bool PoseSeqItem::updateKeyPosesWithBalancedTrajectories(std::ostream& os) { BodyMotionPtr motion = bodyMotionItem()->motion(); MultiValueSeqPtr qseq = motion->jointPosSeq(); MultiSE3SeqPtr pseq = motion->linkPosSeq(); double length = seq->endingTime(); if(qseq->timeLength() < length || pseq->timeLength() < length){ os << "Length of the interpolated trajectories is shorter than key pose sequence."; return false; } if(pseq->numParts() < ownerBodyItem->body()->numLinks()){ os << "Not all link positions are available. Please do interpolate with \"Put all link positions\""; return false; } beginEditing(); for(PoseSeq::iterator p = seq->begin(); p != seq->end(); ++p){ PosePtr pose = p->get<Pose>(); if(pose){ seq->beginPoseModification(p); int nj = pose->numJoints(); int frame = qseq->frameOfTime(p->time()); MultiValueSeq::Frame q = qseq->frame(frame); for(int i=0; i < nj; ++i){ if(pose->isJointValid(i)){ pose->setJointPosition(i, q[i]); } } MultiSE3Seq::Frame pos = pseq->frame(frame); for(Pose::LinkInfoMap::iterator q = pose->ikLinkBegin(); q != pose->ikLinkEnd(); ++q){ int linkIndex = q->first; Pose::LinkInfo& info = q->second; const Vector3& p = pos[linkIndex].translation(); // only update horizontal position info.p[0] = p[0]; info.p[1] = p[1]; } seq->endPoseModification(p); } } endEditing(); updateInterpolation(); return true; }
void HrpsysSequenceFileExportPlugin::HrpsysSequenceFileExport() { cout << "\x1b[31m" << "Start HrpsysSequenceFileExport" << "\x1b[m" << endl; // BodyItem,BodyPtr ItemList<BodyItem> bodyItems = ItemTreeView::mainInstance()->checkedItems<BodyItem>(); BodyPtr body = bodyItems[0]->body();// ロボットモデルは1個のみチェック LeggedBodyHelperPtr lgh = getLeggedBodyHelper(body); PoseSeqItem* poseSeqItem = ItemTreeView::mainInstance()->selectedItems<PoseSeqItem>()[0]; PoseSeqPtr poseSeq = poseSeqItem->poseSeq(); BodyMotionItem* bodyMotionItem = poseSeqItem->bodyMotionItem(); BodyMotionPtr motion = bodyMotionItem->motion(); string poseSeqPathString = poseSeqItem->filePath(); boost::filesystem::path poseSeqPath(poseSeqPathString); cout << " parent_path:" << poseSeqPath.parent_path().string() << " basename:" << getBasename(poseSeqPath) << endl; double dt = ((double) 1)/motion->frameRate(); int numFrames = motion->numFrames(); std::vector<string> extentionVec{"wrenches","optionaldata"}; for(auto ext : extentionVec){ MultiValueSeqItemPtr seqItem = bodyMotionItem->findSubItem<MultiValueSeqItem>(ext); if(!seqItem){ cout << ext << " is not found in PoseSeq: " << poseSeqItem->name() << endl; continue; } stringstream fnamess; fnamess << poseSeqItem->name() << "." << ext; ofstream ofs; poseSeqPath.parent_path() / fnamess.str()).string().c_str(), ios::out); MultiValueSeqPtr multiValueSeqPtr = seqItem->seq(); for(int i=0; i<numFrames; ++i){ ofs << i*dt; MultiValueSeq::Frame frame = multiValueSeqPtr->frame(i); for(int j=0; j<frame.size(); ++j){ ofs << " " << frame[j]; } ofs << endl; } ofs.close(); } cout << "\x1b[31m" << "Finished HrpsysSequenceFileExport" << "\x1b[m" << endl << endl; }
void OnlineViewerServerImpl::resetLogItem(BodyItemInfo* info, BodyMotionItem* newLogItem) { info->logItemConnections.disconnect(); info->logItem = newLogItem; if(newLogItem){ BodyMotionPtr motion = newLogItem->motion(); motion->jointPosSeq()->setDimension(0, 0); motion->linkPosSeq()->setNumParts(info->bodyItem->body()->numLinks()); motion->setFrameRate(timeBar->frameRate()); info->logItemConnections.add( newLogItem->sigPositionChanged().connect( boost::bind(&OnlineViewerServerImpl::resetLogItem, this, info, (BodyMotionItem*)0))); info->logItemConnections.add( newLogItem->sigNameChanged().connect( boost::bind(&OnlineViewerServerImpl::resetLogItem, this, info, (BodyMotionItem*)0))); } }
bool BodyMotionGenerationBar::shapeBodyMotionWithSimpleInterpolation (BodyPtr& body, PoseProvider* provider, BodyMotionItemPtr motionItem) { if(setup->onlyTimeBarRangeCheck.isChecked()){ poseProviderToBodyMotionConverter->setTimeRange(timeBar->minTime(), timeBar->maxTime()); } else { poseProviderToBodyMotionConverter->setFullTimeRange(); } poseProviderToBodyMotionConverter->setAllLinkPositionOutput(setup->se3Check.isChecked()); BodyMotionPtr motion = motionItem->motion(); motion->setFrameRate(timeBar->frameRate()); bool result = poseProviderToBodyMotionConverter->convert(body, provider, *motion); if(result){ motionItem->updateChildItemLineup(); motionItem->notifyUpdate(); } return result; }
int KinematicFaultCheckerImpl::checkFaults (BodyItem* bodyItem, BodyMotionItem* motionItem, std::ostream& os, bool checkPosition, bool checkVelocity, bool checkCollision, dynamic_bitset<> linkSelection, double beginningTime, double endingTime) { numFaults = 0; BodyPtr body = bodyItem->body(); BodyMotionPtr motion = motionItem->motion(); MultiValueSeqPtr qseq = motion->jointPosSeq();; MultiSE3SeqPtr pseq = motion->linkPosSeq(); if((!checkPosition && !checkVelocity && !checkCollision) || body->isStaticModel() || !qseq->getNumFrames()){ return numFaults; } BodyState orgKinematicState; if(USE_DUPLICATED_BODY){ body = body->clone(); } else { bodyItem->storeKinematicState(orgKinematicState); } CollisionDetectorPtr collisionDetector; WorldItem* worldItem = bodyItem->findOwnerItem<WorldItem>(); if(worldItem){ collisionDetector = worldItem->collisionDetector()->clone(); } else { int index = CollisionDetector::factoryIndex("AISTCollisionDetector"); if(index >= 0){ collisionDetector = CollisionDetector::create(index); } else { collisionDetector = CollisionDetector::create(0); os << _("A collision detector is not found. Collisions cannot be detected this time.") << endl; } } addBodyToCollisionDetector(*body, *collisionDetector); collisionDetector->makeReady(); const int numJoints = std::min(body->numJoints(), qseq->numParts()); const int numLinks = std::min(body->numLinks(), pseq->numParts()); frameRate = motion->frameRate(); double stepRatio2 = 2.0 / frameRate; angleMargin = radian(angleMarginSpin.value()); translationMargin = translationMarginSpin.value(); velocityLimitRatio = velocityLimitRatioSpin.value() / 100.0; int beginningFrame = std::max(0, (int)(beginningTime * frameRate)); int endingFrame = std::min((motion->numFrames() - 1), (int)lround(endingTime * frameRate)); lastPosFaultFrames.clear(); lastPosFaultFrames.resize(numJoints, std::numeric_limits<int>::min()); lastVelFaultFrames.clear(); lastVelFaultFrames.resize(numJoints, std::numeric_limits<int>::min()); lastCollisionFrames.clear(); if(checkCollision){ Link* root = body->rootLink(); root->p().setZero(); root->R().setIdentity(); } for(int frame = beginningFrame; frame <= endingFrame; ++frame){ int prevFrame = (frame == beginningFrame) ? beginningFrame : frame - 1; int nextFrame = (frame == endingFrame) ? endingFrame : frame + 1; for(int i=0; i < numJoints; ++i){ Link* joint = body->joint(i); double q = qseq->at(frame, i); joint->q() = q; if(joint->index() >= 0 && linkSelection[joint->index()]){ if(checkPosition){ bool fault = false; if(joint->isRotationalJoint()){ fault = (q > (joint->q_upper() - angleMargin) || q < (joint->q_lower() + angleMargin)); } else if(joint->isSlideJoint()){ fault = (q > (joint->q_upper() - translationMargin) || q < (joint->q_lower() + translationMargin)); } if(fault){ putJointPositionFault(frame, joint, os); } } if(checkVelocity){ double dq = (qseq->at(nextFrame, i) - qseq->at(prevFrame, i)) / stepRatio2; joint->dq() = dq; if(dq > (joint->dq_upper() * velocityLimitRatio) || dq < (joint->dq_lower() * velocityLimitRatio)){ putJointVelocityFault(frame, joint, os); } } } } if(checkCollision){ Link* link = body->link(0); if(!pseq->empty()) { const SE3& p = pseq->at(frame, 0); link->p() = p.translation(); link->R() = p.rotation().toRotationMatrix(); } else { link->p() = Vector3d(0., 0., 0.); link->R() = Matrix3d::Identity(); } body->calcForwardKinematics(); for(int i=1; i < numLinks; ++i){ link = body->link(i); if(!pseq->empty()) { const SE3& p = pseq->at(frame, i); link->p() = p.translation(); link->R() = p.rotation().toRotationMatrix(); } } for(int i=0; i < numLinks; ++i){ link = body->link(i); collisionDetector->updatePosition(i, link->position()); } collisionDetector->detectCollisions( boost::bind(&KinematicFaultCheckerImpl::putSelfCollision, this, body.get(), frame, _1, boost::ref(os))); } } if(!USE_DUPLICATED_BODY){ bodyItem->restoreKinematicState(orgKinematicState); } return numFaults; }