Example #1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
bool CLastFmManager::CallXmlRpc(const CStdString& action, const CStdString& artist, const CStdString& title)
  CStdString strUserName = g_guiSettings.GetString("scrobbler.lastfmusername");
  CStdString strPassword = g_guiSettings.GetString("scrobbler.lastfmpass");
  if (strUserName.IsEmpty() || strPassword.IsEmpty())
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Last.fm CallXmlRpc no username or password set.");
    return false;
  if (artist.IsEmpty())
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Last.fm CallXmlRpc no artistname provided.");
    return false;
  if (title.IsEmpty())
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Last.fm CallXmlRpc no tracktitle provided.");
    return false;

  char ti[20];
  time_t rawtime;
  time ( &rawtime );
  struct tm *now = gmtime(&rawtime);
  strftime(ti, sizeof(ti), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", now);
  CStdString strChallenge = ti;

  CStdString strAuth(strPassword);
  CreateMD5Hash(strAuth, strAuth);

  //create request xml
  TiXmlDocument doc;
  TiXmlDeclaration * decl = new TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "UTF-8", "" );
  doc.LinkEndChild( decl );

  TiXmlElement * elMethodCall = new TiXmlElement( "methodCall" );
  doc.LinkEndChild( elMethodCall );

  TiXmlElement * elMethodName = new TiXmlElement( "methodName" );
  elMethodCall->LinkEndChild( elMethodName );
  TiXmlText * txtAction = new TiXmlText( action );
  elMethodName->LinkEndChild( txtAction );

  TiXmlElement * elParams = new TiXmlElement( "params" );
  elMethodCall->LinkEndChild( elParams );

  TiXmlElement * elParam = new TiXmlElement( "param" );
  elParams->LinkEndChild( elParam );
  TiXmlElement * elValue = new TiXmlElement( "value" );
  elParam->LinkEndChild( elValue );
  TiXmlElement * elString = new TiXmlElement( "string" );
  elValue->LinkEndChild( elString );
  TiXmlText * txtParam = new TiXmlText( strUserName );
  elString->LinkEndChild( txtParam );

  elParam = new TiXmlElement( "param" );
  elParams->LinkEndChild( elParam );
  elValue = new TiXmlElement( "value" );
  elParam->LinkEndChild( elValue );
  elString = new TiXmlElement( "string" );
  elValue->LinkEndChild( elString );
  txtParam = new TiXmlText( strChallenge );
  elString->LinkEndChild( txtParam );

  elParam = new TiXmlElement( "param" );
  elParams->LinkEndChild( elParam );
  elValue = new TiXmlElement( "value" );
  elParam->LinkEndChild( elValue );
  elString = new TiXmlElement( "string" );
  elValue->LinkEndChild( elString );
  txtParam = new TiXmlText( strAuth );
  elString->LinkEndChild( txtParam );

  elParam = new TiXmlElement( "param" );
  elParams->LinkEndChild( elParam );
  elValue = new TiXmlElement( "value" );
  elParam->LinkEndChild( elValue );
  elString = new TiXmlElement( "string" );
  elValue->LinkEndChild( elString );
  txtParam = new TiXmlText( artist );
  elString->LinkEndChild( txtParam );

  elParam = new TiXmlElement( "param" );
  elParams->LinkEndChild( elParam );
  elValue = new TiXmlElement( "value" );
  elParam->LinkEndChild( elValue );
  elString = new TiXmlElement( "string" );
  elValue->LinkEndChild( elString );
  txtParam = new TiXmlText( title );
  elString->LinkEndChild( txtParam );

  CStdString strBody;
  strBody << doc;

  CFileCurl http;
  CStdString html;
  CStdString url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/1.0/rw/xmlrpc.php";
  if (!http.Post(url, strBody, html))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Last.fm action %s failed.", action.c_str());
    return false;

  if (html.Find("fault") >= 0)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Last.fm return failed response: %s", html.c_str());
    return false;
  return true;
Example #2
bool CDAVDirectory::GetDirectory(const CStdString& strPath, CFileItemList &items)
  CFileCurl dav;
  CURL url(strPath);
  CStdString strRequest = "PROPFIND";

  dav.SetMimeType("text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"");
  dav.SetRequestHeader("depth", 1);
    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>"
    " <D:propfind xmlns:D=\"DAV:\">"
    "   <D:prop>"
    "     <D:resourcetype/>"
    "     <D:getcontentlength/>"
    "     <D:getlastmodified/>"
    "     <D:creationdate/>"
    "     <D:displayname/>"
    "    </D:prop>"
    "  </D:propfind>");

  if (!dav.Open(url))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Unable to get dav directory (%s)", __FUNCTION__, strPath.c_str());
    return false;

  char buffer[MAX_PATH + 1024];
  CStdString strResponse;
  CStdString strHeader;
  while (dav.ReadString(buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
    if (strstr(buffer, "<D:response") != NULL)
      // The header should contain the xml version/utf encoding line
      // followed by the <multistatus> tag
      if (strHeader.IsEmpty())
        strHeader = strResponse;
      strResponse = strHeader;
    strResponse.append(buffer, strlen(buffer));

    if (strstr(buffer, "</D:response") != NULL)
      // Close the multistatus tag from the header
      if (strHeader.Find("<D:multistatus"))
      TiXmlDocument davResponse;

      if (!davResponse.Parse(strResponse))
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Unable to process dav directory (%s)", __FUNCTION__, strPath.c_str());
        return false;

      TiXmlNode *pChild;
      // Iterate over all responses
      for (pChild = davResponse.RootElement()->FirstChild(); pChild != 0; pChild = pChild->NextSibling())
        if (ValueWithoutNamespace(pChild, "response"))
          CFileItem item;
          ParseResponse(pChild->ToElement(), item);
          CURL url2(strPath);
          CURL url3(item.m_strPath);

          URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(url2.GetWithoutFilename(), url3.GetFileName(), item.m_strPath);

          if (item.GetLabel().IsEmpty())
            CStdString name(item.m_strPath);

          if (item.m_bIsFolder)

          // Add back protocol options
          if (!url2.GetProtocolOptions().IsEmpty())
            item.m_strPath += "|" + url2.GetProtocolOptions();

          if (!item.m_strPath.Equals(strPath))
            CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem(item));


  return true;