bool CCTMXTiledMap::initWithTMXFile(const char *tmxFile) { NSAssert(tmxFile != NULL && strlen(tmxFile)>0, "TMXTiledMap: tmx file should not bi nil"); setContentSize(CGSizeZero); CCTMXMapInfo *mapInfo = CCTMXMapInfo::formatWithTMXFile(tmxFile); NSAssert( mapInfo->getTilesets()->count() != 0, "TMXTiledMap: Map not found. Please check the filename."); m_tMapSize = mapInfo->getMapSize(); m_tTileSize = mapInfo->getTileSize(); m_nMapOrientation = mapInfo->getOrientation(); setObjectGroups(mapInfo->getObjectGroups()); setProperties(mapInfo->getProperties()); CCX_SAFE_RELEASE(m_pTileProperties); m_pTileProperties = mapInfo->getTileProperties(); CCX_SAFE_RETAIN(m_pTileProperties); int idx = 0; NSMutableArray<CCTMXLayerInfo*>* layers = mapInfo->getLayers(); if (layers && layers->count()>0) { CCTMXLayerInfo *layerInfo = NULL; NSMutableArray<CCTMXLayerInfo*>::NSMutableArrayIterator it; for (it = layers->begin(); it != layers->end(); ++it) { layerInfo = *it; if (layerInfo && layerInfo->m_bVisible) { CCTMXLayer *child = parseLayer(layerInfo, mapInfo); addChild((CCNode*)child, idx, idx); // update content size with the max size CGSize childSize = child->getContentSize(); CGSize currentSize = this->getContentSize(); currentSize.width = MAX( currentSize.width, childSize.width ); currentSize.height = MAX( currentSize.height, childSize.height ); this->setContentSize(currentSize); idx++; } } } return true; }
bool CCTMXTiledMap::initWithTMXFile(const char *tmxFile) { CCAssert(tmxFile != NULL && strlen(tmxFile)>0, "TMXTiledMap: tmx file should not bi nil"); setContentSize(CCSizeZero); CCTMXMapInfo *mapInfo = CCTMXMapInfo::formatWithTMXFile(tmxFile); if (! mapInfo) { return false; } CCAssert( mapInfo->getTilesets()->count() != 0, "TMXTiledMap: Map not found. Please check the filename."); m_tMapSize = mapInfo->getMapSize(); m_tTileSize = mapInfo->getTileSize(); m_nMapOrientation = mapInfo->getOrientation(); setObjectGroups(mapInfo->getObjectGroups()); setProperties(mapInfo->getProperties()); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(m_pTileProperties); m_pTileProperties = mapInfo->getTileProperties(); CC_SAFE_RETAIN(m_pTileProperties); int idx = 0; CCMutableArray<CCTMXLayerInfo*>* layers = mapInfo->getLayers(); if (layers && layers->count()>0) { if (NULL == m_pTMXLayers) { m_pTMXLayers = new CCDictionary<std::string, CCTMXLayer*>(); CCAssert(m_pTMXLayers, "Allocate memory failed!"); } CCTMXLayerInfo *layerInfo = NULL; CCMutableArray<CCTMXLayerInfo*>::CCMutableArrayIterator it; for (it = layers->begin(); it != layers->end(); ++it) { layerInfo = *it; if (layerInfo && layerInfo->m_bVisible) { CCTMXLayer *child = parseLayer(layerInfo, mapInfo); addChild((CCNode*)child, idx, idx); // record the CCTMXLayer object by it's name std::string layerName = child->getLayerName(); m_pTMXLayers->setObject(child, layerName); // update content size with the max size const CCSize& childSize = child->getContentSize(); CCSize currentSize = this->getContentSize(); currentSize.width = MAX( currentSize.width, childSize.width ); currentSize.height = MAX( currentSize.height, childSize.height ); this->setContentSize(currentSize); idx++; } } } return true; }