		lpf.type(LOW_PASS);		// Set filter to low-pass response
		lpf.res(4);				// Set resonance amount to emphasize filter
		env.attack(0.01);		// Set short (10 ms) attack
		env.decay(0.4);			// Set longer (400 ms) decay
		tmr.freq(120./60.*4.);	// Set timer frequency to 120 BPM
		tmr.phaseMax();			// Ensures timer triggers on first sample
		modCutoff.period(30);	// Set period of cutoff modulation
		modCutoff.phase(0.5);	// Start half-way through cycle
		freq.lag(0.1);			// Lag time of portamento effect
Example #2
void Cascade::setLayout (const LayoutBase& proto)
    const int numPoles = proto.getNumPoles();
    m_numStages = (numPoles + 1)/ 2;
    assert (m_numStages <= m_maxStages);

    Biquad* stage = m_stageArray;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_numStages; ++i, ++stage)
        stage->setPoleZeroPair (proto[i]);

    applyScale (proto.getNormalGain() /
                std::abs (response (proto.getNormalW() / (2 * doublePi))));
Example #3
	void Cascade::setLayout (const LayoutBase& proto)
		const int numPoles = proto.getNumPoles();
		m_numStages = (numPoles + 1)/ 2;
		if (m_numStages > m_maxStages)
			throw std::invalid_argument("Number of stages is larger than the max stages.");

		Biquad* stage = m_stageArray;
		for (int i = 0; i < m_numStages; ++i, ++stage)
			stage->setPoleZeroPair (proto[i]);
		applyScale (proto.getNormalGain() /
			    std::abs (response (proto.getNormalW() / (2 * doublePi))));
	void onAudio(AudioIOData& io){

				// Our sequence of pitches
				float pitches[] = {0,0,12,0,0,10,-5,0};
				// Map pitch class to a frequency in Hz
				float f = 55 * pow(2, pitches[step]/12.);
				// Increment step counter
				step = (step + 1) % 8;
				// Set new target frequence of portamento
				freq = f;
				// Restart envelope using a soft reset (to avoid clicks)

			// Set saw frequency from portamento filter

			// Get next envelope value
			float e = env();
			// Map envelope value to cutoff frequency
			lpf.freq(e * (modCutoff.paraU()*6000 + 500) + 40);
			// Generate next saw sample
			float s = saw() * 0.3;
			// Filter saw sample
			s = lpf(s) * e;
			// Send sample to DAC
			io.out(0) = io.out(1) = s;
Example #5
int main() 
	tmr.period(3);	// Reset the envelope every 3 seconds 
	env.attack(0.01);	// Attack time
	env.decay(0.05);	// Decay time

	// Delays, lowpass, and allpass filters setup code goes here 

	AudioIO audioIO(frameCount, samplingRate, audioCallBack, NULL, channelsOut, channelsIn);
	printf("Press 'enter' to quit...\n"); 
	return 0; 
Example #6
HRTFKernel::HRTFKernel(AudioChannel* channel, size_t fftSize, float sampleRate, bool bassBoost)
    : m_frameDelay(0)
    , m_sampleRate(sampleRate)

    // Determine the leading delay (average group delay) for the response.
    m_frameDelay = extractAverageGroupDelay(channel, fftSize / 2);

    float* impulseResponse = channel->data();
    size_t responseLength = channel->length();

    if (bassBoost) {
        // Run through some post-processing to boost the bass a little -- the HRTF's seem to be a little bass-deficient.
        // FIXME: this post-processing should have already been applied to the HRTF file resources.  Once the files are put into this form,
        // then this code path can be removed along with the bassBoost parameter.
        Biquad filter;
        filter.setLowShelfParams(700.0 / nyquist(), 6.0); // boost 6dB at 700Hz
        filter.process(impulseResponse, impulseResponse, responseLength);

    // We need to truncate to fit into 1/2 the FFT size (with zero padding) in order to do proper convolution.
    size_t truncatedResponseLength = min(responseLength, fftSize / 2); // truncate if necessary to max impulse response length allowed by FFT

    // Quick fade-out (apply window) at truncation point
    unsigned numberOfFadeOutFrames = static_cast<unsigned>(sampleRate / 4410); // 10 sample-frames @44.1KHz sample-rate
    ASSERT(numberOfFadeOutFrames < truncatedResponseLength);
    if (numberOfFadeOutFrames < truncatedResponseLength) {
        for (unsigned i = truncatedResponseLength - numberOfFadeOutFrames; i < truncatedResponseLength; ++i) {
            float x = 1.0f - static_cast<float>(i - (truncatedResponseLength - numberOfFadeOutFrames)) / numberOfFadeOutFrames;
            impulseResponse[i] *= x;

    m_fftFrame = adoptPtr(new FFTFrame(fftSize));
    m_fftFrame->doPaddedFFT(impulseResponse, truncatedResponseLength);
Example #7
void audioCB(AudioIOData& io){

				case 0: filt.type(Filter::LP); printf("Low-pass\n"); break;
				case 1: filt.type(Filter::HP); printf("High-pass\n"); break;
				case 2: filt.type(Filter::BP); printf("Band-pass\n"); break;
				case 3: filt.type(Filter::BR); printf("Band-reject\n"); break;
			++cnt %= 4;
		float cutoff = scl::pow3(mod.triU()) * 10000;

		float s = filt(src());
		io.out(0) = io.out(1) = s * 0.1f;