// Check the remove functionality of the CArray<Tsint>.
 void UT_ASSERT_CHECK_REMOVE(CArray<Tsint>& a_rArray, Tbool a_cDirectOrder, const Tbool a_cReversed = false)
   Tsint value = (a_cDirectOrder || a_cReversed) ? 1 : 6;
   CArray<Tsint>::TIterator it = (a_cDirectOrder ? a_rArray.getItFirst() : a_rArray.getItLast());
   while (it.isValid())
     UT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*it, value);
     (a_cDirectOrder || a_cReversed) ? ++value : --value;
     UT_ASSERT(a_cDirectOrder ? it.removeForward() : it.removeBackward());
   UT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value, ((a_cDirectOrder || a_cReversed) ? 7 : 0));
 // Check the remove functionality of the CArray<Tbool>.
 void UT_ASSERT_CHECK_REMOVE(CArray<Tbool>& a_rArray, Tbool a_cDirectOrder, const Tbool a_cReversed = false)
   Tbool value = (a_cDirectOrder || a_cReversed) ? true : false;
   CArray<Tbool>::TIterator it = (a_cDirectOrder ? a_rArray.getItFirst() : a_rArray.getItLast());
   while (it.isValid())
     UT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*it, value);
     value = !value;
     UT_ASSERT(a_cDirectOrder ? it.removeForward() : it.removeBackward());
   UT_ASSERT((a_cDirectOrder || a_cReversed) ? (value == true) : (value == false));
 // Remove all items from the instance of the CArray<Tbool> class.
 static void remove(IWriter& writer, CArray<Tbool>& a_rArray, const Tbool a_cDirectOrder)
 {   CALL
     writer << STR("CArray<Tbool>(") << STR("size = ") << a_rArray.getSize() << STR(")") << ln;
     CArray<Tbool>::TIterator it = (a_cDirectOrder ? a_rArray.getItFirst() : a_rArray.getItLast());
     writer << STR("{") << ln;
     while (it.isValid())
         writer << STR(" removed item = ") << *it << ln;
         a_cDirectOrder ? it.removeForward() : it.removeBackward();
     writer << STR("}") << ln;
 // Check the show reversed functionality of the CArray<Tsint>.
 void UT_ASSERT_CHECK_SHOW_REVERSED(const CArray<Tsint>& a_crArray, const Tbool a_cDirectOrder)
   Tsint value = (a_cDirectOrder ? 6 : 1);
   CArray<Tsint>::TIteratorConst it = (a_cDirectOrder ? a_crArray.getItFirst() : a_crArray.getItLast());
   if (it.isValid())
       UT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*it, value);
       (a_cDirectOrder) ? --value : ++value;
     } while ((a_cDirectOrder ? it.stepForward() : it.stepBackward()) == 1);
   UT_ASSERT_EQUAL(value, (a_cDirectOrder ? 0 : 7));
 // Check the show reversed functionality of the CArray<Tbool>.
 void UT_ASSERT_CHECK_SHOW_REVERSED(const CArray<Tbool>& a_crArray, const Tbool a_cDirectOrder)
   Tbool value = (a_cDirectOrder ? false : true);
   CArray<Tbool>::TIteratorConst it = (a_cDirectOrder ? a_crArray.getItFirst() : a_crArray.getItLast());
   if (it.isValid())
       UT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*it, value);
       value = !value;
     } while ((a_cDirectOrder ? it.stepForward() : it.stepBackward()) == 1);
   UT_ASSERT((a_cDirectOrder) ? !value : value);