

        return headerSize;
    } // PgfImage::readPgfHeaderSize
Example #5
    bool isPgfType(BasicIo& iIo, bool advance)
        const int32_t len = 3;
        byte buf[len];
        iIo.read(buf, len);
        if (iIo.error() || iIo.eof())
            return false;
        int rc = memcmp(buf, pgfSignature, 3);
        if (!advance || rc != 0)
            iIo.seek(-len, BasicIo::cur);

        return rc == 0;
Example #6
    bool isAsfType(BasicIo& iIo, bool advance)
        const int32_t len = 16;
        byte buf[len];
        iIo.read(buf, len);

        if (iIo.error() || iIo.eof()) {
            return false;

        bool matched = isASFType(buf);
        if (!advance || !matched) {
            iIo.seek(0, BasicIo::beg);

        return matched;
Example #7
    uint32_t PgfImage::readPgfHeaderSize(BasicIo& iIo)
        DataBuf buffer(4);
        long bufRead = iIo.read(buffer.pData_, buffer.size_);
        if (iIo.error()) throw Error(14);
        if (bufRead != buffer.size_) throw Error(20);

        uint32_t headerSize = 0;
        memcpy (&headerSize, buffer.pData_, 4);      // TODO : check endianness.
        if (headerSize <= 0 ) throw Error(22);

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Exiv2::PgfImage: PGF header size : " << headerSize << " bytes\n";

        return headerSize;
    } // PgfImage::readPgfHeaderSize
Example #8
 bool isBmpType(BasicIo& iIo, bool advance)
     const int32_t len = 2;
     const unsigned char BmpImageId[2] = { 'B', 'M' };
     byte buf[len];
     iIo.read(buf, len);
     if (iIo.error() || iIo.eof())
         return false;
     bool matched = (memcmp(buf, BmpImageId, len) == 0);
     if (!advance || !matched)
         iIo.seek(-len, BasicIo::cur);
     return matched;
Example #9
    uint32_t PsdImage::writeXmpData(const XmpData& xmpData, BasicIo& out) const
        std::string xmpPacket;
        uint32_t resLength = 0;
        byte buf[8];

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "writeXmpFromPacket(): " << writeXmpFromPacket() << "\n";
//        writeXmpFromPacket(true);
        if (writeXmpFromPacket() == false) {
            if (XmpParser::encode(xmpPacket, xmpData) > 1) {
                std::cerr << "Error: Failed to encode XMP metadata.\n";

        if (xmpPacket.size() > 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cerr << std::hex << "write: resourceId: " << kPhotoshopResourceID_XMPPacket << "\n";
            std::cerr << std::dec << "Writing XMPPacket: size: " << xmpPacket.size() << "\n";
            ul2Data(buf, kPhotoshopResourceType, bigEndian);
            if (out.write(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);
            us2Data(buf, kPhotoshopResourceID_XMPPacket, bigEndian);
            if (out.write(buf, 2) != 2) throw Error(21);
            us2Data(buf, 0, bigEndian);                      // NULL resource name
            if (out.write(buf, 2) != 2) throw Error(21);
            ul2Data(buf, xmpPacket.size(), bigEndian);
            if (out.write(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);
            // Write XMPPacket
            if (out.write(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(xmpPacket.data()), static_cast<long>(xmpPacket.size()))
                != static_cast<long>(xmpPacket.size())) throw Error(21);
            if (out.error()) throw Error(21);
            resLength += xmpPacket.size() + 12;
            if (xmpPacket.size() & 1)    // even padding
                buf[0] = 0;
                if (out.write(buf, 1) != 1) throw Error(21);
        return resLength;
    } // PsdImage::writeXmpData
Example #10
    bool isPsdType(BasicIo& iIo, bool advance)
        const int32_t len = 6;
        const unsigned char PsdHeader[6] = { '8', 'B', 'P', 'S', 0, 1 };
        byte buf[len];
        iIo.read(buf, len);
        if (iIo.error() || iIo.eof())
            return false;
        bool matched = (memcmp(buf, PsdHeader, len) == 0);
        if (!advance || !matched)
            iIo.seek(-len, BasicIo::cur);

        return matched;
Example #11
 bool isCrwType(BasicIo& iIo, bool advance)
     bool result = true;
     byte tmpBuf[14];
     iIo.read(tmpBuf, 14);
     if (iIo.error() || iIo.eof()) {
         return false;
     if (!(   ('I' == tmpBuf[0] && 'I' == tmpBuf[1])
           || ('M' == tmpBuf[0] && 'M' == tmpBuf[1]))) {
         result = false;
     if (   true == result
         && std::memcmp(tmpBuf + 6, CiffHeader::signature_, 8) != 0) {
         result = false;
     if (!advance || !result) iIo.seek(-14, BasicIo::cur);
     return result;
Example #12
 bool isGifType(BasicIo& iIo, bool advance)
     const int32_t len = 6;
     const unsigned char Gif87aId[8] = { 'G', 'I', 'F', '8', '7', 'a' };
     const unsigned char Gif89aId[8] = { 'G', 'I', 'F', '8', '9', 'a' };
     byte buf[len];
     iIo.read(buf, len);
     if (iIo.error() || iIo.eof())
         return false;
     bool matched =    (memcmp(buf, Gif87aId, len) == 0)
                    || (memcmp(buf, Gif89aId, len) == 0);
     if (!advance || !matched)
         iIo.seek(-len, BasicIo::cur);
     return matched;
Example #13
    void JpegBase::doWriteMetadata(BasicIo& outIo)
        if (!io_->isopen()) throw Error(20);
        if (!outIo.isopen()) throw Error(21);

        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isThisType(*io_, true)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(20);
            throw Error(22);

        const long bufMinSize = 16;
        long bufRead = 0;
        DataBuf buf(bufMinSize);
        const long seek = io_->tell();
        int count = 0;
        int search = 0;
        int insertPos = 0;
        int skipApp1Exif = -1;
        int skipApp13Ps3 = -1;
        int skipCom = -1;
        DataBuf psData;

        // Write image header
        if (writeHeader(outIo)) throw Error(21);

        // Read section marker
        int marker = advanceToMarker();
        if (marker < 0) throw Error(22);

        // First find segments of interest. Normally app0 is first and we want
        // to insert after it. But if app0 comes after com, app1 and app13 then
        // don't bother.
        while (marker != sos_ && marker != eoi_ && search < 3) {
            // Read size and signature (ok if this hits EOF)
            bufRead = io_->read(buf.pData_, bufMinSize);
            if (io_->error()) throw Error(20);
            uint16_t size = getUShort(buf.pData_, bigEndian);

            if (marker == app0_) {
                if (size < 2) throw Error(22);
                insertPos = count + 1;
                if (io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(22);
            else if (marker == app1_ && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, exifId_, 6) == 0) {
                if (size < 8) throw Error(22);
                skipApp1Exif = count;
                if (io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(22);
            else if (marker == app13_ && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, Photoshop::ps3Id_, 14) == 0) {
                if (size < 16) throw Error(22);
                skipApp13Ps3 = count;
                // needed if bufMinSize!=16: io_->seek(16-bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                psData.alloc(size - 16);
                // Load PS data now to allow reinsertion at any point
                io_->read(psData.pData_, psData.size_);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(20);
            else if (marker == com_ && skipCom == -1) {
                if (size < 2) throw Error(22);
                // Jpegs can have multiple comments, but for now only handle
                // the first one (most jpegs only have one anyway).
                skipCom = count;
                if (io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(22);
            else {
                if (size < 2) throw Error(22);
                if (io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(22);
            marker = advanceToMarker();
            if (marker < 0) throw Error(22);

        if (exifData_.count() > 0) ++search;
        if (iptcData_.count() > 0) ++search;
        if (!comment_.empty()) ++search;

        io_->seek(seek, BasicIo::beg);
        count = 0;
        marker = advanceToMarker();
        if (marker < 0) throw Error(22);

        // To simplify this a bit, new segments are inserts at either the start
        // or right after app0. This is standard in most jpegs, but has the
        // potential to change segment ordering (which is allowed).
        // Segments are erased if there is no assigned metadata.
        while (marker != sos_ && search > 0) {
            // Read size and signature (ok if this hits EOF)
            bufRead = io_->read(buf.pData_, bufMinSize);
            if (io_->error()) throw Error(20);
            // Careful, this can be a meaningless number for empty
            // images with only an eoi_ marker
            uint16_t size = getUShort(buf.pData_, bigEndian);

            if (insertPos == count) {
                byte tmpBuf[18];
                if (!comment_.empty()) {
                    // Write COM marker, size of comment, and string
                    tmpBuf[0] = 0xff;
                    tmpBuf[1] = com_;

                    if (comment_.length() + 3 > 0xffff) throw Error(37, "JPEG comment");
                    us2Data(tmpBuf + 2, static_cast<uint16_t>(comment_.length() + 3), bigEndian);

                    if (outIo.write(tmpBuf, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);
                    if (outIo.write((byte*)comment_.data(), (long)comment_.length())
                        != (long)comment_.length()) throw Error(21);
                    if (outIo.putb(0)==EOF) throw Error(21);
                    if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);
                if (exifData_.count() > 0) {
                    DataBuf rawExif = exifData_.copy();
                    if (rawExif.size_ > 0) {
                        // Write APP1 marker, size of APP1 field, Exif id and Exif data
                        tmpBuf[0] = 0xff;
                        tmpBuf[1] = app1_;

                        if (rawExif.size_ + 8 > 0xffff) throw Error(37, "Exif");
                        us2Data(tmpBuf + 2, static_cast<uint16_t>(rawExif.size_ + 8), bigEndian);
                        memcpy(tmpBuf + 4, exifId_, 6);
                        if (outIo.write(tmpBuf, 10) != 10) throw Error(21);

                        // Write new Exif data buffer
                        if (   outIo.write(rawExif.pData_, rawExif.size_)
                               != rawExif.size_) throw Error(21);
                        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);
                if (psData.size_ > 0 || iptcData_.count() > 0) {
                    // Set the new IPTC IRB, keeps existing IRBs but removes the
                    // IPTC block if there is no new IPTC data to write
                    DataBuf newPsData = Photoshop::setIptcIrb(psData.pData_,
                    if (newPsData.size_ > 0) {
                        // Write APP13 marker, new size, and ps3Id
                        tmpBuf[0] = 0xff;
                        tmpBuf[1] = app13_;

                        if (newPsData.size_ + 16 > 0xffff) throw Error(37, "IPTC");
                        us2Data(tmpBuf + 2, static_cast<uint16_t>(newPsData.size_ + 16), bigEndian);
                        memcpy(tmpBuf + 4, Photoshop::ps3Id_, 14);
                        if (outIo.write(tmpBuf, 18) != 18) throw Error(21);
                        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);

                        // Write new Photoshop IRB data buffer
                        if (   outIo.write(newPsData.pData_, newPsData.size_)
                            != newPsData.size_) throw Error(21);
                        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);
                    if (iptcData_.count() > 0) {
            if (marker == eoi_) {
            else if (skipApp1Exif==count || skipApp13Ps3==count || skipCom==count) {
                io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
            else {
                if (size < 2) throw Error(22);
                io_->seek(-bufRead-2, BasicIo::cur);
                io_->read(buf.pData_, size+2);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(20);
                if (outIo.write(buf.pData_, size+2) != size+2) throw Error(21);
                if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);

            // Next marker
            marker = advanceToMarker();
            if (marker < 0) throw Error(22);

        // Copy rest of the Io
        io_->seek(-2, BasicIo::cur);
        long readSize = 0;
        while ((readSize=io_->read(buf.pData_, buf.size_))) {
            if (outIo.write(buf.pData_, readSize) != readSize) throw Error(21);
        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);

    } // JpegBase::doWriteMetadata
Example #14
    void FileIo::transfer(BasicIo& src)
        const bool wasOpen = (p_->fp_ != 0);
        const std::string lastMode(p_->openMode_);

        FileIo *fileIo = dynamic_cast<FileIo*>(&src);
        if (fileIo) {
            // Optimization if src is another instance of FileIo
            // Check if the file can be written to, if it already exists
            if (open("a+b") != 0) {
                // Remove the (temporary) file
                if (fileIo->p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) {
                if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) {
                    throw WError(10, wpath(), "a+b", strError().c_str());
                    throw Error(10, path(), "a+b", strError());

            bool statOk = true;
            mode_t origStMode = 0;
            std::string spf;
            char* pf = 0;
            std::wstring wspf;
            wchar_t* wpf = 0;
            if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) {
                wspf = wpath();
                wpf = const_cast<wchar_t*>(wspf.c_str());
                spf = path();
                pf = const_cast<char*>(spf.c_str());

            // Get the permissions of the file, or linked-to file, on platforms which have lstat

#  error EXV_UNICODE_PATH and EXV_HAVE_LSTAT are not compatible. Stop.
# endif
            struct stat buf1;
            if (::lstat(pf, &buf1) == -1) {
                statOk = false;
                EXV_WARNING << Error(2, pf, strError(), "::lstat") << "\n";
            origStMode = buf1.st_mode;
            DataBuf lbuf; // So that the allocated memory is freed. Must have same scope as pf
            // In case path() is a symlink, get the path of the linked-to file
            if (statOk && S_ISLNK(buf1.st_mode)) {
                lbuf.alloc(buf1.st_size + 1);
                memset(lbuf.pData_, 0x0, lbuf.size_);
                pf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(lbuf.pData_);
                if (::readlink(path().c_str(), pf, lbuf.size_ - 1) == -1) {
                    throw Error(2, path(), strError(), "readlink");
                // We need the permissions of the file, not the symlink
                if (::stat(pf, &buf1) == -1) {
                    statOk = false;
                    EXV_WARNING << Error(2, pf, strError(), "::stat") << "\n";
                origStMode = buf1.st_mode;
            Impl::StructStat buf1;
            if (p_->stat(buf1) == -1) {
                statOk = false;
            origStMode = buf1.st_mode;
#endif // !EXV_HAVE_LSTAT

            // MSVCRT rename that does not overwrite existing files
            if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) {
                if (fileExists(wpf) && ::_wremove(wpf) != 0) {
                    throw WError(2, wpf, strError().c_str(), "::_wremove");
                if (::_wrename(fileIo->wpath().c_str(), wpf) == -1) {
                    throw WError(17, fileIo->wpath(), wpf, strError().c_str());
                // Check permissions of new file
                struct _stat buf2;
                if (statOk && ::_wstat(wpf, &buf2) == -1) {
                    statOk = false;
                    EXV_WARNING << Error(2, wpf, strError(), "::_wstat") << "\n";
                if (statOk && origStMode != buf2.st_mode) {
                    // Set original file permissions
                    if (::_wchmod(wpf, origStMode) == -1) {
                        EXV_WARNING << Error(2, wpf, strError(), "::_wchmod") << "\n";
            } // if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode)
                if (fileExists(pf) && ::remove(pf) != 0) {
                    throw Error(2, pf, strError(), "::remove");
                if (::rename(fileIo->path().c_str(), pf) == -1) {
                    throw Error(17, fileIo->path(), pf, strError());
                // Check permissions of new file
                struct stat buf2;
                if (statOk && ::stat(pf, &buf2) == -1) {
                    statOk = false;
                    EXV_WARNING << Error(2, pf, strError(), "::stat") << "\n";
                if (statOk && origStMode != buf2.st_mode) {
                    // Set original file permissions
                    if (::chmod(pf, origStMode) == -1) {
                        EXV_WARNING << Error(2, pf, strError(), "::chmod") << "\n";
        } // if (fileIo)
        else {
            // Generic handling, reopen both to reset to start
            if (open("w+b") != 0) {
                if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) {
                    throw WError(10, wpath(), "w+b", strError().c_str());
                    throw Error(10, path(), "w+b", strError());
            if (src.open() != 0) {
                if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) {
                    throw WError(9, src.wpath(), strError().c_str());
                    throw Error(9, src.path(), strError());

        if (wasOpen) {
            if (open(lastMode) != 0) {
                if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) {
                    throw WError(10, wpath(), lastMode.c_str(), strError().c_str());
                    throw Error(10, path(), lastMode, strError());
        else close();

        if (error() || src.error()) {
            if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) {
                throw WError(18, wpath(), strError().c_str());
                throw Error(18, path(), strError());
    } // FileIo::transfer
Example #15
    void PsdImage::doWriteMetadata(BasicIo& outIo)
        if (!io_->isopen()) throw Error(20);
        if (!outIo.isopen()) throw Error(21);

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Exiv2::PsdImage::doWriteMetadata: Writing PSD file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        std::cout << "Exiv2::PsdImage::doWriteMetadata: tmp file created " << outIo.path() << "\n";

        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isPsdType(*io_, true)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(20);
            throw Error(22);

        io_->seek(0, BasicIo::beg);    // rewind

        DataBuf lbuf(4096);
        byte buf[8];

        // Get Photoshop header from original file
        byte psd_head[26];
        if (io_->read(psd_head, 26) != 26) throw Error(3, "Photoshop");

        // Write Photoshop header data out to new PSD file
        if (outIo.write(psd_head, 26) != 26) throw Error(21);

        // Read colorDataLength from original PSD 
        if (io_->read(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(3, "Photoshop");

        uint32_t colorDataLength = getULong(buf, bigEndian);

        // Write colorDataLength
        ul2Data(buf, colorDataLength, bigEndian);
        if (outIo.write(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << std::dec << "colorDataLength: " << colorDataLength << "\n";
        // Copy colorData
        uint32_t readTotal = 0;
        long toRead = 0;
        while (readTotal < colorDataLength) {
            toRead =   static_cast<long>(colorDataLength - readTotal) < lbuf.size_
                     ? colorDataLength - readTotal : lbuf.size_;
            if (io_->read(lbuf.pData_, toRead) != toRead) throw Error(3, "Photoshop");
            readTotal += toRead;
            if (outIo.write(lbuf.pData_, toRead) != toRead) throw Error(21);
        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);

        uint32_t resLenOffset = io_->tell();  // remember for later update

        // Read length of all resource blocks from original PSD
        if (io_->read(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(3, "Photoshop");

        uint32_t oldResLength = getULong(buf, bigEndian);
        uint32_t newResLength = 0;

        // Write oldResLength (will be updated later)
        ul2Data(buf, oldResLength, bigEndian);
        if (outIo.write(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << std::dec << "oldResLength: " << oldResLength << "\n";

        // Iterate over original resource blocks.
        // Replace or insert IPTC, EXIF and XMP
        // Original resource blocks assumed to be sorted ASC

        bool iptcDone = false;
        bool exifDone = false;
        bool xmpDone = false;
        while (oldResLength > 0) {
            if (io_->read(buf, 8) != 8) throw Error(3, "Photoshop");

            // read resource type and ID
            uint32_t resourceType = getULong(buf, bigEndian);

            if (resourceType != kPhotoshopResourceType) {
                break; // bad resource type
            uint16_t resourceId = getUShort(buf + 4, bigEndian);
            uint32_t resourceNameLength = buf[6];
            uint32_t adjResourceNameLen = resourceNameLength & ~1;
            unsigned char resourceNameFirstChar = buf[7];

            // read rest of resource name, plus any padding
            DataBuf resName(256);
            if (   io_->read(resName.pData_, adjResourceNameLen)
                != static_cast<long>(adjResourceNameLen)) throw Error(3, "Photoshop");

            // read resource size (actual length w/o padding!)
            if (io_->read(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(3, "Photoshop"); 

            uint32_t resourceSize = getULong(buf, bigEndian);
            uint32_t curOffset = io_->tell();

            // Write IPTC_NAA resource block
            if (   resourceId == kPhotoshopResourceID_IPTC_NAA
                || (resourceId > kPhotoshopResourceID_IPTC_NAA && iptcDone == false)) {
                newResLength += writeIptcData(iptcData_, outIo);
                resourceSize = (resourceSize + 1) & ~1;    // adjust for padding
                iptcDone = true;

            // Write ExifInfo resource block
            else if (   resourceId == kPhotoshopResourceID_ExifInfo
                     || (resourceId > kPhotoshopResourceID_ExifInfo && exifDone == false)) {
                newResLength += writeExifData(exifData_, outIo);
                resourceSize = (resourceSize + 1) & ~1;    // adjust for padding
                exifDone = true;

            // Write XMPpacket resource block
            else if (   resourceId == kPhotoshopResourceID_XMPPacket
                     || (resourceId > kPhotoshopResourceID_XMPPacket && xmpDone == false)) {
                newResLength += writeXmpData(xmpData_, outIo);
                resourceSize = (resourceSize + 1) & ~1;    // adjust for padding
                xmpDone = true;

            // Copy all other resource blocks
            if (   resourceId != kPhotoshopResourceID_IPTC_NAA
                && resourceId != kPhotoshopResourceID_ExifInfo
                && resourceId != kPhotoshopResourceID_XMPPacket) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << std::hex << "copy : resourceId: " << resourceId << "\n";
                std::cerr << std::dec;
                // Copy resource block to new PSD file
                ul2Data(buf, kPhotoshopResourceType, bigEndian);
                if (outIo.write(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);
                us2Data(buf, resourceId, bigEndian);
                if (outIo.write(buf, 2) != 2) throw Error(21);
                // Write resource name as Pascal string
                buf[0] = resourceNameLength & 0x000f;
                if (outIo.write(buf, 1) != 1) throw Error(21);
                buf[0] = resourceNameFirstChar;
                if (outIo.write(buf, 1) != 1) throw Error(21);
                if (   outIo.write(resName.pData_, adjResourceNameLen)
                    != static_cast<long>(adjResourceNameLen)) throw Error(21);
                ul2Data(buf, resourceSize, bigEndian);
                if (outIo.write(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);

                readTotal = 0;
                toRead = 0;
                resourceSize = (resourceSize + 1) & ~1;        // pad to even
                while (readTotal < resourceSize) {
                    toRead =   static_cast<long>(resourceSize - readTotal) < lbuf.size_
                             ? resourceSize - readTotal : lbuf.size_;
                    if (io_->read(lbuf.pData_, toRead) != toRead) {
                        throw Error(3, "Photoshop");
                    readTotal += toRead;
                    if (outIo.write(lbuf.pData_, toRead) != toRead) throw Error(21);
                if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);
                newResLength += resourceSize + adjResourceNameLen + 12;

            io_->seek(curOffset + resourceSize, BasicIo::beg);
            oldResLength -= (12 + adjResourceNameLen + resourceSize);

        // Append IPTC_NAA resource block, if not yet written
        if (iptcDone == false) {
            newResLength += writeIptcData(iptcData_, outIo);
            iptcDone = true;

        // Append ExifInfo resource block, if not yet written
        if (exifDone == false) {
            newResLength += writeExifData(exifData_, outIo);
            exifDone = true;

        // Append XmpPacket resource block, if not yet written
        if (xmpDone == false) {
            newResLength += writeXmpData(xmpData_, outIo);
            xmpDone = true;

        // Copy remaining data
        long readSize = 0;
        while ((readSize=io_->read(lbuf.pData_, lbuf.size_))) {
            if (outIo.write(lbuf.pData_, readSize) != readSize) throw Error(21);
        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);

        // Update length of resources
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cerr << "newResLength: " << newResLength << "\n";
        outIo.seek(resLenOffset, BasicIo::beg);
        ul2Data(buf, newResLength, bigEndian);
        if (outIo.write(buf, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);

    } // PsdImage::doWriteMetadata
Example #16
    void PgfImage::doWriteMetadata(BasicIo& outIo)
        if (!io_->isopen()) throw Error(20);
        if (!outIo.isopen()) throw Error(21);

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Exiv2::PgfImage::doWriteMetadata: Writing PGF file " << io_->path() << "\n";
        std::cout << "Exiv2::PgfImage::doWriteMetadata: tmp file created " << outIo.path() << "\n";

        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isPgfType(*io_, true))
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(20);
            throw Error(22);

        // Ensure PGF version.
        byte mnb            = readPgfMagicNumber(*io_);


        int w, h;
        DataBuf header      = readPgfHeaderStructure(*io_, w, h);

        Image::AutoPtr img  = ImageFactory::create(ImageType::png);

        int     imgSize  = img->io().size();
        DataBuf imgBuf   = img->io().read(imgSize);

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Exiv2::PgfImage::doWriteMetadata: Creating image to host metadata (" << imgSize << " bytes)\n";


        // Write PGF Signature.
        if (outIo.write(pgfSignature, 3) != 3) throw Error(21);

        // Write Magic number.
        if (outIo.putb(mnb) == EOF) throw Error(21);

        // Write new Header size.
        uint32_t newHeaderSize = header.size_ + imgSize;
        DataBuf buffer(4);
        memcpy (buffer.pData_, &newHeaderSize, 4);
        if (outIo.write(buffer.pData_, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);

#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Exiv2::PgfImage: new PGF header size : " << newHeaderSize << " bytes\n";

        printf("%x\n", buffer.pData_[0]);
        printf("%x\n", buffer.pData_[1]);
        printf("%x\n", buffer.pData_[2]);
        printf("%x\n", buffer.pData_[3]);

        // Write Header data.
        if (outIo.write(header.pData_, header.size_) != header.size_) throw Error(21);

        // Write new metadata byte array.
        if (outIo.write(imgBuf.pData_, imgBuf.size_) != imgBuf.size_) throw Error(21);

        // Copy the rest of PGF image data.

        DataBuf buf(4096);
        long readSize = 0;
        while ((readSize=io_->read(buf.pData_, buf.size_)))
            if (outIo.write(buf.pData_, readSize) != readSize) throw Error(21);
        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);

    } // PgfImage::doWriteMetadata
Example #17
    void JpegBase::doWriteMetadata(BasicIo& outIo)
        if (!io_->isopen()) throw Error(20);
        if (!outIo.isopen()) throw Error(21);

        // Ensure that this is the correct image type
        if (!isThisType(*io_, true)) {
            if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(20);
            throw Error(22);

        const long bufMinSize = 36;
        long bufRead = 0;
        DataBuf buf(bufMinSize);
        const long seek = io_->tell();
        int count = 0;
        int search = 0;
        int insertPos = 0;
        int comPos = 0;
        int skipApp1Exif = -1;
        int skipApp1Xmp = -1;
        int skipApp13Ps3 = -1;
        int skipCom = -1;
        DataBuf psData;
        DataBuf rawExif;

        // Write image header
        if (writeHeader(outIo)) throw Error(21);

        // Read section marker
        int marker = advanceToMarker();
        if (marker < 0) throw Error(22);

        // First find segments of interest. Normally app0 is first and we want
        // to insert after it. But if app0 comes after com, app1 and app13 then
        // don't bother.
        while (marker != sos_ && marker != eoi_ && search < 5) {
            // Read size and signature (ok if this hits EOF)
            bufRead = io_->read(buf.pData_, bufMinSize);
            if (io_->error()) throw Error(20);
            uint16_t size = getUShort(buf.pData_, bigEndian);

            if (marker == app0_) {
                if (size < 2) throw Error(22);
                insertPos = count + 1;
                if (io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(22);
            else if (   skipApp1Exif == -1
                     && marker == app1_ && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, exifId_, 6) == 0) {
                if (size < 8) throw Error(22);
                skipApp1Exif = count;
                // Seek to beginning and read the current Exif data
                io_->seek(8 - bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                rawExif.alloc(size - 8);
                io_->read(rawExif.pData_, rawExif.size_);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(22);
            else if (marker == app1_ && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, xmpId_, 29) == 0) {
                if (size < 31) throw Error(22);
                skipApp1Xmp = count;
                if (io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(22);
            else if (marker == app13_ && memcmp(buf.pData_ + 2, Photoshop::ps3Id_, 14) == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                std::cerr << "Found APP13 Photoshop PS3 segment\n";
                if (size < 16) throw Error(22);
                skipApp13Ps3 = count;
                io_->seek(16 - bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
                psData.alloc(size - 16);
                // Load PS data now to allow reinsertion at any point
                io_->read(psData.pData_, size - 16);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(20);
            else if (marker == com_ && skipCom == -1) {
                if (size < 2) throw Error(22);
                // Jpegs can have multiple comments, but for now only handle
                // the first one (most jpegs only have one anyway).
                skipCom = count;
                if (io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(22);
            else {
                if (size < 2) throw Error(22);
                if (io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur)) throw Error(22);
            // As in jpeg-6b/wrjpgcom.c:
            // We will insert the new comment marker just before SOFn.
            // This (a) causes the new comment to appear after, rather than before,
            // existing comments; and (b) ensures that comments come after any JFIF
            // or JFXX markers, as required by the JFIF specification.
            if (   comPos == 0
                && (   marker == sof0_
                    || marker == sof1_
                    || marker == sof2_
                    || marker == sof3_
                    || marker == sof5_
                    || marker == sof6_
                    || marker == sof7_
                    || marker == sof9_
                    || marker == sof10_
                    || marker == sof11_
                    || marker == sof13_
                    || marker == sof14_
                    || marker == sof15_)) {
                comPos = count;
            marker = advanceToMarker();
            if (marker < 0) throw Error(22);
        if (comPos == 0) {
            if (marker == eoi_) comPos = count;
            else comPos = insertPos;
        if (exifData_.count() > 0) ++search;
        if (writeXmpFromPacket() == false && xmpData_.count() > 0) ++search;
        if (writeXmpFromPacket() == true && xmpPacket_.size() > 0) ++search;
        if (iptcData_.count() > 0) ++search;
        if (!comment_.empty()) ++search;

        io_->seek(seek, BasicIo::beg);
        count = 0;
        marker = advanceToMarker();
        if (marker < 0) throw Error(22);

        // To simplify this a bit, new segments are inserts at either the start
        // or right after app0. This is standard in most jpegs, but has the
        // potential to change segment ordering (which is allowed).
        // Segments are erased if there is no assigned metadata.
        while (marker != sos_ && search > 0) {
            // Read size and signature (ok if this hits EOF)
            bufRead = io_->read(buf.pData_, bufMinSize);
            if (io_->error()) throw Error(20);
            // Careful, this can be a meaningless number for empty
            // images with only an eoi_ marker
            uint16_t size = getUShort(buf.pData_, bigEndian);

            if (insertPos == count) {
                byte tmpBuf[64];
                // Write Exif data first so that - if there is no app0 - we
                // create "Exif images" according to the Exif standard.
                if (exifData_.count() > 0) {
                    Blob blob;
                    ByteOrder bo = byteOrder();
                    if (bo == invalidByteOrder) {
                        bo = littleEndian;
                    WriteMethod wm = ExifParser::encode(blob,
                    const byte* pExifData = rawExif.pData_;
                    uint32_t exifSize = rawExif.size_;
                    if (wm == wmIntrusive) {
                        pExifData = blob.size() > 0 ? &blob[0] : 0;
                        exifSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(blob.size());
                    if (exifSize > 0) {
                        // Write APP1 marker, size of APP1 field, Exif id and Exif data
                        tmpBuf[0] = 0xff;
                        tmpBuf[1] = app1_;

                        if (exifSize + 8 > 0xffff) throw Error(37, "Exif");
                        us2Data(tmpBuf + 2, static_cast<uint16_t>(exifSize + 8), bigEndian);
                        std::memcpy(tmpBuf + 4, exifId_, 6);
                        if (outIo.write(tmpBuf, 10) != 10) throw Error(21);

                        // Write new Exif data buffer
                        if (   outIo.write(pExifData, exifSize)
                            != static_cast<long>(exifSize)) throw Error(21);
                        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);
                if (writeXmpFromPacket() == false) {
                    if (XmpParser::encode(xmpPacket_, xmpData_) > 1) {
                        std::cerr << "Error: Failed to encode XMP metadata.\n";
                if (xmpPacket_.size() > 0) {
                    // Write APP1 marker, size of APP1 field, XMP id and XMP packet
                    tmpBuf[0] = 0xff;
                    tmpBuf[1] = app1_;

                    if (xmpPacket_.size() + 31 > 0xffff) throw Error(37, "XMP");
                    us2Data(tmpBuf + 2, static_cast<uint16_t>(xmpPacket_.size() + 31), bigEndian);
                    std::memcpy(tmpBuf + 4, xmpId_, 29);
                    if (outIo.write(tmpBuf, 33) != 33) throw Error(21);

                    // Write new XMP packet
                    if (   outIo.write(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(xmpPacket_.data()), static_cast<long>(xmpPacket_.size()))
                        != static_cast<long>(xmpPacket_.size())) throw Error(21);
                    if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);
                if (psData.size_ > 0 || iptcData_.count() > 0) {
                    // Set the new IPTC IRB, keeps existing IRBs but removes the
                    // IPTC block if there is no new IPTC data to write
                    DataBuf newPsData = Photoshop::setIptcIrb(psData.pData_,
                    if (newPsData.size_ > 0) {
                        // Write APP13 marker, new size, and ps3Id
                        tmpBuf[0] = 0xff;
                        tmpBuf[1] = app13_;

                        if (newPsData.size_ + 16 > 0xffff) throw Error(37, "IPTC");
                        us2Data(tmpBuf + 2, static_cast<uint16_t>(newPsData.size_ + 16), bigEndian);
                        std::memcpy(tmpBuf + 4, Photoshop::ps3Id_, 14);
                        if (outIo.write(tmpBuf, 18) != 18) throw Error(21);
                        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);

                        // Write new Photoshop IRB data buffer
                        if (   outIo.write(newPsData.pData_, newPsData.size_)
                            != newPsData.size_) throw Error(21);
                        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);
                    if (iptcData_.count() > 0) {
            if (comPos == count) {
                if (!comment_.empty()) {
                    byte tmpBuf[4];
                    // Write COM marker, size of comment, and string
                    tmpBuf[0] = 0xff;
                    tmpBuf[1] = com_;

                    if (comment_.length() + 3 > 0xffff) throw Error(37, "JPEG comment");
                    us2Data(tmpBuf + 2, static_cast<uint16_t>(comment_.length() + 3), bigEndian);

                    if (outIo.write(tmpBuf, 4) != 4) throw Error(21);
                    if (outIo.write((byte*)comment_.data(), (long)comment_.length())
                        != (long)comment_.length()) throw Error(21);
                    if (outIo.putb(0)==EOF) throw Error(21);
                    if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);
            if (marker == eoi_) {
            else if (   skipApp1Exif == count
                     || skipApp1Xmp  == count
                     || skipApp13Ps3 == count
                     || skipCom      == count) {
                io_->seek(size-bufRead, BasicIo::cur);
            else {
                if (size < 2) throw Error(22);
                io_->seek(-bufRead-2, BasicIo::cur);
                io_->read(buf.pData_, size+2);
                if (io_->error() || io_->eof()) throw Error(20);
                if (outIo.write(buf.pData_, size+2) != size+2) throw Error(21);
                if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);

            // Next marker
            marker = advanceToMarker();
            if (marker < 0) throw Error(22);

        // Copy rest of the Io
        io_->seek(-2, BasicIo::cur);
        long readSize = 0;
        while ((readSize=io_->read(buf.pData_, buf.size_))) {
            if (outIo.write(buf.pData_, readSize) != readSize) throw Error(21);
        if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);

    } // JpegBase::doWriteMetadata
Example #18
    void FileIo::transfer(BasicIo& src)
        const bool wasOpen = (fp_ != 0);
        const std::string lastMode(openMode_);

        FileIo *fileIo = dynamic_cast<FileIo*>(&src);
        if (fileIo) {
            // Optimization if src is another instance of FileIo
            // Check if the file can be written to, if it already exists
            if (open("w+b") != 0) {
                // Remove the (temporary) file
                throw Error(10, path_, "w+b", strError());
            bool statOk = true;
            struct stat buf1;
            if (::stat(path_.c_str(), &buf1) == -1) {
                statOk = false;
                std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, path_, strError(), "stat") << "\n";
            // MSVCRT rename that does not overwrite existing files
            if (fileExists(path_) && std::remove(path_.c_str()) != 0) {
                throw Error(2, path_, strError(), "std::remove");
            if (std::rename(fileIo->path_.c_str(), path_.c_str()) == -1) {
                throw Error(17, fileIo->path_, path_, strError());
            // Check permissions of new file
            struct stat buf2;
            if (statOk && ::stat(path_.c_str(), &buf2) == -1) {
                statOk = false;
                std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, path_, strError(), "stat") << "\n";
            if (statOk && buf1.st_mode != buf2.st_mode) {
                // Set original file permissions
                if (::chmod(path_.c_str(), buf1.st_mode) == -1) {
                    std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, path_, strError(), "chmod") << "\n";
        else {
            // Generic handling, reopen both to reset to start
            if (open("w+b") != 0) {
                throw Error(10, path_, "w+b", strError());
            if (src.open() != 0) {
                throw Error(9, src.path(), strError());

        if (wasOpen) {
            if (open(lastMode) != 0) {
                throw Error(10, path_, lastMode, strError());
        else close();

        if (error() || src.error()) throw Error(18, path_, strError());
Example #19
    void FileIo::transfer(BasicIo& src)
        const bool wasOpen = (fp_ != 0);
        const std::string lastMode(openMode_);

        FileIo *fileIo = dynamic_cast<FileIo*>(&src);
        if (fileIo) {
            // Optimization if src is another instance of FileIo
            // Check if the file can be written to, if it already exists
            if (open("w+b") != 0) {
                // Remove the (temporary) file
                throw Error(10, path_, "w+b", strError());
            bool statOk = true;
            struct stat buf1;
            char* pf = const_cast<char*>(path_.c_str());
            if (::lstat(pf, &buf1) == -1) {
                statOk = false;
                std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "lstat") << "\n";
            DataBuf lbuf; // So that the allocated memory is freed. Must have same scope as pf
            // In case path_ is a symlink, get the path of the linked-to file
            if (statOk && S_ISLNK(buf1.st_mode)) {
                lbuf.alloc(buf1.st_size + 1);
                memset(lbuf.pData_, 0x0, lbuf.size_);
                pf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(lbuf.pData_);
                if (readlink(path_.c_str(), pf, lbuf.size_ - 1) == -1) {
                    throw Error(2, path_, strError(), "readlink");
                // We need the permissions of the file, not the symlink
                if (::stat(pf, &buf1) == -1) {
                    statOk = false;
                    std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "stat") << "\n";
            if (::stat(pf, &buf1) == -1) {
                statOk = false;
                std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "stat") << "\n";
#endif // !EXV_HAVE_LSTAT
            // MSVCRT rename that does not overwrite existing files
            if (fileExists(pf) && std::remove(pf) != 0) {
                throw Error(2, pf, strError(), "std::remove");
            if (std::rename(fileIo->path_.c_str(), pf) == -1) {
                throw Error(17, fileIo->path_, pf, strError());
            // Check permissions of new file
            struct stat buf2;
            if (statOk && ::stat(pf, &buf2) == -1) {
                statOk = false;
                std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "stat") << "\n";
            if (statOk && buf1.st_mode != buf2.st_mode) {
                // Set original file permissions
                if (::chmod(pf, buf1.st_mode) == -1) {
                    std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "chmod") << "\n";
        else {
            // Generic handling, reopen both to reset to start
            if (open("w+b") != 0) {
                throw Error(10, path_, "w+b", strError());
            if (src.open() != 0) {
                throw Error(9, src.path(), strError());

        if (wasOpen) {
            if (open(lastMode) != 0) {
                throw Error(10, path_, lastMode, strError());
        else close();

        if (error() || src.error()) throw Error(18, path_, strError());