void C_TEHL2MPFireBullets::CreateEffects( void )
	CAmmoDef*	pAmmoDef	= GetAmmoDef();

	if ( pAmmoDef == NULL )

	C_BaseEntity *pEnt = ClientEntityList().GetEnt( m_iPlayer );

	if ( pEnt )
		C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<C_BasePlayer *>(pEnt);

		if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() )
			C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWpn = dynamic_cast<C_BaseCombatWeapon *>( pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() );

			if ( pWpn )
				int iSeed = m_iSeed;
				CShotManipulator Manipulator( m_vecDir );

				for (int iShot = 0; iShot < m_iShots; iShot++)
					RandomSeed( iSeed );	// init random system with this seed

					// Don't run the biasing code for the player at the moment.
					Vector vecDir = Manipulator.ApplySpread( Vector( m_flSpread, m_flSpread, m_flSpread ) );
					Vector vecEnd = m_vecOrigin + vecDir * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;
					trace_t tr;
					CTraceFilterSkipPlayerAndViewModelOnly traceFilter;

					if( m_iShots > 1 && iShot % 2 )
						// Half of the shotgun pellets are hulls that make it easier to hit targets with the shotgun.
						UTIL_TraceHull( m_vecOrigin, vecEnd, Vector( -3, -3, -3 ), Vector( 3, 3, 3 ), MASK_SHOT, &traceFilter, &tr );
						UTIL_TraceLine( m_vecOrigin, vecEnd, MASK_SHOT, &traceFilter, &tr);

					if ( m_bDoTracers )
						const char *pTracerName = pWpn->GetTracerType();

						CEffectData data;
						data.m_vStart = tr.startpos;
						data.m_vOrigin = tr.endpos;
						data.m_hEntity = pWpn->GetRefEHandle();
						data.m_flScale = 0.0f;
						data.m_fFlags |= TRACER_FLAG_USEATTACHMENT;
						// Stomp the start, since it's not going to be used anyway
						data.m_nAttachmentIndex = 1;

						if ( pTracerName )
							DispatchEffect( pTracerName, data );
							DispatchEffect( "Tracer", data );
					if ( m_bDoImpacts )
						pWpn->DoImpactEffect( tr, pAmmoDef->DamageType( m_iAmmoID ) );


Example #2
// Purpose: 
void CUnitBase::FireBullets( const FireBulletsInfo_t &info )

	static int	tracerCount;
	trace_t		tr;
	CAmmoDef*	pAmmoDef	= GetAmmoDef();
	int			nDamageType	= pAmmoDef->DamageType(info.m_iAmmoType);
	//int			nAmmoFlags	= pAmmoDef->Flags(info.m_iAmmoType);
	int iNumShots;
	float flActualDamage;

	// the default attacker is ourselves
	CBaseEntity *pAttacker = info.m_pAttacker ? info.m_pAttacker : this;

	g_MultiDamage.SetDamageType( nDamageType | DMG_NEVERGIB );

	Vector vecDir;
	Vector vecEnd;

	// Adjust spread to accuracy
	Vector vecSpread( info.m_vecSpread );
	//vecSpread.x = sin( ( (asin( info.m_vecSpread.x ) * 2.0f) * m_fAccuracy ) / 2.0f );
	//vecSpread.y = sin( ( (asin( info.m_vecSpread.y ) * 2.0f) * m_fAccuracy ) / 2.0f );
	//vecSpread.z = sin( ( (asin( info.m_vecSpread.z ) * 2.0f) * m_fAccuracy ) / 2.0f );

	// Skip multiple entities when tracing
	CWarsBulletsFilter traceFilter( this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
	traceFilter.SetPassEntity( this ); // Standard pass entity for THIS so that it can be easily removed from the list after passing through a portal
	traceFilter.AddEntityToIgnore( info.m_pAdditionalIgnoreEnt );

	CShotManipulator Manipulator( info.m_vecDirShooting );

	iNumShots = info.m_iShots;
	flActualDamage = info.m_flDamage;
	if ( flActualDamage == 0.0 )
		flActualDamage = g_pGameRules->GetAmmoDamage( pAttacker, tr.m_pEnt, info.m_iAmmoType );

	flActualDamage *= m_fAccuracy; // Pretty much a damage modifier

	for (int iShot = 0; iShot < iNumShots; iShot++)
		//vecDir = info.m_vecDirShooting;
		vecDir = Manipulator.ApplySpread( vecSpread );

		vecEnd = info.m_vecSrc + vecDir * info.m_flDistance;

		AI_TraceLine(info.m_vecSrc, vecEnd, MASK_SHOT, &traceFilter, &tr);

		if( unit_debugfirebullets.GetBool() )
			NDebugOverlay::Line(info.m_vecSrc, vecEnd, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0.1f);
			NDebugOverlay::Line(info.m_vecSrc, tr.endpos, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0.1f);
			NDebugOverlay::Line(info.m_vecSrc, vecEnd, 255, 255, 0, 255, 0.1f);
			NDebugOverlay::Line(info.m_vecSrc, tr.endpos, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0.1f);
#endif // CLIENT_DLL

		// Make sure given a valid bullet type
		if (info.m_iAmmoType == -1)
			DevMsg("ERROR: Undefined ammo type!\n");

		Vector vecTracerDest = tr.endpos;

		// do damage, paint decals
		if (tr.fraction != 1.0)
			CTakeDamageInfo dmgInfo( pAttacker, pAttacker, flActualDamage, nDamageType );
			CalculateBulletDamageForce( &dmgInfo, info.m_iAmmoType, vecDir, tr.endpos );
			dmgInfo.ScaleDamageForce( info.m_flDamageForceScale );
			dmgInfo.SetAmmoType( info.m_iAmmoType );

			(dynamic_cast<CBaseEntity *>(tr.m_pEnt))->DispatchTraceAttack( dmgInfo, vecDir, &tr );

			// Effects only, FireBullets should be called on the client.
			// Dispatching on the server generates far too many events/data!
#ifdef CLIENT_DLL 
			DoImpactEffect( tr, nDamageType );

			Vector vecTracerSrc = vec3_origin;
			ComputeTracerStartPosition( info.m_vecSrc, &vecTracerSrc );

			trace_t Tracer;
			Tracer = tr;
			Tracer.endpos = vecTracerDest;

			MakeTracer( vecTracerSrc, Tracer, pAmmoDef->TracerType(info.m_iAmmoType) );
#endif // CLIENT_DLL

#ifdef GAME_DLL
#endif // GAME_DLL