Example #1
void CAIWeaponAbstract::Load(ILTMessage_Read *pMsg)
	HWEAPON hWeapon = NULL;

	LOAD_HRECORD( hWeapon, g_pWeaponDB->GetWeaponsCategory() );
	LOAD_INT_CAST(m_eFiringState, ENUM_AIFiringState);

	CAI* pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hOwner);

	if (pAI)
		if (CArsenal* pArsenal = pAI->GetArsenal())
			m_pWeapon = pArsenal->GetWeapon(hWeapon);

	if( m_pWeapon )
		m_pAIWeaponRecord = AIWeaponUtils::GetAIWeaponRecord( 
			pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBAIWeaponOverrideSet() );
Example #2
void CAIActivityAbstract::InitActivity()
	// Find squad members who could be potential participants of this activity.

	LTObjRef* pSquadMembers = m_pSquad->GetSquadMembers();
	int cSquadMembers = m_pSquad->GetNumSquadMembers();

	CAI* pCurAI;
	m_cPotentialParticipants = 0;
	for( int iMember=0; iMember < cSquadMembers; ++iMember )
		pCurAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pSquadMembers[iMember] );
		if( !pCurAI )

		// Add AI to list if he has this activity in his activity set.

		ENUM_AIActivitySet eActivitySet = pCurAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBAIActivitySet();
		if(	g_pAICoordinator->IsActivityInAIActivitySet( eActivitySet, GetActivityClassType() ) )
			m_aPotentialParticipants[m_cPotentialParticipants] = pCurAI->m_hObject;
Example #3
void CAIActivityAbstract::CalcActivityAABB( LTRect3f* pAABB )
	// Sanity check.

	if( !pAABB )

	CAI* pAI;
	uint32 iParticipant;
	bool bFirst = true;
	for( iParticipant=0; iParticipant < m_cPotentialParticipants; ++iParticipant )
		pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_aPotentialParticipants[iParticipant] );
		if( !pAI )

		if( bFirst )
			pAABB->Init( pAI->GetPosition(), pAI->GetPosition() );
			bFirst = false;

		pAABB->Merge( pAI->GetPosition() );
Example #4
bool CGenerator_AI::generate(SDL_Event& e)

	if (e.button.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && e.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT &&
	        (m_pSpawnTimer->getTime() - m_prevTimeSpawn) > m_spawnTime_MS)
		int w = 10;
		int h = 10;
		int x = e.button.x;
		int y = e.button.y;
		SCoords2<int> spawnCoords;
		spawnCoords.setCoords(x, y);

		SCoords2<int> topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight;
		topLeft.setCoords(x, y);
		topRight.setCoords(x + w, y);
		bottomRight.setCoords(x + w, y + h);
		bottomLeft.setCoords(x, y + h);

		if (m_pRoom_collision->size() == 0)
			return false;

		bool isWithinARoom = false;
		CRoom* pSpawnRoom = NULL;
		for (int i = 0; i < m_pRoom_collision->size(); ++i)
			pSpawnRoom = m_pRoom_collision->at(i);

			// want to spawn AI within rooms
			if (pSpawnRoom->collision(&topLeft) == true &&
			        pSpawnRoom->collision(&topRight) == true &&
			        pSpawnRoom->collision(&bottomLeft) == true &&
			        pSpawnRoom->collision(&bottomRight) == true)
				isWithinARoom = true;
		if (isWithinARoom == false)
			return false;

		CAI* pAI = new CAI(m_pWindow, m_pCollisionMap, m_pRoom_collision,
		                   spawnCoords, "Resource Files/AI/debug AI.png",
		                   w, h, 1, 1);


		return true;

	return false;
static bool AllPlayersTargeted( CAI* pIgnoreThisAI )
	CPlayerObj::PlayerObjList::const_iterator itEachPlayer = CPlayerObj::GetPlayerObjList().begin();
	CPlayerObj::PlayerObjList::const_iterator itEndPlayer = CPlayerObj::GetPlayerObjList().end();
	for ( ; itEachPlayer != itEndPlayer; ++itEachPlayer )
		// Ignore this player if they are not valid or if they are not alive.

		CCharacter* pPlayer = *itEachPlayer;
		if ( NULL == pPlayer 
			|| IsDeadCharacter( pPlayer->GetHOBJECT() ) )
		HOBJECT hPlayer = pPlayer->GetHOBJECT();

		// See if any AIs are targeting the player.

		bool bPlayerTargeted = false;
		CAI::AIList::const_iterator itEachAI = CAI::GetAIList().begin();
		CAI::AIList::const_iterator itEndAI = CAI::GetAIList().end();
		for (  ; itEachAI != itEndAI; ++itEachAI )
			CAI* pCurrentAI = *itEachAI;
			if ( NULL == pCurrentAI )

			if ( pCurrentAI == pIgnoreThisAI )

			if ( pCurrentAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetObject() != hPlayer )

			bPlayerTargeted = true;

		if ( false == bPlayerTargeted )
			// Found an untargeted player.  Not all players are targeted.

			return false;

	// All players are targeted.

	return true;
bool CAITargetSelectCharacterSquad::ValidatePreconditions( CAI* pAI )
	// Sanity check.

	if( !pAI )
		return false;
	// AI is already targeting a character.

	if( pAI->HasTarget( kTarget_Character ) )
		return false;

	// AI is not in a squad.

	ENUM_AI_SQUAD_ID eSquad = g_pAICoordinator->GetSquadID( pAI->m_hObject );
	CAISquad* pSquad = g_pAICoordinator->FindSquad( eSquad );
	if( !pSquad )
		return false;

	// Find a squad member targeting a character.

	CAI* pMember = NULL;
	bool bTargetingCharacter = false;
	uint32 cMembers = pSquad->GetNumSquadMembers();
	LTObjRef* pMembers = pSquad->GetSquadMembers();
	if( pMembers )
		for( uint32 iMember=0; iMember < cMembers; ++iMember )
			pMember = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pMembers[iMember] );
			if( pMember && pMember->HasTarget( kTarget_Character ) )
				bTargetingCharacter = true;

	// Preconditions are met if the squad is targeting someone.

	return bTargetingCharacter;
Example #7
void AI_Helicopter::InitAttachments()

	for ( int iObject = 0 ; iObject < m_cObjects ; iObject++ )
		BaseClass* pObject = m_apObjects[iObject];

		if (pObject)
			if ( IsKindOf(pObject->m_hObject, "ControlledSearchLight") )
				m_iObjectSearchLight = iObject;

				ControlledSearchLight* pSearchLight = ((ControlledSearchLight*)pObject);

				HATTACHMENT hAttachment;
				if ( LT_OK == g_pLTServer->FindAttachment(m_hObject, pSearchLight->m_hObject, &hAttachment) )
					LTransform transform;
					g_pLTServer->Common()->GetAttachmentTransform(hAttachment, transform, LTTRUE);
					g_pTransLT->Get(transform, m_vPosSearchlight, m_rRotSearchlight);
			else if ( IsKindOf(pObject->m_hObject, "CAI") )

				m_iObjectGunner = iObject;

				CAI* pGunner = ((CAI*)pObject);

				HATTACHMENT hAttachment;
				if ( LT_OK == g_pLTServer->FindAttachment(m_hObject, pGunner->m_hObject, &hAttachment) )
					LTransform transform;
					g_pLTServer->Common()->GetAttachmentTransform(hAttachment, transform, LTTRUE);
					g_pTransLT->Get(transform, m_vPosGunner, m_rRotGunner);

				char szMessage[128];
				sprintf(szMessage, "HELIATTACK HELI=%s", g_pLTServer->GetObjectName(m_hObject));
				SendTriggerMsgToObject(this, pGunner->GetObject(), LTFALSE, szMessage);
Example #8
void CGenerator_AI::update()
	for (int i = 0; i < m_aiVector.size(); ++i)
		CAI* pAI = m_aiVector.at(i);

		// delete a room if it is marked as needed to be deleted
		if (pAI->isToBeDeleted == true)
			auto itr = m_aiVector.begin() + i;

		pAI->setMove(isUpPressed, isDownPressed, isLeftPressed, isRightPressed);
Example #9
void CAIMgr::CollectGarbage()
	// Central memory garbage collection.


	// Individual AI working memory garbage collection.

	CAI::AIList::const_iterator it = CAI::GetAIList().begin();
	for (; it != CAI::GetAIList().end(); ++it)
		CAI* pAI = *it;
		if (pAI)
HOBJECT CAITargetSelectDisturbanceBeyondGuard::SelectDisturbanceSource( CAI* pAI, CAIWMFact* pFact )
	// Sanity check.

	if( !( pAI && pFact ) )
		return NULL;

	// Disturbance is not from an AI.

	if( !IsAI( pFact->GetTargetObject() ) )
		return pFact->GetTargetObject();

	// AI is not an ally.

	CAI* pOther = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pFact->GetTargetObject() );
	EnumCharacterStance eStance = g_pCharacterDB->GetStance( pAI->GetAlignment(), pOther->GetAlignment() );
	if( eStance != kCharStance_Like )
		return pFact->GetTargetObject();

	// Ally is not targeting a character.

	if( pOther->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetType() != kTarget_Character )
		return pFact->GetTargetObject();

	// Return the Ally's target object.

	return pOther->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetObject();
void CAIGoalAbstractStimulated::ActivateGoal()

	// Only set a new response index if the AI is witnessing a new stimulus,
	// rather than seeing an ally who is disturbed.

	if( ( m_eSenseType != kSense_SeeAllyDisturbance ) && 
		( m_eSenseType != kSense_HearAllyDisturbance ) )
		m_pAI->SetLastStimulusTime( m_fStimulusTime );

	// Copy an ally's stimulus time.

	else if( m_hStimulusSource && IsAI( m_hStimulusSource ) ) 
		CAI* pAlly = (CAI*)( g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_hStimulusSource ) );
		if( pAlly )
			m_pAI->SetLastStimulusTime( pAlly->GetLastStimulusTime() );
int main()
	return 0;
Example #13
void CAIMgr::UpdateAISensors()
	CTList<CCharacter*>* plstChars = g_pCharacterMgr->GetCharacterList( CCharacterMgr::kList_AIs );
	CCharacter** pNext;
	CAI* pCurAI;

	// No AI exist.

	if( plstChars->GetLength() == 0 )

	// Find the next AI to update.
	// AI update round robin, so everyone gets the opportunity to
	// do a distributed update.

	pNext = plstChars->GetItem( TLIT_FIRST );
	while( m_hNextAI && ( (*pNext)->m_hObject != m_hNextAI ) )
		pNext = plstChars->GetItem( TLIT_NEXT );
	if( !pNext )
		pNext = plstChars->GetItem( TLIT_FIRST );

	HOBJECT hFirstToUpdate = (*pNext)->m_hObject;

	// Iterate over all existing AI.

	bool bWrapped = false;
	bool bUpdateDistributedSensors = true;
	while( true )
		// Bail once we have updated everyone.

		if( bWrapped )

		// Look ahead at the next AI to update, and flag if we've wrapped.

		pCurAI = (CAI*)*pNext;
		pNext = plstChars->GetItem( TLIT_NEXT );
		if( !pNext )
			pNext = plstChars->GetItem( TLIT_FIRST );
		if( (*pNext)->m_hObject == hFirstToUpdate )
			bWrapped = true;

		// Do not update sensors of dead AI.

		if( pCurAI->GetDestructible()->IsDead() )

		// Update all AI's sensors.
		// Stop updating distributed sensors once someone has performed
		// an expensive update.

		if( pCurAI->GetAISensorMgr()->UpdateSensors( bUpdateDistributedSensors ) )
			m_hNextAI = (*pNext)->m_hObject;
			bUpdateDistributedSensors = false;
Example #14
bool AINodeValidatorLockedByOther::Evaluate( uint32 dwFilteredStatusFlags, CAI* pAI, EnumAINodeClusterID eNodeClusterID, HOBJECT hLockingAI, HOBJECT hDependency, bool* pbOutCoverBehindAlly ) const
	if( dwFilteredStatusFlags & kNodeStatus_LockedByOther )
		if( pAI )
			if( hLockingAI && ( hLockingAI != pAI->m_hObject ) )
				return false;

			// Node has a dependency.

			if( hDependency )
				AINodeSmartObject* pNodeSmartObject = AINodeSmartObject::DynamicCast( hDependency );
				if( pNodeSmartObject )
					AIDB_SmartObjectRecord* pRecord = pNodeSmartObject->GetSmartObject();
					if( pRecord )
						// Destination dependency is locked by someone else.

						if( ( pRecord->eDependencyType == kDependency_Destination ) &&
							( pNodeSmartObject->IsNodeLocked() ) &&
							( pNodeSmartObject->GetLockingAI() != pAI->m_hObject ) )
							return false;

						// Occupation dependency is not occupied by someone else.

						if( pRecord->eDependencyType == kDependency_Occupied )
							// AI is taking cover behind someone.

							if ( pbOutCoverBehindAlly )
								*pbOutCoverBehindAlly = true;

							// Node is unusable if dependency is disabled.

							if( pNodeSmartObject->IsNodeDisabled() )
								return false;

							// Node is unusable if locking AI does not exist.

							HOBJECT hLockingAI = pNodeSmartObject->GetLockingAI();
							CAI* pLockingAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( hLockingAI );
							if( !pLockingAI )
								return false;

							// Node is not occupied if the locking AI is not at the node.

							SAIWORLDSTATE_PROP* pAtProp = pLockingAI->GetAIWorldState()->GetWSProp( kWSK_AtNode, pLockingAI->m_hObject );
							if( !( pAtProp && pAtProp->hWSValue == hDependency ) )
								return false;
			// Node has a cluster that is locked by someone else.

			if( eNodeClusterID != kNodeCluster_Invalid )
				CAINodeCluster* pCluster = g_pAINodeMgr->GetNodeCluster( eNodeClusterID );
				if( pCluster &&
					pCluster->IsClusterLocked() &&
					( pCluster->GetLockingAI() != pAI->m_hObject ) )
					return false;

	return true;
Example #15
void CAIGoalCircleFlamePot::DeactivateGoal()

	// If:
	// 1) The player is an enemy.
	// 2) There is another AI very close by
	// 3) That AI does not have a blitz task
	// ...this AI should blitz the player.  This is an anti-clumping measure.

	HOBJECT hTarget = m_pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetObject();

	bool bShouldBlitz = false;

	if ( m_pAI->HasTarget( kTarget_Character ) 
		&& IsPlayer( hTarget ) )
		CAI::AIList::const_iterator itEachAI = CAI::GetAIList().begin();
		CAI::AIList::const_iterator itLastAI = CAI::GetAIList().end();
		for ( ; itEachAI != itLastAI; ++itEachAI )
			CAI* pCurrentAI = *itEachAI;

			// Ignore NULL, self and dead AI.

			if ( NULL == pCurrentAI 
				|| pCurrentAI == m_pAI 
				|| IsDeadAI( pCurrentAI->GetHOBJECT() ) )

			// Ignore AIs who are far away in 2D (false positives are okay).

			LTVector vDelta2D = ( pCurrentAI->GetPosition() - m_pAI->GetPosition() );
			vDelta2D.y = 0.0f;

			if ( vDelta2D.MagSqr() > g_flTooCloseToEnemySqr )

			// Ignore AI who are already blitzing.

			CAIWMFact factQuery;
			factQuery.SetFactType( kFact_Task );
			factQuery.SetTaskType( kTask_BlitzCharacter );
			if ( pCurrentAI->GetAIWorkingMemory()->FindWMFact( factQuery ) )

			// AI should blitz.

			bShouldBlitz = true;

	if ( bShouldBlitz || ( 0 == GetRandom( 0, 2 ) ) )
		CAIWMFact factQuery;
		factQuery.SetFactType( kFact_Task );
		factQuery.SetTaskType( kTask_BlitzCharacter );
		CAIWMFact* pFact = m_pAI->GetAIWorkingMemory()->CreateWMFact( kFact_Task );
		if ( pFact )
			pFact->SetTaskType( kTask_BlitzCharacter );
			pFact->SetTargetObject( hTarget );
			pFact->SetIndex( kContext_None );
			pFact->SetFactFlags( kFactFlag_Scripted, 1.f );
Example #16
int main(){
  CAI c;
  return 0;
LTBOOL DoVectorFilterFn(HOBJECT hObj, void *pUserData)
	// We're not attacking our self...

	if (SpecificObjectFilterFn(hObj, pUserData))
		// CharacterHitBox objects are used for vector impacts, don't
		// impact on the character/body prop object itself....

		if (IsCharacter(hObj) || IsBody(hObj) || IsKindOf(hObj, "Intelligence"))
            return LTFALSE;

		// Check special character hit box cases...

		if (IsCharacterHitBox(hObj))
            CCharacterHitBox *pCharHitBox = (CCharacterHitBox*) g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hObj);
			if (pCharHitBox)
				// Make sure we don't hit ourself...

				HOBJECT hUs = (HOBJECT)pUserData;

				HOBJECT hTestObj = pCharHitBox->GetModelObject();
                if (!hTestObj) return LTFALSE;

				if (hTestObj == hUs)
                    return LTFALSE;

				// Do special AI hitting AI case...
				if (IsAI(hUs) && IsAI(hTestObj))
                    CAI *pAI = (CAI*) g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hUs);
                    if (!pAI) return LTFALSE;

					// We can't hit guys we like, unless they're NEUTRAL

                    CCharacter* pB = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hTestObj);
                    if (!pB) return LTFALSE;

					CharacterClass cc = pB->GetCharacterClass();
					if (cc != NEUTRAL)
						return LIKE != GetAlignement(pAI->GetCharacterClass(), cc);

				// Check for friendly fire
				if (g_pGameServerShell->GetGameType() == COOPERATIVE_ASSAULT && g_vtNetFriendlyFire.GetFloat() < 1.0f)
					// We can't hit guys on our team unless friendly fire is turned on
					if (IsPlayer(hUs) && IsPlayer(hTestObj))
                        CPlayerObj* pUs = (CPlayerObj*) g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hUs);
                        if (!pUs) return LTFALSE;

                        CPlayerObj* pThem = (CPlayerObj*) g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hTestObj);
                        if (!pThem) return LTFALSE;

						if (pUs->GetTeamID() == pThem->GetTeamID())
                            return LTFALSE;


        return LTTRUE;

    return LTFALSE;
void CinematicTrigger::HandleOff()
	if (!m_bOn) return;

	for ( uint32 iWho = 0 ; iWho < MAX_CT_MESSAGES; iWho++ )
		if ( m_hstrWhoPlaysDialogue[iWho] )
			HOBJECT hWho;
			if ( LT_OK == FindNamedObject(m_hstrWhoPlaysDialogue[iWho], hWho) )
				if ( IsKindOf(hWho, "CAI") )
					CAI* pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hWho);

    m_bOn = LTFALSE;

	// If we have a current speaker, make sure he is done talking...

	if (m_hCurSpeaker)
        CCharacter* pChar = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(m_hCurSpeaker);
		if (pChar)

		// Clear our speaker...

        g_pLTServer->BreakInterObjectLink(m_hObject, m_hCurSpeaker);
        m_hCurSpeaker = LTNULL;

	// Clear out our last speaker

	if (m_hLastSpeaker)
        CCharacter* pChar = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(m_hLastSpeaker);
		if (pChar)
        g_pLTServer->BreakInterObjectLink(m_hObject, m_hLastSpeaker);
        m_hLastSpeaker = LTNULL;

	// Send the clean up trigger message...

	if (m_hstrCleanUpTriggerTarget && m_hstrCleanUpTriggerMsg)
        SendTriggerMsgToObjects(this, g_pLTServer->GetStringData( m_hstrCleanUpTriggerTarget ), g_pLTServer->GetStringData( m_hstrCleanUpTriggerMsg ));

	// Turn off the camera...

	if (m_hCamera && !m_bLeaveCameraOn)
		SendTriggerMsgToObject(this, m_hCamera, FALSE, "OFF");

	// Turn off the keyframer...

	if (m_hKeyFramer)
		SendTriggerMsgToObject(this, m_hKeyFramer, FALSE, "OFF");

    SetNextUpdate(m_hObject, 0.0f);

	if (m_bOneTimeOnly)
		// Can't get rid of object if we're leaving the camera on ;)...

		if (!m_hCamera || !m_bLeaveCameraOn)
LTBOOL CinematicTrigger::UpdateDialogue()
    if (!g_pLTServer) return LTFALSE;

	// If we haven't yet done so, let all the cinematic participants know
	// they're under CinematicTrigger control

	if ( !m_bNotified )
		for ( uint32 iWho = 0 ; iWho < MAX_CT_MESSAGES; iWho++ )
			if ( m_hstrWhoPlaysDialogue[iWho] )
				HOBJECT hWho;
				if ( LT_OK == FindNamedObject(m_hstrWhoPlaysDialogue[iWho], hWho) )
					if ( IsKindOf(hWho, "CAI") )
						CAI* pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hWho);

        m_bNotified = LTTRUE;

	// Now update...

    LTFLOAT fTime = g_pLTServer->GetTime();

	// See if we are playing a dialogue...
	BOOL bDone = FALSE;

	if (m_hCurSpeaker)
		// If sound is done, stop it and wait for new sound...
        CCharacter* pChar = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(m_hCurSpeaker);
		if (pChar)
			bDone = !pChar->IsPlayingDialogue();

	if (bDone)
		// Send message for our last reply (since the dialog is now done)...

		if (m_byLastReply)

		m_byLastReply = m_byDecision;
		m_byDecision  = 0;

		// Clear our speaker...

        g_pLTServer->BreakInterObjectLink(m_hObject, m_hCurSpeaker);
        m_hCurSpeaker = LTNULL;

			return StartDialogue(m_byLastReply);


		if (m_nCurMessage < MAX_CT_MESSAGES)
			m_fNextDialogueStart = fTime + m_fDelay[m_nCurMessage];
            return LTFALSE;

	if (!m_hCurSpeaker)
		// See if we're done...

		if (m_nCurMessage >= MAX_CT_MESSAGES || !m_hstrDialogue[m_nCurMessage])
            return LTFALSE;

		// Start next sound...

		if (m_fNextDialogueStart >= 0.0f && m_fNextDialogueStart <= fTime)
			return StartDialogue();

    return LTTRUE;
void CAITargetSelectCharacterSquad::Activate( CAI* pAI )
	super::Activate( pAI );

	// Sanity check.

	if( !pAI )

	// Bail if AI is not in a squad.

	ENUM_AI_SQUAD_ID eSquad = g_pAICoordinator->GetSquadID( pAI->m_hObject );
	CAISquad* pSquad = g_pAICoordinator->FindSquad( eSquad );
	if( !pSquad )

	// Find a squad member targeting a character.

	CAI* pMember = NULL;
	bool bTargetingCharacter = false;
	uint32 cMembers = pSquad->GetNumSquadMembers();
	LTObjRef* pMembers = pSquad->GetSquadMembers();
	if( pMembers )
		for( uint32 iMember=0; iMember < cMembers; ++iMember )
			pMember = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pMembers[iMember] );
			if( pMember && pMember->HasTarget( kTarget_Character ) )

	// Bail if we failed to find a squad member.

	if( !pMember )

	// Bail if squad member is not targeting a character.

	if( !pMember->HasTarget( kTarget_Character ) )
	HOBJECT hTarget = pMember->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetObject();

	// Bail if squad member has no memory of the character.

	CAIWMFact factQuery;
	factQuery.SetFactType( kFact_Character );
	factQuery.SetTargetObject( hTarget );
	CAIWMFact* pFact = pMember->GetAIWorkingMemory()->FindWMFact( factQuery );
	if( !pFact )

	// Create a memory for this character.

	CAIWMFact* pTargetFact;
	pTargetFact = pAI->GetAIWorkingMemory()->CreateWMFact( kFact_Character );
	pTargetFact->SetTargetObject( hTarget, 1.f );

	EnumAIStimulusID eStimulusID;
	EnumAIStimulusType eStimulusType;
	pFact->GetStimulus( &eStimulusType, &eStimulusID );
	pTargetFact->SetStimulus( eStimulusType, eStimulusID, 0.f );
	pTargetFact->SetPos( pFact->GetPos(), 1.f );
	pTargetFact->SetRadius( 0.f, 1.f );

	// Target the character.

	TargetCharacter( pAI, pTargetFact );
Example #21
void CAIGoalDrawWeapon::ActivateGoal()

	// Bail if no holstered weapon, or already have a weapon armed.

	if( ( !m_pAI->HasHolsterString() ) ||
		( m_pAI->GetPrimaryWeapon() ) )
		m_fCurImportance = 0.f;

//	ASSERT(m_hStimulusSource != LTNULL);

	// Ignore senses other than see enemy.
	m_pAI->SetCurSenseFlags( kSense_SeeEnemy | kSense_SeeDangerousProjectile | kSense_SeeCatchableProjectile );

	m_pGoalMgr->LockGoal( this );

	// Set Draw state.

	m_pAI->SetState( kState_HumanDraw );

	if( m_pAI->GetAlarmLevel() >= m_pAI->GetBrain()->GetMajorAlarmThreshold() )
		m_pAI->SetAwareness( kAware_Alert );

	// If stimulated by an AI, target whatever he is targeting.

	if( IsAI( m_hStimulusSource ) )
		CAI* pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_hStimulusSource );
		if( pAI )
			if( pAI->HasTarget() )
				m_pAI->Target( pAI->GetTarget()->GetObject() );
	else if( IsCharacter( m_hStimulusSource ) )
		// Only set a target to turn towards for specified senses.

		switch( m_eSenseType )
			case kSense_SeeEnemy:
			case kSense_SeeEnemyLean:
			case kSense_HearEnemyWeaponFire:
			case kSense_HearEnemyFootstep:
					// Only target hated characters.

					CCharacter *pChar = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_hStimulusSource );
					if( pChar )
						CharacterAlignment eAlignment = GetAlignment( pChar->GetRelationSet(), m_pAI->GetRelationData() );
						if( eAlignment == HATE )
							m_pAI->Target( m_hStimulusSource );

							CAIHumanStateDraw* pStateDraw = (CAIHumanStateDraw*)m_pAI->GetState();
							pStateDraw->SetFaceTarget( LTTRUE );
Example #22
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	CAI c; //Create CAI object
	c.startTest();// Start the test
	return 0;
void CAITargetSelectDisturbance::TargetDisturbance( CAI* pAI, CAIWMFact* pFact )
	// Sanity check.

	if( !( pAI && pFact ) )

	// Record the existence of a disturbance in the AI's world state.

	pAI->GetAIWorldState()->SetWSProp( kWSK_DisturbanceExists, pAI->m_hObject, kWST_bool, true );

	// Play a sound corresponding to the type of stimulus.

	EnumAIStimulusID eStimulusID;
	EnumAIStimulusType eStimulusType;
	pFact->GetStimulus( &eStimulusType, &eStimulusID );
	switch( eStimulusType )
		case kStim_WeaponFireSound:
		case kStim_WeaponImpactSound:
		case kStim_WeaponReloadSound:
		case kStim_DisturbanceSound:
		case kStim_FootstepSound:
		case kStim_DeathSound:
		case kStim_PainSound:
				HOBJECT hAlly = g_pAICoordinator->FindAlly( pAI->m_hObject, NULL );
				if( hAlly )
					// "Check it out!"
					// "Roger!"

					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, kAISndCat_DisturbanceHeard, NULL, 1.f );
					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISoundSequence( hAlly, kAIS_Affirmative, pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.3f );
				else {
					// "What was that?"

					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_DisturbanceHeardAlarming, kAISndCat_DisturbanceHeard, NULL, 1.f );

		// "Flashlight!"

		case kStim_FlashlightBeamVisible:
				g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_DisturbanceSeenFlashlight, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.5f );

				HOBJECT hAlly = g_pAICoordinator->FindAlly( pAI->m_hObject, NULL );
				if( hAlly )
					// "Check it out!"
					// "Roger!"

					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISoundSequence( hAlly, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_DisturbanceSeenFlashlight, kAIS_DisturbanceSeenFlashlight, kAISndCat_DisturbanceHeard, NULL, 0.3f );
					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISoundSequence( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_Affirmative, hAlly, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, kAIS_DisturbanceSeenFlashlight, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.3f );

	// Record new target on the BlackBoard.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetType( kTarget_Disturbance );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetStimulusType( eStimulusType );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetStimulusID( eStimulusID );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetChangeTime( g_pLTServer->GetTime() );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetObject( pFact->GetTargetObject() );

	// Record initial disturbance position.
	// If the stimulus is dynamic, AITarget will track its movement.

	LTVector vTargetPos = pFact->GetPos();
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetPosition( vTargetPos );

	// If the disturbance is coming from an ally's weapon fire sound,
	// then treat the disturbance position as the position of whatever
	// the ally is firing at.

	if( IsAI( pFact->GetTargetObject() ) )
		CAI* pOtherAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pFact->GetTargetObject() );
		if( pOtherAI && 
			pOtherAI->HasTarget( kTarget_Character ) &&
			( eStimulusType == kStim_WeaponFireSound ) &&
			( kCharStance_Like == g_pCharacterDB->GetStance( pAI->GetAlignment(), pOtherAI->GetAlignment() ) ) )
			LTVector vTargetPos = pOtherAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetPosition();
			pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetPosition( vTargetPos );
			pFact->SetPos( vTargetPos, 1.f );
Example #24
bool Alarm::OnTrigger(HOBJECT hSender, const CParsedMsg &cMsg)
	static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Activate(s_szActivate);
	static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Lock(s_szLock);
	static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Unlock(s_szUnlock);

	if ( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Activate )
		// If the alarm is activated from a command, the sender is
		// NULL (dammit!).  So treat it as player-activated.
		// If the alarm is activated by something other than AI
		// (e.g. a command object) consider it player activated.

		if( !IsAI( hSender ) )
			CPlayerObj *pPlayer = g_pCharacterMgr->FindPlayer();
			hSender = pPlayer->m_hObject;

		HOBJECT hStimulus = hSender;

		if( IsPlayer(hSender) )
			// Run the alarm's player-activate command.

			if( m_hstrPlayerActivateCommand )
				const char *szCmd = g_pLTServer->GetStringData( m_hstrPlayerActivateCommand );

				if( g_pCmdMgr->IsValidCmd( szCmd ) )
					g_pCmdMgr->Process( szCmd, m_hObject, m_hObject );
			// The stimulus is the target of the AI who activated the alarm.

			CAI* pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hSender);
			hStimulus = pAI->GetTarget()->GetObject();

		// Ensure that lists of Alert and Respond regions are set up.

		if( ( m_fRegionsGroupRadius == 0.f ) && 
			( ( m_lstAlertRegions.size() > 0 ) || 
			( m_lstRespondRegions.size() > 0 ) || 
			( m_lstSearchRegions.size() > 0 ) ) ) 

		// Place an alarm stimulus.
		// The stimulus position and radius are set to values that encompass
		// all of the regions affected by the alarm.

		g_pAIStimulusMgr->RegisterStimulus(kStim_EnemyAlarmSound, hStimulus, m_hObject, m_vRegionsGroupCenter, m_fRegionsGroupRadius, m_fAlarmSoundTime);
		AITRACE( AIShowAlarms, ( m_hObject, "Triggering alarm" ) );
	else if ( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Lock )
		m_bLocked = LTTRUE;
	else if ( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Unlock )
		m_bLocked = LTFALSE;
		return Prop::OnTrigger(hSender, cMsg);

	return true;