Example #1
void CRemoteCall::ProgressCallback(double sizeJustDownloaded, double totalDownloaded, char * data, size_t dataLength, void * obj, bool complete, int error)
    //printf("Progress: %s\n", data);
    if ( complete )
        CRemoteCall * call = (CRemoteCall*)obj;
        if ( g_pGame->GetRemoteCalls()->CallExists(call) )
            //printf("RECIEVED: %s\n", data);
            CLuaArguments arguments;
            arguments.ReadFromJSONString ( data );
            arguments.Call ( call->m_VM, call->m_iFunction);   

            g_pGame->GetRemoteCalls()->Remove(call); // delete ourselves
    else if ( error )
        CRemoteCall * call = (CRemoteCall*)obj;
        if ( g_pGame->GetRemoteCalls()->CallExists(call) )
            CLuaArguments arguments;
            arguments.Call ( call->m_VM, call->m_iFunction);   

            g_pGame->GetRemoteCalls()->Remove(call); // delete ourselves
Example #2
void CElement::ReadCustomData ( CLuaMain* pLuaMain, CEvents* pEvents )
    assert ( pLuaMain );
    assert ( pEvents );

    // Got an XML node?
    if ( m_pXMLNode )
        // Iterate the attributes of our XML node
        CXMLAttributes* pAttributes = &(m_pXMLNode->GetAttributes ());
        unsigned int uiAttributeCount = pAttributes->Count ();
        for ( unsigned int uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < uiAttributeCount; uiIndex++ )
            // Grab the node (we can assume it exists here)
            CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pAttributes->Get ( uiIndex );

            // Make a lua argument from it and set the content
            CLuaArguments args;
            if ( !args.ReadFromJSONString ( pAttribute->GetValue ().c_str() ) )
                args.PushString ( pAttribute->GetValue ().c_str () );

            // Don't trigger onElementDataChanged event
            SetCustomData ( pAttribute->GetName ().c_str (), *args[0], pLuaMain, g_pGame->GetConfig ()->GetSyncMapElementData (), NULL, false );
int CLuaFunctionDefs::fromJSON ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Got a string argument?
    SString strJsonString = "";
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadString ( strJsonString );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors ( ) )
        // Read it into lua arguments
        CLuaArguments Converted;
        if ( Converted.ReadFromJSONString ( strJsonString ) )
            // Return it as data
            Converted.PushArguments ( luaVM );
            return Converted.Count ();
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    // Failed
    lua_pushnil ( luaVM );
    return 1;
Example #4
void CRemoteCall::DownloadFinishedCallback(const SHttpDownloadResult& result)
    CRemoteCall* pCall = (CRemoteCall*)result.pObj;
    if (!g_pClientGame->GetRemoteCalls()->CallExists(pCall))

    CLuaArguments arguments;
    if (pCall->IsLegacy())
        if (result.bSuccess)
            if (pCall->IsFetch())
                arguments.PushString(std::string(result.pData, result.dataSize));

        // Append response body
        arguments.PushString(std::string(result.pData, result.dataSize));

        // Append info table
        CLuaArguments info;
        info.PushBoolean(result.iErrorCode >= 200 && result.iErrorCode <= 299);

        // Headers as a subtable
        CLuaArguments headers;
        for (auto iter : result.headers )


    // Append stored arguments
    if (pCall->IsFetch())
        for (uint i = 0; i < pCall->GetFetchArguments().Count(); i++ )

    arguments.Call(pCall->m_VM, pCall->m_iFunction);
Example #5
bool CRemoteCall::ProgressCallback(double sizeJustDownloaded, double totalDownloaded, char * data, size_t dataLength, void * obj, bool complete, int error)
    //printf("Progress: %s\n", data);
    if ( complete )
        CRemoteCall * call = (CRemoteCall*)obj;
        if ( g_pGame->GetRemoteCalls()->CallExists(call) )
            //printf("RECIEVED: %s\n", data);
            CLuaArguments arguments;
            if ( call->IsFetch () )
                arguments.PushString ( std::string ( data, dataLength ) );
                arguments.PushNumber ( 0 );
                for ( uint i = 0 ; i < call->GetFetchArguments ().Count () ; i++ )
                    arguments.PushArgument ( *( call->GetFetchArguments ()[i] ) );
                arguments.ReadFromJSONString ( data );

            arguments.Call ( call->m_VM, call->m_iFunction);   

            g_pGame->GetRemoteCalls()->Remove(call); // delete ourselves
            return true;
    else if ( error )
        CRemoteCall * call = (CRemoteCall*)obj;
        if ( g_pGame->GetRemoteCalls()->CallExists(call) )
            CLuaArguments arguments;
            if ( call->IsFetch () )
                for ( uint i = 0 ; i < call->GetFetchArguments ().Count () ; i++ )
                    arguments.PushArgument ( *( call->GetFetchArguments ()[i] ) );

            arguments.Call ( call->m_VM, call->m_iFunction);   

            g_pGame->GetRemoteCalls()->Remove(call); // delete ourselves
            return true;

    return false;   // Possible problem
int CLuaFunctionDefs::fromJSON ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Got a string argument?
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TSTRING )
        // Grab the JSON string
        const char* szJSONString = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 1 );

        // Read it into lua arguments
        CLuaArguments Converted;
        if ( Converted.ReadFromJSONString ( szJSONString ) )
            // Return it as data
            Converted.PushArguments ( luaVM );
            return Converted.Count ();

    // Failed
    lua_pushnil ( luaVM );
    return 1;
int CLuaFunctionDefs::Get ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CResource* pResource = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM )->GetResource ();
    SString strSetting;
    CLuaArguments Args;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadString ( strSetting );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        unsigned int uiIndex = 0;
        bool bDeleteNode;

        // Extract attribute name if setting to be gotten has three parts i.e. resname.settingname.attributename
        SString strAttribute = "value";
        vector < SString > Result;
        strSetting.Split ( ".", Result );
        if ( Result.size () == 3 && Result[2].length () )
            strAttribute = Result[2];

        // Get the setting
        CXMLNode *pSubNode, *pNode = g_pGame->GetSettings ()->Get ( pResource->GetName ().c_str (), strSetting.c_str (), bDeleteNode );

        // Only proceed if we have a valid node
        if ( pNode ) {
            // Argument count
            unsigned int uiArgCount = 1;

            // See if we need to return a table with single or multiple entries
            if ( pNode->GetSubNodeCount () == 0 ) {
                // See if required attribute exists
                CXMLAttribute *pAttribute = pNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( strAttribute.c_str () );
                if ( !pAttribute )
                    if ( bDeleteNode )
                        delete pNode;
                    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
                    return 1;
                // We only have a single entry for a specific setting, so output a string
                const std::string& strDataValue = pAttribute->GetValue ();
                if ( !Args.ReadFromJSONString ( strDataValue.c_str () ) ) {
                    // No valid JSON? Parse as plain text
                    Args.PushString ( strDataValue );

                Args.PushArguments ( luaVM );
                uiArgCount = Args.Count ();

                /* Don't output a table because although it is more consistent with the multiple values output below,
                ** due to lua's implementation of associative arrays (assuming we use the "setting-name", "value" key-value pairs)
                ** it would require the scripter to walk through an array that only has a single entry which is a Bad Thing, performance wise.
                PUSH_SETTING ( pNode );
                Args.PushAsTable ( luaVM );
            else {
                // We need to return multiply entries, so push all subnodes
                while ( ( pSubNode = pNode->FindSubNode ( "setting", uiIndex++ ) ) )
                    CXMLAttributes& attributes = pSubNode->GetAttributes ();
                    Args.PushString ( attributes.Find ( "name" )->GetValue () );
                    const std::string& strDataValue = attributes.Find ( "value" )->GetValue ();
                    if ( !Args.ReadFromJSONString ( strDataValue.c_str () ) )
                        Args.PushString ( strDataValue );
                // Push a table and return
                Args.PushAsTable ( luaVM );

            // Check if we have to delete the node
            if ( bDeleteNode )
                delete pNode;

            return uiArgCount;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;