Example #1
void HuffmanTree::writeTree( TreeNode * current, BinaryFileWriter & bfile ) {
	 * @todo Your code here!
	 * This code is writing the current HuffmanTree in a compressed format
	 * to the given BinaryFileWriter. The strategy for doing so is as
	 * follows:
	 *		1. If we are a leaf node, write the bit "1" followed by the
	 *		   byte that is the character of this node.
	 *		2. If we are an internal node, writ the bit "0", and then
	 *		   encode the left and right subtree, recursively.
	 *	Note that we don't encode the frequencies in this compressed
	 *	version: this is fine, as the structure of the tree still reflects
	 *	what the relative frequencies were.
	if (current->left == NULL && current->right == NULL) {
	else {
		writeTree(current->left, bfile);
		writeTree(current->right, bfile);
Example #2
void HuffmanTree::writeToFile( char c, BinaryFileWriter & bfile ) {
	vector<bool> bits = getBitsForChar( c );
	for( auto it = bits.begin(); it != bits.end(); ++it )
		bfile.writeBit( *it );