Example #1
bool CDStarRepeaterD::createThread()
	CDStarRepeaterConfig config(m_confDir, CONFIG_FILE_NAME, m_name);

	wxString callsign, gateway;
	ACK_TYPE ack;
	bool restriction, rpt1Validation, dtmfBlanking, errorReply;
	config.getCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation, dtmfBlanking, errorReply);

	wxString modemType;

	// DVAP can only do simplex, force the mode accordingly
	if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("DVAP"))) {
		if (mode == MODE_DUPLEX) {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("DVAP: changing mode from DUPLEX to SIMPLEX"));
			mode = MODE_SIMPLEX;
		} else if (mode == MODE_TXANDRX) {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("DVAP: changing mode from TX_AND_RX to RX_ONLY"));
			mode = MODE_RXONLY;

	switch (mode) {
			m_thread = new CDStarRepeaterRXThread(modemType);
			m_thread = new CDStarRepeaterTXThread(modemType);
			m_thread = new CDStarRepeaterTXRXThread(modemType);
			m_thread = new CDStarRepeaterTRXThread(modemType);

	m_thread->setCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation, dtmfBlanking, errorReply);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Callsign set to \"%s\", gateway set to \"%s\", mode: %d, ack: %d, restriction: %d, RPT1 validation: %d, DTMF blanking: %d, Error reply: %d"), callsign.c_str(), gateway.c_str(), int(mode), int(ack), int(restriction), int(rpt1Validation), int(dtmfBlanking), int(errorReply));

	wxString gatewayAddress, localAddress, name;
	unsigned int gatewayPort, localPort;
	config.getNetwork(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort, name);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Gateway set to %s:%u, local set to %s:%u, name set to \"%s\""), gatewayAddress.c_str(), gatewayPort, localAddress.c_str(), localPort, name.c_str());

	if (!gatewayAddress.IsEmpty()) {
		bool local = gatewayAddress.IsSameAs(wxT(""));

		CRepeaterProtocolHandler* handler = new CRepeaterProtocolHandler(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort, name);

		bool res = handler->open();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the protocol handler"));
			return false;

		m_thread->setProtocolHandler(handler, local);

	unsigned int timeout, ackTime;
	config.getTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	m_thread->setTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Timeout set to %u secs, ack time set to %u ms"), timeout, ackTime);

	unsigned int beaconTime;
	wxString beaconText;
	bool beaconVoice;
	TEXT_LANG language;
	config.getBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	if (mode == MODE_GATEWAY)
		beaconTime = 0U;
	m_thread->setBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Beacon set to %u mins, text set to \"%s\", voice set to %d, language set to %d"), beaconTime / 60U, beaconText.c_str(), int(beaconVoice), int(language));

	bool announcementEnabled;
	unsigned int announcementTime;
	wxString announcementRecordRPT1, announcementRecordRPT2;
	wxString announcementDeleteRPT1, announcementDeleteRPT2;
	config.getAnnouncement(announcementEnabled, announcementTime, announcementRecordRPT1, announcementRecordRPT2, announcementDeleteRPT1, announcementDeleteRPT2);
	if (mode == MODE_GATEWAY)
		announcementEnabled = false;
	m_thread->setAnnouncement(announcementEnabled, announcementTime, announcementRecordRPT1, announcementRecordRPT2, announcementDeleteRPT1, announcementDeleteRPT2);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Announcement enabled: %d, time: %u mins, record RPT1: \"%s\", record RPT2: \"%s\", delete RPT1: \"%s\", delete RPT2: \"%s\""), int(announcementEnabled), announcementTime / 60U, announcementRecordRPT1.c_str(), announcementRecordRPT2.c_str(), announcementDeleteRPT1.c_str(), announcementDeleteRPT2.c_str());

	wxLogInfo(wxT("Modem type set to \"%s\""), modemType.c_str());

	CModem* modem = NULL;
	if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("DVAP"))) {
		wxString port;
		unsigned int frequency;
		int power, squelch;
		config.getDVAP(port, frequency, power, squelch);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("DVAP: port: %s, frequency: %u Hz, power: %d dBm, squelch: %d dBm"), port.c_str(), frequency, power, squelch);
		modem = new CDVAPController(port, frequency, power, squelch);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("DV-RPTR V1"))) {
		wxString port;
		bool rxInvert, txInvert, channel;
		unsigned int modLevel, txDelay;
		config.getDVRPTR1(port, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("DV-RPTR V1, port: %s, RX invert: %d, TX invert: %d, channel: %s, mod level: %u%%, TX delay: %u ms"), port.c_str(), int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), channel ? wxT("B") : wxT("A"), modLevel, txDelay);
		modem = new CDVRPTRV1Controller(port, wxEmptyString, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("DV-RPTR V2"))) {
		wxString usbPort, address;
		bool txInvert;
		unsigned int port, modLevel, txDelay;
		config.getDVRPTR2(connType, usbPort, address, port, txInvert, modLevel, txDelay);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("DV-RPTR V2, type: %d, address: %s:%u, TX invert: %d, mod level: %u%%, TX delay: %u ms"), int(connType), address.c_str(), port, int(txInvert), modLevel, txDelay);
		switch (connType) {
			case CT_USB:
				modem = new CDVRPTRV2Controller(usbPort, wxEmptyString, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign, txDelay);
			case CT_NETWORK:
				modem = new CDVRPTRV2Controller(address, port, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign, txDelay);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("DV-RPTR V3"))) {
		wxString usbPort, address;
		bool txInvert;
		unsigned int port, modLevel, txDelay;
		config.getDVRPTR3(connType, usbPort, address, port, txInvert, modLevel, txDelay);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("DV-RPTR V3, type: %d, address: %s:%u, TX invert: %d, mod level: %u%%, TX delay: %u ms"), int(connType), address.c_str(), port, int(txInvert), modLevel, txDelay);
		switch (connType) {
			case CT_USB:
				modem = new CDVRPTRV3Controller(usbPort, wxEmptyString, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign, txDelay);
			case CT_NETWORK:
				modem = new CDVRPTRV3Controller(address, port, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign, txDelay);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("DVMEGA"))) {
		wxString port;
		bool rxInvert, txInvert;
		unsigned int txDelay, rxFrequency, txFrequency, power;
		config.getDVMEGA(port, variant, rxInvert, txInvert, txDelay, rxFrequency, txFrequency, power);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("DVMEGA, port: %s, variant: %d, RX invert: %d, TX invert: %d, TX delay: %u ms, rx frequency: %u Hz, tx frequency: %u Hz, power: %u %%"), port.c_str(), int(variant), int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), txDelay, rxFrequency, txFrequency, power);
		switch (variant) {
			case DVMV_MODEM:
				modem = new CDVMegaController(port, wxEmptyString, rxInvert, txInvert, txDelay);
			case DVMV_RADIO_2M:
			case DVMV_RADIO_70CM:
			case DVMV_RADIO_2M_70CM:
				modem = new CDVMegaController(port, wxEmptyString, txDelay, rxFrequency, txFrequency, power);
				wxLogError(wxT("Unknown DVMEGA variant - %d"), int(variant));
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("GMSK Modem"))) {
		unsigned int address;
		config.getGMSK(iface, address);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("GMSK, interface: %d, address: %04X"), int(iface), address);
		modem = new CGMSKController(iface, address, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("Sound Card"))) {
		wxString rxDevice, txDevice;
		bool rxInvert, txInvert;
		wxFloat32 rxLevel, txLevel;
		unsigned int txDelay, txTail;
		config.getSoundCard(rxDevice, txDevice, rxInvert, txInvert, rxLevel, txLevel, txDelay, txTail);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Sound Card, devices: %s:%s, invert: %d:%d, levels: %.2f:%.2f, tx delay: %u ms, tx tail: %u ms"), rxDevice.c_str(), txDevice.c_str(), int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), rxLevel, txLevel, txDelay, txTail);
		modem = new CSoundCardController(rxDevice, txDevice, rxInvert, txInvert, rxLevel, txLevel, txDelay, txTail);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("MMDVM"))) {
		wxString port;
		bool rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert;
		unsigned int txDelay, rxLevel, txLevel;
		config.getMMDVM(port, rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, txDelay, rxLevel, txLevel);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("MMDVM, port: %s, RX invert: %d, TX invert: %d, PTT invert: %d, TX delay: %u ms, RX level: %u%%, TX level: %u%%"), port.c_str(), int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), int(pttInvert), txDelay, rxLevel, txLevel);
		modem = new CMMDVMController(port, wxEmptyString, rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, txDelay, rxLevel, txLevel);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs(wxT("Split"))) {
		wxString localAddress;
		unsigned int localPort;
		wxArrayString transmitterNames, receiverNames;
		unsigned int timeout;
		config.getSplit(localAddress, localPort, transmitterNames, receiverNames, timeout);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Split, local: %s:%u, timeout: %u ms"), localAddress.c_str(), localPort, timeout);
		for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < transmitterNames.GetCount(); i++) {
			wxString name = transmitterNames.Item(i);
			if (!name.IsEmpty())
				wxLogInfo(wxT("\tTX %u name: %s"), i + 1U, name.c_str());
		for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < receiverNames.GetCount(); i++) {
			wxString name = receiverNames.Item(i);
			if (!name.IsEmpty())
				wxLogInfo(wxT("\tRX %u name: %s"), i + 1U, name.c_str());
		modem = new CSplitController(localAddress, localPort, transmitterNames, receiverNames, timeout);
	} else {
		wxLogError(wxT("Unknown modem type: %s"), modemType.c_str());

	if (modem != NULL) {
		bool res = modem->start();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the D-Star modem"));

	wxString controllerType;
	unsigned int portConfig, activeHangTime;
	bool pttInvert;
	config.getController(controllerType, portConfig, pttInvert, activeHangTime);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Controller set to %s, config: %u, PTT invert: %d, active hang time: %u ms"), controllerType.c_str(), portConfig, int(pttInvert), activeHangTime);

	CExternalController* controller = NULL;

	wxString port;
	if (controllerType.StartsWith(wxT("Velleman K8055 - "), &port)) {
		unsigned long num;
		controller = new CExternalController(new CK8055Controller(num), pttInvert);
	} else if (controllerType.StartsWith(wxT("Serial - "), &port)) {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CSerialLineController(port, portConfig), pttInvert);
	} else if (controllerType.StartsWith(wxT("Arduino - "), &port)) {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CArduinoController(port), pttInvert);
#if defined(GPIO)
	} else if (controllerType.IsSameAs(wxT("GPIO"))) {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CGPIOController(portConfig), pttInvert);
	} else {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CDummyController, pttInvert);

	bool res = controller->open();
	if (!res)
		wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the hardware interface - %s"), controllerType.c_str());
		m_thread->setController(controller, activeHangTime);

	bool out1, out2, out3, out4;
	config.getOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	m_thread->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Output 1 = %d, output 2 = %d, output 3 = %d, output 4 = %d"), out1, out2, out3, out4);

	bool enabled;
	wxString rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign;
	wxString shutdown, startup;
	wxString status1, status2, status3, status4, status5;
	wxString command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line;
	wxString command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line;
	wxString command5, command5Line, command6, command6Line;
	wxString output1, output2, output3, output4;
	config.getControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, command5, command5Line, command6, command6Line, output1, output2, output3, output4);
	m_thread->setControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, command5, command5Line, command6, command6Line, output1, output2, output3, output4);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Control: enabled: %d, RPT1: %s, RPT2: %s, shutdown: %s, startup: %s, status1: %s, status2: %s, status3: %s, status4: %s, status5: %s, command1: %s = %s, command2: %s = %s, command3: %s = %s, command4: %s = %s, command5: %s = %s, command6: %s = %s, output1: %s, output2: %s, output3: %s, output4: %s"), enabled, rpt1Callsign.c_str(), rpt2Callsign.c_str(), shutdown.c_str(), startup.c_str(), status1.c_str(), status2.c_str(), status3.c_str(), status4.c_str(), status5.c_str(), command1.c_str(), command1Line.c_str(), command2.c_str(), command2Line.c_str(), command3.c_str(), command3Line.c_str(), command4.c_str(), command4Line.c_str(), command5.c_str(), command5Line.c_str(), command6.c_str(), command6Line.c_str(), output1.c_str(), output2.c_str(), output3.c_str(), output4.c_str());

	bool logging;
	m_thread->setLogging(logging, m_audioDir);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Frame logging set to %d, in %s"), int(logging), m_audioDir.c_str());

	wxFileName wlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), WHITELIST_FILE_NAME);
	bool exists = wlFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(wlFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open white list file - %s"), wlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the white list"), list->getCount());

	wxFileName blFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = blFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(blFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open black list file - %s"), blFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the black list"), list->getCount());

	wxFileName glFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), GREYLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = glFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(glFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open grey list file - %s"), glFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the grey list"), list->getCount());

	return true;
void CGMSKRepeaterApp::createThread()
	wxString callsign, gateway;
	ACK_TYPE ack;
	bool restriction, rpt1Validation;
	getCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);

	IGMSKRepeaterThread* thread = NULL;
	switch (mode) {
			thread = new CGMSKRepeaterRXThread;
			thread = new CGMSKRepeaterTXThread;
			thread = new CGMSKRepeaterTXRXThread;
			thread = new CGMSKRepeaterTRXThread;

	thread->setCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Callsign set to \"%s\", gateway set to \"%s\", mode: %d, ack: %d, restriction: %d, RPT1 validation: %d"), callsign.c_str(), gateway.c_str(), int(mode), int(ack), restriction, rpt1Validation);

	wxString gatewayAddress, localAddress;
	unsigned int gatewayPort, localPort;
	getNetwork(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Gateway set to %s:%u, local set to %s:%u"), gatewayAddress.c_str(), gatewayPort, localAddress.c_str(), localPort);

	if (!gatewayAddress.IsEmpty()) {
		CRepeaterProtocolHandler* handler = new CRepeaterProtocolHandler(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort);

		bool res = handler->open();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the protocol handler"));

	unsigned int timeout, ackTime;
	getTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	thread->setTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Timeout set to %u secs, ack time set to %u ms"), timeout, ackTime);

	unsigned int beaconTime;
	wxString beaconText;
	bool beaconVoice;
	TEXT_LANG language;
	getBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	if (mode == MODE_GATEWAY)
		beaconTime = 0U;
	thread->setBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Beacon set to %u mins, text set to \"%s\", voice set to %d, language set to %d"), beaconTime / 60U, beaconText.c_str(), int(beaconVoice), int(language));

	unsigned int modemAddress;
	getModem(modemType, modemAddress);

#if defined(WIN32)
	IGMSKModem* modem = NULL;
	switch (modemType) {
		case GMT_LIBUSB:
			wxLogInfo(wxT("GMSK modem: type: LibUsb, address: 0x%04X"), modemAddress);
			modem =	new CGMSKModemLibUsb(modemAddress);
		case GMT_WINUSB:
			wxLogInfo(wxT("GMSK modem: type: WinUSB, address: 0x%04X"), modemAddress);
			modem =	new CGMSKModemWinUSB(modemAddress);
			wxLogError(wxT("Unknown GMSK Modem type - %d"), int(modemType));
	wxLogInfo(wxT("GMSK modem: type: LibUsb, address: 0x%04X"), modemAddress);
	IGMSKModem* modem =	new CGMSKModemLibUsb(modemAddress);

	if (modem != NULL) {
		bool res = modem->open();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the GMSK modem"));

	wxString controllerType;
	unsigned int activeHangTime;
	getController(controllerType, activeHangTime);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Controller set to %s, active hang time: %u ms"), controllerType.c_str(), activeHangTime);

	CExternalController* controller = NULL;

	wxString port;
	if (controllerType.StartsWith(wxT("Velleman K8055 - "), &port)) {
		unsigned long num;
		controller = new CExternalController(new CK8055Controller(num), false, false);
	} else if (controllerType.IsSameAs(wxT("Raspberry Pi"))) {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CRaspberryController, false, false);
	} else {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CDummyController, false, false);

	bool res = controller->open();
	if (!res)
		wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the hardware interface - %s"), controllerType.c_str());
		thread->setController(controller, activeHangTime);

	bool out1, out2, out3, out4;
	getOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	thread->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	m_frame->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Output 1 = %d, output 2 = %d, output 3 = %d, output 4 = %d"), out1, out2, out3, out4);

	bool enabled;
	wxString rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign;
	wxString shutdown, startup;
	wxString status1, status2, status3, status4, status5;
	wxString command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line;
	wxString command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line;
	wxString output1, output2, output3, output4;
	getControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, output1, output2, output3, output4);
	thread->setControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, output1, output2, output3, output4);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Control: enabled: %d, RPT1: %s, RPT2: %s, shutdown: %s, startup: %s, status1: %s, status2: %s, status3: %s, status4: %s, status5: %s, command1: %s = %s, command2: %s = %s, command3: %s = %s, command4: %s = %s, output1: %s, output2: %s, output3: %s, output4: %s"), enabled, rpt1Callsign.c_str(), rpt2Callsign.c_str(), shutdown.c_str(), startup.c_str(), status1.c_str(), status2.c_str(), status3.c_str(), status4.c_str(), status5.c_str(), command1.c_str(), command1Line.c_str(), command2.c_str(), command2Line.c_str(), command3.c_str(), command3Line.c_str(), command4.c_str(), command4Line.c_str(), output1.c_str(), output2.c_str(), output3.c_str(), output4.c_str());

	bool logging;
	thread->setLogging(logging, m_audioDir);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Frame logging set to %d, in %s"), int(logging), m_audioDir.c_str());

	wxFileName wlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), WHITELIST_FILE_NAME);
	bool exists = wlFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(wlFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open white list file - %s"), wlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the white list"), list->getCount());

	wxFileName blFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = blFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(blFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open black list file - %s"), blFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the black list"), list->getCount());

	// Convert the worker class into a thread
	m_thread = new CGMSKRepeaterThreadHelper(thread);
void CSplitRepeaterApp::createThread()
	CSplitRepeaterThread* thread = new CSplitRepeaterThread;

	wxString callsign, gateway;
	ACK_TYPE ack;
	bool restriction, rpt1Validation;
	getCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);
	thread->setCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Callsign set to \"%s\", gateway set to \"%s\", mode: %d, ack: %d, restriction: %d, RPT1 validation: %d"), callsign.c_str(), gateway.c_str(), int(mode), int(ack), restriction, rpt1Validation);

	wxString gatewayAddress, localAddress;
	unsigned int gatewayPort, localPort;
	getNetwork(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Gateway set to %s:%u, local set to %s:%u"), gatewayAddress.c_str(), gatewayPort, localAddress.c_str(), localPort);

	if (!gatewayAddress.IsEmpty() && gatewayPort > 0U && localPort > 0U) {
		CSplitRepeaterProtocolHandler* handler = new CSplitRepeaterProtocolHandler(localAddress, localPort);

		bool res = handler->open();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the protocol handler"));

		thread->setGateway(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort);

	unsigned int timeout, ackTime;
	getTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	thread->setTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Timeout set to %u secs, ack time set to %u ms"), timeout, ackTime);

	unsigned int beaconTime;
	wxString beaconText;
	bool beaconVoice;
	TEXT_LANG language;
	getBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	thread->setBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Beacon set to %u mins, text set to \"%s\", voice set to %d, language set to %d"), beaconTime / 60U, beaconText.c_str(), int(beaconVoice), int(language));

	wxString receiver1Address;
	unsigned int receiver1Port;
	getReceiver1(receiver1Address, receiver1Port);

	if (!receiver1Address.IsEmpty() && receiver1Port > 0U) {
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Receiver 1 set to %s:%u"), receiver1Address.c_str(), receiver1Port);

		bool res = thread->setReceiver1(receiver1Address, receiver1Port);
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("The IP address is invalid"));

	wxString receiver2Address;
	unsigned int receiver2Port;
	getReceiver2(receiver2Address, receiver2Port);

	if (!receiver2Address.IsEmpty() && receiver2Port > 0U) {
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Receiver 2 set to %s:%u"), receiver2Address.c_str(), receiver2Port);

		bool res = thread->setReceiver2(receiver2Address, receiver2Port);
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("The IP address is invalid"));

	wxString transmitter1Address;
	unsigned int transmitter1Port;
	getTransmitter1(transmitter1Address, transmitter1Port);

	if (!transmitter1Address.IsEmpty() && transmitter1Port > 0U) {
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Transmitter 1 set to %s:%u"), transmitter1Address.c_str(), transmitter1Port);

		bool res = thread->setTransmitter1(transmitter1Address, transmitter1Port);
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("The IP address is invalid"));

	wxString transmitter2Address;
	unsigned int transmitter2Port;
	getTransmitter2(transmitter2Address, transmitter2Port);

	if (!transmitter2Address.IsEmpty() && transmitter2Port > 0U) {
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Transmitter 2 set to %s:%u"), transmitter2Address.c_str(), transmitter2Port);

		bool res = thread->setTransmitter2(transmitter2Address, transmitter2Port);
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("The IP address is invalid"));

	bool enabled;
	wxString rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign;
	wxString shutdown, startup;
	wxString status1, status2, status3, status4, status5;
	wxString command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line;
	wxString command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line;
	getControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line);
	thread->setControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Control: enabled: %d, RPT1: %s, RPT2: %s, shutdown: %s, startup: %s, status1: %s, status2: %s, status3: %s, status4: %s, status5: %s, command1: %s = %s, command2: %s = %s, command3: %s = %s, command4: %s = %s"), enabled, rpt1Callsign.c_str(), rpt2Callsign.c_str(), shutdown.c_str(), startup.c_str(), status1.c_str(), status2.c_str(), status3.c_str(), status4.c_str(), status5.c_str(), command1.c_str(), command1Line.c_str(), command2.c_str(), command2Line.c_str(), command3.c_str(), command3Line.c_str(), command4.c_str(), command4Line.c_str());

	wxFileName wlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), WHITELIST_FILE_NAME);
	bool exists = wlFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(wlFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open white list file - %s"), wlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the white list"), list->getCount());

	wxFileName blFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = blFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(blFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open black list file - %s"), blFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the black list"), list->getCount());

	// Convert the worker class into a thread
	m_thread = new CSplitRepeaterThreadHelper(thread);
bool CDVAPNodeD::createThread()
	CDVAPNodeConfig config(m_confDir, m_name);

	wxString callsign, gateway;
	ACK_TYPE ack;
	bool restriction, rpt1Validation;
	config.getCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);

	switch (mode) {
			m_thread = new CDVAPNodeRXThread;
			m_thread = new CDVAPNodeTXThread;
			m_thread = new CDVAPNodeTRXThread;

	m_thread->setCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Callsign set to \"%s\", gateway set to \"%s\", mode: %d, ack: %d, restriction: %d, RPT1 validation: %d"), callsign.c_str(), gateway.c_str(), int(mode), int(ack), restriction, rpt1Validation);

	wxString gatewayAddress, localAddress;
	unsigned int gatewayPort, localPort;
	config.getNetwork(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Gateway set to %s:%u, local set to %s:%u"), gatewayAddress.c_str(), gatewayPort, localAddress.c_str(), localPort);

	if (!gatewayAddress.IsEmpty()) {
		CRepeaterProtocolHandler* handler = new CRepeaterProtocolHandler(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort);

		bool res = handler->open();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the protocol handler"));
			return false;


	unsigned int timeout, ackTime;
	config.getTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	m_thread->setTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Timeout set to %u secs, ack time set to %u ms"), timeout, ackTime);

	unsigned int beaconTime;
	wxString beaconText;
	bool beaconVoice;
	TEXT_LANG language;
	config.getBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	m_thread->setBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Beacon set to %u mins, text set to \"%s\", voice set to %d, language set to %d"), beaconTime / 60U, beaconText.c_str(), int(beaconVoice), int(language));

	wxString dvapPort;
	unsigned int dvapFrequency;
	int dvapPower, dvapSquelch, dvapOffset;
	config.getDVAP(dvapPort, dvapFrequency, dvapPower, dvapSquelch, dvapOffset);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("DVAP: port: %s, frequency: %u Hz, power: %d dBm, squelch: %d dBm, offset: %d Hz"), dvapPort.c_str(), dvapFrequency, dvapPower, dvapSquelch, dvapOffset);

	if (!dvapPort.IsEmpty()) {
		CDVAPController* dvap = new CDVAPController(dvapPort, dvapFrequency, dvapPower, dvapSquelch, dvapOffset);
		bool res = dvap->open();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open the DVAP"));
			return false;


	wxFileName wlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), WHITELIST_FILE_NAME);
	bool exists = wlFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(wlFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open white list file - %s"), wlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the white list"), list->getCount());

	wxFileName blFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = blFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(blFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open black list file - %s"), blFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the black list"), list->getCount());

	return true;
void CDVRPTRRepeaterApp::createThread()
	wxString callsign, gateway;
	ACK_TYPE ack;
	bool restriction, rpt1Validation;
	getCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);

	IDVRPTRRepeaterThread* thread = NULL;
	switch (mode) {
			thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterRXThread;
			thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterTXThread;
			thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterTXRXThread;
			thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterTRXThread;

	thread->setCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Callsign set to \"%s\", gateway set to \"%s\", mode: %d, ack: %d, restriction: %d, RPT1 validation: %d"), callsign.c_str(), gateway.c_str(), int(mode), int(ack), restriction, rpt1Validation);

	wxString gatewayAddress, localAddress;
	unsigned int gatewayPort, localPort;
	getNetwork(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Gateway set to %s:%u, local set to %s:%u"), gatewayAddress.c_str(), gatewayPort, localAddress.c_str(), localPort);

	if (!gatewayAddress.IsEmpty()) {
		CRepeaterProtocolHandler* handler = new CRepeaterProtocolHandler(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort);

		bool res = handler->open();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the protocol handler"));

	unsigned int timeout, ackTime;
	getTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	thread->setTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Timeout set to %u secs, ack time set to %u ms"), timeout, ackTime);

	unsigned int beaconTime;
	wxString beaconText;
	bool beaconVoice;
	TEXT_LANG language;
	getBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	if (mode == MODE_GATEWAY)
		beaconTime = 0U;
	thread->setBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Beacon set to %u mins, text set to \"%s\", voice set to %d, language set to %d"), beaconTime / 60U, beaconText.c_str(), int(beaconVoice), int(language));

	DVRPTR_VERSION modemVersion;
	wxString modemUSBPort, modemAddress, modemUSBPath;
	bool rxInvert, txInvert, channel;
	unsigned int modemPort, modLevel, txDelay;
	getModem(modemVersion, modemType, modemUSBPort, modemAddress, modemPort, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("DV-RPTR modem: version: %d, type: %d, USB port: %s, address: %s:%u, RX invert: %d, TX invert: %d, channel: %s, mod level: %u%%, TX delay: %u ms"), int(modemVersion), int(modemType), modemUSBPort.c_str(), modemAddress.c_str(), modemPort, int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), channel ? wxT("B") : wxT("A"), modLevel, txDelay);

	if (modemType == CT_USB) {
		if (!modemUSBPort.IsEmpty()) {
			if (!modemUSBPath.IsEmpty())
				wxLogInfo(wxT("DV-RPTR modem: path: %s"), modemUSBPath.c_str());

			IDVRPTRController* controller = NULL;
			switch (modemVersion) {
				case DVRPTR_V1:
					controller = new CDVRPTRControllerV1(modemUSBPort, modemUSBPath, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay);
				case DVRPTR_V2:
					controller = new CDVRPTRControllerV2(modemUSBPort, modemUSBPath, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign);
					wxLogError(wxT("Unknown DV-RPTR modem version - %d"), int(modemVersion));

			if (controller != NULL) {
				bool res = controller->open();
				if (!res) {
					wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the DV-RPTR modem"));
				} else {
	} else if (modemType == CT_NETWORK) {
		if (!modemAddress.IsEmpty()) {
			CDVRPTRControllerV2* controller = new CDVRPTRControllerV2(modemAddress, modemPort, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign);
			bool res = controller->open();
			if (!res)
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the DV-RPTR modem"));

	wxString controllerType;
	unsigned int activeHangTime;
	getController(controllerType, activeHangTime);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Controller set to %s, active hang time: %u ms"), controllerType.c_str(), activeHangTime);

	CExternalController* controller = NULL;

	wxString port;
	if (controllerType.StartsWith(wxT("Velleman K8055 - "), &port)) {
		unsigned long num;
		controller = new CExternalController(new CK8055Controller(num), false, false);
	} else if (controllerType.IsSameAs(wxT("Raspberry Pi"))) {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CRaspberryController, false, false);
	} else {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CDummyController, false, false);

	bool res = controller->open();
	if (!res)
		wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the hardware interface - %s"), controllerType.c_str());
		thread->setController(controller, activeHangTime);

	bool out1, out2, out3, out4;
	getOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	thread->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	m_frame->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Output 1 = %d, output 2 = %d, output 3 = %d, output 4 = %d"), out1, out2, out3, out4);

	bool enabled;
	wxString rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign;
	wxString shutdown, startup;
	wxString status1, status2, status3, status4, status5;
	wxString command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line;
	wxString command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line;
	wxString output1, output2, output3, output4;
	getControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, output1, output2, output3, output4);
	thread->setControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, output1, output2, output3, output4);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Control: enabled: %d, RPT1: %s, RPT2: %s, shutdown: %s, startup: %s, status1: %s, status2: %s, status3: %s, status4: %s, status5: %s, command1: %s = %s, command2: %s = %s, command3: %s = %s, command4: %s = %s, output1: %s, output2: %s, output3: %s, output4: %s"), enabled, rpt1Callsign.c_str(), rpt2Callsign.c_str(), shutdown.c_str(), startup.c_str(), status1.c_str(), status2.c_str(), status3.c_str(), status4.c_str(), status5.c_str(), command1.c_str(), command1Line.c_str(), command2.c_str(), command2Line.c_str(), command3.c_str(), command3Line.c_str(), command4.c_str(), command4Line.c_str(), output1.c_str(), output2.c_str(), output3.c_str(), output4.c_str());

	bool logging;
	thread->setLogging(logging, m_audioDir);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Frame logging set to %d, in %s"), int(logging), m_audioDir.c_str());

	wxFileName wlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), WHITELIST_FILE_NAME);
	bool exists = wlFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(wlFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open white list file - %s"), wlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the white list"), list->getCount());

	wxFileName blFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = blFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(blFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open black list file - %s"), blFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the black list"), list->getCount());

	// Convert the worker class into a thread
	m_thread = new CDVRPTRRepeaterThreadHelper(thread);
Example #6
void CIRCDDBGatewayApp::createThread()
	wxASSERT(m_config != NULL);

	CIRCDDBGatewayThread* thread = new CIRCDDBGatewayThread(m_logDir, m_name);

	GATEWAY_TYPE gatewayType;
	wxString gatewayCallsign, gatewayAddress, icomAddress, hbAddress, description1, description2, url;
	unsigned int icomPort, hbPort;
	double latitude, longitude;
	m_config->getGateway(gatewayType, gatewayCallsign, gatewayAddress, icomAddress, icomPort, hbAddress, hbPort, latitude, longitude, description1, description2, url);

	gatewayCallsign.Append(wxT("        "));
	gatewayCallsign.Truncate(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U);

	wxString callsign = gatewayCallsign;
	callsign.Append(wxT(" "));


	wxLogInfo(wxT("Gateway type: %d, callsign: \"%s\", address: %s, Icom address: %s:%u, homebrew address: %s:%u, latitude: %lf, longitude: %lf, description: \"%s %s\", URL: \"%s\""), int(gatewayType), gatewayCallsign.c_str(), gatewayAddress.c_str(), icomAddress.c_str(), icomPort, hbAddress.c_str(), hbPort, latitude, longitude, description1.c_str(), description2.c_str(), url.c_str());

	thread->setGateway(gatewayType, gatewayCallsign, gatewayAddress);

	wxString aprsHostname;
	unsigned int aprsPort;
	bool aprsEnabled;
	m_config->getDPRS(aprsEnabled, aprsHostname, aprsPort);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("APRS enabled: %d, host: %s:%u"), int(aprsEnabled), aprsHostname.c_str(), aprsPort);

	CAPRSWriter* aprs = NULL;
	if (aprsEnabled && !gatewayCallsign.IsEmpty() && !aprsHostname.IsEmpty() && aprsPort != 0U) {
		aprs = new CAPRSWriter(aprsHostname, aprsPort, gatewayCallsign, gatewayAddress);

		bool res = aprs->open();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot initialise the APRS data writer"));

	TEXT_LANG language;
	bool infoEnabled, echoEnabled, logEnabled, dratsEnabled, dtmfEnabled;
	m_config->getMiscellaneous(language, infoEnabled, echoEnabled, logEnabled, dratsEnabled, dtmfEnabled);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Language: %d, info enabled: %d, echo enabled: %d, log enabled : %d, D-RATS enabled: %d, DTMF control enabled: %d"), int(language), int(infoEnabled), int(echoEnabled), int(logEnabled), int(dratsEnabled), int(dtmfEnabled));

	CIcomRepeaterProtocolHandler* icomRepeaterHandler = NULL;
	CHBRepeaterProtocolHandler* hbRepeaterHandler = NULL;
	CDummyRepeaterProtocolHandler* dummyRepeaterHandler = NULL;

	unsigned int icomCount = 0U;

	wxString repeaterCall1, repeaterBand1, repeaterAddress1, reflector1, description11, description12, url1;
	double frequency1, offset1, range1, latitude1, longitude1, agl1;
	unsigned char band11, band12, band13;
	unsigned int repeaterPort1;
	HW_TYPE repeaterType1;
	bool atStartup1;
	RECONNECT reconnect1;
	m_config->getRepeater1(repeaterCall1, repeaterBand1, repeaterType1, repeaterAddress1, repeaterPort1, band11, band12, band13, reflector1, atStartup1, reconnect1, frequency1, offset1, range1, latitude1, longitude1, agl1, description11, description12, url1);

	CUtils::clean(description11, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));
	CUtils::clean(description12, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));
	CUtils::clean(url1, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));

	wxString callsign1 = callsign;
	if (!repeaterBand1.IsSameAs(wxT(" "))) {
		if (!repeaterCall1.IsEmpty()) {
			callsign1 = repeaterCall1;
			callsign1.Append(wxT("        "));

		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 1 callsign: \"%.7s%s\", hardware type: %d, address: %s:%u"), callsign1.c_str(), repeaterBand1.c_str(), int(repeaterType1), repeaterAddress1.c_str(), repeaterPort1);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 1 reflector: %s, at startup: %d, reconnect: %d"), reflector1.c_str(), atStartup1, reconnect1);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 1 latitude: %lf, longitude: %lf, range: %.0lf kms, height: %.0lf m, frequency: %.4lf MHz, offset: %.4lf MHz"), latitude1, longitude1, range1, agl1, frequency1, offset1);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 1 description: \"%s %s\", URL: \"%s\""), description11.c_str(), description12.c_str(), url1.c_str());

		if (repeaterType1 == HW_ICOM && !icomAddress.IsEmpty()) {
			icomRepeaterHandler = new CIcomRepeaterProtocolHandler(icomAddress, icomPort, repeaterAddress1, repeaterPort1);
			bool res = icomRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Icom repeater protocol handler"));
				delete icomRepeaterHandler;
				icomRepeaterHandler = NULL;
		} else if (repeaterType1 == HW_HOMEBREW && !hbAddress.IsEmpty()) {
			hbRepeaterHandler = new CHBRepeaterProtocolHandler(hbAddress, hbPort);
			bool res = hbRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Homebrew repeater protocol handler"));
				delete hbRepeaterHandler;
				hbRepeaterHandler = NULL;
		} else if (repeaterType1 == HW_DUMMY && !hbAddress.IsEmpty()) {
			dummyRepeaterHandler = new CDummyRepeaterProtocolHandler;
			bool res = dummyRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Dummy repeater protocol handler"));
				delete dummyRepeaterHandler;
				dummyRepeaterHandler = NULL;

		if (latitude1 == 0.0 && longitude1 == 0.0) {
			latitude1  = latitude;
			longitude1 = longitude;

		if (description11.IsEmpty())
			description11 = description1;
		if (description12.IsEmpty())
			description12 = description2;

		if (url1.IsEmpty())
			url1 = url;

		if (repeaterType1 == HW_ICOM && icomRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 1 bands: %u %u %u"), band11, band12, band13);
			thread->addRepeater(callsign1, repeaterBand1, repeaterAddress1, repeaterPort1, repeaterType1, reflector1, atStartup1, reconnect1, dratsEnabled, frequency1, offset1, range1, latitude1, longitude1, agl1, description11, description12, url1, icomRepeaterHandler, band11, band12, band13);

			if (aprs != NULL)
				aprs->setPort(callsign1, repeaterBand1, frequency1, offset1, range1, latitude1, longitude1, agl1);

		} else if (repeaterType1 == HW_HOMEBREW && hbRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			thread->addRepeater(callsign1, repeaterBand1, repeaterAddress1, repeaterPort1, repeaterType1, reflector1, atStartup1, reconnect1, dratsEnabled, frequency1, offset1, range1, latitude1, longitude1, agl1, description11, description12, url1, hbRepeaterHandler);

			if (aprs != NULL)
				aprs->setPort(callsign1, repeaterBand1, frequency1, offset1, range1, latitude1, longitude1, agl1);
		} else if (repeaterType1 == HW_DUMMY && dummyRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			thread->addRepeater(callsign1, repeaterBand1, repeaterAddress1, repeaterPort1, repeaterType1, reflector1, atStartup1, reconnect1, dratsEnabled, frequency1, offset1, range1, latitude1, longitude1, agl1, description11, description12, url1, dummyRepeaterHandler);

	wxString repeaterCall2, repeaterBand2, repeaterAddress2, reflector2, description21, description22, url2;
	double frequency2, offset2, range2, latitude2, longitude2, agl2;
	unsigned char band21, band22, band23;
	unsigned int repeaterPort2;
	HW_TYPE repeaterType2;
	bool atStartup2;
	RECONNECT reconnect2;
	m_config->getRepeater2(repeaterCall2, repeaterBand2, repeaterType2, repeaterAddress2, repeaterPort2, band21, band22, band23, reflector2, atStartup2, reconnect2, frequency2, offset2, range2, latitude2, longitude2, agl2, description21, description22, url2);

	CUtils::clean(description21, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));
	CUtils::clean(description22, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));
	CUtils::clean(url2, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));

	wxString callsign2 = callsign;
	if (!repeaterBand2.IsSameAs(wxT(" "))) {
		if (!repeaterCall2.IsEmpty()) {
			callsign2 = repeaterCall2;
			callsign2.Append(wxT("        "));

		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 2 callsign: \"%.7s%s\", hardware type: %d, address: %s:%u"), callsign2.c_str(), repeaterBand2.c_str(), int(repeaterType2), repeaterAddress2.c_str(), repeaterPort2);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 2 reflector: %s, at startup: %d, reconnect: %d"), reflector2.c_str(), atStartup2, reconnect2);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 2 latitude: %lf, longitude: %lf, range: %.0lf kms, height: %.0lf m, frequency: %.4lf MHz, offset: %.4lf MHz"), latitude2, longitude2, range2, agl2, frequency2, offset2);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 2 description: \"%s %s\", URL: \"%s\""), description21.c_str(), description22.c_str(), url2.c_str());

		if (callsign1.IsSameAs(callsign2) && repeaterBand1.IsSameAs(repeaterBand2)) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Repeater 2 has the same callsign and module as repeater 1, exiting"));

		if (repeaterType2 == HW_ICOM && !icomAddress.IsEmpty() && icomRepeaterHandler == NULL) {
			icomRepeaterHandler = new CIcomRepeaterProtocolHandler(icomAddress, icomPort, repeaterAddress2, repeaterPort2);
			bool res = icomRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Icom repeater protocol handler"));
				delete icomRepeaterHandler;
				icomRepeaterHandler = NULL;
		} else if (repeaterType2 == HW_HOMEBREW && !hbAddress.IsEmpty() && hbRepeaterHandler == NULL) {
			hbRepeaterHandler = new CHBRepeaterProtocolHandler(hbAddress, hbPort);
			bool res = hbRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Homebrew repeater protocol handler"));
				delete hbRepeaterHandler;
				hbRepeaterHandler = NULL;
		} else if (repeaterType2 == HW_DUMMY && !hbAddress.IsEmpty() && dummyRepeaterHandler == NULL) {
			dummyRepeaterHandler = new CDummyRepeaterProtocolHandler;
			bool res = dummyRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Dummy repeater protocol handler"));
				delete dummyRepeaterHandler;
				dummyRepeaterHandler = NULL;

		if (latitude2 == 0.0 && longitude2 == 0.0) {
			latitude2  = latitude;
			longitude2 = longitude;

		if (description21.IsEmpty())
			description21 = description1;
		if (description22.IsEmpty())
			description22 = description2;

		if (url2.IsEmpty())
			url2 = url;

		if (repeaterType2 == HW_ICOM && icomRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 2 bands: %u %u %u"), band21, band22, band23);
			thread->addRepeater(callsign2, repeaterBand2, repeaterAddress2, repeaterPort2, repeaterType2, reflector2, atStartup2, reconnect2, dratsEnabled, frequency2, offset2, range2, latitude2, longitude2, agl2, description21, description22, url2, icomRepeaterHandler, band21, band22, band23);

			if (aprs != NULL)
				aprs->setPort(callsign2, repeaterBand2, frequency2, offset2, range2, latitude2, longitude2, agl2);

		} else if (repeaterType2 == HW_HOMEBREW && hbRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			thread->addRepeater(callsign2, repeaterBand2, repeaterAddress2, repeaterPort2, repeaterType2, reflector2, atStartup2, reconnect2, dratsEnabled, frequency2, offset2, range2, latitude2, longitude2, agl2, description21, description22, url2, hbRepeaterHandler);

			if (aprs != NULL)
				aprs->setPort(callsign2, repeaterBand2, frequency2, offset2, range2, latitude2, longitude2, agl2);
		} else if (repeaterType2 == HW_DUMMY && dummyRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			thread->addRepeater(callsign2, repeaterBand2, repeaterAddress2, repeaterPort2, repeaterType2, reflector2, atStartup2, reconnect2, dratsEnabled, frequency2, offset2, range2, latitude2, longitude2, agl2, description21, description22, url2, dummyRepeaterHandler);

	wxString repeaterCall3, repeaterBand3, repeaterAddress3, reflector3, description31, description32, url3;
	double frequency3, offset3, range3, latitude3, longitude3, agl3;
	unsigned char band31, band32, band33;
	unsigned int repeaterPort3;
	HW_TYPE repeaterType3;
	bool atStartup3;
	RECONNECT reconnect3;
	m_config->getRepeater3(repeaterCall3, repeaterBand3, repeaterType3, repeaterAddress3, repeaterPort3, band31, band32, band33, reflector3, atStartup3, reconnect3, frequency3, offset3, range3, latitude3, longitude3, agl3, description31, description32, url3);

	CUtils::clean(description31, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));
	CUtils::clean(description32, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));
	CUtils::clean(url3, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));

	wxString callsign3 = callsign;
	if (!repeaterBand3.IsSameAs(wxT(" "))) {
		if (!repeaterCall3.IsEmpty()) {
			callsign3 = repeaterCall3;
			callsign3.Append(wxT("        "));

		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 3 callsign: \"%.7s%s\", hardware type: %d, address: %s:%u"), callsign3.c_str(), repeaterBand3.c_str(), int(repeaterType3), repeaterAddress3.c_str(), repeaterPort3);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 3 reflector: %s, at startup: %d, reconnect: %d"), reflector3.c_str(), atStartup3, reconnect3);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 3 latitude: %lf, longitude: %lf, range: %.0lf kms, height: %.0lf m, frequency: %.4lf MHz, offset: %.4lf MHz"), latitude3, longitude3, range3, agl3, frequency3, offset3);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 3 description: \"%s %s\", URL: \"%s\""), description31.c_str(), description32.c_str(), url3.c_str());

		if (callsign1.IsSameAs(callsign3) && repeaterBand1.IsSameAs(repeaterBand3)) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Repeater 3 has the same callsign and module as repeater 1, exiting"));
		if (callsign2.IsSameAs(callsign3) && repeaterBand2.IsSameAs(repeaterBand3)) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Repeater 3 has the same callsign and module as repeater 2, exiting"));

		if (repeaterType3 == HW_ICOM && !icomAddress.IsEmpty() && icomRepeaterHandler == NULL) {
			icomRepeaterHandler = new CIcomRepeaterProtocolHandler(icomAddress, icomPort, repeaterAddress3, repeaterPort3);
			bool res = icomRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Icom repeater protocol handler"));
				delete icomRepeaterHandler;
				icomRepeaterHandler = NULL;
		} else if (repeaterType3 == HW_HOMEBREW && !hbAddress.IsEmpty() && hbRepeaterHandler == NULL) {
			hbRepeaterHandler = new CHBRepeaterProtocolHandler(hbAddress, hbPort);
			bool res = hbRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Homebrew repeater protocol handler"));
				delete hbRepeaterHandler;
				hbRepeaterHandler = NULL;
		} else if (repeaterType3 == HW_DUMMY && !hbAddress.IsEmpty() && dummyRepeaterHandler == NULL) {
			dummyRepeaterHandler = new CDummyRepeaterProtocolHandler;
			bool res = dummyRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Dummy repeater protocol handler"));
				delete dummyRepeaterHandler;
				dummyRepeaterHandler = NULL;

		if (latitude3 == 0.0 && longitude3 == 0.0) {
			latitude3  = latitude;
			longitude3 = longitude;

		if (description31.IsEmpty())
			description31 = description1;
		if (description32.IsEmpty())
			description32 = description2;

		if (url3.IsEmpty())
			url3 = url;

		if (repeaterType3 == HW_ICOM && icomRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 3 bands: %u %u %u"), band31, band32, band33);
			thread->addRepeater(callsign3, repeaterBand3, repeaterAddress3, repeaterPort3, repeaterType3, reflector3, atStartup3, reconnect3, dratsEnabled, frequency3, offset3, range3, latitude3, longitude3, agl3, description31, description32, url3, icomRepeaterHandler, band31, band32, band33);

			if (aprs != NULL)
				aprs->setPort(callsign3, repeaterBand3, frequency3, offset3, range3, latitude3, longitude3, agl3);

		} else if (repeaterType3 == HW_HOMEBREW && hbRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			thread->addRepeater(callsign3, repeaterBand3, repeaterAddress3, repeaterPort3, repeaterType3, reflector3, atStartup3, reconnect3, dratsEnabled, frequency3, offset3, range3, latitude3, longitude3, agl3, description31, description32, url3, hbRepeaterHandler);

			if (aprs != NULL)
				aprs->setPort(callsign3, repeaterBand3, frequency3, offset3, range3, latitude3, longitude3, agl3);
		} else if (repeaterType3 == HW_DUMMY && dummyRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			thread->addRepeater(callsign3, repeaterBand3, repeaterAddress3, repeaterPort3, repeaterType3, reflector3, atStartup3, reconnect3, dratsEnabled, frequency3, offset3, range3, latitude3, longitude3, agl3, description31, description32, url3, dummyRepeaterHandler);

	wxString repeaterCall4, repeaterBand4, repeaterAddress4, reflector4, description41, description42, url4;
	double frequency4, offset4, range4, latitude4, longitude4, agl4;
	unsigned char band41, band42, band43;
	unsigned int repeaterPort4;
	HW_TYPE repeaterType4;
	bool atStartup4;
	RECONNECT reconnect4;
	m_config->getRepeater4(repeaterCall4, repeaterBand4, repeaterType4, repeaterAddress4, repeaterPort4, band41, band42, band43, reflector4, atStartup4, reconnect4, frequency4, offset4, range4, latitude4, longitude4, agl4, description41, description42, url4);

	CUtils::clean(description41, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));
	CUtils::clean(description42, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));
	CUtils::clean(url4, wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 .,&*()-+=@/?:;"));

	wxString callsign4 = callsign;
	if (!repeaterBand4.IsSameAs(wxT(" "))) {
		if (!repeaterCall4.IsEmpty()) {
			callsign4 = repeaterCall4;
			callsign4.Append(wxT("        "));

		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 4 callsign: \"%.7s%s\", hardware type: %d, address: %s:%u"), callsign4.c_str(), repeaterBand4.c_str(), int(repeaterType4), repeaterAddress4.c_str(), repeaterPort4);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 4 reflector: %s, at startup: %d, reconnect: %d"), reflector4.c_str(), atStartup4, reconnect4);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 4 latitude: %lf, longitude: %lf, range: %.0lf kms, height: %.0lf m, frequency: %.4lf MHz, offset: %.4lf MHz"), latitude4, longitude4, range4, agl4, frequency4, offset4);
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 4 description: \"%s %s\", URL: \"%s\""), description41.c_str(), description42.c_str(), url4.c_str());

		if (callsign1.IsSameAs(callsign4) && repeaterBand1.IsSameAs(repeaterBand4)) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Repeater 4 has the same callsign and module as repeater 1, exiting"));
		if (callsign2.IsSameAs(callsign4) && repeaterBand2.IsSameAs(repeaterBand4)) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Repeater 4 has the same callsign and module as repeater 2, exiting"));
		if (callsign3.IsSameAs(callsign4) && repeaterBand3.IsSameAs(repeaterBand4)) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Repeater 4 has the same callsign and module as repeater 3, exiting"));

		if (repeaterType4 == HW_ICOM && !icomAddress.IsEmpty() && icomRepeaterHandler == NULL) {
			icomRepeaterHandler = new CIcomRepeaterProtocolHandler(icomAddress, icomPort, repeaterAddress4, repeaterPort4);
			bool res = icomRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Icom repeater protocol handler"));
				delete icomRepeaterHandler;
				icomRepeaterHandler = NULL;
		} else if (repeaterType4 == HW_HOMEBREW && !hbAddress.IsEmpty() && hbRepeaterHandler == NULL) {
			hbRepeaterHandler = new CHBRepeaterProtocolHandler(hbAddress, hbPort);
			bool res = hbRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Homebrew repeater protocol handler"));
				delete hbRepeaterHandler;
				hbRepeaterHandler = NULL;
		} else if (repeaterType4 == HW_DUMMY && !hbAddress.IsEmpty() && dummyRepeaterHandler == NULL) {
			dummyRepeaterHandler = new CDummyRepeaterProtocolHandler;
			bool res = dummyRepeaterHandler->open();
			if (!res) {
				wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the Dummy repeater protocol handler"));
				delete dummyRepeaterHandler;
				dummyRepeaterHandler = NULL;

		if (latitude4 == 0.0 && longitude4 == 0.0) {
			latitude4  = latitude;
			longitude4 = longitude;

		if (description41.IsEmpty())
			description41 = description1;
		if (description42.IsEmpty())
			description42 = description2;

		if (url4.IsEmpty())
			url4 = url;

		if (repeaterType4 == HW_ICOM && icomRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("Repeater 4 bands: %u %u %u"), band41, band42, band43);
			thread->addRepeater(callsign4, repeaterBand4, repeaterAddress4, repeaterPort4, repeaterType4, reflector4, atStartup4, reconnect4, dratsEnabled, frequency4, offset4, range4, latitude4, longitude4, agl4, description41, description42, url4, icomRepeaterHandler, band41, band42, band43);

			if (aprs != NULL)
				aprs->setPort(callsign4, repeaterBand4, frequency4, offset4, range4, latitude4, longitude4, agl4);

		} else if (repeaterType4 == HW_HOMEBREW && hbRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			thread->addRepeater(callsign4, repeaterBand4, repeaterAddress4, repeaterPort4, repeaterType4, reflector4, atStartup4, reconnect4, dratsEnabled, frequency4, offset4, range4, latitude4, longitude4, agl4, description41, description42, url4, hbRepeaterHandler);

			if (aprs != NULL)
				aprs->setPort(callsign4, repeaterBand4, frequency4, offset4, range4, latitude4, longitude4, agl4);
		} else if (repeaterType4 == HW_DUMMY && dummyRepeaterHandler != NULL) {
			thread->addRepeater(callsign4, repeaterBand4, repeaterAddress4, repeaterPort4, repeaterType4, reflector4, atStartup4, reconnect4, dratsEnabled, frequency4, offset4, range4, latitude4, longitude4, agl4, description41, description42, url4, dummyRepeaterHandler);

	if (icomRepeaterHandler != NULL)

	bool ircDDBEnabled;
	wxString ircDDBHostname, ircDDBUsername, ircDDBPassword;
	m_config->getIrcDDB(ircDDBEnabled, ircDDBHostname, ircDDBUsername, ircDDBPassword);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("ircDDB enabled: %d, host: %s, username: %s"), int(ircDDBEnabled), ircDDBHostname.c_str(), ircDDBUsername.c_str());

	if (ircDDBEnabled) {
#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
		CIRCDDB* ircDDB = new CIRCDDB(ircDDBHostname, 9007U, ircDDBUsername, ircDDBPassword, wxT("win_") + LOG_BASE_NAME + wxT("-") + VERSION, gatewayAddress); 
		CIRCDDB* ircDDB = new CIRCDDB(ircDDBHostname, 9007U, ircDDBUsername, ircDDBPassword, wxT("linux_") + LOG_BASE_NAME + wxT("-") + VERSION, gatewayAddress); 
		bool res = ircDDB->open();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot initialise the ircDDB protocol handler"));
			ircDDBEnabled = false;
		} else {

	if (ircDDBEnabled) {
		wxString starNetBand1, starNetCallsign1, starNetLogoff1, starNetInfo1, starNetPermanent1, link1;		// DEXTRA_LINK || DCS_LINK
		unsigned int starNetUserTimeout1, starNetGroupTimeout1;
		STARNET_CALLSIGN_SWITCH starNetCallsignSwitch1;
		bool starNetTXMsgSwitch1;
		m_config->getStarNet1(starNetBand1, starNetCallsign1, starNetLogoff1, starNetInfo1, starNetPermanent1, starNetUserTimeout1, starNetGroupTimeout1, starNetCallsignSwitch1, starNetTXMsgSwitch1
#if defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)

		if (!starNetCallsign1.IsEmpty() && !starNetCallsign1.IsSameAs(wxT("        "))) {
			wxString repeater = gatewayCallsign;
			repeater.Truncate(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U);

#if defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign1, starNetLogoff1, repeater, starNetInfo1, starNetPermanent1, starNetUserTimeout1, starNetGroupTimeout1, starNetCallsignSwitch1, starNetTXMsgSwitch1, link1);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 1 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d, reflector: %s"), starNetCallsign1.c_str(), starNetLogoff1.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo1.c_str(), starNetPermanent1.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout1, starNetGroupTimeout1, int(starNetCallsignSwitch1), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch1), link1.c_str());
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign1, starNetLogoff1, repeater, starNetInfo1, starNetPermanent1, starNetUserTimeout1, starNetGroupTimeout1, starNetCallsignSwitch1, starNetTXMsgSwitch1);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 1 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d"), starNetCallsign1.c_str(), starNetLogoff1.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo1.c_str(), starNetPermanent1.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout1, starNetGroupTimeout1, int(starNetCallsignSwitch1), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch1));

		wxString starNetBand2, starNetCallsign2, starNetLogoff2, starNetInfo2, starNetPermanent2, link2;		// DEXTRA_LINK || DCS_LINK
		unsigned int starNetUserTimeout2, starNetGroupTimeout2;
		STARNET_CALLSIGN_SWITCH starNetCallsignSwitch2;
		bool starNetTXMsgSwitch2;
		m_config->getStarNet2(starNetBand2, starNetCallsign2, starNetLogoff2, starNetInfo2, starNetPermanent2, starNetUserTimeout2, starNetGroupTimeout2, starNetCallsignSwitch2, starNetTXMsgSwitch2
#if	defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)

		if (!starNetCallsign2.IsEmpty() && !starNetCallsign2.IsSameAs(wxT("        "))) {
			wxString repeater = gatewayCallsign;
			repeater.Truncate(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U);

#if defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign2, starNetLogoff2, repeater, starNetInfo2, starNetPermanent2, starNetUserTimeout2, starNetGroupTimeout2, starNetCallsignSwitch2, starNetTXMsgSwitch2, link2);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 2 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d, reflector: %s"), starNetCallsign2.c_str(), starNetLogoff2.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo2.c_str(), starNetPermanent2.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout2, starNetGroupTimeout2, int(starNetCallsignSwitch2), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch2), link2.c_str());
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign2, starNetLogoff2, repeater, starNetInfo2, starNetPermanent2, starNetUserTimeout2, starNetGroupTimeout2, starNetCallsignSwitch2, starNetTXMsgSwitch2);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 2 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d"), starNetCallsign2.c_str(), starNetLogoff2.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo2.c_str(), starNetPermanent2.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout2, starNetGroupTimeout2, int(starNetCallsignSwitch2), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch2));

		wxString starNetBand3, starNetCallsign3, starNetLogoff3, starNetInfo3, starNetPermanent3, link3;		// DEXTRA_LINK || DCS_LINK
		unsigned int starNetUserTimeout3, starNetGroupTimeout3;
		STARNET_CALLSIGN_SWITCH starNetCallsignSwitch3;
		bool starNetTXMsgSwitch3;
		m_config->getStarNet3(starNetBand3, starNetCallsign3, starNetLogoff3, starNetInfo3, starNetPermanent3, starNetUserTimeout3, starNetGroupTimeout3, starNetCallsignSwitch3, starNetTXMsgSwitch3
#if defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)

		if (!starNetCallsign3.IsEmpty() && !starNetCallsign3.IsSameAs(wxT("        "))) {
			wxString repeater = gatewayCallsign;
			repeater.Truncate(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U);

#if defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign3, starNetLogoff3, repeater, starNetInfo3, starNetPermanent3, starNetUserTimeout3, starNetGroupTimeout3, starNetCallsignSwitch3, starNetTXMsgSwitch3, link3);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 3 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d, reflector: %s"), starNetCallsign3.c_str(), starNetLogoff3.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo3.c_str(), starNetPermanent3.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout3, starNetGroupTimeout3, int(starNetCallsignSwitch3), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch3), link3.c_str());
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign3, starNetLogoff3, repeater, starNetInfo3, starNetPermanent3, starNetUserTimeout3, starNetGroupTimeout3, starNetCallsignSwitch3, starNetTXMsgSwitch3);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 3 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d"), starNetCallsign3.c_str(), starNetLogoff3.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo3.c_str(), starNetPermanent3.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout3, starNetGroupTimeout3, int(starNetCallsignSwitch3), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch3));

		wxString starNetBand4, starNetCallsign4, starNetLogoff4, starNetInfo4, starNetPermanent4, link4;		// DEXTRA_LINK || DCS_LINK
		unsigned int starNetUserTimeout4, starNetGroupTimeout4;
		STARNET_CALLSIGN_SWITCH starNetCallsignSwitch4;
		bool starNetTXMsgSwitch4;
		m_config->getStarNet4(starNetBand4, starNetCallsign4, starNetLogoff4, starNetInfo4, starNetPermanent4, starNetUserTimeout4, starNetGroupTimeout4, starNetCallsignSwitch4, starNetTXMsgSwitch4
#if defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)

		if (!starNetCallsign4.IsEmpty() && !starNetCallsign4.IsSameAs(wxT("        "))) {
			wxString repeater = gatewayCallsign;
			repeater.Truncate(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U);

#if defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign4, starNetLogoff4, repeater, starNetInfo4, starNetPermanent4, starNetUserTimeout4, starNetGroupTimeout4, starNetCallsignSwitch4, starNetTXMsgSwitch4, link4);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 4 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d, reflector: %s"), starNetCallsign4.c_str(), starNetLogoff4.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo4.c_str(), starNetPermanent4.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout4, starNetGroupTimeout4, int(starNetCallsignSwitch4), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch4), link4.c_str());
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign4, starNetLogoff4, repeater, starNetInfo4, starNetPermanent4, starNetUserTimeout4, starNetGroupTimeout4, starNetCallsignSwitch4, starNetTXMsgSwitch4);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 4 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d"), starNetCallsign4.c_str(), starNetLogoff4.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo4.c_str(), starNetPermanent4.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout4, starNetGroupTimeout4, int(starNetCallsignSwitch4), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch4));

		wxString starNetBand5, starNetCallsign5, starNetLogoff5, starNetInfo5, starNetPermanent5, link5;		// DEXTRA_LINK || DCS_LINK
		unsigned int starNetUserTimeout5, starNetGroupTimeout5;
		STARNET_CALLSIGN_SWITCH starNetCallsignSwitch5;
		bool starNetTXMsgSwitch5;
		m_config->getStarNet5(starNetBand5, starNetCallsign5, starNetLogoff5, starNetInfo5, starNetPermanent5, starNetUserTimeout5, starNetGroupTimeout5, starNetCallsignSwitch5, starNetTXMsgSwitch5
#if defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)

		if (!starNetCallsign5.IsEmpty() && !starNetCallsign5.IsSameAs(wxT("        "))) {
			wxString repeater = gatewayCallsign;
			repeater.Truncate(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U);

#if defined(DEXTRA_LINK) || defined(DCS_LINK)
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign5, starNetLogoff5, repeater, starNetInfo5, starNetPermanent5, starNetUserTimeout5, starNetGroupTimeout5, starNetCallsignSwitch5, starNetTXMsgSwitch5, link5);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 5 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d, reflector: %s"), starNetCallsign5.c_str(), starNetLogoff5.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo5.c_str(), starNetPermanent5.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout5, starNetGroupTimeout5, int(starNetCallsignSwitch5), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch5), link5.c_str());
			thread->addStarNet(starNetCallsign5, starNetLogoff5, repeater, starNetInfo5, starNetPermanent5, starNetUserTimeout5, starNetGroupTimeout5, starNetCallsignSwitch5, starNetTXMsgSwitch5);
			wxLogInfo(wxT("STARnet group 5 set to %s/%s on repeater %s, info: \"%s\", permanent: %s, user: %u mins, group: %u mins, callsign switch: %d, tx msg switch: %d"), starNetCallsign5.c_str(), starNetLogoff5.c_str(), repeater.c_str(), starNetInfo5.c_str(), starNetPermanent5.c_str(), starNetUserTimeout5, starNetGroupTimeout5, int(starNetCallsignSwitch5), int(starNetTXMsgSwitch5));

	bool dextraEnabled;
	unsigned int dextraMaxDongles;
	m_config->getDExtra(dextraEnabled, dextraMaxDongles);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("DExtra enabled: %d, max. dongles: %u"), int(dextraEnabled), dextraMaxDongles);

	bool remoteEnabled;
	wxString remotePassword;
	unsigned int remotePort;
	m_config->getRemote(remoteEnabled, remotePassword, remotePort);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Remote enabled: %d, port: %u"), int(remoteEnabled), remotePort);
	thread->setRemote(remoteEnabled, remotePassword, remotePort);

	wxString dplusLogin;
	unsigned int dplusMaxDongles;
	bool dplusEnabled;
	m_config->getDPlus(dplusEnabled, dplusMaxDongles, dplusLogin);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("D-Plus enabled: %d, max. dongles; %u, login: %s"), int(dplusEnabled), dplusMaxDongles, dplusLogin.c_str());

	bool dcsEnabled, ccsEnabled;
	wxString ccsHost;
	m_config->getDCS(dcsEnabled, ccsEnabled, ccsHost);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("DCS enabled: %d, CCS enabled: %d, server: %s"), int(dcsEnabled), int(ccsEnabled), ccsHost.c_str());

	if (repeaterBand1.Len() > 1U || repeaterBand2.Len() > 1U ||
		repeaterBand3.Len() > 1U || repeaterBand4.Len() > 1U) {
		wxLogInfo(wxT("DD mode enabled"));

	wxFileName wlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), WHITELIST_FILE_NAME);
	bool exists = wlFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(wlFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open the white list file - %s"), wlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the white list"), list->getCount());

	wxFileName blFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = blFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(blFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open the black list file - %s"), blFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the black list"), list->getCount());

	wxFileName rlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), RESTRICT_FILE_NAME);
	exists = rlFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(rlFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open the restrict list file - %s"), rlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the restrict list"), list->getCount());

	thread->setDPlus(dplusEnabled, dplusMaxDongles, dplusLogin);
	thread->setDExtra(dextraEnabled, dextraMaxDongles);
	thread->setCCS(ccsEnabled, ccsHost);
	thread->setLocation(latitude, longitude);

	// Convert the worker class into a thread
	m_thread = new CIRCDDBGatewayThreadHelper(thread);
Example #7
void CDStarRepeaterApp::createThread()
	wxASSERT(m_config != NULL);

	wxString callsign, gateway;
	ACK_TYPE ack;
	bool restriction, rpt1Validation, dtmfBlanking, errorReply;
	m_config->getCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation, dtmfBlanking, errorReply);

	wxString modemType;

	// DVAP can only do simplex, force the mode accordingly
	if (modemType.IsSameAs("DVAP")) {
		if (mode == MODE_DUPLEX) {
			wxLogInfo("DVAP: changing mode from DUPLEX to SIMPLEX");
			mode = MODE_SIMPLEX;
		} else if (mode == MODE_TXANDRX) {
			wxLogInfo("DVAP: changing mode from TX_AND_RX to RX_ONLY");
			mode = MODE_RXONLY;

	//  XXX This should be m_thread eventually.
	switch (mode) {
			m_thread = new CDStarRepeaterRXThread(modemType);
			m_thread = new CDStarRepeaterTXThread(modemType);
			m_thread = new CDStarRepeaterTXRXThread(modemType);
			m_thread = new CDStarRepeaterTRXThread(modemType);

	m_thread->setCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation, dtmfBlanking, errorReply);
	wxLogInfo("Callsign set to \"%s\", gateway set to \"%s\", mode: %d, ack: %d, restriction: %d, RPT1 validation: %d, DTMF blanking: %d, Error reply: %d", callsign.c_str(), gateway.c_str(), int(mode), int(ack), int(restriction), int(rpt1Validation), int(dtmfBlanking), int(errorReply));

	wxString gatewayAddress, localAddress, name;
	unsigned int gatewayPort, localPort;
	m_config->getNetwork(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort, name);
	wxLogInfo("Gateway set to %s:%u, local set to %s:%u, name set to \"%s\"", gatewayAddress.c_str(), gatewayPort, localAddress.c_str(), localPort, name.c_str());

	if (!gatewayAddress.IsEmpty()) {
		bool local = gatewayAddress.IsSameAs("");

		CRepeaterProtocolHandler* handler = new CRepeaterProtocolHandler(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort, name);

		bool res = handler->open();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError("Cannot open the protocol handler");
			m_thread->setProtocolHandler(handler, local);

	unsigned int timeout, ackTime;
	m_config->getTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	m_thread->setTimes(timeout, ackTime);
	wxLogInfo("Timeout set to %u secs, ack time set to %u ms", timeout, ackTime);

	unsigned int beaconTime;
	wxString beaconText;
	bool beaconVoice;
	TEXT_LANG language;
	m_config->getBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	if (mode == MODE_GATEWAY)
		beaconTime = 0U;
	m_thread->setBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	wxLogInfo("Beacon set to %u mins, text set to \"%s\", voice set to %d, language set to %d", beaconTime / 60U, beaconText.c_str(), int(beaconVoice), int(language));

	bool announcementEnabled;
	unsigned int announcementTime;
	wxString announcementRecordRPT1, announcementRecordRPT2;
	wxString announcementDeleteRPT1, announcementDeleteRPT2;
	m_config->getAnnouncement(announcementEnabled, announcementTime, announcementRecordRPT1, announcementRecordRPT2, announcementDeleteRPT1, announcementDeleteRPT2);
	if (mode == MODE_GATEWAY)
		announcementEnabled = false;
	m_thread->setAnnouncement(announcementEnabled, announcementTime, announcementRecordRPT1, announcementRecordRPT2, announcementDeleteRPT1, announcementDeleteRPT2);
	wxLogInfo("Announcement enabled: %d, time: %u mins, record RPT1: \"%s\", record RPT2: \"%s\", delete RPT1: \"%s\", delete RPT2: \"%s\"", int(announcementEnabled), announcementTime / 60U, announcementRecordRPT1.c_str(), announcementRecordRPT2.c_str(), announcementDeleteRPT1.c_str(), announcementDeleteRPT2.c_str());

	wxLogInfo("Modem type set to \"%s\"", modemType.c_str());

	CModem* modem = NULL;
	if (modemType.IsSameAs("DVAP")) {
		wxString port;
		unsigned int frequency;
		int power, squelch;
		m_config->getDVAP(port, frequency, power, squelch);
		wxLogInfo("DVAP: port: %s, frequency: %u Hz, power: %d dBm, squelch: %d dBm", port.c_str(), frequency, power, squelch);
		modem = new CDVAPController(port, frequency, power, squelch);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs("DV-RPTR V1")) {
		wxString port;
		bool rxInvert, txInvert, channel;
		unsigned int modLevel, txDelay;
		m_config->getDVRPTR1(port, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay);
		wxLogInfo("DV-RPTR V1, port: %s, RX invert: %d, TX invert: %d, channel: %s, mod level: %u%%, TX delay: %u ms", port.c_str(), int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), channel ? "B" : "A", modLevel, txDelay);
		modem = new CDVRPTRV1Controller(port, wxEmptyString, rxInvert, txInvert, channel, modLevel, txDelay);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs("DV-RPTR V2")) {
		wxString usbPort, address;
		bool txInvert;
		unsigned int port, modLevel, txDelay;
		m_config->getDVRPTR2(connType, usbPort, address, port, txInvert, modLevel, txDelay);
		wxLogInfo("DV-RPTR V2, type: %d, address: %s:%u, TX invert: %d, mod level: %u%%, TX delay: %u ms", int(connType), address.c_str(), port, int(txInvert), modLevel, txDelay);
		switch (connType) {
			case CT_USB:
				modem = new CDVRPTRV2Controller(usbPort, wxEmptyString, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign, txDelay);
			case CT_NETWORK:
				modem = new CDVRPTRV2Controller(address, port, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign, txDelay);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs("DV-RPTR V3")) {
		wxString usbPort, address;
		bool txInvert;
		unsigned int port, modLevel, txDelay;
		m_config->getDVRPTR3(connType, usbPort, address, port, txInvert, modLevel, txDelay);
		wxLogInfo("DV-RPTR V3, type: %d, address: %s:%u, TX invert: %d, mod level: %u%%, TX delay: %u ms", int(connType), address.c_str(), port, int(txInvert), modLevel, txDelay);
		switch (connType) {
			case CT_USB:
				modem = new CDVRPTRV3Controller(usbPort, wxEmptyString, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign, txDelay);
			case CT_NETWORK:
				modem = new CDVRPTRV3Controller(address, port, txInvert, modLevel, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX, callsign, txDelay);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs("DVMEGA")) {
		wxString port;
		bool rxInvert, txInvert;
		unsigned int txDelay, rxFrequency, txFrequency, power;
		m_config->getDVMEGA(port, variant, rxInvert, txInvert, txDelay, rxFrequency, txFrequency, power);
		wxLogInfo("DVMEGA, port: %s, variant: %d, RX invert: %d, TX invert: %d, TX delay: %u ms, rx frequency: %u Hz, tx frequency: %u Hz, power: %u %%", port.c_str(), int(variant), int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), txDelay, rxFrequency, txFrequency, power);
		switch (variant) {
			case DVMV_MODEM:
				modem = new CDVMegaController(port, wxEmptyString, rxInvert, txInvert, txDelay);
			case DVMV_RADIO_2M:
			case DVMV_RADIO_70CM:
			case DVMV_RADIO_2M_70CM:
				modem = new CDVMegaController(port, wxEmptyString, txDelay, rxFrequency, txFrequency, power);
				wxLogError("Unknown DVMEGA variant - %d"), int(variant);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs("GMSK Modem")) {
		unsigned int address;
		m_config->getGMSK(iface, address);
		wxLogInfo("GMSK, interface: %d, address: %04X", int(iface), address);
		modem = new CGMSKController(iface, address, mode == MODE_DUPLEX || mode == MODE_TXANDRX);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs("Sound Card")) {
		wxString rxDevice, txDevice;
		bool rxInvert, txInvert;
		wxFloat32 rxLevel, txLevel;
		unsigned int txDelay, txTail;
		m_config->getSoundCard(rxDevice, txDevice, rxInvert, txInvert, rxLevel, txLevel, txDelay, txTail);
		wxLogInfo("Sound Card, devices: %s:%s, invert: %d:%d, levels: %.2f:%.2f, tx delay: %u ms, tx tail: %u ms", rxDevice.c_str(), txDevice.c_str(), int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), rxLevel, txLevel, txDelay, txTail);
		modem = new CSoundCardController(rxDevice, txDevice, rxInvert, txInvert, rxLevel, txLevel, txDelay, txTail);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs("MMDVM")) {
		wxString port;
		bool rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert;
		unsigned int txDelay, rxLevel, txLevel;
		m_config->getMMDVM(port, rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, txDelay, rxLevel, txLevel);
		wxLogInfo("MMDVM, port: %s, RX invert: %d, TX invert: %d, PTT invert: %d, TX delay: %u ms, RX level: %u%%, TX level: %u%%", port.c_str(), int(rxInvert), int(txInvert), int(pttInvert), txDelay, rxLevel, txLevel);
		modem = new CMMDVMController(port, wxEmptyString, rxInvert, txInvert, pttInvert, txDelay, rxLevel, txLevel);
	} else if (modemType.IsSameAs("Split")) {
		wxString localAddress;
		unsigned int localPort;
		wxArrayString transmitterNames, receiverNames;
		unsigned int timeout;
		m_config->getSplit(localAddress, localPort, transmitterNames, receiverNames, timeout);
		wxLogInfo("Split, local: %s:%u, timeout: %u ms", localAddress.c_str(), localPort, timeout);
		for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < transmitterNames.GetCount(); i++) {
			wxString name = transmitterNames.Item(i);
			if (!name.IsEmpty())
				wxLogInfo("\tTX %u name: %s", i + 1U, name.c_str());
		for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < receiverNames.GetCount(); i++) {
			wxString name = receiverNames.Item(i);
			if (!name.IsEmpty())
				wxLogInfo("\tRX %u name: %s", i + 1U, name.c_str());
		modem = new CSplitController(localAddress, localPort, transmitterNames, receiverNames, timeout);
	} else {
		wxLogError("Unknown modem type: %s", modemType.c_str());

	if (modem != NULL) {
		bool res = modem->start();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError("Cannot open the D-Star modem");

	wxString controllerType;
	unsigned int portConfig, activeHangTime;
	bool pttInvert;
	m_config->getController(controllerType, portConfig, pttInvert, activeHangTime);
	wxLogInfo("Controller set to %s, config: %u, PTT invert: %d, active hang time: %u ms", controllerType.c_str(), portConfig, int(pttInvert), activeHangTime);

	CExternalController* controller = NULL;

	wxString port;
	if (controllerType.StartsWith("Velleman K8055 - ", &port)) {
		unsigned long num;
		controller = new CExternalController(new CK8055Controller(num), pttInvert);
	} else if (controllerType.StartsWith("URI USB - ", &port)) {
                unsigned long num;
                controller = new CExternalController(new CURIUSBController(num, true), pttInvert);
	} else if (controllerType.StartsWith("Serial - ", &port)) {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CSerialLineController(port, portConfig), pttInvert);
	} else if (controllerType.StartsWith("Arduino - ", &port)) {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CArduinoController(port), pttInvert);
#if defined(GPIO)
	} else if (controllerType.IsSameAs("GPIO")) {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CGPIOController(portConfig), pttInvert);
	} else if (controllerType.IsSameAs(wxT("UDRC"))) {
		switch(portConfig) {
			case 1:
				controller = new CUDRCController(AUTO_FM);
			case 3:
				controller = new CUDRCController(DIGITAL_DIGITAL);
			case 4:
				controller = new CUDRCController(FM_FM);
			case 5:
				controller = new CUDRCController(HOTSPOT);
			case 2:
				controller = new CUDRCController(AUTO_AUTO);

	} else {
		wxLogError("Unrecognized controller %s, using dummy controller", controllerType);
		controller = new CExternalController(new CDummyController, pttInvert);

	bool res = controller->open();
	if (!res)
		wxLogError("Cannot open the hardware interface - %s", controllerType.c_str());
		m_thread->setController(controller, activeHangTime);

	bool out1, out2, out3, out4;
	m_config->getOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	m_thread->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
#if (wxUSE_GUI == 1)
	m_frame->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	wxLogInfo("Output 1 = %d, output 2 = %d, output 3 = %d, output 4 = %d", int(out1), int(out2), int(out3), int(out4));

	bool enabled;
	wxString rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign;
	wxString shutdown, startup;

	//  XXX Initialization should be temporary until we get them coming
	//  from m_config->getControl
	wxArrayString status;
	status.Add("", 5);
	wxArrayString command;
	command.Add("", 6);
	wxArrayString output;
	output.Add("", 4);

	m_config->getControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status[0], status[1], status[2], status[3], status[4], command[0], m_commandLine[0], command[1], m_commandLine[1], command[2], m_commandLine[2], command[3], m_commandLine[3], command[4], m_commandLine[4], command[5], m_commandLine[5], output[0], output[1], output[2], output[3]);

	m_thread->setControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown,
		startup, command, status, output);

	wxLogInfo(wxT("Control: enabled: %d, RPT1: %s, RPT2: %s, shutdown: %s, startup: %s, status1: %s, status2: %s, status3: %s, status4: %s, status5: %s, command1: %s = %s, command2: %s = %s, command3: %s = %s, command4: %s = %s, command5: %s = %s, command6: %s = %s, output1: %s, output2: %s, output3: %s, output4: %s"), enabled, rpt1Callsign.c_str(), rpt2Callsign.c_str(), shutdown.c_str(), startup.c_str(), status[0].c_str(), status[1].c_str(), status[2].c_str(), status[3].c_str(), status[4].c_str(), command[0].c_str(), m_commandLine[0].c_str(), command[1].c_str(), m_commandLine[1].c_str(), command[2].c_str(), m_commandLine[2].c_str(), command[3].c_str(), m_commandLine[3].c_str(), command[4].c_str(), m_commandLine[4].c_str(), command[5].c_str(), m_commandLine[5].c_str(), output[0].c_str(), output[1].c_str(), output[2].c_str(), output[3].c_str());

	bool logging;
	m_thread->setLogging(logging, m_audioDir);
#if (wxUSE_GUI == 1)
	wxLogInfo("Frame logging set to %d, in %s", int(logging), m_audioDir.c_str());

#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
	wxFileName wlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), PRIMARY_WHITELIST_FILE_NAME);
	bool exists = wlFilename.FileExists();

	if (!exists) {
#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
		wlFilename.Assign(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), SECONDARY_WHITELIST_FILE_NAME);
		exists = wlFilename.FileExists();

	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(wlFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError("Unable to open white list file - %s", wlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo("%u callsigns loaded into the white list", list->getCount());
#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
	wxFileName blFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), PRIMARY_BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = blFilename.FileExists();

	if (!exists) {
#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
		blFilename.Assign(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), SECONDARY_BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME);
		exists = blFilename.FileExists();

	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(blFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError("Unable to open black list file - %s", blFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo("%u callsigns loaded into the black list", list->getCount());
#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
	wxFileName glFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), GREYLIST_FILE_NAME);
		wxFileName glFilename(CONF_DIR, GREYLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = glFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(glFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError("Unable to open grey list file - %s", glFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo("%u callsigns loaded into the grey list", list->getCount());

void CSoundCardRepeaterApp::createThread()
	wxString callsign, gateway;
	ACK_TYPE ack;
	bool restriction, rpt1Validation;
	getCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);

	switch (mode) {
			m_thread = new CSoundCardRepeaterRXThread;
			m_thread = new CSoundCardRepeaterTXThread;
			m_thread = new CSoundCardRepeaterTXRXThread;
			m_thread = new CSoundCardRepeaterTRXThread;

	m_thread->setCallsign(callsign, gateway, mode, ack, restriction, rpt1Validation);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Callsign set to \"%s\", gateway set to \"%s\", mode: %d, ack: %d, restriction: %d, RPT1 validation: %d"), callsign.c_str(), gateway.c_str(), int(mode), int(ack), restriction, rpt1Validation);

	wxString gatewayAddress, localAddress;
	unsigned int gatewayPort, localPort;
	getNetwork(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Gateway set to %s:%u, local set to %s:%u"), gatewayAddress.c_str(), gatewayPort, localAddress.c_str(), localPort);

	if (!gatewayAddress.IsEmpty()) {
		CRepeaterProtocolHandler* handler = new CRepeaterProtocolHandler(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, localAddress, localPort);

		bool res = handler->open();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the protocol handler"));

	unsigned int timeout, ackTime, hangTime;
	getTimes(timeout, ackTime, hangTime);
	m_thread->setTimes(timeout, ackTime, hangTime);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Timeout set to %u secs, Ack time set to %u ms, Hang time set to %u ms"), timeout, ackTime, hangTime);

	unsigned int beaconTime;
	wxString beaconText;
	bool beaconVoice;
	TEXT_LANG language;
	getBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	m_thread->setBeacon(beaconTime, beaconText, beaconVoice, language);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Beacon set to %u mins, text set to \"%s\", voice set to %d, language set to %d"), beaconTime / 60U, beaconText.c_str(), int(beaconVoice), int(language));

	wxString readDevice, writeDevice;
	bool rxInvert, txInvert;
	wxFloat32 rxLevel, txLevel, squelchLevel;
	SQUELCH_MODE squelchMode;
	getRadio(readDevice, writeDevice, rxLevel, txLevel, squelchMode, squelchLevel, rxInvert, txInvert);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Soundcard set to %s:%s, levels: %.2f:%.2f, GMSK Inversion set to %d:%d, squelch: mode: %d level: %.2f"), readDevice.c_str(), writeDevice.c_str(), rxLevel, txLevel, rxInvert, txInvert, int(squelchMode), squelchLevel);

	if (!readDevice.IsEmpty() && !writeDevice.IsEmpty()) {
#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
		CSoundCardReaderWriter* soundcard = new CSoundCardReaderWriter(readDevice, writeDevice, DSTAR_RADIO_SAMPLE_RATE, DSTAR_RADIO_BLOCK_SIZE);
		CSoundCardReaderWriter* soundcard = new CSoundCardReaderWriter(readDevice, writeDevice, DSTAR_RADIO_SAMPLE_RATE, 64U);
		soundcard->setCallback(m_thread, 0U);

		bool res = soundcard->open();
		if (!res)
			wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the sound card"));
			m_thread->setSoundCard(soundcard, rxLevel, txLevel, squelchMode, squelchLevel, rxInvert, txInvert);

	wxString type;
	unsigned int cfg;
	int pttDelay;
	bool pttInvert;
	getController(type, cfg, pttDelay, pttInvert);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Controller set to %s, config: %u, ptt delay: %d ms, PTT Inversion set to %d"), type.c_str(), cfg, pttDelay * 20, pttInvert);

	CExternalController* controller = NULL;

	wxString port;
	if (type.StartsWith(wxT("Velleman K8055 - "), &port)) {
		unsigned long num;
		controller = new CExternalController(new CK8055Controller(num), pttInvert, false);
	} else if (type.StartsWith(wxT("URI USB - "), &port)) {
		unsigned long num;
		controller = new CExternalController(new CURIUSBController(num, false), pttInvert, false);
	} else if (type.StartsWith(wxT("Serial - "), &port)) {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CSerialController(port, cfg), pttInvert, false);
	} else {
		controller = new CExternalController(new CDummyController, pttInvert, false);

	bool res = controller->open();
	if (!res)
		wxLogError(wxT("Cannot open the hardware interface - %s"), type.c_str());
		m_thread->setController(controller, pttDelay);

	bool out1, out2, out3, out4;
	getOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	m_thread->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	m_frame->setOutputs(out1, out2, out3, out4);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Output 1 = %d, output 2 = %d, output 3 = %d, output 4 = %d"), out1, out2, out3, out4);

	bool enabled;
	wxString rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign;
	wxString shutdown, startup;
	wxString status1, status2, status3, status4, status5;
	wxString command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line;
	wxString command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line;
	wxString output1, output2, output3, output4;
	getControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, output1, output2, output3, output4);
	m_thread->setControl(enabled, rpt1Callsign, rpt2Callsign, shutdown, startup, status1, status2, status3, status4, status5, command1, command1Line, command2, command2Line, command3, command3Line, command4, command4Line, output1, output2, output3, output4);
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Control: enabled: %d, RPT1: %s, RPT2: %s, shutdown: %s, startup: %s, status1: %s, status2: %s, status3: %s, status4: %s, status5: %s, command1: %s = %s, command2: %s = %s, command3: %s = %s, command4: %s = %s, output1: %s, output2: %s, output3: %s, output4: %s"), enabled, rpt1Callsign.c_str(), rpt2Callsign.c_str(), shutdown.c_str(), startup.c_str(), status1.c_str(), status2.c_str(), status3.c_str(), status4.c_str(), status5.c_str(), command1.c_str(), command1Line.c_str(), command2.c_str(), command2Line.c_str(), command1.c_str(), command1Line.c_str(), command2.c_str(), command2Line.c_str(), command3.c_str(), command3Line.c_str(), command4.c_str(), command4Line.c_str(), output1.c_str(), output2.c_str(), output3.c_str(), output4.c_str());

	unsigned int activeHangTime;
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Active Hang: time: %u"), activeHangTime);

	bool logging;
	m_thread->setLogging(logging, ::wxGetHomeDir());
	wxLogInfo(wxT("Frame logging set to %d, in %s"), int(logging), ::wxGetHomeDir().c_str());

	wxFileName wlFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), WHITELIST_FILE_NAME);
	bool exists = wlFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(wlFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open white list file - %s"), wlFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the white list"), list->getCount());

	wxFileName blFilename(wxFileName::GetHomeDir(), BLACKLIST_FILE_NAME);
	exists = blFilename.FileExists();
	if (exists) {
		CCallsignList* list = new CCallsignList(blFilename.GetFullPath());
		bool res = list->load();
		if (!res) {
			wxLogError(wxT("Unable to open black list file - %s"), blFilename.GetFullPath().c_str());
			delete list;
		} else {
			wxLogInfo(wxT("%u callsigns loaded into the black list"), list->getCount());
