bool CSubFormCollection::ShowSubForm(int ix) { ASSERT(ix <= m_Forms.GetUpperBound()); if (ix > m_Forms.GetUpperBound()) return(false); // does not exist CDialog* pDlg; if (ix != -1) { if (m_nActiveForm != -1) { pDlg = m_Forms.GetAt(m_nActiveForm); ASSERT(pDlg != NULL); ASSERT(pDlg->m_hWnd != NULL); if ((pDlg == NULL) || (pDlg->m_hWnd == NULL)) return(false); pDlg->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } m_nActiveForm = ix; // this is the active one now; } else { if (m_nActiveForm == -1) { m_nActiveForm = 0; } } pDlg = m_Forms.GetAt(m_nActiveForm); ASSERT(pDlg != NULL); ASSERT(pDlg->m_hWnd != NULL); if ((pDlg == NULL) || (pDlg->m_hWnd == NULL)) return(false); pDlg->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); pDlg->Invalidate(); pDlg->RedrawWindow(); return(true); }
BOOL DlgAnimationExporterMain::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); UpdateData(FALSE);// // TODO: 在此添加额外的初始化 char* szItemName[] = {" 骨骼框架", "动画序列", "纹理", "模型信息", "5"}; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PAGE; i++) { m_tabExporter.InsertItem(i, szItemName[i]); } RECT rc; m_tabExporter.GetClientRect(&rc); ClientToScreen(&rc); RECT rcDlg = {0,0,0,0}; //GetClientRect(&rcDlg); //GetWindowRect(&rcDlg); //ClientToScreen(&rcDlg); RECT rcw = {rcDlg.left + rc.left, + + 21, rcDlg.left + rc.right, + rc.bottom}; CDialog* pDlg = NULL; int iDlgNum = 0; CREATE_PAGE(IDD_DIALOG1, CDlgExporterPage1); pDlg->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); CREATE_PAGE(IDD_DIALOG2, CDlgExporterPage2); CREATE_PAGE(IDD_DIALOG3, CDlgExportPage3); CREATE_PAGE(IDD_DIALOG4, CDlgExportPage4); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // 异常: OCX 属性页应返回 FALSE }
//***************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RColorDialog::ShowPage // // Description: Helper function for creating/displaying the correct // property sheet in the tab control. // // Returns: VOID // // Exceptions: None // //***************************************************************************** void RColorDialog::ShowPage( int nPage ) { CDialog* pPrevPage = m_pCurrentPage; CDialog* pPages[] = { &m_dlgColorPalette, &m_dlgColorTexture, &m_dlgColorPhoto }; int pPageIDs[] = { DIALOG_COLOR_DIALOG_GRADIENTS, m_dlgColorTexture.IDD, m_dlgColorPhoto.IDD }; TpsAssert( nPage < NumElements( pPages ), "Invalid page number!" ); if (m_pCurrentPage != pPages[nPage]) { m_pCurrentPage = pPages[nPage] ; if (!IsWindow( m_pCurrentPage->m_hWnd )) { CRect rectAdjust(0,0,0,0); CRect rectWindow(0,0,0,0); m_ctlTabCtrl.AdjustRect( TRUE, &rectAdjust ); m_ctlTabCtrl.GetWindowRect( &rectWindow ); rectWindow.left -= rectAdjust.left; -=; ScreenToClient( &rectWindow ); if (!m_pCurrentPage->Create( pPageIDs[nPage], this )) { if (!pPrevPage) return ; // Restore the current page pointer to the previous one. m_pCurrentPage = pPrevPage ; pPrevPage = NULL; // Find the index of the previous page. (For setting the tab) for (int i = 0; i < NumElements( pPages ); i++) { if (m_pCurrentPage == pPages[i]) { m_ctlTabCtrl.SetCurSel( i ) ; break ; } } } m_pCurrentPage->SetWindowPos( &wndTop, rectWindow.left,, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE ) ; } // if (IsWindow()) } // if (new page) if (pPrevPage && IsWindow( pPrevPage->m_hWnd )) pPrevPage->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE ) ; m_pCurrentPage->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ) ; GetDlgItem( IDC_COLOR_MORE )->EnableWindow( m_pCurrentPage == &m_dlgColorPalette ); }
VSTPluginLib *CSelectPluginDlg::ScanPlugins(const mpt::PathString &path, CWnd *parent) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { CVstPluginManager *pManager = theApp.GetPluginManager(); VSTPluginLib *plugLib = nullptr; bool update = false; CDialog pluginScanDlg; pluginScanDlg.Create(IDD_SCANPLUGINS, parent); pluginScanDlg.CenterWindow(parent); pluginScanDlg.ModifyStyle(0, WS_SYSMENU, WS_SYSMENU); pluginScanDlg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); FolderScanner scan(path, true); mpt::PathString fileName; int files = 0; while(scan.NextFile(fileName) && pluginScanDlg.IsWindowVisible()) { if(!mpt::PathString::CompareNoCase(fileName.GetFileExt(), MPT_PATHSTRING(".dll"))) { CWnd *text = pluginScanDlg.GetDlgItem(IDC_SCANTEXT); std::wstring scanStr = L"Scanning Plugin...\n" + fileName.ToWide(); ::SetWindowTextW(text->m_hWnd, scanStr.c_str()); MSG msg; while(::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { ::TranslateMessage(&msg); ::DispatchMessage(&msg); } VSTPluginLib *lib = pManager->AddPlugin(fileName, mpt::ustring(), false); if(lib) { update = true; if(!VerifyPlug(lib, parent)) { pManager->RemovePlugin(lib); } else { plugLib = lib; files++; } } } } if(update) { // Force selection to last added plug. Reporting::Information(mpt::String::Print("Found %1 plugin%2.", files, files == 1 ? "" : "s").c_str(), parent); return plugLib; } else { Reporting::Error("Could not find any valid VST plugins."); return nullptr; } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTreeCtrlBase::OnTvnSelchanged(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LPNMTREEVIEW pNMTreeView = reinterpret_cast<LPNMTREEVIEW>(pNMHDR); CString str = GetItemText(pNMTreeView->itemOld.hItem); if (TREE_WINDOW == m_Type) { CDialog *pOldDlg = (CDialog*)pNMTreeView->itemOld.lParam; if (pOldDlg) pOldDlg->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } *pResult = 0; }
void CMarkersPropertyPage::UpdateForm() { CDialog *pConfigDlg; CFileMarker *pSelectedMarker; CFileMarker *pCurrentMarker; int Index; if (m_SelectionCheckList.GetCurSel() != LB_ERR ) { pSelectedMarker = (CFileMarker *)m_SelectionCheckList.GetItemData( m_SelectionCheckList.GetCurSel() ); m_SelectionDescription.SetWindowText( pSelectedMarker->GetDescription() ); for (Index = 0; Index < g_DupeFileFind.GetFileSelectionArray()->GetSize(); Index++) { pCurrentMarker = g_DupeFileFind.GetFileSelectionArray()->GetAt(Index); pConfigDlg = pCurrentMarker->GetForm(); if (pConfigDlg) { pConfigDlg->ShowWindow( pCurrentMarker == pSelectedMarker ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); } } pConfigDlg = pSelectedMarker->GetForm(); if (pConfigDlg) { m_NoConfigText.ModifyStyle(WS_VISIBLE,NULL); } else { m_NoConfigText.ModifyStyle(NULL,WS_VISIBLE); } } }