Example #1
BOOL COneCommand::GetReceivedBuffer(CByteArray &buffer) {
	BOOL ret;int i,size;BYTE src,dst;
	if((size=m_ReceiveBuffer.GetSize())!=buffer.GetSize()) {
		return TRUE;
	else {
		for(i=0;i<size;i++) {
			if(src!=dst) {
		return ret;
Example #2
BOOL CRegistry::SetBinaryValue(LPCTSTR name_of_value, const CByteArray& bytes_to_write)

    ASSERT(name_of_value != NULL);

    if (name_of_value == NULL) {
        m_ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

    DWORD size_of_buffer = bytes_to_write.GetSize();

    LPBYTE memory_buffer = NULL;
    try {
        memory_buffer = new BYTE[ size_of_buffer ];
    catch(...) {
        memory_buffer = NULL;

    if (memory_buffer == NULL) {
        m_ErrorCode = ::GetLastError();

    DWORD index = 0;

    while(index < size_of_buffer) {
        memory_buffer[ index ] = bytes_to_write.GetAt(index);

    BOOL ret = SetValue(name_of_value, typeBinary, memory_buffer, size_of_buffer);

    delete [] memory_buffer;

 * Modifies a user param byte array with the ExtParam data passed with
 * argument pParam. ExtParam data objects will be build from 
 * Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const/Ref fields within the GSD. Extparam data 
 * describes the datatype of the Ext_User_Prm_Data, the offset within
 * the user param byte array and the value. The passed user param byte
 * array (see argument UserParam) grows as necessary.
 * Existing user param bytes within the array will be or-ed with the
 * new byte value.
 * @param			CByteArray & UserParam - user param byte array to
 *                  modify. The byte array will grow as necessary.
 * @param			ExtParam *pParam - Reference to ExtParam data 
 *                  object describing the Ext_User_Prm_Data. Shall not
 *                  be NULL.
 * @exception		CMemoryException
 * @see			    GSD: Ext_User_Prm_Data_Const/Ref
void ModifyParamArray(CByteArray & UserParam, ExtParam *pParam)
	int offset = 0;
    int sizeArray = 0;
    int sizeBytes = 0;


    switch(pParam->GetParamType()) {
    case Array:
		    CByteArray* pBytes = pParam->GetByteArray();

		    sizeBytes = pBytes->GetSize();
            sizeArray = UserParam.GetSize();
		    offset = pParam->GetByteOffset();

            if(offset + sizeBytes > sizeArray) {
                //grow the array
                UserParam.SetSize(offset + sizeBytes);
                BYTE *pb = UserParam.GetData();
                //preset array
                size_t sizeSet = offset + sizeBytes - sizeArray;

		    for (int x = 0; x < sizeBytes; x++) {
			    BYTE userbyte = UserParam.GetAt(offset);
			    BYTE setbyte  = pBytes->GetAt(x);
			    userbyte |= setbyte;
			    UserParam.SetAt(offset++, userbyte);
		    }// next x
    case Byte:
		    offset = pParam->GetByteOffset();
            sizeArray = UserParam.GetSize();
            sizeBytes = sizeof(BYTE);

            if(offset + sizeBytes > sizeArray) {
                //grow the array
                UserParam.SetSize(offset + sizeBytes);
                BYTE *pb = UserParam.GetData();
                //preset array
                size_t sizeSet = offset + sizeBytes - sizeArray;

			BYTE userbyte = UserParam.GetAt(offset);	// Get current value in Bytearray
			if (pParam->IsBitArea())	{
				userbyte &= ~MakeBitFieldInByte(pParam->GetBitAreaStart(),
				userbyte |= (BYTE)(pParam->GetUsedValue() << pParam->GetBitAreaStart());
			else	{
				userbyte = (BYTE)pParam->GetUsedValue();
			UserParam.SetAt(offset, userbyte);		// Set new value in ByteArray

    case Word:
            BYTE setbyte = 0;
		    WORD data = (WORD)pParam->GetUsedValue();

		    offset = pParam->GetByteOffset();
            sizeArray = UserParam.GetSize();
            sizeBytes = sizeof(data);
            if(offset + sizeBytes > sizeArray) {
                //grow the array
                UserParam.SetSize(offset + sizeBytes);
                BYTE *pb = UserParam.GetData();
                //preset array
                size_t sizeSet = offset + sizeBytes - sizeArray;
            for (int i = sizeBytes - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)	{
			    BYTE userbyte = UserParam.GetAt(offset);
			    setbyte = (BYTE)((data  >> (i*8)) & 0x000000FF);
			    userbyte = setbyte;
			    UserParam.SetAt(offset++, userbyte);
    case DWord:
		    BYTE setbyte = 0;
		    DWORD data = (DWORD)pParam->GetUsedValue();

		    offset = pParam->GetByteOffset();
            sizeArray = UserParam.GetSize();
            sizeBytes = sizeof(data);
            if(offset + sizeBytes > sizeArray) {
                //grow the array
                UserParam.SetSize(offset + sizeBytes);
                BYTE *pb = UserParam.GetData();
                //preset array
                size_t sizeSet = offset + sizeBytes - sizeArray;

		    for (int i = sizeBytes - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)	{
			    BYTE userbyte = UserParam.GetAt(offset);
			    setbyte = (BYTE)((data  >> (i*8)) & 0x000000FF);
			    userbyte = setbyte;
			    UserParam.SetAt(offset++, userbyte);
Example #4
* @brief 从7张牌中分析出5张最大牌型
* @param bHandCards[]     要分析的手牌
* @param nCount           手牌张数
* @param bPublicCards[]   要分析公共牌
* @param nPublicCount     公共牌张数
* @param bResultCard[]    返回分析得到的数据牌
* @return 牌型
int CUpGradeGameLogic::AnalysisCard(BYTE bHandCards[], int nHandCount, BYTE bPublicCards[], int nPublicCount, BYTE bResultCard[])
    if ((nHandCount + nPublicCount) != 7)
        return 0;
    int i, j;
    CByteArray arrCards;

    for (i = 0; i < nHandCount; i++)
    for (i = 0; i < nPublicCount; i++)

    BYTE bCard[5] = {0};
    int nCardKind[21] = {0};

    //// 21种组成方法
    //BYTE bIndex[21][5] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, \
    //                      0, 1, 2, 3, 5, \
    //                      0, 1, 2, 3, 6, \
    //                      0, 1, 2, 4, 5, \
    //                      0, 1, 2, 4, 6, \
    //                      0, 1, 2, 5, 6, \
    //                      0, 1, 3, 4, 5, \
    //                      0, 1, 3, 4, 6, \
    //                      0, 1, 3, 5, 6, \
    //                      0, 1, 4, 5, 6, \
    //                      0, 2, 3, 4, 5, \
    //                      0, 2, 3, 4, 6, \
    //                      0, 2, 3, 5, 6, \
    //                      0, 2, 4, 5, 6, \
    //                      0, 3, 4, 5, 6, \
    //                      1, 2, 3, 4, 5, \
    //                      1, 2, 3, 4, 6, \
    //                      1, 2, 3, 5, 6, \
    //                      1, 2, 4, 5, 6, \
    //                      1, 3, 4, 5, 6, \
    //                      2, 3, 4, 5, 6, \
    //                     };

	// 21种组成方法
	BYTE bIndex[21][7] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
		                  0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6,
		                  0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5,
		                  0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6,
		                  0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5,
		                  0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4,
		                  0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 6,
		                  0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 2, 5,
		                  0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 
		                  0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 
		                  0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6, 
		                  0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1, 5, 
		                  0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 4, 
		                  0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1, 3, 
		                  0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 
		                  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 6, 
		                  1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 0, 5, 
		                  1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 0, 4, 
		                  1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 0, 3, 
		                  1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 2, 
		                  2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1

    for (i = 0; i < 21; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
            // 按牌下标取出5张牌
            bCard[j] = arrCards.GetAt(bIndex[i][j]);
        // 获取牌型
        nCardKind[i] = GetCardShape(bCard, 5);

		//CString str;
		//str.Format("dxh: 第%d种方法, 牌型: %d",  i, nCardKind[i]);

    // 取最大牌型位置
    int nMax = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < 21; i++)
        if (nCardKind[i] > nCardKind[nMax])
            nMax = i;

    BYTE bCompareCard1[5], bCompareCard2[5];
    int nCompareMax = nMax;

    // 找出最大牌型后, 再找出相同牌型最大牌组合(牌型一样情况下, 则会比大小, 所以这里就需要取最大的相同的牌型)
    for (i = 0; i < 21; i++)
        if (i == nMax)

        for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
            bCompareCard1[j] = arrCards.GetAt(bIndex[i][j]);
            bCompareCard2[j] = arrCards.GetAt(bIndex[nCompareMax][j]);
        // 比牌(-1:输, 0:和, 1:赢)
        if (CompareCard(bCompareCard1, 5, bCompareCard2, 5) > 0)
            nCompareMax = i;

    // 从7张手牌中取出5终最终牌型
    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        bResultCard[i] = arrCards.GetAt(bIndex[nCompareMax][i]);

	CString str;
	str.Format("dxh: 当前最大牌型索引: %d, 牌型ID:%d", nCompareMax, nCardKind[nCompareMax]);

    return nCardKind[nCompareMax];
Example #5
CTobCompiler::EToken CTobCompiler::CompilePass1()
	EToken r;
	CString str, buf;
	CByteArray* bin = 0;

		if((r = GetToken(str)) <= 0) return r;
		if(r == SYM_KEY)
			if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0) return r;
			if(r != SYM_TOKEN)
				m_err = "not found keyword after '.'";
				return ERR_NORMAL;
			if(str == "def")
				if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0) return r;
				if(r != SYM_TOKEN)
					m_err = "not found token after '.def'";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				if((r = GetToken(buf)) < 0) return r;
				if(r == SYM_BIN)
					bin = new CByteArray;
					if((r = GetBinary(*bin)) < 0) { delete bin; return r; }
				else if(r == SYM_STR)
					if((r = GetString(buf, false)) < 0) return r;
					bin = new CByteArray;
					for(LPCTSTR p = buf; *p; ++p) bin->Add(*(U8*)p);
					if(r == SYM_STRING) bin->Add(0);
				else if(r == SYM_STRING)
					if((r = GetString(buf, true)) < 0) return r;
					bin = new CByteArray;
					for(LPCTSTR p = buf; *p; ++p) bin->Add(*(U8*)p);
					if(r == SYM_STRING) bin->Add(0);
					m_err = "not found '[' or ''' or '\"' after '.def <token>''";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				m_defbin.SetAt(str, bin);
				bin = 0;
			else if(str == "change")
				if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0) return r;
				if(r != SYM_STR)
					m_err = "not found ''' after '.change'";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				if((r = GetString(str, false)) < 0) return r;
				if( str.IsEmpty() || str.GetLength()>2 || str.GetLength() == 2 && (U8)str[0]<0x80)
					m_err = "only one character is allowed after '.change'";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				U16 c = (U8)str[0];
				if(str.GetLength() == 2) c = (c<<8) + (U8)str[1];
				if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0) return r;
				if(r == SYM_BIN)
					CByteArray tmp;
					if((r = GetBinary(tmp)) < 0) return r;
					int i, n = tmp.GetSize();
					for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
						U8 b = tmp.GetAt(i);
						if(!b) break;
						buf += (TCHAR)b;
				else if(r == SYM_STR)
					if((r = GetString(buf, false)) < 0) return r;
				else if(r == SYM_STRING)
					if((r = GetString(buf, true)) < 0) return r;
					m_err = "not found ''' or '\"' after '.change <char>'";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				m_change.SetAt(c, buf);
			else if(str == "bit")
				if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0) return r;
				if(r != SYM_TOKEN)
					m_err = "not found parameter after '.bit'";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				int bit = atoi(str);
				if(bit!=8 && bit!=16 && bit!=24 && bit!=32)
					m_err = "only '.bit 8/16/24/32' is available";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				m_bit_i = bit;
			else if(str == "maxc")
				if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0) return r;
				if(r != SYM_TOKEN)
					m_err = "not found parameter after '.maxc'";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				m_maxc = atoi(str);
			else if(str == "maxw")
				if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0) return r;
				if(r != SYM_TOKEN)
					m_err = "not found parameter after '.maxw'";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				m_maxw = atoi(str);
			else if(str == "maxs")
				if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0) return r;
				if(r != SYM_TOKEN)
					m_err = "not found parameter after '.maxs'";
					return ERR_NORMAL;
				m_maxs = atoi(str);
				m_err.Format("unknwon keyword '%s' after '.'", (LPCTSTR)str);
				return ERR_NORMAL;
		else if(r == SYM_BIN)
			if((r = GetBinary(m_bin)) < 0) return r;
		else if(r == SYM_STR)
			if((r = GetString(buf, false)) < 0) return r;
			for(LPCTSTR p=buf;* p; ++p) m_bin.Add(*(U8*)p);
			if(r == SYM_STRING) m_bin.Add(0);
		else if(r == SYM_STRING)
			if((r = GetString(buf, true)) < 0) return r;
			for(LPCTSTR p=buf;* p; ++p) m_bin.Add(*(U8*)p);
			if(r == SYM_STRING) m_bin.Add(0);
		else if(r == SYM_TOKEN)
			if(!m_defbin.Lookup(str, bin))
				m_err.Format("not defined token '%s'", (LPCTSTR)str);
				return ERR_NORMAL;
			bin = 0;
		else if(r == SYM_ADDR)
			if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0)
				return r;
			SExpInfo* ti = new SExpInfo(m_bin.GetSize(), m_line);
			if(r == SYM_EXP_BEGIN)
					if((r = GetToken(buf)) < 0)
						delete ti;
						return r;
					if(r == SYM_TOKEN || r == SYM_NUM)
					else if(r == SYM_ADD)
					else if(r == SYM_SUB)
					else if(r == SYM_ADDR)
					else if(r == SYM_EXP_END)
						delete ti;
						m_err.Format("found unknown token '%s' in expression", (LPCTSTR)buf);
						return ERR_NORMAL;
			else if(r == SYM_TOKEN)
				delete ti;
				m_err = "not found token or expression after '@'";
				return ERR_NORMAL;
			for(int i = m_bit_i/8; i--;)
		else if(r == SYM_LABEL)
			if((r = GetToken(str)) < 0) return r;
			if(r != SYM_TOKEN)
				m_err = "not found label after '#'";
				return ERR_NORMAL;
			m_label.SetAt(str, m_bin.GetSize());
			m_err = "unknown or bad symbol";
			return ERR_NORMAL;
Example #6
BOOL bGetMsgInfoFromMsgStr( CONST CString& omSendMsgLine,
                            PSTCANDATA psCANData,
                            BOOL bHexON)
    CString omStrTemp       ="";
    CString omStrMsgID      ="";
    CString omStrDLC        ="";
    CString omStrData       ="";
    CString omStrMsgIDType  ="";
    CHAR* pcStopString      = nullptr;
    BOOL nReturn            = FALSE;

    CByteArray omByteArrayDataTx;
    // Get the string before first white space charactor
    omStrTemp = omSendMsgLine.SpanExcluding("\t ");
        INT nIndex = omStrTemp.GetLength();
            // Remove the time stamp string
            omStrTemp = omSendMsgLine.Right(omSendMsgLine.GetLength() -
                                            nIndex -1);
            if(omStrTemp.IsEmpty() ==0)
                // Get the message ID after removing Tx/Rx string
                omStrMsgID = omStrTemp.SpanExcluding("\t ");
                if( omStrMsgID.Compare("Tx") == 0 )
                    psCANData->m_ucDataType = TX_FLAG;
                    psCANData->m_ucDataType = RX_FLAG;
                nIndex     = omStrMsgID.GetLength();
                omStrTemp  = omStrTemp.Right(omStrTemp.GetLength() - nIndex - 1);
                // Channel ID
                omStrMsgID = omStrTemp.SpanExcluding("\t ");
                UCHAR ucChannel    =
                    (UCHAR) strtol( (LPCTSTR )omStrMsgID,&pcStopString ,10);
                nIndex     = omStrMsgID.GetLength();
                omStrTemp  = omStrTemp.Right(omStrTemp.GetLength() - nIndex -1);

                // Get the message with name
                omStrMsgID = omStrTemp.SpanExcluding("\t ");
                // Get the rest of the string.
                nIndex     = omStrMsgID.GetLength();
                omStrTemp  = omStrTemp.Right(omStrTemp.GetLength() - nIndex -1);

                // Get message ID string after removing any message name.
                omStrMsgID = omStrMsgID.SpanExcluding(defMSGID_NAME_DELIMITER);
                UINT unMsgID = 0;
                if( bHexON == TRUE)
                    unMsgID    =
                        (UINT) strtol( (LPCTSTR )omStrMsgID,&pcStopString ,16);
                    unMsgID    =
                        (UINT) strtol( (LPCTSTR )omStrMsgID,&pcStopString ,10);

                // Get the message ID Type
                omStrMsgIDType = omStrTemp.SpanExcluding("\t ");
                // Message Id type is EXTENDED
                if(omStrMsgIDType.Find(defMSGID_EXTENDED) != -1)
                    psCANData->m_uDataInfo.m_sCANMsg.m_ucEXTENDED = 1;
                }// Message Id type is STD
                else if(omStrMsgIDType.Find(defMSGID_STD)!= -1)
                    psCANData->m_uDataInfo.m_sCANMsg.m_ucEXTENDED = 0;
                // Message Id type is RTR
                if(omStrMsgIDType.Find(defMSGID_RTR)!= -1)
                    psCANData->m_uDataInfo.m_sCANMsg.m_ucRTR = 1;
                    psCANData->m_uDataInfo.m_sCANMsg.m_ucRTR = 0;
                nIndex     = omStrMsgIDType.GetLength();
                omStrTemp  = omStrTemp.Right(omStrTemp.GetLength() - nIndex -1);

                // Get the DLC
                omStrDLC   = omStrTemp.SpanExcluding("\t ");
                nIndex     = omStrDLC.GetLength();
                UINT unDLC = (UINT) strtol((LPCTSTR)omStrDLC,&pcStopString ,16);
                omStrTemp  = omStrTemp.Right(omStrTemp.GetLength() - nIndex -1);

                // Get the data string
                omStrData  = omStrTemp;

                // Check if Message ID and DLC is valid.
                if(unMsgID>0 && unDLC<=8 && unDLC>0)
                    nIndex = omStrData.GetLength();
                    INT nTotalData = (INT)omByteArrayDataTx.GetSize();
                    // Check if String to Byte array conversion
                    // has return a valid data
                    if(nTotalData<=8 )

                        for(INT i = 0; i<nTotalData; i++)
                            psCANData->m_uDataInfo.m_sCANMsg.m_ucData[i] =
                        psCANData->m_uDataInfo.m_sCANMsg.m_unMsgID = unMsgID;
                        psCANData->m_uDataInfo.m_sCANMsg.m_ucDataLen   = (UCHAR)unDLC;
                        psCANData->m_uDataInfo.m_sCANMsg.m_ucChannel = ucChannel;
                        nReturn    = TRUE;
    return nReturn;