CBuddyInfo * CBuddyInfoDlg::GetBuddyInfoPtr() { if (NULL == m_lpQQClient) return NULL; if (!m_bIsGMember) { CBuddyInfo * lpUserInfo = m_lpQQClient->GetUserInfo(); if (lpUserInfo != NULL && lpUserInfo->m_nQQUin == m_nQQUin) { return lpUserInfo; } else { CBuddyList * lpBuddyList = m_lpQQClient->GetBuddyList(); if (lpBuddyList != NULL) return lpBuddyList->GetBuddy(m_nQQUin); } } else { CGroupList * lpGroupList = m_lpQQClient->GetGroupList(); if (lpGroupList != NULL) return lpGroupList->GetGroupMemberByCode(m_nGroupCode, m_nQQUin); } return NULL; }
void CMsgTipDlg::GetNumber(UINT nGroupCode, UINT nQQUin, UINT& nGroupNum, UINT& nQQNum) { nGroupNum = nQQNum = 0; if (nGroupCode != 0 && nQQUin != 0) { CGroupList * lpGroupList = m_lpQQClient->GetGroupList(); if (lpGroupList != NULL) { CBuddyInfo * lpBuddyInfo = lpGroupList->GetGroupMemberByCode(nGroupCode, nQQUin); if (lpBuddyInfo != NULL) nQQNum = lpBuddyInfo->m_nQQNum; } } else if (nGroupCode != 0) { CGroupList * lpGroupList = m_lpQQClient->GetGroupList(); if (lpGroupList != NULL) { CGroupInfo * lpGroupInfo = lpGroupList->GetGroupByCode(nGroupCode); if (lpGroupInfo != NULL) nGroupNum = lpGroupInfo->m_nGroupNumber; } } else if (nQQUin != 0) { CBuddyList * lpBuddyList = m_lpQQClient->GetBuddyList(); if (lpBuddyList != NULL) { CBuddyInfo * lpBuddyInfo = lpBuddyList->GetBuddy(nQQUin); if (lpBuddyInfo != NULL) nQQNum = lpBuddyInfo->m_nQQNum; } } }
CGroupInfo * CGroupInfoDlg::GetGroupInfoPtr() { if (NULL == m_lpQQClient) return NULL; CGroupList * lpGroupList = m_lpQQClient->GetGroupList(); if (lpGroupList != NULL) return lpGroupList->GetGroupByCode(m_nGroupCode); else return NULL; }
virtual void execute(CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { // Init 'new_macro' container from the global current macro (gCurrentEditMacro) CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CMacroCmdManager *pMCM = CMacroCmdManager::getInstance(); // Icon CDBCtrlSheet *pCS = dynamic_cast<CDBCtrlSheet*>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(CTRL_NEWMACRO_ICON)); if (pCS != NULL) pCS->readFromMacro(pMCM->CurrentEditMacro); // Name CGroupEditBox *pEB = dynamic_cast<CGroupEditBox*>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(GROUP_NEWMACRO_EDIT_NAME)); if (pEB != NULL) pEB->setInputString(pMCM->CurrentEditMacro.Name); // Commands CGroupList *pList = dynamic_cast<CGroupList*>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(GROUP_NEWMACRO_COMMANDS)); if (pList == NULL) return; // Key Shortcut CViewText *pVT = dynamic_cast<CViewText*>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(VIEW_NEWMACRO_KEY)); if (pVT != NULL) { if (pMCM->CurrentEditMacro.Combo.Key == KeyCount) pVT->setText(CI18N::get(VIEW_EDITCMD_TEXT_KEY_DEFAULT)); else pVT->setText(pMCM->CurrentEditMacro.Combo.toUCString()); } pList->clearGroups(); pList->setDynamicDisplaySize(true); for (uint i = 0; i < pMCM->CurrentEditMacro.Commands.size(); ++i) { ucstring commandName; for (uint j = 0; j < pMCM->ActionManagers.size(); ++j) { CAction::CName c(pMCM->CurrentEditMacro.Commands[i].Name.c_str(), pMCM->CurrentEditMacro.Commands[i].Params.c_str()); if (pMCM->ActionManagers[j]->getBaseAction(c) != NULL) { commandName = pMCM->ActionManagers[j]->getBaseAction(c)->getActionLocalizedText(c); break; } } addCommandLine(pList, i, commandName); } pMCM->EditCmd->CurAM = pMCM->ActionManagers[0]; }
static void setGroupListBoxValues(CListBox &GroupListBox, const CGroupList &GroupList) { GroupListBox.ResetContent(); CGroupList::EConstIterator it; for (it = GroupList.Begin(); !it.IsDone(); it++) { CString tmpCStr; tmpCStr = _TEXT("["); tmpCStr += ((*it).m_Label); tmpCStr += _TEXT("] "); GroupListBox.AddString(tmpCStr); } }
virtual void execute(CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const string &/* Params */) { // Init 'macros' container from the macro manager CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CMacroCmdManager *pMCM = CMacroCmdManager::getInstance(); CGroupList *pList = dynamic_cast<CGroupList*>(CWidgetManager::getInstance()->getElementFromId(WIN_MACRO_CONTENT)); if (pList == NULL) return; pList->clearGroups(); pList->setDynamicDisplaySize(true); // Refresh the shortcut key that can be changed in the keys container pMCM->refreshMacroCombo(); // Add all macros template const vector<CMacroCmd> &vM = pMCM->getMacros(); for (uint i = 0; i < vM.size(); ++i) { addMacroLine(pList, i, vM[i]); } }
void CMsgTipDlg::_AddMsgSender(int nIndex, CMessageSender * lpMsgSender) { if (NULL == lpMsgSender || NULL == m_lpQQClient) return; tstring strHeadPicFileName; CString strSenderName, strMsgCnt, strMsgType; QQ_MSG_TYPE nMsgType = lpMsgSender->GetMsgType(); UINT nMsgCnt = lpMsgSender->GetMsgCount(); UINT nSenderId = lpMsgSender->GetSenderId(); UINT nGroupCode = lpMsgSender->GetGroupCode(); switch (nMsgType) { case QQ_MSG_TYPE_BUDDY: { strHeadPicFileName = GetHeadPicFullName(0, nSenderId); if (!ZYM::CPath::IsFileExist(strHeadPicFileName.c_str())) strHeadPicFileName = ZYM::CPath::GetAppPath() + _T("Image\\DefBuddyHeadPic.png"); CBuddyList * lpBuddyList = m_lpQQClient->GetBuddyList(); if (lpBuddyList != NULL) { CBuddyInfo * lpBuddyInfo = lpBuddyList->GetBuddy(nSenderId); if (lpBuddyInfo != NULL) { CString strBuddyName; if (!lpBuddyInfo->m_strMarkName.empty()) strBuddyName = lpBuddyInfo->m_strMarkName.c_str(); else strBuddyName = lpBuddyInfo->m_strNickName.c_str(); if (lpBuddyInfo->m_nQQNum != 0) strSenderName.Format(_T("%s(%u)"), strBuddyName, lpBuddyInfo->m_nQQNum); else strSenderName.Format(_T("%s"), strBuddyName); } } } break; case QQ_MSG_TYPE_GROUP: { strHeadPicFileName = GetHeadPicFullName(nSenderId, 0); if (!ZYM::CPath::IsFileExist(strHeadPicFileName.c_str())) strHeadPicFileName = ZYM::CPath::GetAppPath() + _T("Image\\DefGroupHeadPic.jpg"); CGroupList * lpGroupList = m_lpQQClient->GetGroupList(); if (lpGroupList != NULL) { CGroupInfo * lpGroupInfo = lpGroupList->GetGroupByCode(nSenderId); if (lpGroupInfo != NULL) { if (lpGroupInfo->m_nGroupNumber != 0) strSenderName.Format(_T("%s(%u)"), lpGroupInfo->m_strName.c_str(), lpGroupInfo->m_nGroupNumber); else strSenderName.Format(_T("%s"), lpGroupInfo->m_strName.c_str()); } } } break; case QQ_MSG_TYPE_SESS: { strHeadPicFileName = GetHeadPicFullName(nGroupCode, nSenderId); if (!ZYM::CPath::IsFileExist(strHeadPicFileName.c_str())) strHeadPicFileName = ZYM::CPath::GetAppPath() + _T("Image\\DefBuddyHeadPic.png"); CGroupList * lpGroupList = m_lpQQClient->GetGroupList(); if (lpGroupList != NULL) { CBuddyInfo * lpBuddyInfo = lpGroupList->GetGroupMemberByCode(nGroupCode, nSenderId); if (lpBuddyInfo != NULL) { CString strBuddyName; if (!lpBuddyInfo->m_strGroupCard.empty()) strBuddyName = lpBuddyInfo->m_strGroupCard.c_str(); else strBuddyName = lpBuddyInfo->m_strNickName.c_str(); if (lpBuddyInfo->m_nQQNum != 0) strSenderName.Format(_T("%s(%u)"), strBuddyName, lpBuddyInfo->m_nQQNum); else strSenderName.Format(_T("%s"), strBuddyName); } } } break; case QQ_MSG_TYPE_SYSGROUP: { strHeadPicFileName = ZYM::CPath::GetAppPath() + _T("Image\\DefSysHeadPic.ico"); strSenderName = _T("群系统消息"); } break; } strMsgCnt.Format(_T("(%d)"), nMsgCnt); strMsgType.Format(_T("%d"), nMsgType); int nItem = m_ListCtrl.InsertItem(nIndex, _T(""), _T(""), FALSE, DT_LEFT, nSenderId); m_ListCtrl.SetItemFormat(nIndex, 0, DT_LEFT); m_ListCtrl.SetItemFormat(nIndex, 1, DT_LEFT); m_ListCtrl.SetItemFormat(nIndex, 2, DT_RIGHT); m_ListCtrl.SetItemFormat(nIndex, 3, DT_RIGHT); m_ListCtrl.SetItemImage(nIndex, 0, strHeadPicFileName.c_str()); m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nIndex, 1, strSenderName); m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nIndex, 2, strMsgCnt); m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nIndex, 3, strMsgType); }
void CStudentDemoListDlg::InitAvailableList(int nType) { if (!m_pTeacherFrame) return; if (!m_pDemoMemberInfo) return; m_wndAvailableList.DeleteAllItems(); m_wndAvailableList.EnableWindow(0 != nType); PMEMBERINFO ppMemberInfo[ELC_MAX_MEMBER_COUNT] = {0}; int nCount = m_pTeacherFrame->GetAllMemberInfoPtrs(ppMemberInfo); if (DEMO_TO_ALL == nType) { } else if (DEMO_TO_GROUP == nType) { typedef map<CString, CString> CGroupList; CGroupList listGroup; PMEMBERINFO pTemp = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { pTemp = ppMemberInfo[i]; if (m_pDemoMemberInfo == pTemp) continue; if (pTemp && (_tcslen(pTemp->szGroupName) > 0)) { CGroupList::iterator it = listGroup.find(pTemp->szGroupName); if (it == listGroup.end()) { listGroup.insert(CGroupList::value_type(pTemp->szGroupName, pTemp->szGroupName)); int nItem = m_wndAvailableList.InsertItem(m_wndAvailableList.GetItemCount(), pTemp->szGroupName); m_wndAvailableList.SetCheck(nItem, FALSE); } } } } else if (DEMO_TO_PART == nType) { PMEMBERINFO pTemp = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { pTemp = ppMemberInfo[i]; if (m_pDemoMemberInfo == pTemp) continue; if (pTemp && pTemp->bLoggedIn) { int nItem = m_wndAvailableList.InsertItem(m_wndAvailableList.GetItemCount(), pTemp->szDefaultName); m_wndAvailableList.SetItemData(nItem, (DWORD_PTR)pTemp); m_wndAvailableList.SetCheck(nItem, FALSE); } } } else ASSERT(0); }