bool DOFManager::frameStarted(const FrameEvent& evt) { // Focusing switch (mFocusMode) { case Auto: { // TODO: Replace with accurate ray/triangle collision detection Real currentFocalDistance = mLens->getFocalDistance(); // TODO: Continuous AF / triggered mAutoTime -= evt.timeSinceLastFrame; if (mAutoTime <= 0.0f) { mAutoTime = 0.5f; Vector3 lookAt(Vector3::ZERO); Beam* currTruck = BeamFactory::getSingleton().getCurrentTruck(); if ( currTruck ) { lookAt = currTruck->getPosition(); } else { lookAt = gEnv->player->getPosition(); } targetFocalDistance = gEnv->mainCamera->getPosition().distance(lookAt) / 2.0f; // Needs further investigation setLensFOV(Radian(gEnv->mainCamera->getFOVy())); /* targetFocalDistance = currentFocalDistance; // Ryan Booker's (eyevee99) ray scene query auto focus Ray focusRay; focusRay.setOrigin(camera->getDerivedPosition()); focusRay.setDirection(camera->getDerivedDirection()); Vector3 v; Vector3 vn; mRaySceneQuery->setRay(focusRay); Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult &qryResult = mRaySceneQuery->execute(); for (Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult::iterator it = qryResult.begin();it != qryResult.end(); it++) { if (it->worldFragment) { if (debugNode) debugNode->setPosition(it->worldFragment->singleIntersection + Vector3(0.5,0,0)); targetFocalDistance = (gEnv->mainCamera->getPosition() - it->worldFragment->singleIntersection).length(); break; } else { // this wont work since we would need to go down to the polygon level :( //if (debugNode) debugNode->setPosition(focusRay.getPoint(it->distance)); //targetFocalDistance = it->distance; //break; } } //*/ } // Slowly adjust the focal distance (emulate auto focus motor) if (currentFocalDistance < targetFocalDistance) { mLens->setFocalDistance(std::min(currentFocalDistance + mAutoSpeed * evt.timeSinceLastFrame, targetFocalDistance)); } else if (currentFocalDistance > targetFocalDistance) { mLens->setFocalDistance(std::max(currentFocalDistance - mAutoSpeed * evt.timeSinceLastFrame, targetFocalDistance)); } break; } case Manual: //we set the values elsewhere break; } // Update Depth of Field effect if (mFocusMode != Pinhole) { mDepthOfFieldEffect->setEnabled(true); // Calculate and set depth of field using lens float nearDepth, focalDepth, farDepth; mLens->recalculateDepthOfField(nearDepth, focalDepth, farDepth); mDepthOfFieldEffect->setFocalDepths(nearDepth, focalDepth, farDepth); } else { mDepthOfFieldEffect->setEnabled(false); } return true; }
/* All commands are here */ void Console::eventCommandAccept(MyGUI::Edit* _sender) { UTFString msg = convertFromMyGUIString(m_Console_TextBox->getCaption()); // we did not autoComplete, so try to handle the message m_Console_TextBox->setCaption(""); if (msg.empty()) { // discard the empty message return; } if (msg[0] == '/' || msg[0] == '\\') { Ogre::StringVector args = StringUtil::split(msg, " "); sTextHistory[iText] = msg; iText++; //Used for text history if (args[0] == "/help") { putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_TITLE, _L("Available commands:"), "help.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/help - information on commands (this)"), "help.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/ver - shows the Rigs of Rods version"), "information.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/pos - outputs the current position"), "world.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/goto <x> <y> <z> - jumps to the mentioned position"), "world.png"); //if (gEnv->terrainManager->getHeightFinder()) //Not needed imo -max98 putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/terrainheight - get height of terrain at current position"), "world.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/log - toggles log output on the console"), "table_save.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/quit - exit Rigs of Rods"), "table_save.png"); #ifdef USE_ANGELSCRIPT putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/as <code here> - interpret angel code using console"), "script_go.png"); #endif // USE_ANGELSCRIPT putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/gravity <real> or <text string> - changes gravity constant. Outputs current value if no argument is given"), "script_go.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("Possible values: \n earth \n moon \n jupiter \n A random number (use negative)"), "script_go.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("/setwaterlevel <real> - changes water's level"), "script_go.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_TITLE, _L("Tips:"), "help.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, _L("- use Arrow Up/Down Keys in the InputBox to reuse old messages"), "information.png"); return; } else if (args[0] == "/gravity") { float gValue; if (args.size() > 1) { if (args[1] == "earth") gValue = -9.81; else if (args[1] == "moon") gValue = -1.6; else if (args[1] == "jupiter") gValue = -50; else gValue = boost::lexical_cast<float>(args[1].c_str()); } else { putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, _L("Current gravity is: ") + StringConverter::toString(gEnv->terrainManager->getGravity()), "information.png"); return; } gEnv->terrainManager->setGravity(gValue); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, _L("Gravity set to: ") + StringConverter::toString(gValue), "information.png"); return; } else if (args[0] == "/setwaterlevel") { if (gEnv->terrainManager && gEnv->terrainManager->getWater() && args.size() > 1) { IWater* water = gEnv->terrainManager->getWater(); water->setCamera(gEnv->mainCamera); water->setHeight(boost::lexical_cast<float>(args[1].c_str())); water->update(); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, _L("Water level set to: ") + StringConverter::toString(water->getHeight()), "information.png"); } else { putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_ERROR, _L("Please enter a correct value. "), "information.png"); } return; } else if (args[0] == "/pos" && (gEnv->frameListener->loading_state == TERRAIN_LOADED || gEnv->frameListener->loading_state == ALL_LOADED)) { Beam *b = BeamFactory::getSingleton().getCurrentTruck(); if (!b && gEnv->player) { Vector3 pos = gEnv->player->getPosition(); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, _L("Character position: ") + String("x: ") + TOSTRING(pos.x) + String(" y: ") + TOSTRING(pos.y) + String(" z: ") + TOSTRING(pos.z), "world.png"); } else if (b) { Vector3 pos = b->getPosition(); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, _L("Vehicle position: ") + String("x: ") + TOSTRING(pos.x) + String(" y: ") + TOSTRING(pos.y) + String(" z: ") + TOSTRING(pos.z), "world.png"); } return; } else if (args[0] == "/goto" && (gEnv->frameListener->loading_state == TERRAIN_LOADED || gEnv->frameListener->loading_state == ALL_LOADED)) { if (args.size() != 4) { putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_HELP, ChatSystem::commandColour + _L("usage: /goto x y z"), "information.png"); return; } Vector3 pos = Vector3(PARSEREAL(args[1]), PARSEREAL(args[2]), PARSEREAL(args[3])); Beam *b = BeamFactory::getSingleton().getCurrentTruck(); if (!b && gEnv->player) { gEnv->player->setPosition(pos); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, _L("Character position set to: ") + String("x: ") + TOSTRING(pos.x) + String(" y: ") + TOSTRING(pos.y) + String(" z: ") + TOSTRING(pos.z), "world.png"); } else if (b) { b->resetPosition(pos, false); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, _L("Vehicle position set to: ") + String("x: ") + TOSTRING(pos.x) + String(" y: ") + TOSTRING(pos.y) + String(" z: ") + TOSTRING(pos.z), "world.png"); } return; } else if (args[0] == "/terrainheight" && (gEnv->frameListener->loading_state == TERRAIN_LOADED || gEnv->frameListener->loading_state == ALL_LOADED)) { if (!gEnv->terrainManager->getHeightFinder()) return; Vector3 pos = Vector3::ZERO; Beam *b = BeamFactory::getSingleton().getCurrentTruck(); if (!b && gEnv->player) { pos = gEnv->player->getPosition(); } else if (b) { pos = b->getPosition(); } Real h = gEnv->terrainManager->getHeightFinder()->getHeightAt(pos.x, pos.z); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, _L("Terrain height at position: ") + String("x: ") + TOSTRING(pos.x) + String("z: ") + TOSTRING(pos.z) + _L(" = ") + TOSTRING(h), "world.png"); return; } else if (args[0] == "/ver") { putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_TITLE, "Rigs of Rods:", "information.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, " Version: " + String(ROR_VERSION_STRING), "information.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, " Protocol version: " + String(RORNET_VERSION), "information.png"); putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_REPLY, " build time: " + String(__DATE__) + ", " + String(__TIME__), "information.png"); return; } else if (args[0] == "/quit") { Application::GetMainThreadLogic()->RequestExitCurrentLoop(); Application::GetMainThreadLogic()->RequestShutdown(); return; } #ifdef USE_ANGELSCRIPT else if (args[0] == "/as" && (gEnv->frameListener->loading_state == TERRAIN_LOADED || gEnv->frameListener->loading_state == ALL_LOADED)) { // we want to notify any running scripts that we might change something (prevent cheating) ScriptEngine::getSingleton().triggerEvent(SE_ANGELSCRIPT_MANIPULATIONS); String command = msg.substr(args[0].length()); StringUtil::trim(command); if (command.empty()) return; String nmsg = ChatSystem::scriptCommandColour + ">>> " + ChatSystem::normalColour + command; putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_SCRIPT, CONSOLE_LOCAL_SCRIPT, nmsg, "script_go.png"); int res = ScriptEngine::getSingleton().executeString(command); return; } #endif //ANGELSCRIPT else if (args[0] == "/log") { // switch to console logging bool logging = BSETTING("Enable Ingame Console", false); if (!logging) { putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_NOTICE, _L(" logging to console enabled"), "information.png"); SETTINGS.setSetting("Enable Ingame Console", "Yes"); } else { putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_NOTICE, _L(" logging to console disabled"), "information.png"); SETTINGS.setSetting("Enable Ingame Console", "No"); } return; } else { //TODO: Angelscript here putMessage(CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, CONSOLE_SYSTEM_ERROR, _L("unknown command: ") + msg, "error.png"); } } }