Example #1
//! Given a set of enclosed face, activate the widget to sweep out a
//! shape. Checks for errors, returns true on success.
SWEEP_DISK::setup(CGESTUREptr& gest, double dur)

   static bool debug =
      Config::get_var_bool("DEBUG_SWEEP_SETUP",false) || debug_all;

   if (!(gest && gest->is_dslash())) {
      err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_DISK::setup: bad gesture");
      return false;

   // XXX - shouldn't require it is a Panel:
   Panel* p = dynamic_cast<Panel*>(Bsurface::hit_ctrl_surface(gest->start()));
   if (!p) {
      err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_DISK::setup: non-panel");
      return false;

   Bface_list faces = p->bfaces();

   _boundary = faces.get_boundary();
   if (_boundary.num_line_strips() != 1) {
      err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_DISK::setup: error: boundary is not a single piece");
      return false;

   // Get the best-fit plane, rejecting if the boundary Wpt_list
   // doesn't lie within 0.1 of its total length from the plane:
   if (!_boundary.verts().pts().get_plane(_plane, 0.1)) {
      err_adv(debug,"SWEEP_DISK::setup: Error: can't find plane");
      return false;
   // Find the center
   Wpt o = _boundary.verts().pts().average();

   // decide guideline direction (normal to plane):
   Wvec n = _plane.normal();
   if (VIEW::eye_vec(o) * n > 0)
      n = -n;

   // decide the length for the guideline:
   double len = world_length(o, GUIDE_LEN);

   // compute guideline endpoint:
   Wpt b = o + n.normalized()*len;

   // try basic setup
   if (!SWEEP_BASE::setup(dynamic_pointer_cast<LMESH>(faces.mesh()), o, b, dur))
      return false;

   // ******** From here on we accept it ********

   _enclosed_faces = faces;

   return true;
Example #2
   if (!(g && g->is_stroke()))
      return false;

   if (g->below_min_length() || g->below_min_spread())
      return false;

   if (!g->is_ellipse()) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: non-ellipse");
      return false;
   Panel* p = dynamic_cast<Panel*>(
   err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: %s panel", p?"found":"could not find");
   if (!(p && p->is_selected())) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: ellipse not over selected panel");
      return false;
   assert(p && p->bfaces().size() > 0);
   Bface_list faces = Bface_list::reachable_faces(p->bfaces().front());
   if (!faces.is_planar(deg2rad(1.0))) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: region is not planar");
      return false;

   EdgeStrip boundary = faces.get_boundary();
   if (boundary.empty()) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: region has no boundary");
      return false;

   Bsurface_list surfs = Bsurface::get_surfaces(faces);
   if (!are_all_bsurfaces<Panel>(surfs)) {
      err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: region not all panels");
      return 0;

   err_adv(debug, "PAPER_DOLL::init: proceeding...");

   err_adv(debug, "  boundary edges: %d, components: %d, panels: %d",
           boundary.edges().size(), boundary.num_line_strips(), surfs.num()

   if (get_instance()->build_primitive(faces)) {
      err_adv(debug, "  ... succeeded");
      return true;
   err_adv(debug, "  ... failed");
   return false;
Example #3
//! Being re-activated
SWEEP_DISK::setup(Panel* p, Bpoint_list points, Bcurve_list curves, Bsurface_list surfs, Wpt_list profile)
   static bool debug =
      Config::get_var_bool("DEBUG_SWEEP_SETUP",false) || debug_all;

   // XXX - some of the code here is the same as the code in the other setup method
   //     - better to wrap these code into a helper method
   Bface_list faces = p->bfaces();

   _boundary = faces.get_boundary();
   if (_boundary.num_line_strips() != 1) {
      err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_DISK::setup: error: boundary is not a single piece");
      return false;

   // Get the best-fit plane, rejecting if the boundary Wpt_list
   // doesn't lie within 0.1 of its total length from the plane:
   if (!_boundary.verts().pts().get_plane(_plane, 0.1)) {
      err_adv(debug,"SWEEP_DISK::setup: Error: can't find plane");
      return false;
   // Find the center
   Wpt o = _boundary.verts().pts().average();

   // decide guideline direction (normal to plane):
   Wvec n = _plane.normal();
   if (VIEW::eye_vec(o) * n > 0)
      n = -n;

   // decide the length for the guideline:
   double len = world_length(o, GUIDE_LEN);

   // compute guideline endpoint:
   Wpt b = o + n.normalized()*len;

   // try basic setup
   if (!SWEEP_BASE::setup(dynamic_pointer_cast<LMESH>(faces.mesh()), o, b, default_timeout()))
      return false;

   // ******** From here on we accept it ********

   _points = points;
   _curves = curves;
   _surfs = surfs;
   _profile = profile;
   _enclosed_faces = faces;

   return true;
Example #4
OVERSKETCH::apply_offsets(CBvert_list& sil_verts, const vector<double>& sil_offsets)
   // XXX - preliminary...

   assert(sil_verts.size() == sil_offsets.size());

   // Expand region around oversketched silhouette verts.
   // XXX - Should compute the one-ring size, not use "3"
   Bface_list region = sil_verts.one_ring_faces().n_ring_faces(3);

   // Find the minimum distance to the silhouette verts from the
   // outer boundary of the region
   Wpt_list sil_path = sil_verts.pts();
   double R = min_dist(region.get_boundary().verts().pts(), sil_path);

   Bvert_list region_verts = region.get_verts();
   Wpt_list   new_locs     = region_verts.pts();
   vector<double> offsets;
   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<region_verts.size(); i++) {
      Wpt foo;
      int k = -1;
      double d = sil_path.closest(region_verts[i]->loc(), foo, k);
      if (k < 0 || k >= (int)sil_offsets.size()) {
         err_adv(debug, "OVERSKETCH::apply_offsets: error: can't find closest");
      double s = swell_profile(d/R);
      double h = sil_offsets[k] * s;
//      err_adv(debug, "  d: %f, d/R: %f, s: %f", d, d/R, s);
      new_locs[i] += region_verts[i]->norm()*h;
//       WORLD::show(region_verts[i]->loc(), new_locs[i], 1);

   // now apply new locs
//   FIT_VERTS_CMDptr cmd = make_shared<FIT_VERTS_CMD>(region_verts, new_locs);
   SUBDIV_OFFSET_CMDptr cmd = make_shared<SUBDIV_OFFSET_CMD>(region_verts, offsets);

   return true;
Example #5
//! Given boundary curve (near-planar), activate the
//! widget to inflate ...
INFLATE::setup(Bface *bf, double dist, double dur)


   // Given the starting face f and an offset amount h,
   // determine the appropriate edit level, re-map f to that
   // level, and "inflate" the portion of the mesh reachable
   // from f by h, relative to the local edge length.

   // reject garbage
   if (!(bf && LMESH::isa(bf->mesh()))) {
      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::setup: error: bad face");
      return 0;
   Lface* f = (Lface*)bf;

   err_adv(debug, "setup: face at level %d", bf->mesh()->subdiv_level());

   // get avg edge length of edges in face:
   double avg_len = avg_strong_edge_len(f);
   if (avg_len < epsAbsMath()) {
      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::setup: bad average edge length: %f", avg_len);
      return 0;

   // Get set of reachable faces:
   Bface_list set
      = Bface_list::reachable_faces(f);
   assert(set.mesh() != NULL);
   err_adv(debug, "reachable faces: %d, subdiv level: %d, total faces: %d",
           set.num(), set.mesh()->subdiv_level(), set.mesh()->nfaces());

   // given face set should be an entire connected piece.
   if (!is_maximal_connected(set
          )) {
      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::setup: rejecting subset of surface...");
      return 0;

   Bface_list p = set;//get_top_level(set);
   err_adv(debug, "top level: %d faces (out of %d)",
           p.num(), p.mesh()->nfaces());

   BMESH* m = p.mesh();
   if (!m) {
      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::setup: Error: null mesh");
      return 0;
   if (!LMESH::isa(m)) {
      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::setup: Error: non-LMESH");
      return 0;
   if (!p.is_consistently_oriented()) {
      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::setup: Error: inconsistently oriented faces");
      return 0;

   // We ensured the mesh in an LMESH so this is okay:

   if (_boundary.edges().empty()) {
      err_adv(debug, "INFLATE::setup: Error: No boundary. Quitting.");
      return 0;

   // ******** From here on, we accept it ********

   err_adv(debug, "Inflating... %d boundary loops",

   _faces = p;
   _mode = false;
   _d     = _boundary.cur_edges().avg_len();
   _mesh  = (LMESH*)m;
   _orig_face = bf;
   _preview_dist = dist;

   // Set the timeout duration

   // Become the active widget and get in the world's DRAWN list:

   return true;