BOOL CBCGPDlgImpl::ProcessMouseClick (POINT pt)
	if (!CBCGPToolBar::IsCustomizeMode () &&
		CBCGPPopupMenu::GetActiveMenu() != NULL &&
		::IsWindow (CBCGPPopupMenu::GetActiveMenu()->m_hWnd))
		CBCGPPopupMenu::MENUAREA_TYPE clickArea = CBCGPPopupMenu::GetActiveMenu()->CheckArea (pt);

		if (clickArea == CBCGPPopupMenu::OUTSIDE)
			// Click outside of menu

			// Maybe secondary click on the parent button?
			CBCGPToolbarMenuButton* pParentButton = 
				CBCGPPopupMenu::GetActiveMenu()->GetParentButton ();
			if (pParentButton != NULL)
				CWnd* pWndParent = pParentButton->GetParentWnd ();
				if (pWndParent != NULL)
					CBCGPPopupMenuBar* pWndParentPopupMenuBar = 
						DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST (CBCGPPopupMenuBar, pWndParent);

					CPoint ptClient = pt;
					pWndParent->ScreenToClient (&ptClient);

					if (pParentButton->Rect ().PtInRect (ptClient))
						// If user clicks second time on the parent button,
						// we should close an active menu on the toolbar/menubar
						// and leave it on the popup menu:
						if (pWndParentPopupMenuBar == NULL &&
							!CBCGPPopupMenu::GetActiveMenu()->InCommand ())
							// Toolbar/menu bar: close an active menu!
							CBCGPPopupMenu::GetActiveMenu()->SendMessage (WM_CLOSE);

						return TRUE;

					if (pWndParentPopupMenuBar != NULL)
						pWndParentPopupMenuBar->CloseDelayedSubMenu ();
						CBCGPPopupMenu* pWndParentPopupMenu = 
							pWndParentPopupMenuBar->GetParent ());

						if (pWndParentPopupMenu != NULL)
							CBCGPPopupMenu::MENUAREA_TYPE clickAreaParent = 
								pWndParentPopupMenu->CheckArea (pt);

							switch (clickAreaParent)
							case CBCGPPopupMenu::MENU:
							case CBCGPPopupMenu::TEAROFF_CAPTION:
							case CBCGPPopupMenu::LOGO:
								return FALSE;

							case CBCGPPopupMenu::SHADOW_RIGHT:
							case CBCGPPopupMenu::SHADOW_BOTTOM:
								pWndParentPopupMenu->SendMessage (WM_CLOSE);
								m_Dlg.SetFocus ();

								return TRUE;

			if (!CBCGPPopupMenu::GetActiveMenu()->InCommand ())
				CBCGPPopupMenu::GetActiveMenu()->SendMessage (WM_CLOSE);

				CWnd* pWndFocus = CWnd::GetFocus ();
				if (pWndFocus != NULL && pWndFocus->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (CBCGPToolBar)))
					m_Dlg.SetFocus ();

				if (clickArea != CBCGPPopupMenu::OUTSIDE)	// Click on shadow
					return TRUE;
		else if (clickArea == CBCGPPopupMenu::SHADOW_RIGHT ||
				clickArea == CBCGPPopupMenu::SHADOW_BOTTOM)
			CBCGPPopupMenu::GetActiveMenu()->SendMessage (WM_CLOSE);
			m_Dlg.SetFocus ();

			return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Example #2
void CBCGPMenuPage::OnSelchangeContextMenuList() 
	m_wndResetMenuButton.EnableWindow (FALSE);

	if (g_pContextMenuManager == NULL)

	m_uiContextMenuResId = 0;

	// First, save and close the current menu:
	if (m_pContextMenu != NULL)
		SaveMenu ();

		CBCGPPopupMenu* pMenu = m_pContextMenu;
		m_pContextMenu = NULL;
		pMenu->SendMessage (WM_CLOSE);

	if (m_wndContextMenus.GetCurSel () <= 0)
		// No is menu selected, nothing to do...

	UpdateData ();

	HMENU hMenu = g_pContextMenuManager->GetMenuByName (
					m_strContextMenuName, &m_uiContextMenuResId);

	if (hMenu == NULL)
		MessageBeep ((UINT) -1);

	HMENU hmenuPopup = ::GetSubMenu (hMenu, 0);
	if (hmenuPopup == NULL)

	m_pContextMenu = new CBCGPPopupMenu (this, m_strContextMenuName);
	ASSERT (m_pContextMenu != NULL);

	if (!globalData.bIsWindowsNT4)
		m_pContextMenu->SetAutoDestroy (FALSE);

	if (!m_pContextMenu->Create (GetTopLevelFrame (),
			m_ptMenuLastPos.x, m_ptMenuLastPos.y,
		AfxMessageBox (_T("Can't create context menu!"));
		m_wndResetMenuButton.EnableWindow ();