void StakeForCharityDialog::setModel(WalletModel *model)
    this->model = model;

    CBitcoinAddress strAddress;
    CBitcoinAddress strChangeAddress;
    int nPer;
    qint64 nMin;
    qint64 nMax;

    model->getStakeForCharity(nPer, strAddress, strChangeAddress, nMin, nMax);

    if (strAddress.IsValid() && nPer > 0 )
        if (strChangeAddress.IsValid())
        if (nMin > 0  && nMin != MIN_TX_FEE)
        if (nMax > 0 && nMax != MAX_MONEY)
        ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: green; }");
        ui->message->setText(tr("Thank you for giving to\n") + strAddress.ToString().c_str() + tr("."));
Example #2
void AutoSavingsDialog::setModel(WalletModel *model)
    this->model = model;

    CBitcoinAddress strAddress;
    CBitcoinAddress strChangeAddress;
    int nPer;
    int64 nMin;
    int64 nMax;

    model->getAutoSavings(nPer, strAddress, strChangeAddress, nMin, nMax);

    if (strAddress.IsValid() && nPer > 0 )
        if (strChangeAddress.IsValid())
        if (nMin > 0 && nMin != MIN_TX_FEE)
        if (nMax > 0 && nMax != MAX_MONEY)
        ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: green; }");
        ui->message->setText(tr("You are now saving to\n") + strAddress.ToString().c_str() + tr("."));
 * Decompose CWallet transaction to model transaction records.
QList<TransactionRecord> TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(const CWallet *wallet, const CWalletTx &wtx)
    QList<TransactionRecord> parts;
    int64 nTime = wtx.GetTxTime();
    int64 nCredit = wtx.GetCredit(true);
    int64 nDebit = wtx.GetDebit();
    int64 nNet = nCredit - nDebit;
    uint256 hash = wtx.GetHash();
    std::map<std::string, std::string> mapValue = wtx.mapValue;

    if (showTransaction(wtx))
        if (wtx.IsCoinStake()) // alohacoin: coinstake transaction
            parts.append(TransactionRecord(hash, nTime, TransactionRecord::StakeMint, "", -nDebit, wtx.GetValueOut()));
        else if (nNet > 0 || wtx.IsCoinBase())
            // Credit
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
                    TransactionRecord sub(hash, nTime);
                    CBitcoinAddress address;
                    sub.idx = parts.size(); // sequence number
                    sub.credit = txout.nValue;
                    if (wtx.IsCoinBase())
                        // Generated
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::Generated;
                        if (ExtractAddress(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && wallet->HaveKey(address))
                            sub.address = address.ToString();
                     else if (ExtractAddress(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && wallet->HaveKey(address))
                         // Received by Bitcoin Address
                         sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvWithAddress;
                         sub.address = address.ToString();
                        // Received by IP connection (deprecated features), or a multisignature or other non-simple transaction
                        sub.type = TransactionRecord::RecvFromOther;
                        sub.address = mapValue["from"];

Example #4
static std::string ScriptToString(const CScript& Script, bool Long = false, bool Highlight = false)
    if (Script.empty())
        return "unknown";

    CTxDestination Dest;
    CBitcoinAddress Address;
    if (ExtractDestination(Script, Dest) && Address.Set(Dest)) {
        if (Highlight)
            return "<span class=\"addr\">" + Address.ToString() + "</span>";
            return makeHRef(Address.ToString());
    } else
        return Long ? "<pre>" + FormatScript(Script) + "</pre>" : _("Non-standard script");
Example #5
std::string CProRegTx::MakeSignString() const
    std::string s;

    // We only include the important stuff in the string form...

    CTxDestination destPayout;
    CBitcoinAddress addrPayout;
    std::string strPayout;
    if (ExtractDestination(scriptPayout, destPayout) && addrPayout.Set(destPayout)) {
        strPayout = addrPayout.ToString();
    } else {
        strPayout = HexStr(scriptPayout.begin(), scriptPayout.end());

    s += strPayout + "|";
    s += strprintf("%d", nOperatorReward) + "|";
    s += CBitcoinAddress(keyIDOwner).ToString() + "|";
    s += CBitcoinAddress(keyIDVoting).ToString() + "|";

    // ... and also the full hash of the payload as a protection agains malleability and replays
    s += ::SerializeHash(*this).ToString();

    return s;
void AutoSavingsDialog::on_enableButton_clicked()
    if(model->getEncryptionStatus() == WalletModel::Locked)
        ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: black; }");
        ui->message->setText(tr("Please unlock wallet before starting auto savings."));

    bool fValidConversion = false;
    int64 nMinAmount = MIN_TXOUT_AMOUNT;
    int64 nMaxAmount = MAX_MONEY;

    CBitcoinAddress address = ui->savingsAddressEdit->text().toStdString();
    if (!address.IsValid())
        ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->message->setText(tr("The entered address: ") + ui->savingsAddressEdit->text() + tr(" is invalid.\nPlease check the address and try again."));

    int nSavingsPercent = ui->savingsPercentEdit->text().toInt(&fValidConversion, 10);
    if (!fValidConversion || nSavingsPercent > 50 || nSavingsPercent <= 0)
        ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->message->setText(tr("Please Enter 1 - 50 for percent."));

    if (!ui->savingsMinEdit->text().isEmpty())
        nMinAmount = ui->savingsMinEdit->text().toDouble(&fValidConversion) * COIN;
        if(!fValidConversion || nMinAmount <= MIN_TXOUT_AMOUNT || nMinAmount >= MAX_MONEY  )
            ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
            ui->message->setText(tr("Min Amount out of Range, please re-enter."));

    if (!ui->savingsMaxEdit->text().isEmpty())
        nMaxAmount = ui->savingsMaxEdit->text().toDouble(&fValidConversion) * COIN;
        if(!fValidConversion || nMaxAmount <= MIN_TXOUT_AMOUNT || nMaxAmount >= MAX_MONEY  )
            ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
            ui->message->setText(tr("Max Amount out of Range, please re-enter."));

    model->setAutoSavings(true, nSavingsPercent, address, nMinAmount, nMaxAmount);
    ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: green; }");
    ui->message->setText(tr("You are now saving to\n") + QString(address.ToString().c_str()) + tr("."));
Example #7
 * Utility routine to construct a "name info" object to return.  This is used
 * for name_show and also name_list.
 * @param name The name.
 * @param value The name's value.
 * @param outp The last update's outpoint.
 * @param addr The name's address script.
 * @param height The name's last update height.
 * @return A JSON object to return.
getNameInfo (const valtype& name, const valtype& value, const COutPoint& outp,
             const CScript& addr, int height)
  UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
  obj.push_back (Pair ("name", ValtypeToString (name)));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("value", ValtypeToString (value)));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("txid", outp.hash.GetHex ()));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("vout", static_cast<int> (outp.n)));

  /* Try to extract the address.  May fail if we can't parse the script
     as a "standard" script.  */
  CTxDestination dest;
  CBitcoinAddress addrParsed;
  std::string addrStr;
  if (ExtractDestination (addr, dest) && addrParsed.Set (dest))
    addrStr = addrParsed.ToString ();
    addrStr = "<nonstandard>";
  obj.push_back (Pair ("address", addrStr));

  /* Calculate expiration data.  */
  const int curHeight = chainActive.Height ();
  const Consensus::Params& params = Params ().GetConsensus ();
  const int expireDepth = params.rules->NameExpirationDepth (curHeight);
  const int expireHeight = height + expireDepth;
  const int expiresIn = expireHeight - curHeight;
  const bool expired = (expiresIn <= 0);
  obj.push_back (Pair ("height", height));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("expires_in", expiresIn));
  obj.push_back (Pair ("expired", expired));

  return obj;
bool COeruShield::IsMasterKey(CBitcoinAddress addr) const
    std::string strAddr = addr.ToString();
    std::vector<unsigned char> hash;

    CSHA256().Write((unsigned char*) &strAddr[0], strAddr.size())

    return IsMasterKey(hash);
Example #9
std::string AddressToString(const CBitcoinAddress& Address)
    std::string TxLabels[] =
    std::string TxContent = table + makeHTMLTableRow(TxLabels, sizeof(TxLabels) / sizeof(std::string));

    std::set<COutPoint> PrevOuts;
    CScript AddressScript;

    CAmount Sum = 0;
    bool fAddrIndex = false;

    if (!fAddrIndex)
        return ""; // it will take too long to find transactions by address
        std::vector<CDiskTxPos> Txs;
        paddressmap->GetTxs(Txs, AddressScript.GetID());
        BOOST_FOREACH (const CDiskTxPos& pos, Txs)
            CTransaction tx;
            CBlock block;
            uint256 bhash = block.GetHash();
            GetTransaction(pos.nTxOffset, tx, bhash);
            std::map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(block.GetHash());
            if (mi == mapBlockIndex.end())
            CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
            if (!pindex || !chainActive.Contains(pindex))
            std::string Prepend = "<a href=\"" + itostr(pindex->nHeight) + "\">" + TimeToString(pindex->nTime) + "</a>";
            TxContent += TxToRow(tx, AddressScript, Prepend, &Sum);
    TxContent += "</table>";

    std::string Content;
    Content += "<h1>" + _("Transactions to/from") + "&nbsp;<span>" + Address.ToString() + "</span></h1>";
    Content += TxContent;
    return Content;
    void refreshAddressTable()

            BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, std::string)& item, wallet->mapAddressBook)
                const CBitcoinAddress address(item.first, wallet->GetUnit());
                const std::string& strName = item.second;
                bool fMine = IsMine(*wallet, address.Get());
                CPeercoinAddress dividendAddress;
                if (wallet->GetUnit() == 'S')
                    dividendAddress = CPeercoinAddress(address);
                cachedAddressTable.append(AddressTableEntry(fMine ? AddressTableEntry::Receiving : AddressTableEntry::Sending,
Example #11
void SendCoinsEntry::on_payTo_editingFinished()
    QString name = ui->payTo->text();
    if (name.isEmpty())

    std::string strName = name.toStdString();
    std::vector<unsigned char> vchName(strName.begin(), strName.end());

    std::string error;
    CBitcoinAddress address;
    if (!GetNameCurrentAddress(vchName, address, error))

    QString qstrAddress = QString::fromStdString(address.ToString());

    if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirm name as address"),
            tr("This name exist and still active. Do you wish to use address of its current owner - %1?").arg(qstrAddress),
            QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel))
void SendMPDialog::sendMPTransaction()
    // get the property being sent and get divisibility
    QString spId = ui->propertyComboBox->itemData(ui->propertyComboBox->currentIndex()).toString();
    if (spId.toStdString().empty()) {
        QMessageBox::critical( this, "Unable to send transaction",
        "The property selected is not valid.\n\nPlease double-check the transction details thoroughly before retrying your send transaction." );
    uint32_t propertyId = spId.toUInt();
    bool divisible = isPropertyDivisible(propertyId);

    // obtain the selected sender address
    string strFromAddress = ui->sendFromComboBox->currentText().toStdString();

    // push recipient address into a CBitcoinAddress type and check validity
    CBitcoinAddress fromAddress;
    if (false == strFromAddress.empty()) { fromAddress.SetString(strFromAddress); }
    if (!fromAddress.IsValid()) {
        QMessageBox::critical( this, "Unable to send transaction",
        "The sender address selected is not valid.\n\nPlease double-check the transction details thoroughly before retrying your send transaction." );

    // obtain the entered recipient address
    string strRefAddress = ui->sendToLineEdit->text().toStdString();
    // push recipient address into a CBitcoinAddress type and check validity
    CBitcoinAddress refAddress;
    if (false == strRefAddress.empty()) { refAddress.SetString(strRefAddress); }
    if (!refAddress.IsValid()) {
        QMessageBox::critical( this, "Unable to send transaction",
        "The recipient address entered is not valid.\n\nPlease double-check the transction details thoroughly before retrying your send transaction." );

    // warn if we have to truncate the amount due to a decimal amount for an indivisible property, but allow send to continue
    string strAmount = ui->amountLineEdit->text().toStdString();
    if (!divisible) {
        size_t pos = strAmount.find(".");
        if (pos!=std::string::npos) {
            string tmpStrAmount = strAmount.substr(0,pos);
            string strMsgText = "The amount entered contains a decimal however the property being sent is indivisible.\n\nThe amount entered will be truncated as follows:\n";
            strMsgText += "Original amount entered: " + strAmount + "\nAmount that will be sent: " + tmpStrAmount + "\n\n";
            strMsgText += "Do you still wish to proceed with the transaction?";
            QString msgText = QString::fromStdString(strMsgText);
            QMessageBox::StandardButton responseClick;
            responseClick = QMessageBox::question(this, "Amount truncation warning", msgText, QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
            if (responseClick == QMessageBox::No) {
                QMessageBox::critical( this, "Send transaction cancelled",
                "The send transaction has been cancelled.\n\nPlease double-check the transction details thoroughly before retrying your send transaction." );
            strAmount = tmpStrAmount;

    // use strToInt64 function to get the amount, using divisibility of the property
    int64_t sendAmount = StrToInt64(strAmount, divisible);
    if (0>=sendAmount) {
        QMessageBox::critical( this, "Unable to send transaction",
        "The amount entered is not valid.\n\nPlease double-check the transction details thoroughly before retrying your send transaction." );

    // check if sending address has enough funds
    int64_t balanceAvailable = getUserAvailableMPbalance(fromAddress.ToString(), propertyId); //getMPbalance(fromAddress.ToString(), propertyId, MONEY);
    if (sendAmount>balanceAvailable) {
        QMessageBox::critical( this, "Unable to send transaction",
        "The selected sending address does not have a sufficient balance to cover the amount entered.\n\nPlease double-check the transction details thoroughly before retrying your send transaction." );

    // check if wallet is still syncing, as this will currently cause a lockup if we try to send - compare our chain to peers to see if we're up to date
    // Bitcoin Core devs have removed GetNumBlocksOfPeers, switching to a time based best guess scenario
    uint32_t intBlockDate = GetLatestBlockTime();  // uint32, not using time_t for portability
    QDateTime currentDate = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    int secs = QDateTime::fromTime_t(intBlockDate).secsTo(currentDate);
    if(secs > 90*60) {
        QMessageBox::critical( this, "Unable to send transaction",
        "The client is still synchronizing.  Sending transactions can currently be performed only when the client has completed synchronizing." );

    // validation checks all look ok, let's throw up a confirmation dialog
    string strMsgText = "You are about to send the following transaction, please check the details thoroughly:\n\n";
    string propDetails = getPropertyName(propertyId).c_str();
    string spNum = strprintf("%d", propertyId);
    propDetails += " (#" + spNum + ")";
    strMsgText += "From: " + fromAddress.ToString() + "\nTo: " + refAddress.ToString() + "\nProperty: " + propDetails + "\nAmount that will be sent: ";
    if (divisible) { strMsgText += FormatDivisibleMP(sendAmount); } else { strMsgText += FormatIndivisibleMP(sendAmount); }
    strMsgText += "\n\nAre you sure you wish to send this transaction?";
    QString msgText = QString::fromStdString(strMsgText);
    QMessageBox::StandardButton responseClick;
    responseClick = QMessageBox::question(this, "Confirm send transaction", msgText, QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
    if (responseClick == QMessageBox::No) {
        QMessageBox::critical( this, "Send transaction cancelled",
        "The send transaction has been cancelled.\n\nPlease double-check the transction details thoroughly before retrying your send transaction." );

    // unlock the wallet
    WalletModel::UnlockContext ctx(walletModel->requestUnlock());
    if(!ctx.isValid()) {
        QMessageBox::critical( this, "Send transaction failed",
        "The send transaction has been cancelled.\n\nThe wallet unlock process must be completed to send a transaction." );
        return; // unlock wallet was cancelled/failed

    // create a payload for the transaction
    std::vector<unsigned char> payload = CreatePayload_SimpleSend(propertyId, sendAmount);

    // request the wallet build the transaction (and if needed commit it) - note UI does not support added reference amounts currently
    uint256 txid;
    std::string rawHex;
    int result = WalletTxBuilder(fromAddress.ToString(), refAddress.ToString(), "", 0, payload, txid, rawHex, autoCommit);

    // check error and return the txid (or raw hex depending on autocommit)
    if (result != 0) {
        QMessageBox::critical( this, "Send transaction failed",
        "The send transaction has failed.\n\nThe error code was: " + QString::number(result) + "\nThe error message was:\n" + QString::fromStdString(error_str(result)));
    } else {
        if (!autoCommit) {
            PopulateSimpleDialog(rawHex, "Raw Hex (auto commit is disabled)", "Raw transaction hex");
        } else {
            PendingAdd(txid, fromAddress.ToString(), MSC_TYPE_SIMPLE_SEND, propertyId, sendAmount);
Example #13
void RunSerialiseTests()
    int64_t nTest;
    int64_t nTest0      = 0l;
    int64_t nTest4      = 1432035740l;
    int64_t nTest4_1    = 2189410940l; // 2039
    int64_t nTest5      = 4294967298l; // 2106
    int64_t nTest8      = -3l;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest0));
    BOOST_CHECK(4 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest4));
    BOOST_CHECK(4 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest4_1)); // expect 4, no sign bit
    BOOST_CHECK(5 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest5));
    BOOST_CHECK(8 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest8));
    std::vector<uint8_t> v;
    SetCompressedInt64(v, nTest0);
    GetCompressedInt64(v, (uint64_t&)nTest);
    BOOST_CHECK(nTest0 == nTest);
    SetCompressedInt64(v, nTest5);
    GetCompressedInt64(v, (uint64_t&)nTest);
    BOOST_CHECK(nTest5 == nTest);
    SetCompressedInt64(v, nTest8);
    GetCompressedInt64(v, (uint64_t&)nTest);
    BOOST_CHECK(nTest8 == nTest);
    CStoredExtKey sk, sk_;
    CStoredExtKey skInvalid, skInvalid_;
    CExtKey58 eKey58;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == eKey58.Set58("moivYMcZoUdupxqBNASoNKWbyBzKFPzYA3ZauZhCyQGcUhdvxhgsYNdqBkCbspTmaXWtW68Ha7gjMBjb5gbudrictnzw9KAVKogAXC8FsqiSzRp"));
    sk.kp = eKey58.GetKey();
    sk.sLabel = "sk label";
    sk.nGenerated = 5;
    sk.nHGenerated = 6;
    sk.mapValue[EKVT_CREATED_AT] = SetCompressedInt64(v, nTest8);
    eKey58.SetKey(sk.kp, CChainParams::EXT_PUBLIC_KEY);
    BOOST_CHECK(eKey58.ToString() == "moipXY9njTPCnsVV8vPCLA1xKp2NXdRtPVyGABKcbshkKQUadnrk2XPccZcSDjefRX64mNjYpS33SAy97UHGWs9WoAufi9pdow9gsYMvVEcmgSk");
    BOOST_CHECK(eKey58.ToString() == "moivYMcZoUdupxqBNASoNKWbyBzKFPzYA3ZauZhCyQGcUhdvxhgsYNdqBkCbspTmaXWtW68Ha7gjMBjb5gbudrictnzw9KAVKogAXC8FsqiSzRp");
    ss << sk << skInvalid;
    ss >> sk_;
    ss >> skInvalid_;
    BOOST_CHECK(sk.kp == sk_.kp);
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == sk_.kp.IsValidV());
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == sk_.kp.IsValidP());
    BOOST_CHECK(sk.sLabel == sk_.sLabel);
    BOOST_CHECK(sk.nGenerated == sk_.nGenerated);
    BOOST_CHECK(sk.nHGenerated == sk_.nHGenerated);
    BOOST_CHECK(nTest8 == GetCompressedInt64(sk_.mapValue[EKVT_CREATED_AT], (uint64_t&)nTest));
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == skInvalid.kp.IsValidV());
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == skInvalid.kp.IsValidP());
    // path
    std::vector<uint8_t> vPath;
    PushUInt32(vPath, 1);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 3);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 2);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 4294967295);
    std::string sPath;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == PathToString(vPath, sPath, 'h'));
    BOOST_CHECK(sPath == "m/1/3/2/2147483647h");
    PushUInt32(vPath, 1);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 4294967294);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 30);
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == PathToString(vPath, sPath));
    BOOST_CHECK(sPath == "m/1/2147483646'/30");
    // id
    CBitcoinAddress addr;
    CKeyID id = sk.GetID();
    CKeyID idTest;
    BOOST_CHECK(true == addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH)
        && addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH)
        && addr.GetKeyID(idTest, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH));
    BOOST_CHECK(id == idTest);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "x9S4Xj1DZwFsdFno1uHknNNGqdMWgXdhX6", addr.ToString());
    // - test DeriveNextKey
    CExtKey ev;
    CExtPubKey ep;
    uint32_t nChild=0;
    sk.nGenerated = 0;
    sk.nHGenerated = 0;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ev, nChild));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(1 == sk.nGenerated, "nGenerated " << sk.nGenerated);
    sk.nGenerated = 0;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ep, nChild));
    BOOST_CHECK(ep.pubkey == ev.key.GetPubKey());
    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xS8vxP6PVm3ycqm4NqvUkhiDWqeBhhekzn", addr.ToString());
    sk.nGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ev, nChild));
    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xRfAtU1u43VJBTt4agxpnPvXjf28hSmwrL", addr.ToString());
    sk.nHGenerated = 0;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ev, nChild, true));
    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xEcqVH3fRnNZabMHVctAeScJY9ySkg6BSF", addr.ToString());
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(1 == sk.nHGenerated, "nHGenerated " << sk.nHGenerated);
    sk.nHGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ev, nChild, true));
    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xRfBk2tuann5qTVKyW2HmA9CJZBAE1sRvJ", addr.ToString());
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(2 == sk.nHGenerated, "nHGenerated " << sk.nHGenerated);
    sk.nHGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ep, nChild, true));
    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xRfBk2tuann5qTVKyW2HmA9CJZBAE1sRvJ", addr.ToString());
    BOOST_CHECK(ep.pubkey == ev.key.GetPubKey());
    CStoredExtKey skp = sk;
    skp.kp = skp.kp.Neutered();
    CKey k;
    sk.nGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, false));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 1, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) == "0245a12d2ce075d947b6232b3e424ffa5d2208b6ff69800a1f2501ac6392499bf8", "HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) " << HexStr(k.GetPubKey()));
    sk.nGenerated = 2;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, false));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 2, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) == "02f430d7efc4d1ecbac888fb49446ec0b13ec4196512be93054a9b5b30df238910", "HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) " << HexStr(k.GetPubKey()));
    sk.nHGenerated = 2;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, true));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 2147483650, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) == "0355825cbaf4365a2f7015d9c9bae4ecaf9b57a05e063237256f1565b20104c183", "HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) " << HexStr(k.GetPubKey()));
    // - can't derive keys from pubkeys
    skp.nGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == skp.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, false));
    skp.nHGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == skp.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, true));
    CPubKey pk;
    sk.nGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(pk, nChild, false));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 1, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(pk) == "0245a12d2ce075d947b6232b3e424ffa5d2208b6ff69800a1f2501ac6392499bf8", "HexStr(pk) " << HexStr(pk));
    sk.nHGenerated = 2;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(pk, nChild, true));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 2147483650, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(pk) == "0355825cbaf4365a2f7015d9c9bae4ecaf9b57a05e063237256f1565b20104c183", "HexStr(pk) " << HexStr(pk));
    skp.nGenerated = 2;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == skp.DeriveNextKey(pk, nChild, false));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 2, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(pk) == "02f430d7efc4d1ecbac888fb49446ec0b13ec4196512be93054a9b5b30df238910", "HexStr(pk) " << HexStr(pk));
    // - can't derive hardened pubkeys from pubkeys
    skp.nHGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == skp.DeriveNextKey(pk, nChild, true));
    // - CBitcoinAddress tests
    // CBitcoinAddress always deals in public keys - should never expose a secret in an address
    CExtKeyPair kp, kpT;
    CTxDestination dest;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == eKey58.Set58("moipXY9njTPCnsVV8vPCLA1xKp2NXdRtPVyGABKcbshkKQUadnrk2XPccZcSDjefRX64mNjYpS33SAy97UHGWs9WoAufi9pdow9gsYMvVEcmgSk"));
    kp = eKey58.GetKey();
    CBitcoinAddress addrB(kp);
    BOOST_CHECK(addrB.IsValid() == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.Set(kp) == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid() == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_SECRET_KEY) == false);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_PUBLIC_KEY) == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.ToString() == "moipXY9njTPCnsVV8vPCLA1xKp2NXdRtPVyGABKcbshkKQUadnrk2XPccZcSDjefRX64mNjYpS33SAy97UHGWs9WoAufi9pdow9gsYMvVEcmgSk");
    dest = addr.Get();
    BOOST_CHECK(dest.type() == typeid(CExtKeyPair));
    kpT = boost::get<CExtKeyPair>(dest);
    BOOST_CHECK(kpT == kp);
    // - switch to testnet
    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Entering Testnet");
    fTestNet = true;
    id = sk.GetID();
    BOOST_CHECK(true == addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH)
        && addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH)
        && addr.GetKeyID(idTest, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH));
    BOOST_CHECK(id == idTest);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "XCUfUzXMYkXYvP9RVtdzibVVpMP2bhfWRQ", addr.ToString());
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == eKey58.Set58("toiprRP1Lw6KTeYbRxdfjunVry7emPouVaqrz8KX3uEKhKeZvsQaxqZEEPpB1uC2T8oMTnZTHj1BQHwUm8Tx634CXb4GrSmbwekU7LVQqt76VSJ"));
    kp = eKey58.GetKey();
    CBitcoinAddress addrC("toivSKjjCEpyZjWAeFqJRCtPPXwTSBLDzX327GfZy2u8Gp1gNiTrE8HRuVWBhQFk3kXQw6woCxxYC4yC3MwzQ67RQ4bSgjWTQ1UPkQinHXv9sV9");
    BOOST_CHECK(addrC.IsValid() == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addrC.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_PUBLIC_KEY) == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.Set(kp) == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid() == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_SECRET_KEY) == false);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_PUBLIC_KEY) == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.ToString() == "toiprRP1Lw6KTeYbRxdfjunVry7emPouVaqrz8KX3uEKhKeZvsQaxqZEEPpB1uC2T8oMTnZTHj1BQHwUm8Tx634CXb4GrSmbwekU7LVQqt76VSJ");
    dest = addr.Get();
    BOOST_CHECK(dest.type() == typeid(CExtKeyPair));
    kpT = boost::get<CExtKeyPair>(dest);
    BOOST_CHECK(kpT == kp);
    // -return to mainnet
    fTestNet = false;
    string strPurpose = "receive";
    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW({ /*Initialize Wallet with an account */
        CWalletDB walletdb(pwalletMain->strWalletFile);
        CAccount account;
        account.vchPubKey = demoPubkey;
        pwalletMain->SetAddressBook(account.vchPubKey.GetID(), strAccount, strPurpose);
        walletdb.WriteAccount(strAccount, account);

    CPubKey setaccountDemoPubkey = pwalletMain->GenerateNewKey();
    CBitcoinAddress setaccountDemoAddress = CBitcoinAddress(CTxDestination(setaccountDemoPubkey.GetID()));

     * 			setaccount
    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC("setaccount " + setaccountDemoAddress.ToString() + " nullaccount"));
    /* 1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ is not owned by the test wallet. */
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("setaccount 1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XZ nullaccount"), runtime_error);
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("setaccount"), runtime_error);
    /* 1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4X (33 chars) is an illegal address (should be 34 chars) */
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("setaccount 1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4X nullaccount"), runtime_error);

     * 			listunspent
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("listunspent string"), runtime_error);
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("listunspent 0 string"), runtime_error);
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("listunspent 0 1 not_array"), runtime_error);
    BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("listunspent 0 1 [] extra"), runtime_error);
    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(r = CallRPC("listunspent 0 1 []"));
Example #15
void PaperWalletDialog::on_getNewAddress_clicked()
    // Create a new private key
    CKey privKey;

    // Derive the public key
    CPubKey pubkey = privKey.GetPubKey();

    // Derive the public key hash
    CBitcoinAddress pubkeyhash;

    // Create String versions of each
    string myPrivKey = CBitcoinSecret(privKey).ToString();
    string myPubKey = HexStr(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end());
    string myAddress = pubkeyhash.ToString();

    // Generate the address QR code
    QRcode *code = QRcode_encodeString(myAddress.c_str(), 0, QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_MODE_8, 1);
    if (!code)
        ui->addressQRCode->setText(tr("Error encoding Address into QR Code."));
    QImage publicKeyImage = QImage(code->width, code->width, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    unsigned char *p = code->data;
    for (int y = 0; y < code->width; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < code->width; x++)
            publicKeyImage.setPixel(x, y, ((*p & 1) ? 0xff000000 : 0x0));

    // Generate the private key QR code
    code = QRcode_encodeString(myPrivKey.c_str(), 0, QR_ECLEVEL_M, QR_MODE_8, 1);
    if (!code)
        ui->privateKeyQRCode->setText(tr("Error encoding private key into QR Code."));
    QImage privateKeyImage = QImage(code->width, code->width, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    p = code->data;
    for (int y = 0; y < code->width; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < code->width; x++)
            privateKeyImage.setPixel(x, y, ((*p & 1) ? 0xff000000 : 0x0));

    // Populate the QR Codes
    ui->addressQRCode->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(publicKeyImage).scaled(ui->addressQRCode->width(), ui->addressQRCode->height()));
    ui->privateKeyQRCode->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(privateKeyImage).scaled(ui->privateKeyQRCode->width(), ui->privateKeyQRCode->height()));

    // Populate the Texts


    // Update the fonts to fit the height of the wallet.
    // This should only really trigger the first time since the font size persists.
    double paperHeight = (double) ui->paperTemplate->height();
    double maxTextWidth = paperHeight * 0.99;   
    double minTextWidth = paperHeight * 0.95;
    int pixelSizeStep = 1;

    int addressTextLength = ui->addressText->fontMetrics().boundingRect(ui->addressText->text()).width();
    QFont font = ui->addressText->font();
    for(int i = 0; i < PAPER_WALLET_READJUST_LIMIT; i++) {
        if ( addressTextLength < minTextWidth) {
            font.setPixelSize(font.pixelSize() + pixelSizeStep);
            addressTextLength = ui->addressText->fontMetrics().boundingRect(ui->addressText->text()).width();
        } else {

    if ( addressTextLength > maxTextWidth ) {
        font.setPixelSize(font.pixelSize() - pixelSizeStep);
        addressTextLength = ui->addressText->fontMetrics().boundingRect(ui->addressText->text()).width();

    int privateKeyTextLength = ui->privateKeyText->fontMetrics().boundingRect(ui->privateKeyText->text()).width();
    font = ui->privateKeyText->font();
    for(int i = 0; i < PAPER_WALLET_READJUST_LIMIT; i++) {
        if ( privateKeyTextLength < minTextWidth) {
            font.setPixelSize(font.pixelSize() + pixelSizeStep);
            privateKeyTextLength = ui->privateKeyText->fontMetrics().boundingRect(ui->privateKeyText->text()).width();
        } else {
    if ( privateKeyTextLength > maxTextWidth ) {
        font.setPixelSize(font.pixelSize() - pixelSizeStep);
        privateKeyTextLength = ui->privateKeyText->fontMetrics().boundingRect(ui->privateKeyText->text()).width();

void StakeForCharityDialog::on_enableButton_clicked()
    if(model->getEncryptionStatus() == WalletModel::Locked)
        ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: black; }");
        ui->message->setText(tr("Please unlock wallet before starting stake for Charity."));

    bool fValidConversion = false;
    qint64 nMinAmount = MIN_TXOUT_AMOUNT;
    qint64 nMaxAmount = MAX_MONEY;
    CBitcoinAddress changeAddress = "";

    CBitcoinAddress address = ui->charityAddressEdit->text().toStdString();
    if (!address.IsValid())
        ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->message->setText(tr("The entered address:\n") + ui->charityAddressEdit->text() + tr(" is invalid.\nPlease check the address and try again."));

    int nCharityPercent = ui->charityPercentEdit->text().toInt(&fValidConversion, 10);
    if (!fValidConversion || nCharityPercent > 50 || nCharityPercent <= 0)
        ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->message->setText(tr("Please Enter 1 - 50 for percent."));

    if (!ui->charityMinEdit->text().isEmpty())
        nMinAmount = ui->charityMinEdit->text().toDouble(&fValidConversion) * COIN;
        if(!fValidConversion || nMinAmount <= MIN_TXOUT_AMOUNT || nMinAmount >= MAX_MONEY  )
            ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
            ui->message->setText(tr("Min Amount out of Range, please re-enter."));

    if (!ui->charityMaxEdit->text().isEmpty())
        nMaxAmount = ui->charityMaxEdit->text().toDouble(&fValidConversion) * COIN;
        if(!fValidConversion || nMaxAmount <= MIN_TXOUT_AMOUNT || nMaxAmount >= MAX_MONEY  )
            ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
            ui->message->setText(tr("Max Amount out of Range, please re-enter."));

    if (nMinAmount >= nMaxAmount)
        ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->message->setText(tr("Min Amount > Max Amount, please re-enter."));

    if (!ui->charityChangeAddressEdit->text().isEmpty())
        changeAddress = ui->charityChangeAddressEdit->text().toStdString();
        if (!changeAddress.IsValid())
            ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
            ui->message->setText(tr("The entered change address:\n") + ui->charityChangeAddressEdit->text() + tr(" is invalid.\nPlease check the address and try again."));
        else if (!model->isMine(changeAddress))
           ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
           ui->message->setText(tr("The entered change address:\n") + ui->charityChangeAddressEdit->text() + tr(" is not owned.\nPlease check the address and try again."));

    model->setStakeForCharity(true, nCharityPercent, address, changeAddress, nMinAmount, nMaxAmount);
         fGlobalStakeForCharity = true;
    ui->message->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: green; }");
    ui->message->setText(tr("Thank you for giving to\n") + QString(address.ToString().c_str()) + tr("."));
Example #17
void RunSerialiseTests()
    int64_t nTest;
    int64_t nTest0      = 0l;
    int64_t nTest4      = 1432035740l;
    int64_t nTest4_1    = 2189410940l; // 2039
    int64_t nTest5      = 4294967298l; // 2106
    int64_t nTest8      = -3l;

    BOOST_CHECK(0 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest0));
    BOOST_CHECK(4 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest4));
    BOOST_CHECK(4 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest4_1)); // expect 4, no sign bit
    BOOST_CHECK(5 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest5));
    BOOST_CHECK(8 == GetNumBytesReqForInt(nTest8));


    std::vector<uint8_t> v;
    SetCompressedInt64(v, nTest0);
    GetCompressedInt64(v, (uint64_t&)nTest);
    BOOST_CHECK(nTest0 == nTest);

    SetCompressedInt64(v, nTest5);
    GetCompressedInt64(v, (uint64_t&)nTest);
    BOOST_CHECK(nTest5 == nTest);

    SetCompressedInt64(v, nTest8);
    GetCompressedInt64(v, (uint64_t&)nTest);
    BOOST_CHECK(nTest8 == nTest);

    CStoredExtKey sk, sk_;
    CStoredExtKey skInvalid, skInvalid_;

    CExtKey58 eKey58;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == eKey58.Set58("sdcvmnKmFxG9k6UnN3wyLpTv83G1wgYEz1m21rZTUUimoDrYYMrZXUycudse21EZJTmkBBPN3k6Qhfzx5td8xzd9W893YhNozA3bZW3yVLVdrZU2"));

    sk.kp = eKey58.GetKey();
    sk.sLabel = "sk label";
    sk.nGenerated = 5;
    sk.nHGenerated = 6;
    sk.mapValue[EKVT_CREATED_AT] = SetCompressedInt64(v, nTest8);

    eKey58.SetKey(sk.kp, CChainParams::EXT_PUBLIC_KEY);
    BOOST_CHECK(eKey58.ToString() == "sdcpmphCJNSUos9rNqn6FNi3ztvMW1wft1PVbifvBrwhm6JnhD9yk8rSNFTGfozGbmBsr8vZv9mGYSTfmEMpbfTTMb8TQfj7JRABmvBFKgA2xG8J");

    BOOST_CHECK(eKey58.ToString() == "sdcvmnKmFxG9k6UnN3wyLpTv83G1wgYEz1m21rZTUUimoDrYYMrZXUycudse21EZJTmkBBPN3k6Qhfzx5td8xzd9W893YhNozA3bZW3yVLVdrZU2");

    ss << sk << skInvalid;

    ss >> sk_;
    ss >> skInvalid_;

    BOOST_CHECK(sk.kp == sk_.kp);
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == sk_.kp.IsValidV());
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == sk_.kp.IsValidP());
    BOOST_CHECK(sk.sLabel == sk_.sLabel);
    BOOST_CHECK(sk.nGenerated == sk_.nGenerated);
    BOOST_CHECK(sk.nHGenerated == sk_.nHGenerated);
    BOOST_CHECK(nTest8 == GetCompressedInt64(sk_.mapValue[EKVT_CREATED_AT], (uint64_t&)nTest));

    BOOST_CHECK(0 == skInvalid.kp.IsValidV());
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == skInvalid.kp.IsValidP());

    // path

    std::vector<uint8_t> vPath;

    PushUInt32(vPath, 1);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 3);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 2);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 4294967295);

    std::string sPath;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == PathToString(vPath, sPath, 'h'));
    BOOST_CHECK(sPath == "m/1/3/2/2147483647h");

    PushUInt32(vPath, 1);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 4294967294);
    PushUInt32(vPath, 30);
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == PathToString(vPath, sPath));
    BOOST_CHECK(sPath == "m/1/2147483646'/30");

    // id
    CBitcoinAddress addr;
    CKeyID id = sk.GetID();
    CKeyID idTest;

    BOOST_CHECK(true == addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH)
                && addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH)
                && addr.GetKeyID(idTest, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH));

    BOOST_CHECK(id == idTest);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "x9S4Xj1DZwFsdFno1uHknNNGqdMWgXdhX6", addr.ToString());

    // - test DeriveNextKey

    CExtKey ev;
    CExtPubKey ep;
    uint32_t nChild=0;

    sk.nGenerated = 0;
    sk.nHGenerated = 0;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ev, nChild));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(1 == sk.nGenerated, "nGenerated " << sk.nGenerated);
    sk.nGenerated = 0;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ep, nChild));

    BOOST_CHECK(ep.pubkey == ev.key.GetPubKey());

    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xS8vxP6PVm3ycqm4NqvUkhiDWqeBhhekzn", addr.ToString());

    sk.nGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ev, nChild));
    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xRfAtU1u43VJBTt4agxpnPvXjf28hSmwrL", addr.ToString());

    sk.nHGenerated = 0;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ev, nChild, true));
    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xEcqVH3fRnNZabMHVctAeScJY9ySkg6BSF", addr.ToString());
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(1 == sk.nHGenerated, "nHGenerated " << sk.nHGenerated);

    sk.nHGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ev, nChild, true));
    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xRfBk2tuann5qTVKyW2HmA9CJZBAE1sRvJ", addr.ToString());
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(2 == sk.nHGenerated, "nHGenerated " << sk.nHGenerated);

    sk.nHGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(ep, nChild, true));
    id = ev.key.GetPubKey().GetID();
    addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "xRfBk2tuann5qTVKyW2HmA9CJZBAE1sRvJ", addr.ToString());
    BOOST_CHECK(ep.pubkey == ev.key.GetPubKey());

    CStoredExtKey skp = sk;
    skp.kp = skp.kp.Neutered();

    CKey k;

    sk.nGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, false));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 1, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) == "0245a12d2ce075d947b6232b3e424ffa5d2208b6ff69800a1f2501ac6392499bf8", "HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) " << HexStr(k.GetPubKey()));

    sk.nGenerated = 2;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, false));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 2, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) == "02f430d7efc4d1ecbac888fb49446ec0b13ec4196512be93054a9b5b30df238910", "HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) " << HexStr(k.GetPubKey()));

    sk.nHGenerated = 2;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, true));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 2147483650, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) == "0355825cbaf4365a2f7015d9c9bae4ecaf9b57a05e063237256f1565b20104c183", "HexStr(k.GetPubKey()) " << HexStr(k.GetPubKey()));

    // - can't derive keys from pubkeys
    skp.nGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == skp.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, false));

    skp.nHGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == skp.DeriveNextKey(k, nChild, true));

    CPubKey pk;
    sk.nGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(pk, nChild, false));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 1, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(pk) == "0245a12d2ce075d947b6232b3e424ffa5d2208b6ff69800a1f2501ac6392499bf8", "HexStr(pk) " << HexStr(pk));

    sk.nHGenerated = 2;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == sk.DeriveNextKey(pk, nChild, true));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 2147483650, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(pk) == "0355825cbaf4365a2f7015d9c9bae4ecaf9b57a05e063237256f1565b20104c183", "HexStr(pk) " << HexStr(pk));

    skp.nGenerated = 2;
    BOOST_CHECK(0 == skp.DeriveNextKey(pk, nChild, false));
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(nChild == 2, "nChild " << nChild);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(HexStr(pk) == "02f430d7efc4d1ecbac888fb49446ec0b13ec4196512be93054a9b5b30df238910", "HexStr(pk) " << HexStr(pk));

    // - can't derive hardened pubkeys from pubkeys
    skp.nHGenerated = 1;
    BOOST_CHECK(1 == skp.DeriveNextKey(pk, nChild, true));

    // - CBitcoinAddress tests
    // CBitcoinAddress always deals in public keys - should never expose a secret in an address

    CExtKeyPair kp, kpT;
    CTxDestination dest;

    BOOST_CHECK(0 == eKey58.Set58("sdcpmphCJNSUos9rNqn6FNi3ztvMW1wft1PVbifvBrwhm6JnhD9yk8rSNFTGfozGbmBsr8vZv9mGYSTfmEMpbfTTMb8TQfj7JRABmvBFKgA2xG8J"));
    kp = eKey58.GetKey();
    CBitcoinAddress addrB(kp);
    BOOST_CHECK(addrB.IsValid() == true);

    BOOST_CHECK(addr.Set(kp) == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid() == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_SECRET_KEY) == false);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_PUBLIC_KEY) == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.ToString() == "sdcpmphCJNSUos9rNqn6FNi3ztvMW1wft1PVbifvBrwhm6JnhD9yk8rSNFTGfozGbmBsr8vZv9mGYSTfmEMpbfTTMb8TQfj7JRABmvBFKgA2xG8J");
    dest = addr.Get();
    BOOST_CHECK(dest.type() == typeid(CExtKeyPair));
    kpT = boost::get<CExtKeyPair>(dest);
    BOOST_CHECK(kpT == kp);

    // - switch to testnet
    BOOST_MESSAGE("Entering Testnet");
    fTestNet = true;

    id = sk.GetID();
    BOOST_CHECK(true == addr.Set(id, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH)
                && addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH)
                && addr.GetKeyID(idTest, CChainParams::EXT_KEY_HASH));

    BOOST_CHECK(id == idTest);
    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(addr.ToString() == "XCUfUzXMYkXYvP9RVtdzibVVpMP2bhfWRQ", addr.ToString());

    BOOST_CHECK(0 == eKey58.Set58("SDCPTTad968GGU17vZThYUhb4WKgaLQ22ffBVjTnZGGCAcU1vfVFcJEroz4QeZjFZLs5a1dkpZxsKfB2Adnun1axAGuzrfBweXWSxuXu2Wj3AaGp"));
    kp = eKey58.GetKey();
    CBitcoinAddress addrC("SDCVTZWtnQrSZ1LBHScXxi5amgw4Q1zGaRuAy5S12NAttbx3Bmsm1jDYh1B5P5qTPZaWpUZZ5mmubGTYjXPB1cQ9btJmhDoBLHZnwAGUBVH42gB3");
    BOOST_CHECK(addrC.IsValid() == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addrC.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_PUBLIC_KEY) == true);

    BOOST_CHECK(addr.Set(kp) == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid() == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_SECRET_KEY) == false);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.IsValid(CChainParams::EXT_PUBLIC_KEY) == true);
    BOOST_CHECK(addr.ToString() == "SDCPTTad968GGU17vZThYUhb4WKgaLQ22ffBVjTnZGGCAcU1vfVFcJEroz4QeZjFZLs5a1dkpZxsKfB2Adnun1axAGuzrfBweXWSxuXu2Wj3AaGp");
    dest = addr.Get();
    BOOST_CHECK(dest.type() == typeid(CExtKeyPair));
    kpT = boost::get<CExtKeyPair>(dest);
    BOOST_CHECK(kpT == kp);

    // -return to mainnet
    fTestNet = false;

Example #18
MiningPage::MiningPage(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MiningPage),

    int nThreads = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency();

    int nUseThreads = GetArg("-genproclimit", -1);
    if (nUseThreads < 0)
        nUseThreads = nThreads;

    std::string PrivAddress = GetArg("-miningprivkey", "");
    if (!PrivAddress.empty())
        CBitcoinSecret Secret;
        if (Secret.IsValid())
            CBitcoinAddress Address;
            ui->labelAddress->setText(QString("All mined coins will go to to %1").arg(Address.ToString().c_str()));
            hasMiningprivkey = true;


    connect(ui->sliderCores, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeNumberOfCores(int)));
    connect(ui->pushSwitchMining, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(switchMining()));
