EXPORT_C TInt AknPhoneNumberTextUtils::CharsThatFitOnRight(
    const TDesC& aText, 
    TInt aLineWidth, 
    const CFont& aFont )
    // Current candidate text for fitting text
    TPtrC currentText(aText); 

    // These two variables are converged by this algorithm until they differ by one
    // Set max chars to be total length + 1, for the sake of the algorithm
    TInt minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit( aText.Length() + 1 );
    TInt maxCharsFromRightThatFit(0); // must start at 0

    // some incidentally used lengths 
    TInt currentLength(0);      // arbitrary init value
    TInt charsThatFitOnLeft(0); // arbitrary init value
    TInt newLength(0);          // arbitrary init value

    while ( (minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit - maxCharsFromRightThatFit) != 1 )
        // At the top of the loop, all state is held by currentText itself, and the two 
        // maxCharsXXX variables.
        currentLength = currentText.Length();
        charsThatFitOnLeft = aFont.TextCount( currentText, aLineWidth);  

        if ( charsThatFitOnLeft == currentLength ) // Does this text fit ?
            maxCharsFromRightThatFit = Max( maxCharsFromRightThatFit, charsThatFitOnLeft );

            // If this text cannot be made any bigger, and still fit, then bail out
            if ( (maxCharsFromRightThatFit + 1) >= minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit )
                // We can exit the loop now. Just fall out and the while test will handle it.
            else // if this string did fit, and it might have been too small, try making it bigger
                // we know this is still be < minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit
                newLength = maxCharsFromRightThatFit + 1; 
        else // currentText does not fit. Repeat loop 
            // we know that this many characters did not fit on the line
            minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit = Min( minCharsFromRightThatDoNotFit, currentLength );

            // Try using the number that fit on the left as the number we will fit on the right.
            newLength = charsThatFitOnLeft;


    return maxCharsFromRightThatFit;
Example #2
EXPORT_C void TextUtils::ClipToFit(TDes& aBuffer,const CFont& aFont,TInt aMaxWidthInPixels,TChar aAlternativeEnd)
/** Clips text to fit into a maximum width.

If the text is too wide to fit in the width when displayed in aFont, 
it is truncated and the specified character (by default, 
a horizontal ellipsis) is appended to it.

@param aBuffer A buffer containing the text to clip.
@param aFont The font.
@param aMaxWidthInPixels The maximum width in pixels.
@param aAlternativeEnd The Unicode character to append to the buffer if truncated. 
By default, this is the horizontal ellipsis. */
	TInt textWidth=aFont.TextWidthInPixels(aBuffer);
	if (textWidth<=aMaxWidthInPixels)
	TBuf<1> ellipse;
	TInt extraWidth=aFont.TextWidthInPixels(ellipse);
	TInt cutOff=aFont.TextCount(aBuffer,aMaxWidthInPixels-extraWidth);