CBuffer* CZIPFile::File::Decompress()
	z_stream pStream;
	if ( m_nSize > 32*1024*1024 ) return NULL;
	if ( ! PrepareToDecompress( &pStream ) ) return NULL;
	if ( m_nCompression == 0 )
		CBuffer* pTarget = new CBuffer();
		pTarget->EnsureBuffer( (DWORD)m_nSize );
		ReadFile( m_pZIP->m_hFile, pTarget->m_pBuffer, (DWORD)m_nSize, &pTarget->m_nLength, NULL );
		if ( pTarget->m_nLength == (DWORD)m_nSize ) return pTarget;
		delete pTarget;
		return NULL;
	DWORD nSource = (DWORD)m_nCompressedSize;
	BYTE* pSource = new BYTE[ nSource ];
	ReadFile( m_pZIP->m_hFile, pSource, nSource, &nSource, NULL );
	if ( nSource != (DWORD)m_nCompressedSize )
		inflateEnd( &pStream );
		return NULL;
	CBuffer* pTarget = new CBuffer();
	pTarget->EnsureBuffer( (DWORD)m_nSize );
	pTarget->m_nLength = (DWORD)m_nSize;
	pStream.next_in		= pSource;
	pStream.avail_in	= (DWORD)m_nCompressedSize;
	pStream.next_out	= pTarget->m_pBuffer;
	pStream.avail_out	= pTarget->m_nLength;
	inflate( &pStream, Z_FINISH );
	delete [] pSource;
	if ( pStream.avail_out != 0 )
		delete pTarget;
		pTarget = NULL;
	inflateEnd( &pStream );
	return pTarget;
Example #2
BOOL CHostBrowser::LoadDC(LPCTSTR pszFile, CQueryHit*& pHits)
	CFile pFile;
	if ( ! pFile.Open( pszFile, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite ) )
		return FALSE;	// File open error

	UINT nInSize = (UINT)pFile.GetLength();
	if ( ! nInSize )
		return FALSE;	// Empty file

	CBuffer pBuffer;
	if ( ! pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nInSize ) )
		return FALSE;	// Out of memory

	if ( pFile.Read( pBuffer.GetData(), nInSize ) != nInSize )
		return FALSE;	// File read error
	pBuffer.m_nLength = nInSize;

	if ( ! pBuffer.UnBZip() )
		return FALSE;	// Decompression error

	augment::auto_ptr< CXMLElement > pXML ( CXMLElement::FromString( pBuffer.ReadString( pBuffer.m_nLength, CP_UTF8 ), TRUE ) );
	if ( ! pXML.get() )
		return FALSE;	// XML decoding error

	// <FileListing Version="1" CID="SKCB4ZF4PZUDF7RKQ5LX6SVAARQER7QEVELZ2TY" Base="/" Generator="DC++ 0.762">

	if ( ! pXML->IsNamed( L"FileListing" ) )
		return FALSE;	// Invalid XML file format

//	CString strTitle = pXML->GetAttributeValue( L"CID" );

	return LoadDCDirectory( pXML.get(), pHits );
Example #3
BOOL CSecurity::Import(LPCTSTR pszFile)
	CString strText;
	CBuffer pBuffer;
	CFile pFile;

	if ( ! pFile.Open( pszFile, CFile::modeRead ) ) return FALSE;
	pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( (DWORD)pFile.GetLength() );
	pBuffer.m_nLength = (DWORD)pFile.GetLength();
	pFile.Read( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, pBuffer.m_nLength );

	CXMLElement* pXML = CXMLElement::FromBytes( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, pBuffer.m_nLength, TRUE );
	BOOL bResult = FALSE;

	if ( pXML != NULL )
		bResult = FromXML( pXML );
		delete pXML;
		CString strLine;

		while ( pBuffer.ReadLine( strLine ) )
			if ( strLine.IsEmpty() ) continue;
			if ( strLine.GetAt( 0 ) == ';' ) continue;

			CSecureRule* pRule = new CSecureRule();

			if ( pRule->FromGnucleusString( strLine ) )
				CQuickLock oLock( m_pSection );
				m_pRules.AddTail( pRule );
				bResult = TRUE;
				delete pRule;

	// Check all lists for newly denied hosts
	PostMainWndMessage( WM_SANITY_CHECK );

	return bResult;
Example #4
BOOL CCollectionFile::LoadDC(LPCTSTR pszFile)
	m_nType = SimpleCollection;

	// ToDo: Add schema detection
	m_sThisURI = CSchema::uriFolder;
	m_sParentURI = CSchema::uriCollectionsFolder;

	CFile pFile;
	if ( ! pFile.Open( pszFile, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite ) )
		return FALSE;	// File open error

	UINT nInSize = (UINT)pFile.GetLength();
	if ( ! nInSize )
		return FALSE;	// Empty file

	CBuffer pBuffer;
	if ( ! pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nInSize ) )
		return FALSE;	// Out of memory

	if ( pFile.Read( pBuffer.GetData(), nInSize ) != nInSize )
		return FALSE;	// File read error
	pBuffer.m_nLength = nInSize;

	if ( ! pBuffer.UnBZip() )
		return FALSE;	// Decompression error

	augment::auto_ptr< CXMLElement > pXML ( CXMLElement::FromString( pBuffer.ReadString( pBuffer.m_nLength, CP_UTF8 ), TRUE ) );
	if ( ! pXML.get() )
		return FALSE;	// XML decoding error

	// <FileListing Version="1" CID="SKCB4ZF4PZUDF7RKQ5LX6SVAARQER7QEVELZ2TY" Base="/" Generator="DC++ 0.762">

	if ( ! pXML->IsNamed( L"FileListing" ) )
		return FALSE;	// Invalid XML file format

	m_sTitle = pXML->GetAttributeValue( L"CID" );

	LoadDC( pXML.get() );

	return ( m_pFiles.GetCount() != 0 );
BOOL CUploadTransferED2K::DispatchNextChunk()
	ASSERT( m_nState == upsUploading );
	if ( !m_pDiskFile ) return FALSE;
	ASSERT( m_nLength < SIZE_UNKNOWN );
	ASSERT( m_nPosition < m_nLength );
	QWORD nChunk = m_nLength - m_nPosition;
	nChunk = min( nChunk, QWORD(Settings.eDonkey.FrameSize) );
#if 0
	// Use packet form
	CEDPacket* pPacket = CEDPacket::New( ED2K_C2C_SENDINGPART );
	pPacket->Write( &m_pED2K, sizeof(MD4) );
	pPacket->WriteLongLE( m_nOffset + m_nPosition );
	pPacket->WriteLongLE( m_nOffset + m_nPosition + nChunk );
	m_pDiskFile->Read( m_nFileBase + m_nOffset + m_nPosition, pPacket->GetWritePointer( nChunk ), nChunk, &nChunk );
	// SetFilePointer( hFile, m_nFileBase + m_nOffset + m_nPosition, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
	// ReadFile( hFile, pPacket->WriteGetPointer( nChunk ), nChunk, &nChunk, NULL );
	if ( nChunk == 0 )
		return FALSE;
	pPacket->m_nLength = sizeof(MD4) + 8 + nChunk;
	Send( pPacket );
	// Raw write
	CBuffer* pBuffer = m_pClient->m_pOutput;
	pBuffer->EnsureBuffer( sizeof(ED2K_PART_HEADER) + (DWORD)nChunk );
	ED2K_PART_HEADER* pHeader = (ED2K_PART_HEADER*)( pBuffer->m_pBuffer + pBuffer->m_nLength );
	if ( ! m_pDiskFile->Read( m_nFileBase + m_nOffset + m_nPosition, &pHeader[1], nChunk, &nChunk ) ) return FALSE;
	// SetFilePointer( hFile, m_nFileBase + m_nOffset + m_nPosition, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
	// ReadFile( hFile, &pHeader[1], nChunk, &nChunk, NULL );
	if ( nChunk == 0 ) return FALSE;
	pHeader->nProtocol	= ED2K_PROTOCOL_EDONKEY;
	pHeader->nType		= ED2K_C2C_SENDINGPART;
	pHeader->nLength	= 1 + sizeof(MD4) + 8 + (DWORD)nChunk;
	pHeader->pMD4		= m_pED2K;
	pHeader->nOffset1	= (DWORD)( m_nOffset + m_nPosition );
	pHeader->nOffset2	= (DWORD)( m_nOffset + m_nPosition + nChunk );
	pBuffer->m_nLength += sizeof(ED2K_PART_HEADER) + (DWORD)nChunk;
	m_pClient->Send( NULL );
	m_nPosition += nChunk;
	m_nUploaded += nChunk;
	Statistics.Current.Uploads.Volume += ( nChunk / 1024 );
	return TRUE;
Example #6
// If the contents of this buffer are between headers and compressed with gzip, this method can remove all that
// Returns false on error
BOOL CBuffer::Ungzip()
    // Make sure there are at least 10 bytes in this buffer
    if ( m_nLength < 10 ) return FALSE;

    // Make sure the first 3 bytes are not 1f8b08
    if ( m_pBuffer[0] != 0x1F || m_pBuffer[1] != 0x8B || m_pBuffer[2] != 8 ) return FALSE;

    // At a distance of 3 bytes into the buffer, read the byte there and call it nFlags
    BYTE nFlags = m_pBuffer[3];

    // Remove the first 10 bytes of the buffer
    Remove( 10 );

    // If there is a 1 in position 0000 0100 in the flags byte
    if ( nFlags & 0x04 )
        // Make sure the buffer has 2 or more bytes
        if ( m_nLength < 2 ) return FALSE;

        // Look at the first 2 bytes in the buffer as a word, this says how long the data it beyond it
        WORD nLen = *(WORD*)m_pBuffer;

        // If the buffer has less data than it should, return false
        if ( (int)m_nLength < (int)nLen + 2 ) return FALSE;

        // Remove the length word and the length it describes from the front of the buffer
        Remove( 2 + nLen );

    // If there is a 1 in position 0000 1000 in the flags byte
    if ( nFlags & 0x08 )
        // Loop until after we remove a 0 byte from the buffer
        for ( ;; )
            // If the buffer is empty, return false
            if ( m_nLength == 0 ) return FALSE;

            // Move the first byte of the buffer into an int
            int nChar = m_pBuffer[0]; // Copy one byte from the start of the buffer into an int named nChar
            Remove( 1 );              // Remove that first byte from the buffer

            // If we just removed a 0 byte, exit the loop
            if ( nChar == 0 ) break;

    // If there is a 1 in position 0001 0000 in the flags byte
    if ( nFlags & 0x10 )
        // Loop until after we remove a 0 byte from the buffer
        for ( ;; )
            // If the buffer is empty, return false
            if ( m_nLength == 0 ) return FALSE;

            // Move the first byte of the buffer into an int
            int nChar = m_pBuffer[0]; // Copy one byte from the start of the buffer into an int named nChar
            Remove( 1 );              // Remove that first byte from the buffer

            // If we just removed a 0 byte, exit the loop
            if ( nChar == 0 ) break;

    // If there is a 1 in position 0000 0010 in the flags byte
    if ( nFlags & 0x02 )
        // Make sure the buffer has at least 2 bytes, and then remove them
        if ( m_nLength < 2 ) return FALSE;
        Remove( 2 );

    // After removing all that header information from the front, remove the last 8 bytes from the end
    if ( m_nLength <= 8 ) return FALSE; // Make sure the buffer has more than 8 bytes
    m_nLength -= 8;                     // Remove the last 8 bytes in the buffer

    // Setup a z_stream structure to perform a raw inflate
    z_stream pStream;
    ZeroMemory( &pStream, sizeof(pStream) );
    if ( Z_OK != inflateInit2( // Initialize a stream inflation with more options than just inflateInit
                &pStream,              // Stream structure to initialize
                -MAX_WBITS ) ) {       // Window bits value of -15 to perform a raw inflate

        // The Zlib function inflateInit2 returned something other than Z_OK, report error
        return FALSE;

    // Make a new buffer for the output
    CBuffer pOutput;
    pOutput.EnsureBuffer( m_nLength * 6 ); // Guess that inflating the data won't make it more than 6 times as big

    // Tell the z_stream structure where to work
    pStream.next_in   = m_pBuffer;         // Decompress the memory here
    pStream.avail_in  = m_nLength;         // There is this much of it
    pStream.next_out  = pOutput.m_pBuffer; // Write decompressed data here
    pStream.avail_out = pOutput.m_nBuffer; // Tell ZLib it has this much space, it make this smaller to show how much space is left

    // Call ZLib inflate to decompress all the data, and see if it returns Z_STREAM_END
    BOOL bSuccess = ( Z_STREAM_END == inflate( &pStream, Z_FINISH ) );

    // The inflate call returned Z_STREAM_END
    if ( bSuccess )
        // Move the decompressed data from the output buffer into this one
        Clear();                   // Record there are no bytes stored here, doesn't change the allocated block size
        Add(pOutput.m_pBuffer,     // Add the memory at the start of the output buffer
            pOutput.m_nBuffer      // The amount of space the buffer had when we gave it to Zlib
            - pStream.avail_out ); // Minus the amount it said it left, this is the number of bytes it wrote

        // Close ZLib and report success
        inflateEnd( &pStream );
        return TRUE;

    } // The inflate call returned something else
        // Close ZLib and report error
        inflateEnd( &pStream );
        return FALSE;
int CProfileProfilePage::LoadDefaultInterests()
	int nCount = 0;
	const CString strFile = Settings.General.Path + _T("\\Data\\Interests.dat");	// Settings.General.DataPath ?

	CFile pFile;
	if ( ! pFile.Open( strFile, CFile::modeRead ) )
		return nCount;

		CString strLine;
		CString strLang = _T(" ") + Settings.General.Language;
		CBuffer pBuffer;

		pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( (DWORD)pFile.GetLength() );
		pBuffer.m_nLength = (DWORD)pFile.GetLength();
		pFile.Read( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, pBuffer.m_nLength );

		// Format: Delineated List, enabled by prespecified #languages:	#start en ... #end en
		// (Allows multiple/nested/overlapped languages, all applicable results displayed alphabetically)

		BOOL bActive = FALSE;

		while ( pBuffer.ReadLine( strLine ) )
			if ( strLine.GetLength() < 2 ) continue;		// Blank line

			if ( strLine.GetAt( 0 ) == '#' )				// Language start/end line
				if ( strLine.Find( strLang, 4 ) < 1 && strLine.Find( _T(" all"), 4 ) < 1 )
					if ( strLine.Left( 10 ) == _T("#languages") )
						strLang = _T(" en");
				else if ( strLine.Left( 6 ) == _T("#start") || strLine.Left( 6 ) == _T("#begin") )
					bActive = TRUE;
				else if ( strLine.Left( 4 ) == _T("#end") )
					bActive = FALSE;	//break;


			if ( ! bActive ) continue;						// Disinterested language

			if ( strLine.Find( _T("\t") ) > 0 ) 			// Trim at whitespace (remove any comments)
				strLine.Left( strLine.Find( _T("\t") ) );

			m_wndInterestAll.AddString( strLine );
	catch ( CException* pException )
		if ( pFile.m_hFile != CFile::hFileNull )
			pFile.Close();	// File is still open so close it

	return nCount;
Example #8
void CListLoader::OnRun()
	while ( IsThreadEnabled() && m_pQueue.GetCount() )
		CSecureRule* pRule = m_pQueue.GetHead();

		if ( ! pRule || ! pRule->m_pContent || pRule->m_nType != CSecureRule::srExternal )

		CString strPath = pRule->GetContentWords();
		if ( strPath.GetLength() < 6 )

		CString strCommentBase = pRule->m_sComment;
		if ( strCommentBase.IsEmpty() )
			strCommentBase = _T("• %u");
		else if ( strCommentBase.ReverseFind( _T('•') ) >= 0 )
			strCommentBase = strCommentBase.Left( strCommentBase.ReverseFind( _T('•') ) + 1 ) + _T(" %u");
			strCommentBase += _T("  • %u");

		if ( strPath[1] != _T(':') )
			strPath = Settings.General.DataPath + strPath;

		CFile pFile;
		if ( ! pFile.Open( (LPCTSTR)strPath.GetBuffer(), CFile::modeRead ) )

		const BYTE nIndex = Security.SetRuleIndex( pRule );

			CBuffer pBuffer;
			const DWORD nLength = pFile.GetLength();
			pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nLength );
			pBuffer.m_nLength = nLength;
			pFile.Read( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, nLength );

			// Format: Delineated Lists

			CString strLine, strURN;
			DWORD nCount = 0;
			int nPos;

			while ( pBuffer.ReadLine( strLine ) && IsThreadEnabled() && pRule )

				if ( strLine.GetLength() < 7 )
					continue;									// Blank/Invalid line

				if ( strLine[ 0 ] == '#' )
					if ( strLine[ strLine.GetLength() - 1 ] == _T(':') && strLine.Find( _T("urn:") ) > 0 )
						strURN = strLine.Mid( strLine.Find( _T("urn:") ) );		// Default "# urn:type:"
					continue;									// Comment line

				if ( strLine[ 0 ] < '0' || strLine[ 0 ] > 'z' )	// Whitespace/Chars
					continue;									// Invalid line

				if ( ++nCount % 10 == 0 )
					if ( pRule->m_sComment.IsEmpty() )
						strCommentBase = _T("• %u");
					else if ( pRule->m_sComment.ReverseFind( _T('•') ) < 0 )
						strCommentBase = pRule->m_sComment + _T("  • %u");

					pRule->m_sComment.Format( strCommentBase, nCount );
					Sleep( 1 );		// Limit CPU

				// Hashes:

				if ( ( ! strURN.IsEmpty() && strLine.Find( _T('.'), 5 ) < 0 ) || StartsWith( strLine, _PT("urn:") ) )
					nPos = strLine.FindOneOf( _T(" \t") );
					if ( nPos > 0 )
						strLine.Truncate( nPos );				// Trim at whitespace (remove any trailing comments)
					if ( ! strURN.IsEmpty() && ! StartsWith( strLine, _PT("urn:") ) )
						strLine = strURN + strLine;				// Default "urn:type:" prepended
					if ( strLine.GetLength() > 35 )
						Security.SetHashMap( strLine, nIndex );

				// IPs:

				nPos = strLine.ReverseFind( _T(':') );
				if ( nPos > 0 )
					strLine = strLine.Mid( nPos + 1 );			// Remove leading comment for some formats

				nPos = strLine.FindOneOf( _T(" \t") );
				if ( nPos > 0 )
					strLine.Truncate( nPos );					// Trim at whitespace (remove any trailing comments)

				if ( strLine.GetLength() < 7 || strLine.Find( _T('.') ) < 1 )

				nPos = strLine.Find( _T('-') );					// Possible Range
				if ( nPos < 0 )									// Single IP
					Security.SetAddressMap( IPStringToDWORD( strLine, TRUE ), nIndex );

				CString strFirst = strLine.Left( nPos );
				CString strLast  = strLine.Mid( nPos + 1 );

				if ( strFirst == strLast )
					Security.SetAddressMap( IPStringToDWORD( strLine, TRUE ), nIndex );

				// inet_addr( CT2CA( (LPCTSTR)strLast )
				DWORD nFirst = IPStringToDWORD( strFirst, FALSE );
				DWORD nLast  = IPStringToDWORD( strLast, FALSE );

				if ( nFirst < 10 || nFirst >= 0xE0000000 )	// 0 or "0.0." or "224-255"
					continue;		// Redundant/Invalid

				//if ( Network.IsReserved( (IN_ADDR*)nFirst ) )		// Crash
				//if ( StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("0.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("6.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("7.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("11.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("55.0") ) ||
				//	 StartsWith( strFirst, _PT("127.0") ) )
				//	continue;		// Redundant

				for ( DWORD nRange = Settings.Security.ListRangeLimit ; nFirst <= nLast && nRange ; nFirst++, nRange-- )
					Security.SetAddressMap( htonl( nFirst ), nIndex );	// Reverse host-byte order

			if ( pRule )
				pRule->m_sComment.Format( strCommentBase, nCount );		// Final update

			PostMainWndMessage( WM_SANITY_CHECK );
		catch ( CException* pException )
			if ( pFile.m_hFile != CFile::hFileNull )
				pFile.Close();	// File is still open so close it

		m_pQueue.RemoveHead();	// Done


	Sleep( 5000 );

	// Recheck
	if ( ! m_pQueue.GetCount() )	//  && IsThreadEnabled()
		CQuickLock oLock( Security.m_pSection );


		PostMainWndMessage( WM_SANITY_CHECK );
Example #9
void CMessageFilter::Load()
	CFile pFile;
	CString strFilteredPhrases, strED2KSpamPhrases;
	const CString strFile = Settings.General.Path + _T("\\Data\\MessageFilter.dat");

	// Delete current filter (if present)
	if ( m_pszFilteredPhrases ) delete [] m_pszFilteredPhrases;
	m_pszFilteredPhrases = NULL;

	// Load the message filter from disk
	if ( pFile.Open( strFile, CFile::modeRead ) )
			CBuffer pBuffer;
			DWORD nLen = (DWORD)pFile.GetLength();
			if ( ! pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nLen ) )

			pBuffer.m_nLength = nLen;
			pFile.Read( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, pBuffer.m_nLength );

			pBuffer.ReadLine( strED2KSpamPhrases );
			pBuffer.ReadLine( strFilteredPhrases );
		catch ( CException* pException )
			if ( pFile.m_hFile != CFile::hFileNull )
				pFile.Close();		// If file is still open close it

	// Insert some defaults if there was a read error

	if ( strED2KSpamPhrases.IsEmpty() )
		strED2KSpamPhrases = _T("Your client is connecting too fast|Join the L33cher Team|PeerFactor|Your client is making too many connections|ZamBoR 2|AUTOMATED MESSAGE:|eMule FX the BEST eMule ever|DI-Emule");

	if ( strFilteredPhrases.IsEmpty() )
		strFilteredPhrases = _T("");

	// Load the ED2K spam into the filter
	if ( strED2KSpamPhrases.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strED2KSpamPhrases;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == '|' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strED2KSpamPhrases.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strED2KSpamPhrases.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszED2KSpam = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszED2KSpam;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;

	// Load the blocked strings into the filter
	if ( strFilteredPhrases.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strFilteredPhrases;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == '|' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strFilteredPhrases.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strFilteredPhrases.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszFilteredPhrases = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszFilteredPhrases;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;
Example #10
void CAdultFilter::Load()
	CFile pFile;
	CString strBlockedWords, strDubiousWords, strChildWords;
	const CString strFile = Settings.General.Path + _T("\\Data\\AdultFilter.dat");	// Settings.General.DataPath ?

	// Delete current adult filters (if present)
	if ( m_pszBlockedWords ) delete [] m_pszBlockedWords;
	m_pszBlockedWords = NULL;

	if ( m_pszDubiousWords ) delete [] m_pszDubiousWords;
	m_pszDubiousWords = NULL;

	if ( m_pszChildWords ) delete [] m_pszChildWords;
	m_pszChildWords = NULL;

	// Load the adult filter from disk
	if ( pFile.Open( strFile, CFile::modeRead ) )
			CBuffer pBuffer;
			const DWORD nLen = (DWORD)pFile.GetLength();
			if ( ! pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nLen ) )

			pBuffer.m_nLength = nLen;
			pFile.Read( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, pBuffer.m_nLength );

			pBuffer.ReadLine( strBlockedWords );	// Line 1: words that are blocked
			if ( ! strBlockedWords.IsEmpty() && strBlockedWords.GetAt( 0 ) == '#' )
			pBuffer.ReadLine( strDubiousWords );	// Line 2: words that may be okay
			if ( ! strDubiousWords.IsEmpty() && strDubiousWords.GetAt( 0 ) == '#' )
			pBuffer.ReadLine( strChildWords );		// Line 3: words for child pornography
			if ( ! strChildWords.IsEmpty() && strChildWords.GetAt( 0 ) == '#' )
		catch ( CException* pException )
			if ( pFile.m_hFile != CFile::hFileNull )
				pFile.Close();	// File is still open so close it

	// Insert some defaults if the load failed
	if ( strBlockedWords.IsEmpty() )
		strBlockedWords = L"xxx p**n f**k c**k c**t v****a pussy nude naked boobs breast hentai "
						  L"lesbian w***e shit rape preteen hardcore lolita playboy penthouse "
						  L"topless r-rated x-rated d***o pr0n erotic sexy o****m nipple fetish "
						  L"upskirt beastiality bestiality pedofil necrofil t**s lolicon shemale fisting";
	if ( strDubiousWords.IsEmpty() )
		strDubiousWords = L"ass sex anal gay teen thong babe bikini viagra dick cum s***s";

	if ( strChildWords.IsEmpty() )
		strChildWords = L"child preteen";

	// Load the blocked words into the Adult Filter
	if ( strBlockedWords.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strBlockedWords;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == ' ' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strBlockedWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strBlockedWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszBlockedWords = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszBlockedWords;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;

	// Load the possibly blocked words into the Adult Filter
	if ( strDubiousWords.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strDubiousWords;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == ' ' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strDubiousWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strDubiousWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszDubiousWords = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszDubiousWords;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;

	// Load child pornography words into the Adult Filter
	if ( strChildWords.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strChildWords;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == ' ' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strChildWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strChildWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszChildWords = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszChildWords;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;