void CColorDialog::Dump( CDumpContext &dc ) const /***********************************************/ { CCommonDialog::Dump( dc ); dc << "m_cc.lStructSize = " << m_cc.lStructSize << "\n"; dc << "m_cc.hwndOwner = " << m_cc.hwndOwner << "\n"; dc << "m_cc.hInstance = " << m_cc.hInstance << "\n"; dc << "m_cc.rgbResult = "; dc.DumpAsHex( m_cc.rgbResult ); dc << "\n"; dc << "m_cc.lpCustColors = " << m_cc.lpCustColors << "\n"; dc << "m_cc.Flags = "; dc.DumpAsHex( m_cc.Flags ); dc << "\n"; dc << "m_cc.lCustData = "; dc.DumpAsHex( m_cc.lCustData ); dc << "\n"; if( m_cc.lpfnHook == AfxCommDlgProc ) { dc << "m_cc.lpfnHook = AfxCommDlgProc\n"; } else { dc << "m_cc.lpfnHook = " << m_cc.lpfnHook << "\n"; } if( IS_INTRESOURCE( m_cc.lpTemplateName ) ) { dc << "m_cc.lpTemplateName = " << (UINT)m_cc.lpTemplateName << "\n"; } else { dc << "m_cc.lpTemplateName = " << m_cc.lpTemplateName << "\n"; } }
void CDocTemplate::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CCmdTarget::Dump(dc); dc << "m_nIDResource = " << m_nIDResource; dc << "\nm_strDocStrings: " << m_strDocStrings; if (m_pDocClass) dc << "\nm_pDocClass = " << m_pDocClass->m_lpszClassName; else dc << "\nm_pDocClass = NULL"; if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { dc << "\ndocument list = {"; POSITION pos = GetFirstDocPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CDocument* pDoc = GetNextDoc(pos); dc << "\ndocument " << pDoc; } dc << "\n}"; } dc << "\n"; }
void CFlatToolbar::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CControlBar::Dump(dc); dc << "m_hbmImageWell = " << (UINT)m_hbmImageWell; dc << "\nm_hInstImageWell = " << (UINT)m_hInstImageWell; dc << "\nm_hRsrcImageWell = " << (UINT)m_hRsrcImageWell; dc << "\nm_iButtonCapture = " << m_iButtonCapture; dc << "\nm_sizeButton = " << m_sizeButton; dc << "\nm_sizeImage = " << m_sizeImage; if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m_nCount; i++) { AFX_TBBUTTON* pTBB = _GetButtonPtr(i); dc << "\ntoolbar button[" << i << "] = {"; dc << "\n\tnID = " << pTBB->nID; dc << "\n\tnStyle = " << pTBB->nStyle; if (pTBB->nStyle & TBBS_SEPARATOR) dc << "\n\tiImage (separator width) = " << pTBB->iImage; else dc <<"\n\tiImage (bitmap image index) = " << pTBB->iImage; dc << "\n}"; } } dc << "\n"; }
void CSocketFile::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CFile::Dump(dc); if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { if (m_pSocket != NULL) dc << "with no socket\n"; else dc << "with socket: " << m_pSocket; } }
void CWordArray::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CObject::Dump(dc); dc << "with " << m_nSize << " elements"; if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m_nSize; i++) dc << "\n\t[" << i << "] = " << m_pData[i]; } dc << "\n"; }
void CObBinTree::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CObject::Dump(dc); dc << "with " << m_nCount << " elements"; if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { POSITION pos = GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) dc << "\n\t" << GetNext(pos); } dc << "\n"; }
void CControlBar::Dump( CDumpContext &dc ) const /**********************************************/ { CWnd::Dump( dc ); dc << "m_bAutoDelete = " << m_bAutoDelete << "\n"; dc << "m_cxLeftBorder = " << m_cxLeftBorder << "\n"; dc << "m_cxRightBorder = " << m_cxRightBorder << "\n"; dc << "m_cyTopBorder = " << m_cyTopBorder << "\n"; dc << "m_cyBottomBorder = " << m_cyBottomBorder << "\n"; dc << "m_nMRUWidth = " << m_nMRUWidth << "\n"; dc << "m_nCount = " << m_nCount << "\n"; dc << "m_pData = " << m_pData << "\n"; dc << "m_dwStyle = "; dc.DumpAsHex( m_dwStyle ); dc << "\n"; dc << "m_dwDockStyle = "; dc.DumpAsHex( m_dwDockStyle ); dc << "\n"; dc << "m_pDockSite = " << (void *)m_pDockSite << "\n"; dc << "m_pDockBar = " << (void *)m_pDockBar << "\n"; dc << "m_pDockContext = " << (void *)m_pDockContext << "\n"; }
void COXWatchBuffer::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); CObject::Dump(dc); dc << TEXT("containing ") << m_nLength << TEXT(" elements"); if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { dc << TEXT("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < m_nLength; i++) { dc << TEXT("\n\tm_pBuffer[") << i << TEXT("] = ") << m_pBuffer[i]; dc << TEXT("\n\tm_pFlags[") << i << TEXT("] = ") << m_pFlags[i]; } } }
void COXFileWatcher::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) { // Make the class a Thread-Safe Class CSingleLock lockObj(&m_crArrayWatchedDirGuard); VERIFY(lockObj.Lock()); CObject::Dump(dc); dc << _T("\nNumber of watched paths: "); dc << m_arWatchedDirs.GetSize() << _T("\n"); if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { for(int i=0; i<m_arWatchedDirs.GetSize(); i++) { COXWatchedDir* pwd = m_arWatchedDirs[i]; pwd->Dump(dc); } } }
void CMapWordToPtr::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CObject::Dump(dc); dc << "with " << LONGLONG(m_nCount) << " elements"; if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { // Dump in format "[key] -> value" WORD key; void* val; POSITION pos = GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val); dc << "\n\t[" << key << "] = " << val; } } dc << "\n"; }
void COleBusyDialog::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { COleDialog::Dump(dc); dc << "m_bz.cbStruct = " << m_bz.cbStruct; dc << "\nm_bz.dwFlags = "; dc.DumpAsHex(m_bz.dwFlags); dc << "\nm_bz.hWndOwner = " << m_bz.hWndOwner; dc << "\nm_bz.lpszCaption = " << m_bz.lpszCaption; dc << "\nm_bz.lCustData = " << (LPVOID)m_bz.lCustData; dc << "\nm_bz.hInstance = " << (void*)m_bz.hInstance; dc << "\nm_bz.lpszTemplate = " << (void*)m_bz.lpszTemplate; dc << "\nm_bz.hResource = " << (void*)m_bz.hResource; if (m_bz.lpfnHook == AfxOleHookProc) dc << "\nhook function set to standard MFC hook function"; else dc << "\nhook function set to non-standard hook function"; dc << "\nm_bz.hTask = " << (UINT_PTR)m_bz.hTask; dc << "\n"; }
void CArray::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); #define MAKESTRING(x) #x AFX_DUMP1(dc, "a " MAKESTRING(CArray) " with ", m_nSize); AFX_DUMP0(dc, " elements"); #undef MAKESTRING #if 0 if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { AFX_DUMP0(dc, "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < m_nSize; i++) { AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\n\t[", i); AFX_DUMP1(dc, "] = ", m_pData[i]); } } #endif }
void CMapStringToString::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CObject::Dump(dc); dc << "with " << m_nCount << " elements"; if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { // Dump in format "[key] -> value" CString key; CString val; POSITION pos = GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val); dc << "\n\t[" << key << "] = " << val; } } dc << "\n"; }
void CMapDWORDToChar::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); #define MAKESTRING(x) #x AFX_DUMP1(dc, "a " MAKESTRING(CMapDWORDToChar) " with ", m_nCount); AFX_DUMP0(dc, " elements"); #undef MAKESTRING if (dc.GetDepth() > 0) { // Dump in format "[key] -> value" POSITION pos = GetStartPosition(); DWORD key; char val; AFX_DUMP0(dc, "\n"); while (pos != NULL) { GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val); AFX_DUMP1(dc, "\n\t[", key); // AFX_DUMP1(dc, "] = ", val); } } }