Example #1
 * Function: BOOL	:CreateIO(CKBehavior* behaviour, CKBehavior* script)
 * Description : Check if all the Inputs,Outputs, pIns and pOuts of both behavior are matching
 * Parameters :
 *    behaviour		  Behavior 1, usually the BG wrapper BB.
 *    script	      Behavior 2, usually the wrapped BG.
 * Returns : BOOL
BOOL	GBLCOBGWrapper::CreateIO(CKBehavior* behaviour, CKBehavior* script)
	int		iIO;
	int		nbPin;
	// Input
	nbPin = script->GetInputCount();
	for (iIO = 0; iIO < nbPin; iIO++)
		CKBehaviorIO* pPin = script->GetInput(iIO);
		if (pPin == NULL)
			return FALSE;
		if (behaviour->AddInput(pPin->GetName()) != iIO)
			return FALSE;

	// Output
	nbPin = script->GetOutputCount();
	for (iIO = 0; iIO < nbPin; iIO++)
		CKBehaviorIO* pPin = script->GetOutput(iIO);
		if (pPin == NULL)
			return FALSE;
		if (behaviour->AddOutput(pPin->GetName()) != iIO)
			return FALSE;

	// Parameter In
	nbPin = script->GetInputParameterCount();
	for (iIO = 0; iIO < nbPin; iIO++)
		CKParameterIn* pPin = script->GetInputParameter(iIO);
		if (pPin == NULL)
			return FALSE;
		CKParameterIn* pPin2;
		if ((pPin2 = behaviour->CreateInputParameter(pPin->GetName(), (CKParameterType)pPin->GetType())) == NULL)
			return FALSE;

	// Parameter Out
	nbPin = script->GetOutputParameterCount();
	for (iIO = 0; iIO < nbPin; iIO++)
		CKParameterOut* pPin = script->GetOutputParameter(iIO);
		if (pPin == NULL)
			return FALSE;
		if (behaviour->CreateOutputParameter(pPin->GetName(), (CKParameterType)pPin->GetType()) == NULL)
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Example #2
* Function: int CGBLBuildCommand::GetNextArgument (CKParameter* nextArgument,CKBehavior* targetBB, const CKBehaviorContext& behaviorContext)
* Description : This function sets corresponding outputs with requested argument's 
*				name, type and if the type of arguments is TGBLFCStringFromList, it also
*				provides designer specified list array with GetDesignerSpecifiedList output.
* Parameters :
*    behaviourContext    r   Behavior context reference, which gives 
*                            access to frequently used global objects 
*                            ( context, level, manager, etc... )
*	nextArgument	    r	Required argument to have parameters provided by the command
*	targetBB			r	Target GBLWaitForCommand building block
* Returns : int, The return value is 0 if no error occured or -1 on error 
int CGBLBuildCommand::GetNextArgument (CKParameter* nextArgument,CKBehavior* targetBB, const CKBehaviorContext& behaviorContext)
	CKBehavior* behavior = behaviorContext.Behavior;
	CKContext*  context = behaviorContext.Context;

	XString typeName = context->GetParameterManager()->ParameterTypeToName(nextArgument->GetType());
	XString argumentName = nextArgument->GetName();

	if (typeName == "TGBLFCStringFromList")
		int inputs = targetBB->GetInputParameterCount();

		for (int i=0; i<inputs; i++)
			CKParameterIn *parameterInput = targetBB->GetInputParameter(i);

			if ( argumentName == parameterInput->GetName() )
				CKParameterOut *parameterOutput = behavior->GetOutputParameter(EGBLBuildCommandParamOutputs::GetDesignerSpecifiedList);

				context->OutputToConsole(context->GetParameterManager()->ParameterTypeToName(parameterOutput->GetType()), FALSE);
				context->OutputToConsole(context->GetParameterManager()->ParameterTypeToName(parameterInput->GetType()), FALSE);
				parameterOutput->CopyValue (parameterInput->GetDirectSource());

	behavior->SetOutputParameterValue (EGBLBuildCommandParamOutputs::GetArgumentType, typeName.Str(), strlen (typeName.Str()) + 1 );
	behavior->SetOutputParameterValue (EGBLBuildCommandParamOutputs::GetArgumentName, argumentName.Str(), strlen (argumentName.Str()) + 1 );

	behavior->ActivateOutput (EGBLBuildCommandBehOutputs::GetNextParameterValue);

	return 0;
Example #3
// Method:    vt_GetInVal
// FullName:  vt_GetInVal
// Access:    public static 
// Returns:   PyObject *
// Qualifier:
// Parameter: PyObject * self
// Parameter: PyObject * args
static PyObject *vt_GetInVal( PyObject * self, PyObject * args )

	int size = PyTuple_Size(args);
	int bid, index;
	PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii", &bid, &index); 

	CK_ID cid = bid; 
	CKBehavior *beh = static_cast<CKBehavior*>(pym->m_Context->GetObject(cid)); 
	if (size!=2)
		pym->m_Context->OutputToConsole("PyError : This function needs 2 arguments : \n\t bid,index");

	using namespace vtTools;
	using namespace vtTools::Enums;

	CKParameterManager *pam = static_cast<CKParameterManager *>(pym->m_Context->GetParameterManager());

	if (index < beh->GetInputParameterCount() )
		CKParameterIn *ciIn = beh->GetInputParameter(index);

		CKParameterType pType  = ciIn->GetType();
		vtTools::Enums::SuperType sType = ParameterTools::GetVirtoolsSuperType(pym->m_Context,pam->ParameterTypeToGuid(pType));	
		PyObject *val;

		switch (sType)
		case vtSTRING:
				val = PyString_FromString( vtTools::BehaviorTools::GetInputParameterValue<CKSTRING>(beh,index ));
		case vtFLOAT:
				val = PyFloat_FromDouble(static_cast<float>(vtTools::BehaviorTools::GetInputParameterValue<float>(beh,index )));
		case vtINTEGER:
				val = PyInt_FromLong( static_cast<long>(vtTools::BehaviorTools::GetInputParameterValue<int>(beh,index )));

		default :
			XString err("wrong input parameter type: ");
			err << ciIn->GetName() << "Only Types derivated from Interger,Float or String are acceptable";
			pym->m_Context->OutputToConsole(err.Str(),FALSE );

		if (!val)
		return val;