INT_PTR CIrcProto::CallChatEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { GCEVENT * gce = (GCEVENT *)lParam; INT_PTR iVal = 0; // first see if the scripting module should modify or stop this event if ( m_bMbotInstalled && m_scriptingEnabled && gce && gce->time != 0 && (gce->pDest->pszID == NULL || lstrlen(gce->pDest->ptszID) != 0 && lstrcmpi(gce->pDest->ptszID , SERVERWINDOW))) { GCEVENT *gcevent= (GCEVENT*) lParam; GCEVENT *gcetemp = NULL; WPARAM wp = wParam; gcetemp = (GCEVENT *)mir_alloc(sizeof(GCEVENT)); gcetemp->pDest = (GCDEST *)mir_alloc(sizeof(GCDEST)); gcetemp->pDest->iType = gcevent->pDest->iType; gcetemp->dwFlags = gcevent->dwFlags; gcetemp->bIsMe = gcevent->bIsMe; gcetemp->cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gcetemp->dwItemData = gcevent->dwItemData; gcetemp->time = gcevent->time; gcetemp->pDest->ptszID = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->pDest->ptszID ); gcetemp->pDest->pszModule = mir_strdup( gcevent->pDest->pszModule ); gcetemp->ptszText = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszText ); gcetemp->ptszUID = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszUID ); gcetemp->ptszNick = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszNick ); gcetemp->ptszStatus = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszStatus ); gcetemp->ptszUserInfo = mir_tstrdup( gcevent->ptszUserInfo ); if ( Scripting_TriggerMSPGuiIn( &wp, gcetemp ) && gcetemp ) { //MBOT CORRECTIONS //if ( gcetemp && gcetemp->pDest && gcetemp->pDest->ptszID ) { if ( gcetemp && gcetemp->pDest && gcetemp->pDest->ptszID && !my_strstri(gcetemp->pDest->ptszID, (IsConnected()) ? m_info.sNetwork.c_str() : TranslateT("Offline")) ) { CMString sTempId = MakeWndID( gcetemp->pDest->ptszID ); mir_realloc( gcetemp->pDest->ptszID, sizeof(TCHAR)*(sTempId.GetLength() + 1)); lstrcpyn(gcetemp->pDest->ptszID, sTempId.c_str(), sTempId.GetLength()+1); } iVal = CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, wp, (LPARAM) gcetemp); } if ( gcetemp ) { mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszNick); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszUID); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszStatus); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszUserInfo); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pszText); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pDest->pszID); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pDest->pszModule); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp->pDest); mir_free(( void* )gcetemp); } return iVal; } return CallServiceSync( MS_GC_EVENT, wParam, ( LPARAM )gce ); }
void __stdcall RemoveLinebreaks( CMString& Message ) { while ( Message.Find( _T("\r\n\r\n"), 0) != -1 ) ReplaceString( Message, _T("\r\n\r\n"), _T("\r\n")); if (Message.Find( _T("\r\n"), 0) == 0) Message.Delete(0,2); if ( (Message.GetLength() > 1) && (Message.Find(_T("\r\n"), Message.GetLength()-2) == 0) ) Message.Delete(Message.GetLength()-2, 2); }
CVKNewsItem* CVkProto::GetVkNotificationsItem(const JSONNode &jnItem, OBJLIST<CVkUserInfo> &vkUsers) { debugLogA("CVkProto::GetVkNotificationsItem"); if (!jnItem) return NULL; CMString tszType(jnItem["type"].as_mstring()); VKObjType vkFeedbackType = vkNull, vkParentType = vkNull; CMString tszNotificationTranslate = SpanVKNotificationType(tszType, vkFeedbackType, vkParentType); const JSONNode &jnFeedback = jnItem["feedback"]; const JSONNode &jnParent = jnItem["parent"]; if (!jnFeedback || !jnParent) return NULL; CVkUserInfo *vkUser = NULL; CMString tszFeedback = GetVkFeedback(jnFeedback, vkFeedbackType, vkUsers, vkUser); CVKNewsItem* vkNotification = GetVkParent(jnParent, vkParentType); if (!vkNotification) return NULL; if (vkNotification && !tszFeedback.IsEmpty()) { CMString tszNotificaton; tszNotificaton.AppendFormat(tszFeedback, tszNotificationTranslate, vkNotification->tszText); vkNotification->tszText = tszNotificaton; tszFeedback = RemoveBBC(tszFeedback); int idx = tszFeedback.Find(_T(" %s %s")); vkNotification->tszPopupTitle.AppendFormat(_T("%s %s"), tszFeedback.Mid(0, idx), tszNotificationTranslate); if (tszFeedback.GetLength() > idx + 7) { if (!vkNotification->tszPopupText.IsEmpty()) vkNotification->tszPopupText += _T("\n>> "); vkNotification->tszPopupText += tszFeedback.Mid(idx + 7, tszFeedback.GetLength() - idx - 7); } vkNotification->tszType = tszType; vkNotification->tDate = jnItem["date"].as_int(); vkNotification->vkFeedbackType = vkFeedbackType; vkNotification->vkParentType = vkParentType; vkNotification->vkUser = vkUser; return vkNotification; } delete vkNotification; return NULL; }
CMString ExpandPath(const TCHAR *format) { CMString res; if (ServiceExists(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING)) res = VARST(ptrT(variables_parse((TCHAR*)format, NULL, NULL))); else res = VARST(format); res.Replace(PROFILE_PATHT, szCurrentProfilePath); res.Replace(CURRENT_PROFILET, szCurrentProfile); res.Replace(MIRANDA_PATHT, szMirandaPath); res.Replace(MIRANDA_USERDATAT, szUserDataPath); res.Trim(); // also remove the trailing slash if (!res.IsEmpty()) { int iNewSize = res.GetLength() - 1; switch (res[iNewSize]) { case '\\': case '/': res.Truncate(iNewSize); } } return res; }
int NFAEndOfLineUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { if (curInd >= str.GetLength() || str[curInd] == '\n' || str[curInd] == '\r') return next->match(str, matcher, curInd); return -1; }
int NFACIClassUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { if (curInd < str.GetLength() && ((vals.find(to_lower(str[curInd])) != vals.end()) ^ inv)) return next->match(str, matcher, curInd + 1); return -1; }
bool GetSmileyFile(CMString& url, const CMString& packstr) { _TPattern *urlsplit = _TPattern::compile(_T(".*/(.*)")); _TMatcher *m0 = urlsplit->createTMatcher(url); m0->findFirstMatch(); CMString filename; filename.AppendFormat(_T("%s\\%s\\"), cachepath, packstr.c_str()); int pathpos = filename.GetLength(); filename += m0->getGroup(1); delete m0; delete urlsplit; bool needext = filename.Find('.') == -1; if (needext) filename += _T(".*"); _tfinddata_t c_file; INT_PTR hFile = _tfindfirst((TCHAR*)filename.c_str(), &c_file); if (hFile > -1) { _findclose(hFile); filename.Truncate(pathpos); filename +=; url = filename; return false; } if (needext) filename.Truncate(filename.GetLength() - 1); WaitForSingleObject(g_hDlMutex, 3000); dlQueue.insert(new QueueElem(url, filename, needext)); ReleaseMutex(g_hDlMutex); if (!threadRunning) { threadRunning = true; mir_forkthread(SmileyDownloadThread, NULL); } url = filename; return false; }
CMString CMString::operator+(const CMString&str)const { if(str.GetLength()==0) return *this; WCHAR *temp=NULL; INT32 len=str.GetLength()+GetLength(); temp = new WCHAR[len+1]; ASSERT(temp!=NULL); if(len>0) { wcscpy(temp,m_sData); wcscat(temp,str.m_sData); } else temp[0]=L'\0'; CMString stv = temp; delete []temp; temp = NULL; return stv; }
int NFAReferenceUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { int len = matcher->ends[gi] - matcher->starts[gi]; int ni = -1; if (gi < 1 || matcher->ends[gi] < matcher->starts[gi] || len == 0) ni = curInd; else if (curInd + len > (int)str.GetLength()) return -1; else if (str.Mid(curInd, len) != str.Mid(matcher->starts[gi], len)) return -1; else ni = curInd + len; return next->match(str, matcher, ni); }
int NFAWordBoundaryUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { int len = str.GetLength(); wchar_t c1 = (curInd - 1 < len && curInd > 0) ? str[curInd - 1] : '\n'; wchar_t c2 = (curInd < len) ? str[curInd] : '\n'; if (curInd == len) return next->match(str, matcher, curInd); bool ok = is_alpha(c1) != is_alpha(c2); if (ok && pos) return next->match(str, matcher, curInd); return -1; }
int NFAEndUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { matcher->ends[0] = curInd; if ((matcher->getFlags() & WCMatcher::MATCH_ENTIRE_STRING) != 0) { if (curInd == str.GetLength()) return curInd; matcher->ends[0] = -1; return -1; } return curInd; }
CMString::CMString(const CMString& str) { m_cdata = NULL; INT32 len=str.GetLength(); m_sData=new WCHAR[len+1]; ASSERT(m_sData!=NULL); if(len>0) wcscpy(m_sData,str.m_sData); else m_sData[0]=L'\0'; }
CMString WCPattern::classNegate(CMString s1) const { wchar_t * out = new wchar_t[66000]; int i, ind = 0; std::map<wchar_t, bool> m; for (i = 0; i < s1.GetLength(); ++i) m[s1[i]] = 1; for (i = 0xFF; i >= 0; --i) if (m.find((wchar_t)i) == m.end()) out[ind++] = (wchar_t)i; out[ind] = 0; CMString ret(out, ind); delete[] out; return ret; }
// we assume that it could be called only for the metacontacts static int Meta_SrmmIconClicked(WPARAM hMeta, LPARAM lParam) { StatusIconClickData *sicd = (StatusIconClickData*)lParam; if (lstrcmpA(sicd->szModule, META_PROTO)) return 0; DBCachedContact *cc = CheckMeta(hMeta); if (cc == NULL) return 0; HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); int iDefault = Meta_GetContactNumber(cc, db_mc_getSrmmSub(cc->contactID)); MENUITEMINFO mii = { sizeof(mii) }; mii.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_STRING; for (int i = 0; i < cc->nSubs; i++) { char *szProto = GetContactProto(cc->pSubs[i]); if (szProto == NULL) continue; PROTOACCOUNT *pa = ProtoGetAccount(szProto); if (pa == NULL) continue; CMString tszNick; if (options.menu_contact_label == DNT_DID) tszNick = cli.pfnGetContactDisplayName(cc->pSubs[i], 0); else Meta_GetSubNick(hMeta, i, tszNick); tszNick.AppendFormat(_T(" [%s]"), pa->tszAccountName); mii.wID = i + 1; mii.fState = (i == iDefault) ? MFS_CHECKED : MFS_ENABLED; mii.dwTypeData = tszNick.GetBuffer(); mii.cch = tszNick.GetLength(); InsertMenuItem(hMenu, i, TRUE, &mii); } UINT res = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_BOTTOMALIGN | TPM_LEFTALIGN, sicd->clickLocation.x, sicd->clickLocation.y, 0, cli.hwndContactTree, NULL); if (res > 0) { MCONTACT hChosen = Meta_GetContactHandle(cc, res - 1); MetaSrmmData tmp = { cc->contactID }; if (MetaSrmmData *p = arMetaWindows.find(&tmp)) p->m_hSub = hChosen; db_mc_setDefault(cc->contactID, hChosen, true); } return 0; }
MIR_CORE_DLL(void) Bitmap_GetFilter(TCHAR *dest, size_t destLen) { if (dest == NULL) return; CMString filter; filter.AppendFormat(_T("%s (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif;*.png)%c*.BMP;*.RLE;*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.GIF;*.PNG%c"), TranslateT("All Files"), 0, 0); filter.AppendFormat(_T("%s (*.bmp;*.rle)%c*.BMP;*.RLE%c"), TranslateT("Windows bitmaps"), 0, 0); filter.AppendFormat(_T("%s (*.jpg;*.jpeg)%c*.JPG;*.JPEG%c"), TranslateT("JPEG bitmaps"), 0, 0); filter.AppendFormat(_T("%s (*.gif)%c*.GIF%c"), TranslateT("GIF bitmaps"), 0, 0); filter.AppendFormat(_T("%s (*.png)%c*.PNG%c"), TranslateT("PNG bitmaps"), 0, 0); filter.AppendChar(0); _tcsncpy_s(dest, destLen, filter, filter.GetLength()); }
BOOL CMPath::PathExist(const CMString& sPathName) { CMString str = sPathName; #ifdef PLAT_SYMBIAN TPtrC ptr((const TUint16*)str.GetBuffer(),str.GetLength()); if(BaflUtils::PathExists(CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(), ptr)==EFalse) return FALSE; #else ::WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE hd=::FindFirstFile(str,&fd); if(hd==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; ::CloseHandle(hd); #endif return TRUE; }
int NFAEndOfInputUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { int len = str.GetLength(); if (curInd == len) return next->match(str, matcher, curInd); else if (term) { if (curInd == len - 1 && (str[curInd] == '\r' || str[curInd] == '\n')) { return next->match(str, matcher, curInd); } else if (curInd == len - 2 && str.Mid(curInd, 2) == L"\r\n") { return next->match(str, matcher, curInd); } } return -1; }
void SmileyCategoryListType::AddAllProtocolsAsCategory(void) { CMString displayName = TranslateT("Standard"); CMString tname = _T("Standard"); AddCategory(tname, displayName, smcStd); const CMString &defaultFile = GetSmileyCategory(tname)->GetFilename(); PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR **proto; int protoCount = 0; Proto_EnumProtocols(&protoCount, &proto); for (int i = 0; i < protoCount; i++) { PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR *pd = proto[i]; if (pd->type == PROTOTYPE_PROTOCOL && pd->cbSize == sizeof(*pd)) AddProtoAsCategory(pd->szName, defaultFile); } PROTOACCOUNT **accList; Proto_EnumAccounts(&protoCount, &accList); for (int i = 0; i < protoCount; i++) AddAccountAsCategory(accList[i], defaultFile); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) AddContactTransportAsCategory(hContact, defaultFile); CMString cats; opt.ReadCustomCategories(cats); int cppv = 0; for (;;) { int cp = cats.Find('#', cppv); if (cp == -1) break; displayName = cats.Mid(cppv, cp - cppv); AddCategory(displayName, displayName, smcCustom, defaultFile); cppv = cp + 1; } if (cppv != cats.GetLength()) { displayName = cats.Mid(cppv); AddCategory(displayName, displayName, smcCustom, defaultFile); } }
int NFAStartUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { int ret = -1, ci = curInd; matcher->starts[0] = curInd; if ((matcher->getFlags() & WCMatcher::MATCH_ENTIRE_STRING) == (unsigned int)WCMatcher::MATCH_ENTIRE_STRING) { if (curInd != 0) { matcher->starts[0] = -1; return -1; } return next->match(str, matcher, 0); } while ((ret = next->match(str, matcher, ci)) == -1 && ci < str.GetLength()) { matcher->clearGroups(); matcher->starts[0] = ++ci; } if (ret < 0) matcher->starts[0] = -1; return ret; }
std::vector<CMString> WCPattern::split(const CMString & str, const bool keepEmptys, const unsigned long limit) { unsigned long lim = (limit == 0 ? MAX_QMATCH : limit); int li = 0; std::vector<CMString> ret; matcher->setString(str); while (matcher->findNextMatch() && ret.size() < lim) { if (matcher->getStartingIndex() == 0 && keepEmptys) ret.push_back(L""); if ((matcher->getStartingIndex() != matcher->getEndingIndex()) || keepEmptys) { if (li != matcher->getStartingIndex() || keepEmptys) ret.push_back(str.Mid(li, matcher->getStartingIndex() - li)); li = matcher->getEndingIndex(); } } if (li < str.GetLength()) ret.push_back(str.Mid(li)); return ret; }
/** * normalize the status message with proper cr/lf sequences. * @param src TCHAR*: original status message * @param fStripAll bool: strip all cr/lf sequences and replace them with spaces (use for title bar) * @return TCHAR*: converted status message. CALLER is responsible to mir_free it, MUST use mir_free() */ TCHAR* CContactCache::getNormalizedStatusMsg(const TCHAR *src, bool fStripAll) { if (src == 0 || mir_tstrlen(src) < 2) return 0; CMString dest; for (int i = 0; src[i] != 0; i++) { if (src[i] == 0x0d || src[i] == '\t') continue; if (i && src[i] == (TCHAR)0x0a) { if (fStripAll) { dest.AppendChar(' '); continue; } dest.AppendChar('\n'); continue; } dest.AppendChar(src[i]); } return mir_tstrndup(dest, dest.GetLength()); }
LPTSTR CJabberProto::GetResourceList(LPCTSTR jid) { if (jid == NULL) return NULL; mir_cslock lck(m_csLists); JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = NULL; if ((item = ListGetItemPtr(LIST_VCARD_TEMP, jid)) == NULL) item = ListGetItemPtr(LIST_ROSTER, jid); if (item == NULL) return NULL; if (!item->arResources.getCount()) return NULL; CMString res; for (int i=0; i < item->arResources.getCount(); i++) { res.Append(item->arResources[i]->m_tszResourceName); res.AppendChar(0); } res.AppendChar(0); return mir_tstrndup(res, res.GetLength()); }
int NFAQuoteUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { if (curInd + qStr.GetLength() > str.GetLength()) return -1; if (str.Mid(curInd, qStr.GetLength()) != qStr) return -1; return next->match(str, matcher, curInd + qStr.GetLength()); }
static CMString FormatOutput (const CIrcMessage* pmsg) { CMString sMessage; if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { // Is it an incoming message? if ( pmsg->sCommand == _T("WALLOPS") && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) { TCHAR temp[200]; *temp = '\0'; mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("WallOps from %s: "), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str()); sMessage = temp; for ( int i=0; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) { sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i]; if (i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1) sMessage += _T(" "); } goto THE_END; } if ( pmsg->sCommand == _T("INVITE") && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { TCHAR temp[256]; *temp = '\0'; mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("%s invites you to %s"), pmsg->prefix.sNick.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str()); sMessage = temp; for ( int i=2; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) { sMessage += _T(": ") + pmsg->parameters[i]; if ( i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1 ) sMessage += _T(" "); } goto THE_END; } int index = StrToInt( pmsg->sCommand.c_str()); if ( index == 301 && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) { TCHAR temp[500]; *temp = '\0'; mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("%s is away"), pmsg->parameters[1].c_str()); sMessage = temp; for ( int i=2; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) { sMessage += _T(": ") + pmsg->parameters[i]; if ( i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1 ) sMessage += _T(" "); } goto THE_END; } if (( index == 443 || index == 441 ) && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 3 ) return pmsg->parameters[1] + _T(" ") + pmsg->parameters[3] + _T(": ") + pmsg->parameters[2]; if ( index == 303 ) { // ISON command sMessage = TranslateT("These are online: "); for ( int i=1; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) { sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i]; if (i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1) sMessage += _T(", "); } goto THE_END; } if (( index > 400 || index < 500) && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 2 && pmsg->sCommand[0] == '4' ) //all error messages return pmsg->parameters[2] + _T(": ") + pmsg->parameters[1]; } else if ( pmsg->sCommand == _T("NOTICE") && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) { TCHAR temp[500]; *temp = '\0'; int l = pmsg->parameters[1].GetLength(); if ( l > 3 && pmsg->parameters[1][0] == 1 && pmsg->parameters[1][ l-1 ] == 1 ) { // CTCP reply CMString tempstr = pmsg->parameters[1]; tempstr.Delete(0,1); tempstr.Delete(tempstr.GetLength()-1,1); CMString type = GetWord(tempstr.c_str(), 0); if ( lstrcmpi(type.c_str(), _T("ping")) == 0) mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP %s reply sent to %s"), type.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str()); else mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("CTCP %s reply sent to %s: %s"), type.c_str(), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str(), GetWordAddress(tempstr.c_str(), 1)); sMessage = temp; } else { mir_sntprintf(temp, SIZEOF(temp), TranslateT("Notice to %s: "), pmsg->parameters[0].c_str()); sMessage = temp; for ( int i=1; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) { sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i]; if (i != pmsg->parameters.getCount()-1) sMessage += _T(" "); } } goto THE_END; } // Default Message handler. if ( pmsg->m_bIncoming ) { if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() < 2 && pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 0 ) return pmsg->sCommand + _T(" : ") + pmsg->parameters[0]; if ( pmsg->parameters.getCount() > 1 ) for ( int i=1; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i] + _T(" "); } else { if ( pmsg->prefix.sNick.GetLength()) sMessage = pmsg->prefix.sNick + _T(" "); sMessage += pmsg->sCommand + _T(" "); for ( int i=0; i < (int)pmsg->parameters.getCount(); i++ ) sMessage += pmsg->parameters[i] + _T(" "); } THE_END: return sMessage; }
int NFACICharUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { if (curInd < str.GetLength() && to_lower(str[curInd]) == ch) return next->match(str, matcher, curInd + 1); return -1; }
NFAClassUNode::NFAClassUNode(const CMString & clazz, const bool invert) { inv = invert; for (int i = 0; i < clazz.GetLength(); ++i) vals[clazz[i]] = 1; }
NFACIClassUNode::NFACIClassUNode(const CMString & clazz, const bool invert) { inv = invert; for (int i = 0; i < (int)clazz.GetLength(); ++i) vals[to_lower(clazz[i])] = 1; }
NFAUNode * WCPattern::parse(const bool inParen, const bool inOr, NFAUNode ** end) { NFAUNode * start, *cur, *next = NULL; CMString t; int grc = groupCount++; bool inv, quo; bool ahead = 0, pos = 0, noncap = 0, indep = 0; unsigned long oldFlags = flags; if (inParen) { if (pattern[curInd] == '?') { ++curInd; --groupCount; if (pattern[curInd] == ':') { noncap = 1; ++curInd; grc = --nonCapGroupCount; } else if (pattern[curInd] == '=') { ++curInd; ahead = 1; pos = 1; } else if (pattern[curInd] == '!') { ++curInd; ahead = 1; pos = 0; } else if (pattern.Mid(curInd, 2) == L"<=") { curInd += 2; return parseBehind(1, end); } else if (pattern.Mid(curInd, 2) == L"<!") { curInd += 2; return parseBehind(0, end); } else if (pattern[curInd] == '>') { ++curInd; indep = 1; } else { bool negate = false, done = false; while (!done) { if (curInd >= pattern.GetLength()) { raiseError(); return NULL; } else if (negate) { switch (pattern[curInd]) { case 'i': flags &= ~WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE; break; case 'd': flags &= ~WCPattern::UNIX_LINE_MODE; break; case 'm': flags &= ~WCPattern::MULTILINE_MATCHING; break; case 's': flags &= ~WCPattern::DOT_MATCHES_ALL; break; case ':': done = true; break; case ')': ++curInd; *end = registerNode(new NFALookBehindUNode(L"", true)); return *end; case '-': default: raiseError(); return NULL; } } else { switch (pattern[curInd]) { case 'i': flags |= WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE; break; case 'd': flags |= WCPattern::UNIX_LINE_MODE; break; case 'm': flags |= WCPattern::MULTILINE_MATCHING; break; case 's': flags |= WCPattern::DOT_MATCHES_ALL; break; case ':': done = true; break; case '-': negate = true; break; case ')': ++curInd; *end = registerNode(new NFALookBehindUNode(L"", true)); return *end; default: raiseError(); return NULL; } } ++curInd; } noncap = 1; grc = --nonCapGroupCount; } if (noncap) cur = start = registerNode(new NFAGroupHeadUNode(grc)); else cur = start = registerNode(new NFASubStartUNode); } else cur = start = registerNode(new NFAGroupHeadUNode(grc)); } else cur = start = registerNode(new NFASubStartUNode); while (curInd < pattern.GetLength()) { wchar_t ch = pattern[curInd++]; next = NULL; if (error) return NULL; switch (ch) { case '^': if ((flags & WCPattern::MULTILINE_MATCHING) != 0) next = registerNode(new NFAStartOfLineUNode); else next = registerNode(new NFAStartOfInputUNode); break; case '$': if ((flags & WCPattern::MULTILINE_MATCHING) != 0) next = registerNode(new NFAEndOfLineUNode); else next = registerNode(new NFAEndOfInputUNode(0)); break; case '|': --groupCount; cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode); cur = start = registerNode(new NFAOrUNode(start, parse(inParen, 1))); break; case '\\': if (curInd < pattern.GetLength()) { bool eoi = 0; switch (pattern[curInd]) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': next = parseBackref(); break; case 'A': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAStartOfInputUNode); break; case 'B': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAWordBoundaryUNode(0)); break; case 'b': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAWordBoundaryUNode(1)); break; case 'G': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAEndOfMatchUNode); break; case 'Z': eoi = 1; case 'z': ++curInd; next = registerNode(new NFAEndOfInputUNode(eoi)); break; default: t = parseEscape(inv, quo); //printf("inv quo classes { %c %c %s }\n", inv ? 't' : 'f', quo ? 't' : 'f', t.c_str()); if (!quo) { if (t.GetLength() > 1 || inv) { if ((flags & WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE) != 0) next = registerNode(new NFACIClassUNode(t, inv)); else next = registerNode(new NFAClassUNode(t, inv)); } else next = registerNode(new NFACharUNode(t[0])); } else next = parseQuote(); } } else raiseError(); break; case '[': if ((flags & WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE) == 0) { NFAClassUNode * clazz = new NFAClassUNode(); CMString s = parseClass(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)s.GetLength(); ++i) clazz->vals[s[i]] = 1; next = registerNode(clazz); } else { NFACIClassUNode * clazz = new NFACIClassUNode(); CMString s = parseClass(); for (int i = 0; i < s.GetLength(); ++i) clazz->vals[to_lower(s[i])] = 1; next = registerNode(clazz); } break; case '.': { bool useN = 1, useR = 1; NFAClassUNode * clazz = new NFAClassUNode(1); if ((flags & WCPattern::UNIX_LINE_MODE) != 0) useR = 0; if ((flags & WCPattern::DOT_MATCHES_ALL) != 0) useN = useR = 0; if (useN) clazz->vals['\n'] = 1; if (useR) clazz->vals['\r'] = 1; next = registerNode(clazz); } break; case '(': { NFAUNode *end, *t1, *t2; t1 = parse(1, 0, &end); if (!t1) raiseError(); else if (t1->isGroupHeadNode() && (t2 = quantifyGroup(t1, end, grc)) != NULL) { cur->next = t2; cur = t2->next; } else { cur->next = t1; cur = end; } } break; case ')': if (!inParen) raiseError(); else if (inOr) { --curInd; cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode); flags = oldFlags; return start; } else { if (ahead) { cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode); flags = oldFlags; return *end = registerNode(new NFALookAheadUNode(start, pos)); } else if (indep) { cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode); flags = oldFlags; return *end = registerNode(new NFAPossessiveQuantifierUNode(this, start, 1, 1)); } else { // capping or noncapping, it doesnt matter *end = cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAGroupTailUNode(grc)); next = quantifyGroup(start, *end, grc); if (next) { start = next; *end = next->next; } flags = oldFlags; return start; } } break; case '{': // registered pattern cur->next = parseRegisteredWCPattern(&next); if (cur->next) cur = next; break; case '*': case '+': case '?': // case '}': // case ']': raiseError(); break; default: if ((flags & WCPattern::CASE_INSENSITIVE) != 0) next = registerNode(new NFACICharUNode(ch)); else next = registerNode(new NFACharUNode(ch)); break; } if (next) cur = cur->next = quantify(next); } if (inParen) raiseError(); else { if (inOr) cur = cur->next = registerNode(new NFAAcceptUNode); if (end) *end = cur; } flags = oldFlags; if (error) return NULL; return start; }
int NFACIQuoteUNode::match(const CMString & str, WCMatcher * matcher, const int curInd) const { if (curInd + qStr.GetLength() > str.GetLength()) return -1; if (str_icmp(str.Mid(curInd, qStr.GetLength()).c_str(), qStr.c_str())) return -1; return next->match(str, matcher, qStr.GetLength()); }
static LRESULT CALLBACK PluginListWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_CHAR: if (wParam == '\b') { if (szFilter.GetLength() > 0) szFilter.Truncate(szFilter.GetLength() - 1); } else { szFilter.AppendChar(wParam); for (int i = 0; i < arPluginList.getCount(); i++) { PluginListItemData *p = arPluginList[i]; if (!_tcsnicmp(szFilter, p->fileName, szFilter.GetLength())) { LVFINDINFO lvfi; lvfi.flags = LVFI_PARAM; lvfi.lParam = (LPARAM)p; int idx = ListView_FindItem(hwnd, 0, &lvfi); if (idx != -1) { ListView_SetItemState(hwnd, idx, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED); ListView_EnsureVisible(hwnd, idx, FALSE); if (timerID != 0) KillTimer(hwnd, timerID); timerID = SetTimer(hwnd, 1, 1500, 0); return TRUE; } } } szFilter.Truncate(szFilter.GetLength() - 1); MessageBeep((UINT)-1); } return TRUE; case WM_TIMER: if (wParam == 1) { KillTimer(hwnd, timerID); timerID = 0; szFilter.Empty(); } break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: LVHITTESTINFO hi; = LOWORD(lParam); = HIWORD(lParam); ListView_SubItemHitTest(hwnd, &hi); // Dynamically load/unload a plugin if ((hi.iSubItem == 0) && (hi.flags & LVHT_ONITEMICON)) { LVITEM lvi = { 0 }; lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM; lvi.stateMask = -1; lvi.iItem = hi.iItem; lvi.iSubItem = 0; if (ListView_GetItem(hwnd, &lvi)) { lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE; PluginListItemData *dat = (PluginListItemData*)lvi.lParam; if (lvi.iImage == 3) { // load plugin if (LoadPluginDynamically(dat)) { lvi.iImage = 2; ListView_SetItem(hwnd, &lvi); } } else if (lvi.iImage == 2) { // unload plugin if (UnloadPluginDynamically(dat)) { lvi.iImage = 3; ListView_SetItem(hwnd, &lvi); } } LoadStdPlugins(); } } } return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, PluginListWndProc, msg, wParam, lParam); }