void CSetupGisWeatherSettingItemList::InputUrl() { HBufC* mess = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_STR_TITLE_URL); CAknTextQueryDialog* Dialog =CAknTextQueryDialog::NewL(iSettings.Edit3(),CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone); Dialog->PrepareLC(R_ASK_NAME_DIALOG); Dialog->SetPromptL(*mess); Dialog->RunLD(); LoadSettingsL(); }
void CNickAndPasswordQuery::ProcessSelectionL() { if ( iNick.Length() == 0 ) { while (ETrue) { CAknTextQueryDialog* dlg; dlg = new(ELeave)CAknTextQueryDialog(iNick, CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone ); if ( dlg->ExecuteLD( R_WELCOME_NICK_QUERY ) ) { if ( iNick.Length() > 0 ) { Settings().WriteSettingL( SETTING_JABBER_NICK, iNick ); break; } } Exit(); } } if ( iPasswd.Length() == 0 && iHashedPass.Length() == 0 ) { TBuf<50> Password; while ( ETrue ) { CAknTextQueryDialog* dlg; dlg = new(ELeave)CAknTextQueryDialog(Password, CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone ); dlg->PrepareLC(R_WELCOME_PASSWORD_QUERY); if ( dlg->RunLD( ) ) { if ( Password.Length() > 0 ) { Settings().WriteSettingL( SETTING_JABBER_PASS, Password ); break; } } Exit(); } } NotifyActionReadyL(); }
//Man dead 以后,还没切换到Award以前,看是否需要祝贺 void CRS_ManContainer::Congratulation() { if (iData->iPlayerInfo.IsBrokeAwardRecord(iData->iFloor)) { iGfxTimer->Pause(); iCongratulationPlayer->Play(); TBuf<30> oName; TBuf<30> oTitle(_L("Enter your name:")); CAknTextQueryDialog* oDlg = new (ELeave) CAknTextQueryDialog(oName, oTitle); oDlg->PrepareLC(R_DEMO_DATA_QUERY); oDlg->SetMaxLength(15); if (oDlg->RunLD()) { if (oName.Length() > 0) { iData->iPlayerInfo.UpdatePlayerList(iData->iFloor, oName); } // ok pressed, text is the descriptor containing the entered text // in the editor. } } }
TBool TAzenqosEngineUtils::AskTestDescription(TInt rscid, TDes& descr) { //descr.Zero(); CAknTextQueryDialog* cldlg; cldlg = new (ELeave) CAknTextQueryDialog(descr); cldlg->PrepareLC( rscid ); if(!(cldlg->RunLD())) { return EFalse; } descr.TrimAll(); if(descr.Length()==0) { _LIT(emsg,"Test description not entered"); CAknErrorNote* informationNote = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote(ETrue); informationNote->ExecuteLD(emsg); return EFalse; } return ETrue; }
void CAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand) { switch (aCommand) { case EEikCmdExit: { TBuf < 15 > password; CAknTextQueryDialog *Dialog = CAknTextQueryDialog::NewL(password, CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone); Dialog->PrepareLC(R_ASK_PWD); Dialog->RunLD(); TBuf < 20 > buf; buf.Copy(KPassword); if (password == buf) { Exit(); } break; } case ESamCmdAbout: { TBuf < 1024 > msgAbout = _L( "mauru ~ a www.tumunu.com project\r\nBy Cleave Pokotea"); CAknMessageQueryDialog *dlgAbout = CAknMessageQueryDialog::NewL (msgAbout); dlgAbout->PrepareLC(R_MAURU_ABOUT); dlgAbout->QueryHeading()->SetTextL(_L("About mauru")); dlgAbout->RunLD(); break; } default: break; } }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RFile GetAttachmentFileL(TMsvAttachmentId aId) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void CMailBoxContainer::CopyFileL(const TDesC& aFolderName) { TFileName fileName,FullFilName; if(iSession && iSelectionBox && iListArray) { TInt CurrItmIndex = iSelCopyItemIndex; iSelCopyItemIndex = -1; if(CurrItmIndex < 0 || CurrItmIndex >= iIDArray->Count()) { CurrItmIndex = iSelectionBox->CurrentItemIndex(); } TMsvSelectionOrdering sort; sort.SetShowInvisibleEntries(ETrue); sort.SetSorting(EMsvSortByDate); // Take a handle to the folder entry CMsvEntry* parentEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL(*iSession,iCurrentMailBox,sort); CleanupStack::PushL(parentEntry); // A selection of all BT entries CMsvEntrySelection* entries = parentEntry->ChildrenL();//ChildrenWithMtmL(KUidMsgTypeBt); CleanupStack::PushL(entries); //Process all entries if(CurrItmIndex >= 0 && CurrItmIndex < iIDArray->Count()) { //Get entry CMsvEntry* btEntry = iSession->GetEntryL(iIDArray->At(CurrItmIndex).iEnt); CleanupStack::PushL(btEntry); //Then get entrys child CMsvEntrySelection* btChildren = btEntry->ChildrenL(); CleanupStack::PushL(btChildren); btEntry->SetEntryL(iIDArray->At(CurrItmIndex).iMsg); if (btEntry->HasStoreL()) { CMsvStore* store = btEntry->ReadStoreL(); CleanupStack::PushL(store); MMsvAttachmentManager& attMngr = store->AttachmentManagerL(); CMsvAttachment* attachment = attMngr.GetAttachmentInfoL(iIDArray->At(CurrItmIndex).iAtt); if(attachment) { fileName.Copy(attachment->AttachmentName()); delete attachment; attachment = NULL; TBool OkToSave(EFalse),SkipMe(EFalse); do { FullFilName.Zero(); StringLoader::Load(FullFilName,R_SH_STR_FILENAME); CAknTextQueryDialog* Dialog = CAknTextQueryDialog::NewL(fileName,CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone); Dialog->PrepareLC(R_ASK_NAME_DIALOG); Dialog->SetPromptL(FullFilName); if(Dialog->RunLD()) { FullFilName.Copy(aFolderName); FullFilName.Append(fileName); if(BaflUtils::FileExists(CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession(),FullFilName)) { HBufC* TmpText = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_SH_STR_FILOVERRT); CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL(); if(dlg->ExecuteLD(R_QUERY,*TmpText)) { TInt Err = CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession().Delete(FullFilName); if(Err == KErrNone) { OkToSave = ETrue; } else { iUtils.GetFileUtils().ShowFileErrorNoteL(FullFilName,Err); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(TmpText); } else { OkToSave = ETrue; } } else { SkipMe = ETrue; } }while(!SkipMe && !OkToSave); if(OkToSave) { delete iRFileCopier; iRFileCopier = NULL; iRFileCopier = CRFileCopier::NewL(*this,CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession(),ETrue); RFile SourceFil(attMngr.GetAttachmentFileL(iIDArray->At(CurrItmIndex).iAtt)); iRFileCopier->StartCopyL(SourceFil,FullFilName); SourceFil.Close(); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); } }
void CAafAppCameraView::SaveCapturedImageL() { if (IsImageCaptured()) { TFileName filePath(KNullDesC); // Create select memory dialog CAknMemorySelectionDialog* memDlg = CAknMemorySelectionDialog::NewL(ECFDDialogTypeSave, ETrue); CAknMemorySelectionDialog::TMemory memory = CAknMemorySelectionDialog::EPhoneMemory; // Create select folder dialog CAknFileSelectionDialog* dlg = CAknFileSelectionDialog::NewL(ECFDDialogTypeCopy); // some dialog customizations: CEikonEnv* eikonEnv = CEikonEnv::Static(); HBufC* stringHolder = StringLoader::LoadL(R_SELECT_FOLDER_DIALOG, eikonEnv ); dlg->SetTitleL(*stringHolder); // Free dynamically allocated memory delete stringHolder; stringHolder = NULL; stringHolder = StringLoader::LoadL(R_BACK, eikonEnv ); dlg->SetRightSoftkeyRootFolderL(*stringHolder); // for root folder // Free dynamically allocated memory delete stringHolder; stringHolder = NULL; TBool result = EFalse; for (;;) { if ( memDlg->ExecuteL(memory) == CAknFileSelectionDialog::ERightSoftkey ) { // cancel selection break; } if (memory == CAknMemorySelectionDialog::EMemoryCard) { // Open images folder filePath = PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath(); filePath.Append(PathInfo::ImagesPath()); } else { // Open images folder filePath = PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath(); filePath.Append(PathInfo::ImagesPath()); } if (dlg->ExecuteL(filePath)) { // we got our folder and finish loop result = ETrue; break; } } delete memDlg; delete dlg; if (filePath.Length() > 0) { // The descriptor used for the editor TBuf<255> fileName; // create dialog instance CAknTextQueryDialog* dlgFilename = new( ELeave )CAknTextQueryDialog( fileName); // Prepares the dialog, constructing it from the specified resource dlgFilename->PrepareLC( R_FILENAME_QUERY ); // Sets the maximum length of the text editor dlgFilename->SetMaxLength(255); // Launch the dialog if (dlgFilename->RunLD()) { // ok pressed, text is the descriptor containing the entered text // in the editor. filePath.Append(fileName); // ensure that saved file would have .jpg extension if (filePath.Right(4).Compare(KJpgExt) != 0) filePath.Append(KJpgExt); iContainer->SaveImage(filePath); } } } }