Example #1
	unsigned int CCSpriteBatchNode::atlasIndexForChild(CCSprite *pobSprite, int nZ)
		CCMutableArray<CCNode*> *pBrothers = pobSprite->getParent()->getChildren();
		unsigned int uChildIndex = pBrothers->getIndexOfObject(pobSprite);

		// ignore parent Z if parent is spriteSheet
		bool bIgnoreParent = (CCSpriteBatchNode*)(pobSprite->getParent()) == this;
		CCSprite *pPrevious = NULL;
		if (uChildIndex > 0)
			pPrevious = (CCSprite*)(pBrothers->getObjectAtIndex(uChildIndex - 1));

		// first child of the sprite sheet
		if (bIgnoreParent)
			if (uChildIndex == 0)
				return 0;

			return highestAtlasIndexInChild(pPrevious) + 1;

		// parent is a CCSprite, so, it must be taken into account

		// first child of an CCSprite ?
		if (uChildIndex == 0)
			CCSprite *p = (CCSprite*)(pobSprite->getParent());

			// less than parent and brothers
			if (nZ < 0)
				return p->getAtlasIndex();
				return p->getAtlasIndex() + 1;
			// previous & sprite belong to the same branch
			if ((pPrevious->getZOrder() < 0 && nZ < 0) || (pPrevious->getZOrder() >= 0 && nZ >= 0))
				return highestAtlasIndexInChild(pPrevious) + 1;

			// else (previous < 0 and sprite >= 0 )
			CCSprite *p = (CCSprite*)(pobSprite->getParent());
			return p->getAtlasIndex() + 1;

		// Should not happen. Error calculating Z on SpriteSheet
		return 0;
void CCAnimate::update(ccTime time)
	CCMutableArray<CCSpriteFrame*> *pFrames = m_pAnimation->getFrames();
	unsigned int numberOfFrames = pFrames->count();

	unsigned int idx = (unsigned int)(time * numberOfFrames);

	if (idx >= numberOfFrames)
		idx = numberOfFrames - 1;

	CCSprite *pSprite = (CCSprite*)(m_pTarget);
	if (! pSprite->isFrameDisplayed(pFrames->getObjectAtIndex(idx)))
Example #3
	unsigned int CCSpriteBatchNode::lowestAtlasIndexInChild(CCSprite *pSprite)
		CCMutableArray<CCNode*> *pChildren = pSprite->getChildren();

		if (! pChildren || pChildren->count() == 0)
			return pSprite->getAtlasIndex();
			return lowestAtlasIndexInChild((CCSprite*)(pChildren->getObjectAtIndex(0)));
Example #4
CCMutableArray<StringLabel*>* TagString::parse( bool useTag )
    string cut = "";
    int start_idx = 0;
    float zen_width = 0;

    // 全角幅を取得
        StringLabel* label_zen = StringLabel::init( "1", ccc3(0,0,0), baseFontSize );

        zen_width = (int)(label_zen->getContentSize().width);
        zen_width = label_zen->getContentSize().width;

    // 変数タグの置換
    start_idx = 0;
    for( ;; )
        int tag_start1 = tagStr.find( "<param=", start_idx );
        if( tag_start1 == string::npos ) break;
        int tag_start2 = tagStr.find( ">", tag_start1 );
        string param_str = tagStr.substr( tag_start1+7, tag_start2-(tag_start1+7) );
        // 変数の値取得
        string value = ParamList::shared()->getValue( param_str );
        if( !value.empty() )
            // 文字列の置換
            tagStr.replace( tag_start1, tag_start2-tag_start1+1, value );
            start_idx = 0;
        start_idx = tag_start2 + 1;
    // 自動改行チェック
    if( autoKaigyouFlg )
        vector< string > list = StringComparator::comparate( tagStr );
        bool tag_start = false;

        float total_size = 0;
        string conv_str = "";
        for( int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ )
            if (useTag)
                if( list[i] == "<" )
                    tag_start = true;
                if( list[i] == ">" )
                    tag_start = false;
                    conv_str.append( list[i] );
                if( tag_start )
                    // 改行チェック
                    if( list[i] == "b" )
                        if( list[i+1] == "r" )
                            total_size = 0;
                    conv_str.append( list[i] );
            float strw = 0;

            // 半角
            if( list[i].length() == 1 )
                StringLabel* label = StringLabel::init( list[i].c_str(), ccc3(0,0,0), baseFontSize );
                strw = label->getContentSize().width;
            // 全角
                strw = zen_width;
            total_size += strw;
            // 改行を挿入
            if( width > 0 && total_size > width )
                //CCLog( "kaigyou2 total_size=%d", total_size );
                // 改行コードを入れる
                conv_str.append( "<br>" );
                total_size = strw;

                if (list[i] == "\n")  total_size = 0;
            conv_str.append( list[i] );
        tagStr = conv_str;
    // 改行、カラー、フォントサイズ、アンカー解析
    int line = 0;
    start_idx = 0;
    int active_anchor = 0;
    int active_font_size = baseFontSize;
    ccColor3B active_color = baseColor;
    //CCLog( "tag_str=%s", tagStr.c_str() );

    bool brflg = false;

    for( ;; )
        // 開始タグ判定
        int tag_start = tagStr.find( "<", start_idx );

        if( tag_start != string::npos && useTag )
            //  表示文字列を取得
            cut = tagStr.substr( start_idx, tag_start - (start_idx) );
            //CCLog( "cut=%s actuve=%d", cut.c_str(), active_anchor );
            if( !cut.empty() || brflg )
                parseList->addObject( new ColorString( cut, active_color, active_font_size, line, active_anchor ) );
            int tag_close = tagStr.find( ">", tag_start );
            // タグ文字列取得
            string param_str = tagStr.substr( tag_start+1, tag_close-(tag_start+1) );
            // アンカー
            if( param_str.find( "left" ) != string::npos )
                active_anchor = ALIGN_LEFT;
            if( param_str.find( "center" ) != string::npos )
                active_anchor = ALIGN_CENTER;
            if( param_str.find( "right" ) != string::npos )
                active_anchor = ALIGN_RIGHT;
            // 改行
            if( param_str.find( "br" ) != string::npos )
                line += 1;
                brflg = true;
            // カラー設定
            if( param_str.find( "color=" ) != string::npos )
                // 色情報の切り出し
                string color_str = param_str.substr( 6, param_str.length()-6 );
                // 色成分に分解
                char *csv = const_cast<char*>( color_str.c_str() );
                int red   = CommonUtils::StrToInt( strtok(  csv, ":" ) );
                int green = CommonUtils::StrToInt( strtok( NULL, ":" ) );
                int blue  = CommonUtils::StrToInt( strtok( NULL, ":" ) );
                active_color = ccc3( red, green, blue );
            // フォントサイズ
            if( param_str.find( "size=" ) != string::npos )
                string size_str = param_str.substr( 5, param_str.length()-5 );
                active_font_size = CommonUtils::StrToInt( size_str );
            // カラー 終了タグ
            if( param_str.find( "/color" ) != string::npos )
                active_color = baseColor;

            // アンカー 終了タグ
            if( param_str.find( "/center" ) != string::npos )
                active_anchor = ALIGN_LEFT;
            if( param_str.find( "/right" ) != string::npos )
                active_anchor = ALIGN_LEFT;
            // フォントサイズ 終了タグ
            if( param_str.find( "/size" ) != string::npos )
                active_font_size = baseFontSize;
            start_idx = tag_close + 1;
            for( ;; )
                // 改行コードがある場合
                tag_start = tagStr.find( "\n", start_idx );
                if (tag_start != string::npos)
                    //  表示文字列を取得
                    cut = tagStr.substr( start_idx, tag_start - (start_idx) );
                    if( !cut.empty() )
                        parseList->addObject( new ColorString( cut, active_color, active_font_size, line, active_anchor ) );
                        line += 1;
                    start_idx = tag_start + 1;
            cut = tagStr.substr( start_idx, tagStr.length() - (start_idx) );
            if( !cut.empty() )
                //CCLog( "cut=%s", cut.c_str() );
                parseList->addObject( new ColorString( cut, active_color, active_font_size, line, active_anchor ) );

    int linecnt = getLineCount();
    float basex = 0;
    float basey = 0;
    // アライン設定
    if( baseAlign == TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER_TOP )
        basex = ( ( width - getStringWidth() )/2 );
    if( baseAlign == TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP )
        basex = width - getStringWidth();
    if( baseAlign == TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT_MIDDLE )
        basey = ( ( height - getStringHeight() )/2 );
    if( baseAlign == TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE )
        basex = ( ( width  - getStringWidth()  )/2 );
        basey = ( ( height - getStringHeight() )/2 );
    if( baseAlign == TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT_MIDDLE )
        basex = width - getStringWidth();
        basey = ( ( height - getStringHeight() )/2 );
    if( baseAlign == TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER_BOTTOM )
        basex = ( ( width  - getStringWidth()  )/2 );
        basey = height - getStringHeight();
    if( baseAlign == TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT_BOTTOM )
        basex = width - getStringWidth();
        basey = height - getStringHeight();
    if( baseAlign == TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT_BOTTOM )
        basey = height - getStringHeight();
    float dispx = basex;
    float dispy = basey;
    // 返却用のリスト
    CCMutableArray<StringLabel*>* ret = new CCMutableArray<StringLabel*>;
    // ラベルを生成
    for( int i = 0; i < linecnt; i++ )
        CCMutableArray<ColorString*> *list = getStringList( i );
        float lh = getStringLineHeight( i );
        float lw = getStringLineWidth( i );
        // 下合わせ
        dispy += lh;
        for( int j = 0; j < list->count(); j++ )
            ColorString* cstr = list->getObjectAtIndex( j );
            // アライン
            if( j == 0 )
                if( cstr->getAlign() == ALIGN_LEFT   ) dispx = 0;
                if( cstr->getAlign() == ALIGN_CENTER ) dispx = ((width-lw)/2);
                if( cstr->getAlign() == ALIGN_RIGHT  ) dispx = width - lw;
            // テキストを設定
            StringLabel* label = cstr->getStrLabel();
            label->setAlign( TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT_BOTTOM );
            //label->setPosition( dispx, dispy );
            label->setOffsetX( dispx );
            label->setOffsetY( dispy );
            ret->addObject( label );
            // ラベルサイズ取得
            CCSize size = label->getContentSize();
            dispx += size.width;
        dispx  = basex;
    return ret;