Block::BlockPtr ContiguousArrayManager::get_block(const BlockId& block_id, int& rank,
		Block::BlockPtr& contiguous, sip::offset_array_t& offsets) {
//get contiguous array that contains block block_id, which must exist, and get its selectors and shape
	int array_id = block_id.array_id();
	rank = sip_tables_.array_rank(array_id);
	contiguous = get_array(array_id);
	sip::check(contiguous != NULL, "contiguous array not allocated");
	const sip::index_selector_t& selector = sip_tables_.selectors(array_id);
	BlockShape array_shape = sip_tables_.contiguous_array_shape(array_id); //shape of containing contiguous array

//get offsets of block_id in the containing array
	for (int i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
		offsets[i] = sip_tables_.offset_into_contiguous(selector[i],
//set offsets of unused indices to 0
	std::fill(offsets + rank, offsets + MAX_RANK, 0);

//get shape of subblock
	BlockShape block_shape = sip_tables_.shape(block_id);

//allocate a new block and copy data from contiguous block
	Block::BlockPtr block = new Block(block_shape);
	contiguous->extract_slice(rank, offsets, block);
	return block;
Example #2
bool BlockManager::has_wild_value(const BlockId& id) {
	int i = 0;
	while (i != MAX_RANK) {
		if (id.index_values(i) == wild_card_value)
			return true;
	return false;
Example #3
std::string SialPrinterForProduction::BlockId2String(const BlockId& id){

		std::stringstream ss;
		bool contiguous_local = sip_tables_.is_contiguous_local(id.array_id());
		int rank = sip_tables_.array_rank(id.array_id());
		ss << sip_tables_.array_name(id.array_id()) ;
		ss << '[';
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
			ss << (i == 0 ? "" : ",") << id.index_values(i);
			if (contiguous_local) {
			    if (id.index_values(i) != id.upper_index_values(i)) {
				ss << ":" << id.upper_index_values(i);
		ss << ']';
		return ss.str();
Example #4
void BlockManager::gen(const BlockId& id, int rank, const int pos,
		std::vector<int> prefix /*pass by value*/, int to_append,
		std::vector<BlockId>& list) {
	if (pos != 0) {
	if (pos < rank) {
		int curr_index = id.index_values(pos);
		if (curr_index == wild_card_value) {
			int index_slot = sip_tables_.selectors(id.array_id())[pos];
			int lower = sip_tables_.lower_seg(index_slot);
			int upper = lower + sip_tables_.num_segments(index_slot);
			for (int i = lower; i < upper; ++i) {
				gen(id, rank, pos + 1, prefix, i, list);
		} else {
			gen(id, rank, pos + 1, prefix, curr_index, list);

	} else {
		list.push_back(BlockId(id.array_id(), rank, prefix));